202 -
(While we're on the subject, please be sure to /petition any players who do attempt to grief you in-game - yes, deliberately trying to ruin an RP event can be a form of griefing - and be sure to /petition them again if they attempt the same thing at a later date.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats good to know, and i apologised to Londoner. Were on a better understanding of what happend now. And its all neutral ground and forgot about. (I hope)
Thanks Bridger, lesson learned if i was in the wrong. -
Looks like the Threads been cleaned out, still got a list so this puts us well back on topic, keep posting if your intrested in coming. And to add to this seems the majority of posts have been deleted.
The Mercenaries Ball is now being held in EVIL's base this Sunday (27th) at 8:30pm (BST)
IC wise you would know by the Monkey clubs doors being locked shut and a notice on the doors which has a temporary teleport code straight into EVIL's teleport grid, thus into the base. Still writing up a 'Terms of Service' mainly so the base IC wise wont be abused/rigged with explosives, etc etc obvious stuff. Lunks writing that up now.
Below is a list of global handles the people that will be arriving, if your not in the list (below) you wont get in our base. So if you have friends wanting to come etc, get their handles and i'll put them up here. You can PM me or simply post in this thread.
Ok so we've got
@Billy Horrorshow
@Pious (With a few others, need Globals again Pistol, thanks)
@Zero1278 (With possibly a few others. Need their globals Hatesman)
@Coile (Possible)
@Kunoichi X / @Shadow Whisper
Ontop of these numbers we've got the EVIL lot going aswell of course, so a few people so far. -
Was just my WoW 'Bio' thing, WoW is generally disliked on all other games. (Bar WoW)
Post deleted by Echo_Hammer
<Digs out old FlagRSP>
Cassia Speedsteel
Slender and agile her form is near perfect, her short jetblack hair often blowing in her face enough to annoy her at times. She looks in her early twenties and has quite remarkable eyes they seem to glow a vibrant sky blue when shes excited or filled with adrenaline, odd for a human. Theres also a tight choker around her neck, so tight it looks to be constricting her it seems to be made from Thorium and has writing all around it seems like High elven or Darnassian, on closer inspection it seems to be one piece, unremoveable, and reads...
"Al fulo osa do'rah T'as'e"
On her right hand is also something eye catching a large flawless diamond ring, perfect, symbolising her Engagement to Patchorus. She always looks around her enviroments, looking for threats, escape routes anything that would aid her if the worst happened. She made the mistake of not doing so once, if you ever caught a glimpse of her right hip you'd see why.
[/ QUOTE ]
<Hides> -
Also, I'm still a bit awkward on the use of chat channels. Is there any way to make it so that channels I'd consider OOC (Global, Team etc.) don't appear in speech bubbles when you write a message in them? Is it possible to write custom emotes (as an example, in WoW you could type something like /me chews on a string of Silverleaf)? How do you get dialogue to appear in thought bubbles (I saw someone do this when they were RPing a "symbiote" (I can guess where he got the idea) with a split personality)?
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont know if i'm reading this right, but i thought i'd help out anyway.
/bind enter "afk Speaking... $$startchat"
Is always in my good books, it helps me so i know when to reply. (And to avoid them deadly RP pauses)
As for the chat thing, i dont know, i put this together. Thats how i have my chat setup, if its no good to you, just ignore it -
Coile put it spot on, summed up the situation perfectly.
Maybe that's me being elitist, maybe it's just me trying to ensure I don't get fustrated and annoyed with something I do for fun.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wouldent say it was elitist at all Z. When im at D's nowadays (Seems it is currently the only place to find a bit of Villian RP, bar the SG.) i just hang around in the Tiki lounge, or monkey bar, the blue bar has became a no fly zone for me atleast, i dont even go there to check. Whether thats elitist or what i dont know, nor do i care.
