
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. El__D

    ~ c.o.x.s.o. ~

    Apologies for the double post, but since we've had a few taken out...

    Remaining Numbers:
    4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 86, 89, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98
  2. Congratz, Smersh!

    I'm going to admit that I didn't see the second answer at all - I thought it was a reference to War Witch (Clarissa Moore, Rasputin being dead...)

    <.< What? It made sense at the time!
  3. Huh. I wasn't expecting to be the first. Awesome! And thanks! ^_^
  4. El__D

    ~ c.o.x.s.o. ~

    ... Huh. I'll admit I don't remember having seen it referred to as that before, but I always have been more of a lurker on the boards, so it's mostly my lack of interaction/awareness than anything showing right there ^.^; Even now, still managing to learn new stuff. I thought it was a supergroup or something. <.<;

    Thanks for the clarification! xD
  5. El__D

    ~ c.o.x.s.o. ~

    7? o.o

    Edit: Derp. Missed the 'for the 606' part in your post, Christopher. My fault. Pretend I was never here! <.<;
  6. El__D



    I still remember the time my second main (Mercury Marvel) was leaving Pocket D and ran into Ascendant in the Hero entryway.

    Being (at the time) a relatively new Hero in town, and having worked at a comic-book store, he'd heard of Ascendant before (Hell, had bought some of his merchandise before) and promptly fanboy'd out and asked for a picture (which, gratefully, Ascendant agreed to).

    I took a screenshot of it and everything. Then that computer ran into some issues, had to be wiped, and I lost it.

    But I still got to meet the Big A!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Poison
    "You have my sword!"
    Deep in the heart of Steel Canyon, a secret meeting conveens to determine the fate of Middle Ear-... Paragon City.

    Posi: "Who shall take the One MMO to Rule them All to the fires of NCSoft Corporate?"

    TonyV: "I shall take it!" <picks up CoH>

    Zwillinger: "You will have my Community management!"

    BABs: "And my informative commentary!"

    Tunnel Rat: "And my character art!"

    Posi: <nods> "Very well. You shall now be known as the Fellowship of the CoH."

    Jack Emmert: "Great! ... Where are we going?"
  8. I don't know how many of you would even want to contact me, but I use the same name and avatar just about everywhere I make an account.

    Deviantart - http://coheld.deviantart.com/

    Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/CoHElD
  9. I think that this arc would be Westin Phipps, in Grandville.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas
    People taking the time to express displeasure are those who care about the game.

    Those who care about the game are keeping it alive, TYVM.
    Don't you die on me! I can't make hateful forums comments and throw money at something I don't like if you do that!

    I don't really see a problem with the Skulls revamp. The outfits look like versions of the old Skull outfits made with newer pieces, imo. Some things could be tweaked, I'll admit (adding the Skull emblems to the jackets, diversifying the group a bit as far as members go, just having the Petrovic brothers themselves have the Funetik Aksent while the other Skulls speak normally) but all in all it matches up to what we had with the low-res models pretty well. At the very least this revamp is going a lot better than the CoT one went.

    Note - Just for extreme clarification on my part, the above comment is a jest. As one of the new Skulls would say: 'Is joke. Don't take seriously.'
  11. There are actually two versions of the Snow Beast that players can have as pets.

    The first is the temporary power pet summon, which summons a full-size Snow Beast which will attack your enemies. Build Snow Beast

    The second is a Vanity Pet summon, which is called 'Mini Snow Beast', and will summon a smaller version of the Snow Beast that will follow you around and look cute. It will probably be put up for purchase in the Paragon Market come time for the Winter Event, likely at the same cost as last year (160 Paragon Points).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by asgard_NA
    Logged on and didn't see it. Is this for beta or live?
    This is Live - Part 3 of SSA 2 was pushed to the live servers yesterday.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD
    Ohh neat. IS that teh Center in the background? Is he making a comeback?
    I'm sorry, but I just can't let that line go...

    'Don't call it a comeback, he's been here for years.
    Rockin' his peers, puttin' the 5th Column in fear.
    Makin' the debt rain down like a monsoon,
    Watch as the Mech Men go boom!
    Tier nines, overpowerin'
    Over the Reichsman, he's towerin'
    Wrecking PUGs, when he drops the missions that'll make you call the cops...'
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak
    We feel that this power set has a chance to blossom into one of our fan favorites.
    Puns? Our Rednames must be turning over a new leaf.
  15. While there are some zone events, there isn't anything like the DFB trial in Rogue/Praetoria, no. Also, Praetoria usually has a rather low player population on it's own (even compaired to the Rogue Isles and especially compaired to Paragon), though like ElectroKitty said, you can have players from Freedom/Primal cross over and join you for missions. You just can't go to their side until you hit level 20.

    Edit - As for the storyline, I think it's definitely worth a play through or three, just so you can see all the different contacts, missions and story options available. Though, be warned - This is Praetoria. You'll have to deal with quite a few ambushes of NPCs in missions. And by quite a few, I mean hordes of them.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide
    At least one of those guys in the "moon" shot was some kind of space pirate. Didn't I read a while back about an upcoming costume set with that theme?
    Yep. The 'Cosmic Corsair' space pirate costume set is in the second batch of Super Packs: Rogues and Vigilantes. Don't know when exactly they'll hit Live, though - at the outset it should be when Issue 24 hits.

    Edit - Awww. Bullet ninja'd me. Ah well xD