Mercenaries Ball - EVIL's base, May 27th




The scene of a single helicopter has been seen the past few days, circulating around the Rogue Isles, from Mercy to Martial over the Golden Giza and Aeon City, it drops leaflet upon leaflet seeming in endless supply as they slowly flutter to the ground turning the streets of each island into a glossy paper mess. The helicopter then dissappears the turbines echoing into the sky as it fades from view.

The Leaftlet.
...The back of the leaftlets.

(( Finally sorted a date and the poster, this should be a gathering of 'Villians' at the old Monkey bar in Sharkshead Isle, i know about the lowbies trying to get there may be a hassle the doorway is about 30 yards from the Pocket D's truck just a hop skip and a jump, once your in the bar use your imagination as this is a weapons faire, weapons all shapes and sizes scattred around etc. Machine guns to Rocket Launchers. Aswell as the dealing of weaponary they will be regular bets on the monkey fights, i'll be handing out Inf, Salvage and whatever else i get my mitts on, might just be a free drink . I'll grab some screen grabs of a more precise route and post them up once i have. See you there Villians! If theres anything you'd like to ask and not post here feel free to PM me or talk ingame (@Ech) Thanks. ))

(( Ruuuun!! ))



Next Sunday? Sure thing, I'll tell the boys. By the way, way cool poster design.



Next Sunday?

[/ QUOTE ]
In ten days (on the date of this post)
So, Sunday next

.... or am I mixing up my English use of such things?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



In ten days (on the date of this post)
So, Sunday next

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep the 27th!

As a faithful, if somewhat lazy, agent of EVIL you can be assured Big Game will be in attendence. Im cleaning off his running shoes now ready for that potentially lethal 30yd dash. (unless I actually level Game by then in which case he will just strut up in all his Tiger Striped glory )



Well at least the tool population should be reduced, the double exp will take care of that



By the way, way cool poster design.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Pistol, i'm still learning this photoshop stuff

Im cleaning off his running shoes now ready for that potentially lethal 30yd dash.

[/ QUOTE ]

<Gets camera out and plays Olympic games music, and puts everything in slow motions with a "NOOOOOO">

Well at least the tool population should be reduced, the double exp will take care of that

[/ QUOTE ]

And yeah hopefully, i just hope it doesnt deter the Roleplayers, i like to play the game aswell as RP, but its only one night until it ends really, if it goes well i'll make it a weekly thing.



... or am I mixing up my English use of such things?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea, I think we're saying the same thing. Not this Sunday, but next Sunday.



From the Helicopters cargo bay, thousands of messy leaflets decend from the sky in a brilliant flutter of chaos, breathless and almost still in their decent they blanket the streets carelessly inviting one and all to the Mercenaries Ball. One man hidden behind dark black Sun Glasses and dressed in a Modern Grey Suit stands atop one of Aeon Cities hulking Skyscrapers, next to a large Gargoyle, he calmly watches a Helicopter pass, a few Hundred Metres beneath him, distributing the mass of leaflets as it goes.

Doctor Hermann Oswald, the man behind the glasses, the man behind The Hatesman alias, steps freely from the 50 Story ledge on which he stands. As he does so he shifts his weight forwards, pushing off from the ledge, inverting himself allowing his limbs trail behind as his head tucks inwards, to most anyone else this behaviour would be Suicidal. Aeons Employees within the Grey Monoliths, stare from the window, envying the courage that this man apparently has to end it all, returning to their desk-jobs as he passes. But as The Hatesman enters the cloud of Leaflets, mere seconds from the Pavement below, he awakes from his fall, snatching a leaflet clean from the sky and rotating his feet towards the ground. Smashing into the Concrete at full speed neither his feet nor the ground he treads on bears any damage, a shockwave and the sound of thunder below outwards from his location, leaflets already at home on the ground scattered into the air in a flash of sudden power.

The Hatesman rises slowly and steadily from his crouched landing, holding up the leaflet to read it as he does so. Seconds pass as the displaced leaflets flutter down around him to rest on the ground again. His eyes narrow a fraction as he closes his palm, crushing the paper within. He sets off towards the morning sun of the new day that dawns, as his palm opens with a crackle of electrical energy, the paper within it is fried into black dust that whips away into the atmosphere...

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Post deleted by Echo_Hammer



Looks like the Threads been cleaned out, still got a list so this puts us well back on topic, keep posting if your intrested in coming. And to add to this seems the majority of posts have been deleted.

The Mercenaries Ball is now being held in EVIL's base this Sunday (27th) at 8:30pm (BST)
IC wise you would know by the Monkey clubs doors being locked shut and a notice on the doors which has a temporary teleport code straight into EVIL's teleport grid, thus into the base. Still writing up a 'Terms of Service' mainly so the base IC wise wont be abused/rigged with explosives, etc etc obvious stuff. Lunks writing that up now.

Below is a list of global handles the people that will be arriving, if your not in the list (below) you wont get in our base. So if you have friends wanting to come etc, get their handles and i'll put them up here. You can PM me or simply post in this thread.


Ok so we've got

@Billy Horrorshow
@Pious (With a few others, need Globals again Pistol, thanks)
@Zero1278 (With possibly a few others. Need their globals Hatesman)
@Coile (Possible)
@Kunoichi X / @Shadow Whisper

Ontop of these numbers we've got the EVIL lot going aswell of course, so a few people so far.



I've been forced to remove a post from this thread that made allegations concerning the intentions of other players.

