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  1. Wow, sad. Kinda wish i didnt throw out all my old issues when i moved. I kinda wanna go back and read 'em again now. Jim McLaughlin was the man!
  2. Well, Super jump and Inertial reduction would be way too much. I do not suggest getting both.

    The difference between the two is this: Super Jump is a TOGGLE, which means it stays on, and cost a tiny bit of endurance per second to use. Inertial Reduction is a power you click once, and it gives you jumping abilities for 2 minutes. It usually recharges just as the effect wears off.

    The Fitness skills (Sprint, Hurdle, etc) are INHERENT, which means that you get them automatically at level 2. You can still slot them like normal powers. Most people would suggest 2 slots in Stamina, and 2 in health.

    As you somewhat guessed, you really can't have more than 100% enhancement effect in a power. The game has a bit of code called "Enhancement Diversification", which means as you get closer to 100%, your enhancements have less of an effect.

    Example: Put 2 level 50 Attack power enhancements in an attack power. They give you 33% enhancement each, totaling 66%. BUT, when you put the THIRD one in, you don't get 99%, you get something like 94%.

    Furthering complicating this (though not relevant to your build) is that some types of enhancements (like defense and resistance) are on a different scale, and hit their "ED cap" around 40%.

    As for your build itself, you can take the End Mod out of Transfusion. It won't make much of a difference. You may have meant to put an End REDUCTION in there. However, that power saps enemy endurance, which is why it takes that other kind. However, its effect is minimal, so don't bother slotting for it.

    Overall, you seem to be built for recharge. This isn't necessarily bad, but you're sacrificing utility and damage to do so. And while it's not the greatest build, you seem to do okay for yourself. I would suggest that, as you play, you carefully monitor your progress. Think, Does this power need more damage? Does this power not hit enough? Am i using this power enough to justify putting this many slots in it?

    But overall, have fun!
  3. Shields have a duration, because, well, look at ANY sci fi or fantasy or comic book type of shielding, and you'll see that such things are prone to FAIL when hit enough! However, this game doesn't seem to have the programing tech required to say "drop when you get hit X times", so, we're stuck with a duration. Giving someone an extra 20% defense or resistance in only a few seconds for a tiny bit of end... for possibly FOREVER, would be slightly over-powered!

    Which brings up another point: if the buffs didn't expire on their own, the player would have to log-off to lose their shields! That's just how powers work in this game, unless they wanted to write a whole mess of code to prevent this.

    I'd be all for giving SB and ID longer durations, but 4 minutes for shields is plenty.
  4. Well here's the thing, Praetoria is all about STORY. If this is your first toon there, sit back and relax and enjoy the ride. It's not like there's a lot of new and unique things to do and see once you're out of there.
  5. Why don't you test on even-con enemies?
  6. *squints* The hami-tentical isn't casting a reflection in the water.

    OMG, Praet-Hami is a vampire!
  7. This really kinda sucks! First BaBs, now you? You're more than just a Dev to us, you're a community personality. You'll be sorely missed, but I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

    ...Why do we keep losing you guys? =(
  8. EmperorSteele


    Stupid question:

    Are you running Ninja Jump and or a travel power while you fight?
  9. I encourage anyone and everyone who can to produce these PvPIOs and sell them. Maybe then demand can come down to a reasonable level and people can actually get them on the market! =D
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShaneBattle View Post
    Misdirection IS control. It's just not "hard" control.

    Because Illusion focuses on deflection rather than more direct control, it's a fairly unique playstyle. If you like said playstyle there really isn't any other controller for you.
    Misdirection doesn't set up containment or keep enemies in one place for AoEs!

    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Controls. Troller or Dom, I've never seen the appeal that brings people to either of these archetypes. Controlling just doesn't seem to be nearly as powerful as everyone says it is.
    The ability to solo multiple EBs at once with different control types and pets is certainly advantageous. Plus, if Controls were ineffective, Fire/Kin wouldn't be the go-to farming build! Neutering 16 guys at a time with ONE click... you don't think that's powerful?
  11. Yeah, those Ritki are really asking for it, leaving bombs inside their ventilation shafts. They must take their engineering cues from Star Trek, where control panels like to explode when an unrelated part of the ship is hit!
  12. Well, first things first: I noticed you have all your enhancements maxed out at level FOURTY. This may muck things up a bit, especially when it comes to common IOs. Switch the default level to 50 for better numbers =)

    The second thing to stab me in the face was THREE recharges in Siphon Speed? My dear, without either Hasten OR SS active, you already have over 100% global recharge. In FACT, if i activate 1 use of SS, and hasten the power recharges in 15 seconds. If i REMOVE ALL THREE Recharge IOs, the power recharges in... 20 seconds.

