Mercenaries Ball - EVIL's base, May 27th




Merc Ball is tonight!

The OOC chanel will be set up soon , and the G-invites sent out.
If theres any questions, feel free to ask when you get into the channel.



I am out tonight (leaving in about five minutes) so I unfortunately won't be able to attend. However, I an due back at around 11:30 so if it's still going, I'll try to come. My global's @Dante.


@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



If it is not to late to put my name down, I would like to come.

Sometimes, even heroes need saving.

"For truth, justice and apple pies!"



Channel invite on its way



The event rocked.
I think about 3 plots ended up sufacing throughout the evening, and EVIL finaly got the meeting with the TLF.

Cant wait to see some of the write-ups tommorow.



(( Couldn't make it due to a brilliant DXP team, will there be another and if so, when? ))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Would just like to say I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and would gladly go again. Well done to the organisers, it was an awesome event.

Sometimes, even heroes need saving.

"For truth, justice and apple pies!"



I second that - it really was a great evening, I had loads of fun on Kunoichi, so much that I completely forgot to bring any of my alts!

I too hope it will be repeated some time in the (near) future!



I third that. Great event, well organised. Managed to progress two plots and also bought three items!!



Poor Echo, I think she was getting a bit creeped out by Jan! :P

Great fun all around.

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Thanks alot for the posotive stuff guys, will be organising another, 2 weeks from now and maybee making it a fortnightly thing, at our base or elsewhere i think we'll have to see.

Lemme see a (very) short recap.

<ul type="square"> Everyone entred, checked for weaponary etc, then shortly after Sarah's (Nightblood) introduction began after some of the infamous people arrived, about 20 people i'd name them all but thats alot of names! The weapons faire began but it wasnt a typical auction, more ask EVIL members, mercenary hire and so on, promoting the company basically. Echo sat there glugging whisky everytime she looked toward Jan probably wondering "How?! thats sick!" even to Echo [/list]<ul type="square"> With the intro over a few people went toward the armoury while there was all talk on comms to keep an eye out on the New Mafia especially, with the recent plot its no suprise. Echo served behind the bar doing a fairly good job, i think she kind of enjoyed it too.[/list]<ul type="square"> A few things were happening while Echo was serving drinks constatly putting a finger to her comms unit, she wandred off grabbed a handgun just incase, she later removed it as The French Maid said "That must be uncomfortable." Something happend to Falcon Blitz in the entrance area (I'm not too sure what happend.) something about a 'Henry' spirit.[/list]<ul type="square"> Fast forward a bit, till Echo thought she met Alexander Helios (Doctor Helios) who had been missing from EVIL's ranks for quite sometime and maraculously appearing in the base it was later discovred he was an imposter. A Rikti siphoning data from EVIL's main computer, the drone got away with all the data, but the imposter was apprehended, Echo launching her steel fist into the steel covred face of the imposter, only to crumple her metal fist, but it still knocked him down. He was later dragged to the Arcane wing and restrained. (I think)[/list]<ul type="square"> Somewhere in the midst of this a Coalition was formed between EVIL and TLF, once again i dont know much of this, Echo was still too busy behind the bar. [/list]<ul type="square"> Big Game Was doing his normal, chatting up everything with a skirt. Failing miserably on Antipode the blue Mutant.[/list]
God lots happend, i cant possibly recap it all seems i wasnt there for most of the things that went on, nevertheless i had great fun, well worth the effort organising it.



Last night's Merc Ball can be chalked up as a success. Big thanks to Echo for organising it, and all the others for helping it along.

I actually missed quite a lot of last night's background events due to Big Game selflessly keeping guests entertained, but still found more than enough to keep him busy. He met a lot of new people, made up a new post for himself within EVIL, picked up a job from Nightblood, managed to get in the bosses good books with minimal loss to his cigar stash(cigar story coming soon), get to say "In your face!" to Antipode, and pick up a few phone numbers(shhhh! keep that under your hat).

Yep! it was a bloody good night!




<ul type="square"> Somewhere in the midst of this a Coalition was formed between EVIL and TLF, once again i dont know much of this, Echo was still too busy behind the bar. [/list]
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its probably best not to say too much detail &lt;cough&gt;

But it did involve a quick talk on politics, and common goals.
And how anarchy and social discord, despite being ultimatly against the views of many of EVIL's agents and clientelle, does throw up numerous business oppertunities for us.



Big Game Was doing his normal, chatting up everything with a skirt. Failing miserably on Antipode the blue Mutant.

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1. Big Game was "Networking!"

2. He still got to say "In your face!" to Antipode after she made accusations that Game might be scaring off EVIL's female clients. Big thanks to French Maid, who's warm goodbye to Game, just after Antipode's unfounded accusations, gave him the ammo for that comeback.