As a result, I'm afraid that the bulk of the thread was automatically removed as well. My apologies to those whose reasonable posts may have been caught up in this.

If you must express concerns over the motivations or intentions of other players, please do so in a general sense, without naming anyone or otherwise offering information that may make it easy to identify them.

"I'm worried that some people may wish to spoil this event" is fine.

"I'm worried that <player X> and his cronies are planning to spoil this event" is a violation of the rules.


(While we're on the subject, please be sure to /petition any players who do attempt to grief you in-game - yes, deliberately trying to ruin an RP event can be a form of griefing - and be sure to /petition them again if they attempt the same thing at a later date.)




(While we're on the subject, please be sure to /petition any players who do attempt to grief you in-game - yes, deliberately trying to ruin an RP event can be a form of griefing - and be sure to /petition them again if they attempt the same thing at a later date.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats good to know, and i apologised to Londoner. Were on a better understanding of what happend now. And its all neutral ground and forgot about. (I hope)

Thanks Bridger, lesson learned if i was in the wrong.



Thats good to know, and i apologised to Londoner. Were on a better understanding of what happend now. And its all neutral ground and forgot about. (I hope)

Thanks Bridger, lesson learned if i was in the wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep yep all done and dusted with now



So... now you know its happening, are you going to be slipping on a pair of RPing shoes, and showing up, bridger?
(well, its worth asking, right? )

for those that are showing up, a brief ToS type thing:
((IC terms of service))
All weapons or explosives will be left at the door.

Vistitors will be subjected to scans apon entering, and may at any point be required to submit to spot searches if suspicion of concealed weapons arrise.

Alchohol will be supplied on site, but guests are asked to not over consume. Anyone found drunk and disordely will be forcebly removed.

Visitors will be given name tags apon arrival.

Fighting is prohibited. We do not have any fancy power dampeners like D's, so expect any fighting to be dealt with more crude methods.

Do not attempt to steal from the venue. All guests will be searched prior to leaving.

((OOC terms of service.
as IC guests will be searched and stripped of weapons, if anyone claims to have one, theyre clearly lieing. if they produce one, its just a figment of your imagination.

If your asked to leave by one of the event staff, please do so.

Griefing will get you petitioned, will blacklist you on any futer EVIL events, and if conected to an SG, may jepordise their participation in future events connected to the merc ball/EVIL.

Please keep local channels free of OOC as much as possible. a Global OOC chanel for the event will be created. If theres any reason you want to show who in the OOC is connected to what charector, start your typing with "[yournamehere]:"))

[/ QUOTE ]



I do hope there will be some secure storage for your guests to deposit their weapons
And that they are sizable

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I do hope there will be some secure storage for your guests to deposit their weapons
And that they are sizable

[/ QUOTE ]

Arcane wing, mystical vault, capable of storing things in dimensional slips, and only accesable by the one who opened that slip.
Dont ask any more questions about how it works, as neither me or lunk are very knowledgable in magic, thats Sarah's field.

I doubt you can fit a tank in it, but then again, you cant fit a tank through the teleporter to get to it in the first place.



Aaah good. My character has various 'transport buffers' in which she stores items and weapons (Yes, ripped from the Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force games) but she'll leave the tank at home

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Good, then this can't happen!

Andre sits shaken by a table and craddles a cup of hot camomille tea between his hands. His voice is vibrant with shock and a healthy amount of fear. "There I was, looking at this plasma rifle thingy when this woman behind me opened her handbag and pulled out this tank. I kid you not! It was a tank, real one, life-sized and the last I saw of it was when it turned the corner towards medical wing and then I just ran and hopped into the teleporter and I'll never ever go to the Rogue Isles again! How she can fit a tank into a handbag I'll never know, and don't want to know either."



I will definately try make it...but I'm going back home from Uni by then so my computer situation might be a bit up in the air, depending on what siblings of mine are home too and if my parents get the urge to play Solitaire on it all night.



Doc Tox, it shocks me to know that we teamed so much (me being Billy Horrorshow) and I didn't know you were into Roleplay. Very cool. It's weird, but Tam and the gang are the only non-roleplay people I know. See you there.



Efranof lays on top of an abandoned building, top off trying to get a tan when a leaflet lands on his chest, he quickly gets up and reads it, stretching and putting his top back on. He looks at the leaflet again and murmers "Could do with some more toys.."

(( See you there. ))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Below is a list of global handles the people that will be arriving, if your not in the list (below) you wont get in our base. So if you have friends wanting to come etc, get their handles and i'll put them up here. You can PM me or simply post in this thread.


Ok so we've got

@Billy Horrorshow
@Pious (With a few others, need Globals again Pistol, thanks)
@Zero1278 (With possibly a few others. Need their globals Hatesman)
@Coile (Possible)
@Kunoichi X / @Shadow Whisper
@Doctor Toxin
@Commander Beet (That the right global handle?)




@Commander Beet (That the right global handle?)[/b]

[/ QUOTE ]


I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Below is a list of global handles the people that will be arriving, if your not in the list (below) you wont get in our base. So if you have friends wanting to come etc, get their handles and i'll put them up here. You can PM me or simply post in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]


Ok so we've got

@Billy Horrorshow
@Pious (With a few others, need Globals again Pistol, thanks)
@Zero1278 (With possibly a few others. Need their globals Hatesman)
@Coile (Possible)
@Kunoichi X / @Shadow Whisper
@Doctor Toxin



@Diakos More specifically Fellius will be attending as well.
Faliva's player is offline until Sunday evening but I think you already have his global