Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




(As I'm new here I thought maybe I'd start up some casual social RP before diving too headlong into any of the long running RPs that appear to be going on here)

Lt. Jessica Briggs, cybernetic-cop of the PPD, jogs through the dark, dirty back alleys of Kings Row. She knows these alleys all too well, as in her high school years she used to be a delivery girl for Fat Jack's Cheesesteak Hut. Of course back then her arms and legs were flesh and blood, rather than the cybernetics she bears now.

In her steel hand she clutches a piece of paper given to her by another hero. Apparently there is a popular club for folks on both sides of the law somewhere around. Though Jessica is rather doubtful of that fact, if such a club existed in her home neighborhood she would know about it right?

She rounds a corner to face a dirty looking box truck. She looks down at the paper and back up to the truck. "Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!" she says out loud. There is some rumbling inside the truck, like someone stumbling around within it. The truck's doors fly open and two quite drunk Hellions nearly fall face first onto the drity ground. The two of them look up at Jessica before taking off, knowing they are too inebriated for any kind of a confrontation.

Jessica peers into the truck. Strangely she is reminded of a program she caught on the Sci-Fi channel once, a program about some Doctor. Somehow the inside of the truck is much larger than the outside. From the outside the length of the box is maybe fourteen feet. But when one peers within it seems to stretch for hundreds of feet. In the distance within the truck there is a door. Not a truck door but more of a building door.

Jessica walks around to the front of the truck to look between the cab of the truck and the front of the box, to find no such door on the front of the box. She walks back around to the back again and looks back to that door. "This is too damn wierd," she mutters before climbing up into the box and walking towards that peculiar door. Faint music becomes louder and louder the closer she gets to the door. She turns the door knob and hesitantly pushes.

When the door opens she finds herself standing in a building. "A building... in a truck?" the perplexed cybernetic cop asks herself while scratching at the side of her head.

"Welcome to the Pocket D and have a good evening Ma'am" the door man says to her.



((Howdy. If you're wanting to start your own RP here, I suggest adding the phrase [Open RP] to your title so people know. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi





*Hugs Briggs*




((Welcome! I'll join shortly, providing I can come up with a character that would care enough to actually go to Pocket D. >.&gt)



Jonas Dark sat on a stool in the hero side of Pocket D sipping a cup of coffee that had long since gone cold. He hadn't been paying attention to those around him, he just hadn't seemed to be able to muster the energy lately to do much of anything.

What feeling tired in your old age little brother? the voice in the back of his head seemed to be a little more chatty than normal...but then again the voice wasn't exactly normal.

He picked the cup up with his left hand and drained it while adding a silent retort to the voice "I'm only 22 and your dead so it looks like I'm ahead in the game."

Oh, HA-HA my brother the comedian. You know I have half a mind to teach you a lesson. The voice remarked caustically.

"Just shut-up and let me enjoy my coffee," he demanded as he held the cup toward the bartender.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Jessica meanders around aimlessly within the hero side of the club. Her mind tries to wrap around the concept of alternate pocket universes and other such super-science physics. The most she really had to deal with on the Force was a dyned-up punk. Its quite overwhelming when one ponders it.

But her concentration is broken by a group of Freakshow standing near the exit from the Hero side to the dance floor. "Yeah shake that metal baby!" one says to Jessica. "Hey baby lets you and me go make some sparks!" another adds. Jessica glares at them. She ***** her fist back to get ready to jump the thugs as she raises the power level of her Rikti power core to combat levels. But just as she is about to attack a spotlight shines on her and the music becomes quieter.

As she runs forward she finds that its not a spotlight, but rather a conical force field. "Hey there iron mama," DJ Zero says over the loud speakers. "I've not seen you here so I'll cut you some slack. But we come here to have fun and blow off some steam, there will be no fighting in my club. I control every molecule of this dimension understand?" With that being said the forcefield gives way and the music returns to its former level.

The Freakshow laugh amongst themselves at the humbled cybernetic cop who mumbles as she finds her way to a barstool.



"Don't worry about them," a high-toned voice catches her attention from behind Officer Briggs.

When she turns, a young man wearing an outfit that looks like a sports jersey and black denim jeans is standing there. He didn't seem very tall, roughly 5'5", but he also had the posture of somebody used to fighting. Medium brown hair framed his face, which had a goatee and dark-purple glowing eyes.

"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll be arresting so many Freaks, you'll pinch them on accident," he continued, "Hi, I'm Kip. I used to be set up much like yourself, combat prosthetics to facilitate crime fighting. How're yours treating you?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Jessica approaches Kip and pulls back the left sleeve of her t-shirt to show where the prosthetics meet the skin just above her mechanical shoulder. "Sore," she notes showing the area where the metal meets the flesh looks somewhat red and inflamed. "Not that I'm complain' or anything. From the Rikti War till about six months ago I was a total invalid. So this is a thousand times better."



