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  1. Yes, but what would you replace the words with? Descriptions of actions? That would be making your character DO things they wouldn't do, and we'd be back to square one.

    Take the dialogue tree for Prometheus, for example. At one point, you mildly flip out and tell him off for withholding information and playing a game of chance with the entire multiverse at stake. What would YOUR character do/say there that would ADVANCE the story-tree?

    Do you wanna say "Hey cool!"? Do you want to attack him? Maybe, but neither is conducive for telling the story. also, the devs would have to make up responses for every probable thing you could say/do. And they're not omniscient.

    Most of the current options seem generic enough that you can pretend your character is saying something else, as long as it gets the same message across. Though we're still a ways away from having Fallout-levels of dialog tree options.
  2. Sure, re-work and merge the AT forums. I propose this:

    ill/rad controllers (All posts are immediately followed up with an automatic message pointing to Local_man's ill/rad guide)
    fire/kin controllers
    other controllers
    everything else.

    snarkyness aside, here's what i'd really suggest: put the PvP forums under Player Help, consolidate News and Development forums...

    Look, I know you want things to be one click away from the main forum page, but with all the varied topics and types of discussion we have, it's not feasible. All this stuff you're doing trying to make things "easier" for the freebie players who decide to purchase ViP access? Not needed. These people aren't going to be brain-dead troglodytes, they'll be every bit as logical and reasonable as the rest of us, and can find what they're looking for in a couple clicks.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    2. It's the journey not the destination.

    6. You are not a Healor. You are a buffer/debuffer.

    8. paragonwiki.com

    9. Mid's Hero builder
    Echoing these! Definitely the best advice you can give a new player.

    Gonna just specify something: "Mids" is an off-line build planner. It won't affect anything in-game, but you can use it to determine which powers you want, where you want to assign your slots, and what enhancements you want to use. It saves a lot of frustration =)
  4. I think you'll have to resort to using enhancement boosters for this project. There's no way to get enough healing AND damage enhancement otherwise =/
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    In each of those cases one or two players screwing up does not prevent others from getting the badge.
    Au contraire: you can FAIL the TF or encounter because your team does not have what it takes to complete it, and therefore not get the completion badge! Used to happen quite a bit when a new TF came out: people would be unprepared for what awaited them, and they couldn't get past a certain part. Therefore, NO BADGE!

    There is no badge for defeating Hamidon.
    D'oh, got me there!

    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele
    Have you solo'd the iTrials in pursuit of your badges? Or did you RELY ON TEAMMATES?
    Making personal attacks again...
    ...I don't see a personal attack...? I was emphasizing a point, not saying that you suck o_O

    The master badges are the only badges that actively penalize you for other player's actions.
    Again, nope! Hypothetically speaking, if your teammates really suck, you won't be able to get through a TF or GM encounter. Therefore, no badge! And yes, I've seen this happen... *shudders about the un-slotted shield tank that couldn't speak english OR tank Recluse...*
  6. Going by that page, you can make a level 30 damage IO BETTER than a non-boosted 50. That's kind of sick!
  7. The issue wouldn't be damage, but actually HITTING him. He has beyond-capped defenses while the towers are up... but with 24+ entities taking swings at him, a few hits are likely to get through. Would it be enough to overcome his resists and regen? I Dunno.

    I've been on teams that have taken him down by only destroying the yellow and green towers, and this was before incarnates. I would assume that if just yellow were down, Lore pets would be enough to overcome LRs regen.
  8. The fact that you used over-played terms like "strawman" and "ad-hominem" in one paragraph to argue against a perfectly valid point makes me not want to take you seriously. And you didn't actually answer the question: Why should "challenging" things be easy for everyone?

    So you say badges should be inclusive. I have to disagree. Most of them are already plenty easy enough to get. Having a -few- that require a bit more luck, effort, and skill isn't a bad thing at all. They are, after all, nothing more than mere bragging-rights rewards. What's there to brag about if everyone can easily attain every badge? And if they are not there to brag about, why bother having them?

