A personal message of thanks




This is an OOC message of course.

I would just like to personally thank all those that decided to get involved in the C-Dyne plotline now that it has finished.

I did not think that anyone beyond myself would be interested in the plotline and was taken by surprise by the reaction the plot actually got.

First off i would like to thank the hero known as Britannic. Without him i doubt half the people that did get involved would have done. Allowing the RP members of his own group and those of the Militia through his connections to become involved. So thanks to him and all the members of the Militia

Second thanks go to Zortel and the others of Unity Vigil.

Third thanks go to unconventional Heroine known as High Burn aka Burnie. Without her the Doc would not have gotten hold of the Superadine in the first place and thus would have not got the ball rolling in his head.

Fourthly and lastly the thanks go to all those that haven't been mentioned but where somehow, someway, involved in the plot.

Remember the toasters are still on sale. Coming soon...the quantum walking toaster. Through the miracle of time acceleration it instantly cooks any bread based product it can hold. Available in a variety of colours as well as a talking or non-talking variety.

Disclaimer: Any temporal disruption caused by the use of the toaster is the fault of the user and Necrotech is held in no way responsible for said disruption. Toaster is only to be used for bread based products and only those that can fit comfortably in the toasting slots. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a worm hole where you meet you future self...and nobody wants that!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I especially liked it when Mechano was big and green, kinda like the Hulk, but with a torn labcoat, big fuzzy hair and a beard.
Shame my char never got involved so much its something she'd stand away from, im also suprised by the whole community (just about) getting involved, was good fun to see it unfold.



I was very pleased t be involved with this. I only wish i had more time to have done more to help support the plot further. I have however just posted my latest IC story piece which acts a a sort of a continuity re-cap for Britanic, as well as an epilogue to the C-Dyne affair.

Once again Doc you maybe nutty but but also inspiring.



I'm glad to be of help too - in both roles I played 8P



Wish I coulda got the Overwatch involved. Oh well. Sounds like it went well Doc so congratz.



Also notes on the Quantum toaster side, Misty is going to argue the inefficiency of toasting just one slice per slot at a time, even if it is instantaniously.