3. I wouldn't say he was failing miserably, its more of a war of attrition.

4. Probably best to keep Game's activities under wraps around certain other members of EVIL



Even though I got there late, I must say thank you for a very enjoyable evening. I am sure that at the next one, Scorpio will flirt far more shamelessly than before (she was keeping it 'professional' last night). It was good to meet some new faces and to form some great alliances.

I look forward to the next one. Thanks for organising it.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Thanks for hosting it guys....and for letting new players in on the fun. I had a blast and hated that I ran out of time around the chiming of midnight (which is when I turned into a pumpkin). Even weirder, I got to see a side of one of my SG mates that I hadn't seen before. Was very cool. Now the weird question: Is there anyway to casually follow up with social contacts if you're not in Evil?

Again, it was very cool, even to a plot outsider like myself.
(The player of Billy Horrorshow and Kaijukore/The Yokai Totoshi)



Docs plot recap:

The doc spent most of the night drinking vials of his chemical formulas and switching forms, from dragon, to young self, to old self.

He heard on the comms Pistol was 'doing something' to one of his bots he had stationed guarded there and quickly ran over accusing her of 'fiddling with the bots' to which she took great offence, a row between Himself, Pistol and Ben developed and Pistol left in a huff.

He saw Falcon Blitz and she came over, at first she didn't recognise him (Dragon form...hey i need to make some kind of sense with having dragon wings) he switched back to his younger self and apologised to her for causing all the trouble for her. She collapsed and came to quickly, saying she that she was a spirit named Madriline and needed the Doc's youth formula.

He explained to her that his permenant formula would bring about the destruction of our universe and as such was not to be used in our own but there were plenty of universes on the verge of dying which she could pick. The spirit left with the formula. He now only has 1 permenant version of the formula left (he had three, one was given to Eres, one to the spirit and one he's got for himself should he ever need it).

Falcon collapsed again and was taken to the Medlab in Arcane wing, the doctor, finally back in his old self, needed the toilet (weak bladder and i needed a ciggie) when he returned Falcon and Rickman (who had been assigned to guard her) had disappeared.

What followed was a frantic five minutes of searching to see where they had both gone and much chatter over the Comms, until Rickman said Falcon was fine...if a little changed, one could say left soulless by the experience.

He spent the next few minutes stylin and profilin amongst the guests before someone whizzed past yelling "Stop that doctor" yelling about a fleeing Doctor Helios. Finding the robot knocked out and an Echo with a crumpled arm. The Doc, being the 'tech guy' was asked to call over his robot (Succubus) to interface with it.

By Ritiki standards the thing was basic, a personality simulator and some stolen files on something called Icarus (the other EVIL members seem to know what it is but the Doc doesn't). Hatesman was interested in buying it but Ben refused to sell it.

Just when that was finished with and the Doc was about to go help Big Game entertain the guests Axel appears demanding that the Doc pay a visit to the Mansion and also on a more private matter (i wont go into it here for ruining the surprise).

All in all a hectic and tiring night for the Doc.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Was a absolute blast, lots of wonderful people, many of whom were far more well-behaved than the majority of heroes Fellus (and his player) have met.
I most certainly hope for another such event in the foreseeable future, maybe evo-radio could be notified, they are always saying villains on both servers lack events, might also generate additional guest and reinforce the villains rp community (lot of listeners)



Was a absolute blast, lots of wonderful people, many of whom were far more wellbehaved than the majority of heroes Fellus (and his player) have met.

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Thats because those costumed heroes are the real villains. In fact, must of us are the saviours; heroes misunderstood for villains, labelled as criminals by the very villains postering as heroes. The very thought is most vexing.



On behalf of those of us at EVIL (though i'm pretty sure Echo has already done this but it doesn't hurt to say it again) I would like to thank all those that attended the Merc ball you helped make it a great evening.

you have my heartfelt thanks

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Was a absolute blast, lots of wonderful people, many of whom were far more wellbehaved than the majority of heroes Fellus (and his player) have met.

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Thats because those costumed heroes are the real villains. In fact, must of us are the saviours; heroes misunderstood for villains, labelled as criminals by the very villains postering as heroes. The very thought is most vexing.

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yep, what you saw there was a selection of the less "cookie cut" 'villains'
Some style themselves as saviours, some are criminals, and some are businessmen.

and any truly villainous 'muhahahah!' villains know not to [censored] on their own doorstep (or atleast the doorstep of a heavily armed mercenary organisation)



Apart from the Doc he would take over the world if he wasn't so accident prone or fiddling about with science at the 'mad' end of the scientific spectrum...beside when Lunks around he's on his best(ish) behavior, most of the time...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!