    You're allocating three slots for a five second difference. If I add just ONE Recharge back in, and double-stack the power, that alone brings the power down to 16 seconds of recharge. Mind you, the power's duration is SIXTY seconds! There's really no need to quadruple-stack it! I'd put the extra slots in either health or stamina.

    Transfusion: if you're not going to stack up on the Nictus bonuses, just get rid of it and use a full Accuracy IO. While the power's already fairly accurate, using a heal/acc IO doesn't make much sense, given that you're sacrificing 15% accuracy for about 4% healing

    Siphon Power: also over-stacked with Recharge. Especially since the power takes TEN endurance points to use! Scuttle one, or even two Recharge IOs in favor of End Redux

    Similar point for Fulcum Shift: Sapping 8 enemies in melee is enough to get you past the damage cap, that's not even including siphon power. You don't need to double/triple stack the power, rendering the multiple recharge IOs ineffective. Maybe add some accuracy and or End Redux.

    Other than that, it's a very good build. You have every power you could want, fully slotted. The only thing i could suggest is to drop one of the two invisibility powers and pick up Tactics, as you're under-slotted for accuracy in darn near everything (unless that's the point because you plan to Alpha Slot with the Accuracy bonus). But yeah, that's my 2 inf!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    Someone comes in to ask what type of controller they should try, there'll be a chorus of "Illusion!" Blah. Give me Mind, Earth, Plant, Ice, Fire... Give me an Ice blaster. Give me a /Dev blaster. Anything but Illusion.
    Oh oh, and they'll always suggest Rad to go with it!

    Thing with Illusion is, it's not a good "Control" set. But it's very good at misdirection (2 invis powers, 5 pets [PA, phantasm, and phantasm's clone], one fear-casting psuedo pet, a confuse, a direct damage power to compensate and the usual ST hold and aoe hold to round out the set), and for some people, that's gravy. It's not BAD, but unless it's paired with Rad or maybe even Kin, it doesn't live up to its reputation.
  14. Trapdoor is a wuss. Havn't had any problems with him on a wide array of characters.

    And quite frankly, if you CAN'T handle a few EBs, you SHOULDN'T BE AN INCARNATE. Why would the Well choose you to have its power if you can't beat up a few guys?
  15. LOL, Flea!

    Anyway, while Snow Globe's near-entitlement whining about how getting "hard to get badges" is actually hard sometimes grates me, in this instance I'm forced to agree. A master badge is something that should be hard, but obtainable via strategy and preparation.

    Without any way to prevent the mines from going off, or being set, or any warning if a mine that you personally haven't tripped is about to go off, it all seems highly luck-based. That isn't very good design, IMO.

    I get that we're supposed to watch our feet and move, but if everyone is close together, anyone who doesn't move or moves the wrong way will get blasted without warning. So okay, stay far apart... too bad more than one meleer will result in both of them stepping on each-others toes, in a sense.

    I'd say make the "mine-layer spawn" health % based. Spawn one at 50% health, 25% health, and 90% health. Maybe give them each a limited life span of about 5 minutes so that waiting the spawns out is a viable tactic?
  16. Mass Hypnosis actually has a higher accuracy rate (and double the chance for overpower) compared to most AoE Mezzes. I don't know why it would be missing. Do you not have it 5 or 6-slotted? Put 1 or 2 Sleep durations in there, an accuracy, anda recharge, or use an IO set... even the purple set is pretty cheap.

    And using confuse is NOT bad style. There's an old myth hanging around saying it decreases your earned XP, but using confused enemies to beat each other up faster results in higher XP gain over time; Just don't let a confused foe do more than 80% damage to any given target, and you'll be fine.
  17. I think the thing is, with Controllers, their weakness is supposed to be things they can't Mez. And while some Secondary sets do offer self protection or damage debuffs, being able to stack ToHit debuffs on your foes, as well as having a second hold AND a second PET would be grossly overpowered.