Last night i had some great fun, Nick (Nightschild/Tant) was the first character to pick up demonic scent on Echo and its sent a huge long running plot on the way and this began in D's. Its simply finding the right spot at the right time and with the right people. I couldent put it better than Coile though he has went over the problems in D's (and more!) with detail and its 100% spot on.
you hit the nail on the head
[/ QUOTE ]
(Evidence two. "The Super Powered Massively Multiplayer RPG" - City of Heroes offcial US site.)
[/ QUOTE ]
CoX = MMORPG, As defined by NCSoft. I needent waste more time on this thread whether CoX is an MMOG or an MMORPG. NCSoft Says its an MMORPG, as does Wiki, as does ign. Yet you disagree with even the company that developed the game.
The bottom line, CoX IS a type of Massivly Multiplayer Online Game. But its catogrised under Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. -
I was pretty sure it was a Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
(Evidence one. "City of Heroes (CoH) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing computer game" - Wiki)
(Evidence two. "The Super Powered Massively Multiplayer RPG" - City of Heroes offcial US site.)
(Evidence three. "City of Villains™ is the standalone sequel to critically acclaimed MMORPG City of Heroes." - ign.com)
Nevertheless a pointless arguement, even the OFFCIAL site says its an MMORPG, what more evidence do you need?
City of Heroes/Villians is an MMORPG, but it does fall into the MMOG category CoH/V is a type of MMOG the type of MMOG is an MMORPG. ( MMOG ) -
By the way, way cool poster design.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Pistol, i'm still learning this photoshop stuff
Im cleaning off his running shoes now ready for that potentially lethal 30yd dash.
[/ QUOTE ]
<Gets camera out and plays Olympic games music, and puts everything in slow motions with a "NOOOOOO">
Well at least the tool population should be reduced, the double exp will take care of that
[/ QUOTE ]
And yeah hopefully, i just hope it doesnt deter the Roleplayers, i like to play the game aswell as RP, but its only one night until it ends really, if it goes well i'll make it a weekly thing. -
The scene of a single helicopter has been seen the past few days, circulating around the Rogue Isles, from Mercy to Martial over the Golden Giza and Aeon City, it drops leaflet upon leaflet seeming in endless supply as they slowly flutter to the ground turning the streets of each island into a glossy paper mess. The helicopter then dissappears the turbines echoing into the sky as it fades from view.
The Leaftlet.
...The back of the leaftlets.
(( Finally sorted a date and the poster, this should be a gathering of 'Villians' at the old Monkey bar in Sharkshead Isle, i know about the lowbies trying to get there may be a hassle the doorway is about 30 yards from the Pocket D's truck just a hop skip and a jump, once your in the bar use your imagination as this is a weapons faire, weapons all shapes and sizes scattred around etc. Machine guns to Rocket Launchers. Aswell as the dealing of weaponary they will be regular bets on the monkey fights, i'll be handing out Inf, Salvage and whatever else i get my mitts on, might just be a free drink. I'll grab some screen grabs of a more precise route and post them up once i have. See you there Villians! If theres anything you'd like to ask and not post here feel free to PM me or talk ingame (@Ech) Thanks.
(( Ruuuun!!))
It just clicked that the sudden influx of tools could be because of the free trail things.
Nevertheless the players that were causing a ruckus last night were experienced, (Level 50, and a 36 or something.) obvisouly not on trail. -
Its good to see other players opinions on this and to realise im not going mad.
I could keep saying 'the good old days' again and again that isnt going to fix a thing though, i learned RP from scratch on Union in City of Villians, and i dare say im half decent at it. I used to play on PvP servers on WoW and the like. Disrupting RP'ers even then never came into my head, i respected each section of the community, (Even though on a PvP WoW server you never seen much RP.) but maybee thats because i'm slightly more mature than some of the 'tools' i see on Union, i get along with the PvP community here too and i like the occasional spar show them respect aslong as i get it back. But tonight really put the icing on the cake, i dont go around insulting PvP'ers or whatever they brand themselves, yet you get spat at in the face because you Roleplay and acting as a character, and all the other things that come from Roleplay. I guess its life that you even get a**holes in and out of game, theres never a shortage of them.
