
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. Fraenir watched as Jonas rose up, and challenged the speeding electrical giant, wondering if it had been his awakening crystal or Jonas' own power that had revived the man.

    He guessed it was the latter.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Ya see...You may be able to drain energy...But it looks like that dark consumption of yours doesn't effect the entire area. In short, it can miss. And I am running at just a little bit under the speed of light right now. I have to STUTTER what you're hearing right now just so you CAN hear it."
    "That's check, little moth."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fraenir, at this point, was really getting fed up from Xabu's speeding around the room, attacking only who he wanted to, when he wanted to.

    Then the dragon-man got an idea.

    What if the floor suddenly moved out from under the hyper speeding giant?

    Fraenir channeled his power for a moment, building up his energy, then lept into the air. And when he returned to the ground, crashing both his fists on to the stone floor of the building, a massive tremor rumbled across every surface of the room. The miniaturized earthquake shook the building, causing faults to appear at random spots on the floor, ceiling, and walls.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Boys and girls of every age,
    Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

    Come with us and you shall see,
    This our Town of Halloween!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ....Now I feel like making a Jack Skellington character
  3. El__D

    My Comic

    Man, that is sweet.

    Especially this panel

    And should you ever need a generic Hero/Villain to use in the background of a scene...
  4. Fraenir's eyes widened as he saw the lightning giant seemingly kill Jonas. Rage boiled up inside the dragon man, but he soon found himself without an outlet as the others of the group instantly converged on Xabu.

    Instead, Fraenir turned his attention to Jonas.

    Dropping his maul of stone (which caused it to disintegrate into a fine dust), Fraenir leaped over to the fallen man, getting a lighting strike to the left side in the process. But Fraenir payed the attack no mind, as he was busy reaching into his kilt pouch again.

    After a second, he pulled out a small, aqua-marine colored crystal. Fraenir crushed the crystal in his hand, and sprinkled the powder into Jonas.

    *Hopefully this will help him. Hopefully...* Fraenir thought as he looked down at the wounded man.
  5. Fraenir glanced over at the newly arrived Horowitz, slightly annoyed that the green creature had interrupted him while he was thinking, but Energon X seemed to have given out the response Fraenir would have delivered.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Oh... Guys... I think we're about to get hit."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A massive maul of stone formed in Fraenir's hand. Then the dragon-man lifted the stone maul up, and leaned it upon his wide shoulders.

    "Let them come" he rumbled.
  6. ((Gah. I always seem to fall behind in these RPs... ))

    Fraenir remained silent, as he had through most of the trip to Brother Mauthe's Island. His thoughts were mainly focused on the battle that lay ahead, wondering just how big of a challenge himself and the group faced.

    The big dragon-man glanced around at all the gathered fighters.

    *Even if Husk-men are as powerful as they say, we still fight. And we will fight well* Fraenir thought to himself, as he went back to contemplating.
  7. El__D


    .....*is speechless from shear awesome*....

    ...I'll have to help you out more often
  8. Hmmm.....That is a awesome costume....

    The only suggestion I can think of at the moment would be add an orange(orange gold?) and white chest detail (like one of the Symbols), although I don't know how well it would fit what you wanted

    Hope this gives you a few ideas!
  9. El__D

    A Hero Fallen

    [ QUOTE ]
    You story intrigues me, and I hereby request that you continue it for the sake of the reader. I find that this particular passage leaves much to be desired, such as, why are the two fighting? What is Maelstrom doing working for the Marcone, an organization clearly not powerful enough for his particular abilities. What is the relationship between Maelstrom and Brimstone? Were they childhood friends, transformed into sworn enemies, or simply met each other in their line of work?
    As previously mentioned, what I read was quite enjoyable, however, leaves much to be desired. Hence, I request the presence of an additional chapter, to fill in some of the gaps, so to speak, of this passage. [ QUOTE ]
    This is, of course, what he meant.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But 'Moar' works soo much better
  10. El__D


    How do you keep making this awesomeness? HOW?!
  11. El__D

    The Griffin


    That is just Awesome
  12. El__D

    Paint or Bust!

    Mr. Glacier would like to be another one of your contestants

    I'd make the screenie shot like this....but I have not yet figured out just how to do that (if anyone wouldn't mind PMing me the details, I would be most gracious)
  13. Dang Quick, those are some nice Carnie costumes!
  14. This is awesome.

    No alls I need to do is figure out what kind of swords my new DB scrapper will use
  15. ((Hey! Sorry for my absence (again.... ), but I'm still here, although I don't know exactly where here is (I don't *think* the Dropship picked up the red siders)....

    ...I'm guessing Fraenir is with the other vills waiting for Breaker and DV to get back from meeting with Naylor (unless the group has moved to Brother Mauthe's Island already)))
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    HK 48...
    Isn't he from KotOR II? The orange assassain droid you find dismantled in the Ebon Hawk, prototype of the HK 50s?))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    (( That would be HK 47, meatbag

    ..And he strangely reminds me of a mechanized version of Poe...

    HK 47....Husk Korp? (I know it's not spelled right, but if we mixed Mortal Kombat into this.... )))
  17. First: That scepter...Excuse me , The Scepter looks totally Awesome

    and Second: What is the name of that awesome music that plays in the background of the video?

  18. That looks pretty awesome Diov! Reminds me of the Dark Servant pet thing that fenders and corrs get.