    If left as-is, I'd probably hang up my Mind/kin and roll a Mind/Dark. Mass confusion + 2 foe damage debuffs (not to mention speed debuffs) and being able to stack cone fears, while my pet kills everything... it's disgusting!

    And you KNOW what a pain Master Illusionists are. Can you imagine a player with that much power? 5 pets running around, stacking fear and stealth effects?

    It would be awesome, and that amount of awesome would be too much!
  18. With Recluse, it helps to have a wide array of "panic buttons": Eye of the Magus, Geas of the Kind Ones, Large insps, DP w/ Hasten. Someone mentioned a phase shift power. If your only support is a Dark or Kin, make sure to stand on a tower so they can heal you by targeting that tower (LR will be VERY hard for them to hit until Blue goes down).

    Basically, he's SUPPOSED to be an encounter that encourages team work. Make sure any Buffers on your team remember to check up on you in between taking down towers. True, you CAN do it solo with the aforementioned panic buttons, but that makes the encounter needlessly more difficult.

    Personal anecdote time: I was on a MoSTF.... We were doing great, and half the time I can just stand there with the e/newspaper emote out while he keeps "wiff"ing away... but this time Recluse hit me twice in a row. I managed to hit my heal in time before i got finished off by some DoT, but my End ran out fast. I managed to warn the team i was bailing, jumped away, hit a blue so i wouldn't totally toggle-drop, and we retreated to regroup while his debuffs wore off. Lesson here: A big part of this scenario is situational awareness. Not quite AS intense as the new Apex TF, but you need to be ready to hit your panic button(s) at a moment's notice if you plan to survive.
  19. I might be down for this! Sounds like fun!
  20. Another "pro" of FF would be that, if you want to skimp out on the KB force attacks, you can keep a lot of room open in your build (Mind is pretty tight, with the exception of TK). Not to mention you have a lot of places to put LotG: +Recharge IOs. However, as DrMike said, you won't get any help with your damage.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocBot View Post
    Ok how many patches are there supposed to be at a time?
    The issue we had running this on Sunday was that there would be 3 or 4 patches appearing at once. So we kept on dodging out of the one forming under us, just to go to a spot where someone else had just run away from and end up in in their pile of nanites.
    At first, there's only 1 patch. After she leaves, you get 2, sometimes 3 patches. When she returns, you almost always get 3.

    Here's some tips:

    Adjust your camera to be ABOVE you, some distance away. The blue patches form at random, but they'll always start under a character's feet. Any powers like ice Slick that are tinted blue might make this very hard to notice, so pre-tint them ahead of time or don't use 'em. Also, turn off any outside music, and have your in-game volume up, they make a distinct V-V-VRRRMMM sound as they charge up.
  22. Nice guide! Two things:

    What do you mean by "filling" Battle Maiden?

    Second, the 15 minute limit ONLY counts while BM is on the map. So you can take as long as you need clearing out ambushes, IIRC. However, that still only gives you 7 and a half minutes each time she's out. It should also be noted that she doe not regen while she's gone, so that helps immensely.
  23. While I plan on taking advantage of the incarnate boosts for 3 or 4 of my 50's (out of like 5 or 6), only one ore two would actually BE "incarnates". The others will just have the boosts to enhance their playbility and allow them to do the endgame content. Storyline/Gameplay segregation ftw!
  24. EmperorSteele

    1,100 Club.

    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    After reading the descriptions for the Shadow Shard exploration badges.. I feel like the dev who wrote them was trying to make me feel bad for playing this game for 6+ years.. Then again, maybe I'm just feeling guilty for spending my 20's playing a video game.

    At any rate, 1157 and counting!
    You're halfway there: It's the Shadow Shard itself that's supposed to be havign that effect on you.

    PS, i'm at 1123. Still need a few of the new mission badges, the new redside exploration badges, and the epic healing and damage badges I've been slowly working on lately... plus one or two odds and ends.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
    They were above a billion at some point? Thats silly.
    I think they mean for all 6 pieces (or maybe just the 5 non-proc ones). When you figure some were floating around 225-300K, all the pieces would add up to over a billion.