"Jebus," Kip muttered as he saw the red skin, "They gave you antibiotics for that, I hope... I had much the same problem a couple times myself."

He started heading for a bar.

"I got a few until my meeting. Want a drink? We can chat. I kinda want to know how things are going on the street level... You can get so wrapped up in grandiose problems after doing this too long, you know?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Jebus," Kip muttered as he saw the red skin, "They gave you antibiotics for that, I hope... I had much the same problem a couple times myself."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I have some sort of cream I get from my pharmacy," she explains while letting go of her shirt sleeve. "That and I'll sometimes stop by MAGI to see if there are any "good witches" around with a healing spell on tap."

"I got a few until my meeting. Want a drink? We can chat. I kinda want to know how things are going on the street level... You can get so wrapped up in grandiose problems after doing this too long, you know?"

[/ QUOTE ]

She follows behind him and slips onto a barstool. "Yeah why not. I'll have a coffee, black." She taps her steel fingers on the bartop and can only give a shrug to his question about whats going on in the streets. "Nothing really of note. Stupid bangers mostly, and most of them kids. I'd almost feel bad about knocking them around if they weren't so damn dangerous. I've busted up a few Dyne labs, stopped some Hellions from setting a fireworks warehouse on fire. Now the Vahzilok, on the other hand... well lets just say me and them have some stuff to sort out."



Kipland nodded to Briggs's speech. It was about as bad as when he'd been on patrol, and he said so.

"The more things change, I guess," he muttered, "be careful with those Vahz... They'll realize you're a bit too tough for 'em, and then they'll try some nasty stuff, like trying to offer a way for you to get new body parts. Remember, formaldehyde is extremely flammable."

He ordered her coffee and himself a soda.

"Gotta keep my head clear, too."

The bartender got them their drinks and headed off. Kip took a long sip of his orange drink and set the glass down slowly. He grimaced suddenly.

"Hey, I don't mean to come off the wrong way... I... I'm new to being social... I'm a little tired of my friends razzin' me about it... That I haven't had a girlfriend in five years, that I talk like an angry robot... And a laundry list of other complaints..."

He gestured to the club scene.

"So, of course, my boss tends to send me here to deal with some of his contacts among the Rogues... I've been trying to take the opportunity to be more social..."

He sighed and looked to her.

"I don't mean to be a bother."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Jessica takes a sip of her coffee and shakes her head. "Nah you're not being a bother. Your the first person I've really gotten to talk to in a few weeks. My old friends seem to be acting different around me now that I'm a "mask". They seem... distant. I don't know."

"be careful with those Vahz... They'll realize you're a bit too tough for 'em, and then they'll try some nasty stuff, like trying to offer a way for you to get new body parts.

[/ QUOTE ]

"No, I don't think that offer would work for me," she says staring down into her coffee while she speaks. "As they took my limbs to begin with that would make them nowhere near equal with the stuff I've had to go through."



Kipland sucked in his breath upon hearing that.

"Sorry. A friend of mine has sort of the same problem you do... Joe Durnan... You ever heard of him? He used to get grief for dating a psychic, then they put him on some sort of elite program... Trying to show the heroes that the cops have what it takes, too."

He looked to her with a shrug.

"Frankly, I never thought you guys needed the gimmicks. I always saw you guys as heroes in your own right."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Jonas sipped his new cup of coffee letting the idle conversations of those around him seep into the back of his mind. He had noticed the one calling himself Kipland and the cybernetic chick had settled down on a few stools a couple seats down from him. Usually he didn't take much notice of heroes as he himself had been working undercover as a rogue for a few years, it wasn't healthy to draw unwanted attention.

He guessed it was about time to begin picking a little bit of information out of the conversations around him. He lay his right hand onto the bar top and felt the tattoo around his forearm begin to radiate a faint dark energy.

So decided to dip into the darkness? The voice asked with a smirk in the question.

"Shut up, or I put a seal scroll around you." Jonas threatened then summoned six orbs of purest dark and dispersed them through the club. They would act as his eyes and ears while he finished his second cup. Now I wait...

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad




I think I'll be joining this...

Keep in mind, I'm going to be keeping my posts to a minimum.))


Husk Corporation Tower, 150th Floor, Dimension of Mists, Ten trillion, five hundred sixty two thousand, twenty one years in the past...

Poe drummed his fingers.

He was seriously and utterly pissed.

Ever since the whole Business with Schayde the Shadow, he'd been in one of his 'moods.' He had ultimately failed to bring about the end of Schayde after a disruption in time literally froze that particular reality and things had to be cleaned up. The Schayde in other time-tracks just failed to piss him off.

No, if there was anybody who had pissed him off, it was the Brutal Warriors, and that blasted Brute, Power Breaker.

He was up next on Poe's 'people to kill for no particular reason other than self satisfaction.'