This really hasnt made me think "Oh i give in, thats it." its made me push on to find a diffrent spot a more secluded one on the Isles to host a regular meetup, the IC poster will soon be up on these boards. I just hope the people that mock Roleplay arent sad enough to read these boards attend the meet and totally ruin it.
But back on topic the general feeling of everyone thats posted is that Pocket D's has went down a notch, its a big shame really. -
Am i the only one who has realised PD Roleplay has went down a notch? Ive got no examples or any names i just get that jibe. Any of the people who've been going there a while realised this too? Last year it was far better, dont ask me why, it just was.
But my biggest gripe is the amount of so called 'tools' tonight i gave in as did the rest of us after 5 of us were used as somewhere to let off powers and generally insulting the RP scene. I'd say names, but whats that going to do? Yes i could ignore them, but unfortunatly it becomes hard to ignore when there jumping about dropping down AoE powers and the like. According to Terms and Conditions they arent doing anything wrong.
The only thing ive petitioned it for is harrassment in the past, to see nothing done about it. I needed to vent out, and ive made this thread for other players opinions.
Thanks. -
I did like Mr Book last night, very 'Ye Olde English' as for the RP spots either is fine Hero side.
I find that PD is sometimes good, othertimes its a nightmare where you just cant hear yourself think, with powers and the like happening all around, aswell as the swamp of white writing of multiple conversations.
As for Villian side the ClockTower (CT) meet never really took off, i believe it was because of no main plot behind the whole thing and people eventually ran out of things to talk about. I visited everynight during the course of the meetup, And its not because Villians are unsociable, the Villians there at the time were not, "Haha kill kill take over the world" The majority talked and socialised and there was a few fun events there. But like i say after a while you ran out of things to talk about and it died down after it was abandoned.
Currently, Villians is nowhere near as popular for RP, and there isnt many, if at all RP spots bar Pocket D's. Bar Supergroups, of course.
Rest assured though soon as i get EVIL's base upto scratch (Finalising the editing) I'll see what i can do about organising a weekly meet, we've held one once already. Which was a really good success, lots of Villians together to buy info, weaponary, technology, magical artifacts, etc etc. Good fun.But it wont be everyday. Rather look forward to it at the end of the week, and log on your Villian to be part of it.
It doesnt get any more 'Golden age' than that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you very much! I had that in mind when I "designed" him.
I had an alter-ego costume before, but changed it to a more "modern" looking costume.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm seeing a resembalance oh no it cant be him.
"But he has exactly the same voice the same build, height and everything!"
"But look he hasnt got his hair the same, it CANT be Superman"
Goodguy = Oldskool -
Is GoodGuy "Golden Age" enough for you?
[/ QUOTE ]
It doesnt get any more 'Golden age' than that. -
10am, Port Oakes, 05/05/07. Spoken by two builders, near the Oakes hospital.
"Someones rolling in it." The long haired man points over the road to a shining new car, which is awfully parked one wheel up on the curb on a slant, facing the wrong way, just outside the Campbels' place.
"Wow, dont see many of them in the Isles, that a TVR?"
"Looks like one." The man approachs the brand new car. Peering inside. "Whoever parked it must of been pi**ed."
The long haired man stiffles a laugh "It wont last long in this place, i bet by next week the windows are out."
The other middle aged man comes up off the windscreen and turns around. "I'll bet too. Its even right hand drive." He proceeds to walk along with his friend "Dinner breaks nearly up anyway, back to that building site." He sighs. -
(( I can put up with it to a degree, what annoys me the most is that its damning on Villian RP, characters like Warm Touches' the image of Villian RP is projected as what this idiot does. Like i say i can put up with it IC, thus why the contracts been put up, because his actions have resulted in this consiquence. But as proven last night Mechano, some things you cant ignore, i did talk to him OOC in /tells and described the situation, saying that his actions will result in consiquence, the tell i got back was exactly like this: "[Tell]Warm Touch: ((yeah yeah, just playing my role even if it has))"
Just makes me shake my head really, and its aggrivating. )) -
Tricky one this, i wouldent play an NPC as high up as that or anyone in the Freedom Phalanx, but i would do an AV/Hero mission IC, for example Infernal is a classic, he pops up heaps of times Villian side. Its a grey area when he goes down, our excuse is that he uses the med-port button to get out of there similar to when my char gets KO'd. Then of course you get another mission with him in and you have to beat him, yet again he uses the med-port back to Paragon.