    As for your badge ideas: I kind of wanted you to make up a whole NEW badge, not just edits of some existing ones. But okay, you don't want to have to rely on teammates to get a badge. I have to wonder, did you solo Lusca, the Malta Titan, and every other giant monster? Did you solo every single Task Force? Did you solo Hamidon? Did you solo 10 mothership raids? Have you solo'd the iTrials in pursuit of your badges? Or did you RELY ON TEAMMATES? The master badges are no different, they're just a bit more opaque about it.

    And along that line of thinking? I'd like to see special versions of existing badges for soloing team content! That's a bunch more badges I'd probably never get, but that's okay because I'm not Ash Ketchum.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    It doesn't have anything to do with an entitlement complex. Though it sounds like you should look into a mirror before accusing others of having any complexes.

    This is a casual-friendly game. When PUGs still regularly fail these and others aren't even bothering with the challenges, then yes, they are harder than they should be.
    So something that the devs want to be challenging "should" be achievable by people who don't know what they're doing? How does that make it challenging?

    And yes, it's entitlement. You seem to have issue with every badge that seems to take any more time or effort than street-sweeping mobs that are 30 levels below you. Its about time you realized that badges are REWARDS, and that rewards have to be EARNED. And if someone isn't up to snuff (Can't stay alive, doesn't have proper motor reflexes, doesn't have the patience to park their character in a given spot when they're done playing), then they don't get the rewards. I have no problem with a design philosophy that bars people from gaining bragging-rights rewards. Not good enough to get the badge? Then you don't get the badge. If you have a problem with that, that's entitlement.

    Let's play a mental game: Suppose the Devs came to you and asked you to design a badge that is supposed to be the most difficult to get in the game. What would you make the conditions for this badge be WITHOUT it being something you'd complain about? Maybe if you can answer that, I'll have a better idea where you're coming from.
  10. Mommy Mayhem's hospital reminds me of a certain school for Gifted Youngsters in Weschester County...

    That alone makes this my favorite zone in the game =)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Some people, myself included, don't have a large SG to fall back on to ensure that everyone knows how to work together. If you have a stable SG that can do these badges on a regular basis, great.

    The fact that a lot of players have to do these essentially with PUGs makes getting them harder than they should be.

    The fact that they CAN be PUG'd is probably the best explanation why MoAPEX and MoBAF are far and away the most collected of the group.
    Harder than they "should" be? Can I borrow some of that entitlement complex? You sound like you have a lot to spare...
  12. Well, assuming a character wants to stay at level 50 (IE, not exemp), let's see what they have available...

    Roughly 40 story arcs
    Tip missions/morality missions (A couple dozen, assuming he's constantly switching alignments)
    A bunch of radio missions
    Giant Monster hunting
    8 TFs (Statesman, Lord Recluse, Imperious, Lady Grey, Kahn, Barracuda, Apex, and Tin Mage)
    Mothership raids
    Hamidon Raids
    4 incarnate trials, with more to come.

    I don't think this game is lacking in anything to do for someone who hasn't been around for a few years. Though on the flip side, I've done all those dozens of times, if not more, so -I- wish there was more for my 50s to do, but pragmatically speaking, it's not a bad amount of content.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    One of the signature arcs is showing up in my Ouroboros list. So annoying, since I can't complete it. It's the only one without a gold star! ;_;
    Bwah ha ha.... bwah HA HA... BWWAAAAHH HAAA HAA HAAA HAA-*

    Hey, wait, it's doing the same thing to me. Curses! Foiled again! *pouts*
  14. He's messing with you because of your name. You seriously think that an organization dedicated to the stabilization of the time stream is gonna trust someone with the name Tempus Fugitive?

  15. Good thing some T9s and certain APPs are skippable =)

    I mean, on my Inv/EnM tank, I already skip my primary T9 and secondary T8.. though without extra slots, I don't see myself making any build changes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
    What powers have you guys skipped? All of them look really good
    If you ONLY solo, the ally-only buff (Temporal Selection) is skippable, unless you want to use it on pets/NPC allies.

    Time distortion... I've only started playing with it, but I'm not impressed by it. If i want to make enemies be slow, I've got 2 or 3 other powers that do that. If you're a controller with an AoE immob or slow, then it's a bit redundant. IMO, the chance to hold needs to be a little higher, and needs to last longer. After some testing, i got to hold a level 1 minion for about 15 seconds.. while I was level 16. Something tells me that if i were to hold an even con foe, i wouldn't notice the effect because they'd be free within moments. Though i wonder if Lockdown: chance for +2 mag hold would help this power...