But if you do the mission IC, you come across Statesman for example and you beat him, well? You've beaten him and he's retreated back to Paragon. I personally wouldent include it in stories though, but thats just me i see nothing wrong with doing so though but! it matters what context in the story.
Some of the best IC missions ive done involved beating AV's. EVIL vs the Council, Requiem, Archon Burkholder, Maestro, Vandal, Nosferatu. All in one mission and it worked perfectly IC, and it was GREAT fun. We've also used Countess Crey in a few plots, or atleast one member has in Character plots. -
The thing that always turned me away from the villains is the fact that many can get dragged down into plans for world domination etc. (P.E. here), i think a little evil is fine but i hate RPing the whole world domination thing =P if this did work though they could be just evilish and yet in the isles...? Therefore can be ruthless etc. without the extremely evil.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ive seen the idea (written in bold) seen people try it, and failed the RP just doesnt work, hard to socialise with others when all you want to do is make them your mindless slaves, just my two cents.
I know EVIL doesnt house many 'ninjas' used to, but it was decided they never really worked in the group too well. But a coalition might be negotiable, of course depending on IC viewpoints curcumstances etc etc. -
We have a supergroup called Oriental Excess made up of samurai, ninjas, dragons and wizards originating from China and Japan.
Although it's not a rp group, several of us are roleplayers or roleplay friendly. If you went down the villain route perhaps we could be your nemesisesises (having difficulty with the plural of nemesis).
[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed, ive had fun with that group, nice bunch.
The idea sounds good, but i really can only concentrate on one char at a time, all or nothing type thing. I would of thought the role suited CoV better though. One reason being the Ninja Mastermind, and Stalker sets. If you were all Ninja MM's you'd have an army. -
I especially liked it when Mechano was big and green, kinda like the Hulk, but with a torn labcoat, big fuzzy hair and a beard.
Shame my char never got involved so much its something she'd stand away from, im also suprised by the whole community (just about) getting involved, was good fun to see it unfold. -
Mechano gave Echo one for her birthday i recall
DR Mechano passes Echo her present box. wrapped in skull and crossbones paper too.
Echo Campbel looks to Ed and takes the box "More.. wow" she rips off the paper quickly.
Echo Campbel giggles loudly "A walking toaster, woo hoo!" rolls her eyes a little putting it on the floor, watching it walk around.
DR Mechano "arrr...i decided not to make it talk...would have been foolish it would be."
[/ QUOTE ]
Hitting the news this morning were a number of shocking pictures of an incredibly huge man being assaulted and tortured in his stately home. In the pictures known individuals are Frederick "Laugh Riot" Jones, Ben "Big Lunk" Campbel, 'The Tormentress' and Antonio "Big Game" Fedele. It is believed that the individual under assault is fifty eight year old Duke Payne.
The pictures show Big Game and The Tormentress in the background, while Duke Payne is in the foreground between Laugh Riot - the individual in the suit and grinning mask, and Big Lunk, the man in the combat trousers with the ponytail.
The pictures show these two known metahumans of exceptional strength and size each grabbing one of Payne's arms and pulling presumably as hard as they are able. As the pictures go on, they grow continually more shocking. Payne is believed to have been alive for this. Discression is advised.
It is believed that this act of violence from known members of the mercenary organisation dubbed "EVIL" was retaliation for the attack on one of their members outside the Golden Giza earlier this week. Why such shocking and brutal methods were employed is unknown, though we surmise that EVIL were attempting to send a message or make some sort of example.