    Other than that, loving everything i see so far.
  17. My experience is anecdotal, but the one time I tried ATI... well, it ran the GAME great, but it would crash if I tried watching a youtube video. It couldn't handle video overlay, apparently. And I was NOT the only one who had this issue, there were entire threads on the AMD forums about this. Most 3rd party fixes revolved around fixing errors with the driverset, though the issue seemed to actually be a flaw in how the card was made.

    As for nVidia? Never had a problem with it. I paid a little more for my GTX 460 compared to the ATI i had (though in all fairness the one I grabbed had been on discount... wonder why), and it doesn't seem to run the game QUITE as well, but it's never given me a problem. I'll trade 5fps for overall stability any day.

    At the end of the day, IF your ATI card WORKS, it'll probably play games a little better than a nVidia of a comparable class and price range. However, recently, that's been a pretty big "IF"... which is a shame, because I'm a bit of an AMD fanboy but in this case I have to admit, they dropped the ball hard.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major Cuddles View Post

    (psst - devs; market interface object for bases.)
    You realize that would still come with the same problem of loading the market inventory onto the instance server, right?
  19. Actually, in all seriousness... this gives low-level playing quite a boost. Contained Brawl now does about 8 damage. By contrast, most 1st and 2nd tier controller attacks do about 10 (before containment). So, Mesmerize, Brawl, and Mesmerize is enough to finish most minions. Very nice, especially seeing as how the Vet powers seem to have been nerfed (Seriously, Sands of Mu and the staffs don't seem to insta-kill like they used to)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
    Plant Control. It's one of only 3 primaries I consider non-sucky for Controllers (elec not considered, as I'm not familiar enough with it to judge), but the pet looks awful and doesn't fit most concepts I would have for a plant controller.
    What would you make? Walking trees? A bush with a face? A person made of grass?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
    With all due respect, since this is your thread....how are you capable of proving "intent?"
    When one person goes after ALL the arcs of a few global names, gives them all one star, and leaves the same message "Gave bad XP compared to other farms", the intent is fairly clear. People are getting trolled.

    The SAME message. By the SAME person. To the SAME person's arcs. Within a short period of time. That targeted rating-bombing.

    You're being remarkably obtuse... almost as obtuse as someone playing story-arcs and supposedly thinking they're supposed to be farms... and HEY GUYS, i think we just found our one-star bandit!
  22. Hmm... *Puts 3 rech enhancers in, holds a foe, and puts brawl on auto* This should be fun =P
  23. Well, he IS the only actual PLAYER. Most times, a second player brings far more to the table than a couple pets.


    What we have here is a semantics debate. He's the only player... but with 2 I-Pets, more damage is being dealt than if he has a second player with him. As long as the player can keep the Pets safe (mind you, their AI is no better than the boss), the encounter is far easier than if there were a second player and neither were using I-Pets.

    Let me ask this: If a Stormy uses Tornado and Lightning storm, are they no longer soloing? Those powers do the same thing as a pet: provide an independent source of damage and mitigation. What about an Electric Blaster using Voltaic Sentinel? What about Controllers and Dominators actual pets? Can it be said that MMs with their pets out aren't soloing? What about villain PPPs that have the Pet as a T5? What's the difference between a pet that comes with the character, and a pet you get on a temporary basis? At what point is it no longer soloing?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bromley View Post
    One thing that bugs me is seeing people say that if VIPs just wait two months, then the 800 point "premium" power sets are free. But that is only true if you don't want ANYTHING else at all from the store. And I think it is safe to say that almost every costume piece or perk is going to cost points to buy. And that too will be said to be fine, because VIPs will have 400 points a month to play with, so given enough patience, everything will be free.

    But it really seems like not much will be free. IMO.
    Mind you, we've been accumulating points for MONTHS now, behind the scenes. When beta opened up, i was able to get beam rifles, the hover board, a couple other little things and still had points left over.

    Obviously, if someone wants EVERYTHING NAO with no extra effort, then they're crap out of luck. Otherwise it's just opening the P-Store interface and clicking a couple buttons.