Unfortunately, after the said Brute had fought long and hard in the Rikit War-Zone and been just about vindicated, finding a good way to get at the brute without bringing down a truckload of heroes on his head had so far proven difficult. Poe normally would have settled for just blowing up Power Breaker's particular version of Earth. Maybe the galaxy or perhaps the entire universe, just to prove a point, but the Lord and Master and his high-and-mighty hat had been somewhat touchy as of late when it came to giving the Husk Lords access to super-weapons capable of anything more destructive than blowing up a continent.

Which meant without using any Husks, without using doomsday weaponry, and without using overly excessive force, Poe had to come up with a plan to get at Power Breaker that could satisfy his burning desire for revenge and also satisfy his need to not get his skull imploded. Again.

What were his assets? Well, aside from being able to throw, breath, explode in storms of, and armor himself with fire, (as well as being completely immune to it) a series of bottomless pocket pocket dimensions filled with a never-ending sea of technomantic traps, and several powerful people who owed him a few favors, he had the luxery of being able to go absolutely anywhere he wanted, at absolutely any time. That was a perk he was willing to use.

The Lord was VERY insistent that the Husk Lords never manipulate time or travel through it on any version of Terra, mainly because if they did, they risked obliterating one of the three, and then the Lord would NOT be ammused to learn he'd have to spend another time-span (from the begining of time to the end of it) Searching for the right reality where it would show up again.

But screw the rules, Poe was going to twist and bend them all out of shape, just because he could. He was Lord Poe of Husk Corporation. The Atomic Pyromaniac God of Fiery Freaking Doom. He was pissed, and hell hath no fury like a pissed off Arsonist.

He still couldn't see a good enough vantage point to assault to infuriating brute though.

So, he did some travel. Through Time. He went to Earth and silently watched and observed, restraining himself from striking.

Poe was on Earth for three and a half years before seeing the perfect opprotunity.

He had a plan. A big one. He was going to crush Power Breaker and cast everything and everyone near him into fine and pure oblivion. He would not be denied. Oh no. Not this time.

This time, Poe was playing for keeps, and he'd be damned if he failed. Literally and metaphorically.


Terra, present day, Steel Canyon, Unknown Place...

Poe was ready.

He gathered the last of the tools he would need, and readied them. He put on the proper decor for the occasion. He triple checked his gear and supplies, and he quintruple checked the chrono-meter to make sure everything was running according to schedule.

Poe stepped into the elevator, and was soon on street level. After checking to make sure nobody was outside who would notice the entrance sliding aside, Poe pushed a button, and the wall leading into his little hide-away slid open a meter, letting him out. It snapped shut behind him, becoming completely indistinguishable from the area around it and invisible even to the passerby of trained eye.

Poe vanished into thin air and headed for Pocket D.


Poe stepped into the inter-dimensional club. This was the most dangerous part of the operation right here. DJ Zero was a god in here. Poe had to count on the fact that the good DJ would honor his agreement, and stay out of Husk Corporation Business. But he was still an insanely dangerous wild-card in this game.

Still, Poe did not plan on fighting anybody here. So *TECHNICALLY* he was not going to be breaking any club rules with what he planned to do.


Poe watched, invisible thanks to his cloaking device, from afar. The waiter served coffee and soda to his target plus one hero, and then headed off.

Right in Poe's general direction.

After rounding the corner that led to the storage room door, he felt something invisible lightly brush against his lips, some invisible thing...

He fell over barfing and choking on the gass from the specially prepared gas-trap Poe had prepared. Made with a distinctive mixture of special chemicals to render it invisible to the naked eye yet still potent enough to knock out an elephant.

Poe carefully placed the now-unconcious, (but unharmed) waiter into the storage room, locking the door from the outside and tossing the keys down a nearby drain. Not that it was NECCESSARY. The waiter would be out for at least a week thanks to the gas. It was a needed precaution, however.

The DJ hadn't pounced on him. So far so good.

Poe clipped his own I.D. onto the front of his vest. The beauty of the thing was it wasn't fake. It was a 100% authentic Pocket D employee I.D. You had to love Husk Corporation business, it could get you absolutely anything.

He advanced, marking his prey.


"May I get you anything else?" Asked a voice that seemed to crackle like sparks.

A strange looking man looked at the bar's occupants behind his red tinted blast goggles.

"The name is Poe, I'm a new waiter here."



Jake leaned against a wall in the corner of the wall, sipping a soda and lazily eyeing everyone in the particular room he was in. He sighed and put his drink on a table, putting both his hands behind his head and wondering why he had even come here in the first place.

Guess it was just to relax. I have been working an awful lot lately. S'pose I just need to loosen up.

He yawned and picked his drink back up, loudly slurping the last of its contents out of the glass.

"Hey waiter, can I get another drink over here?"



((Diov... I think somebody needs to learn to let bygones be bygones... Otherwise, I foresee a very nasty end for this particular individual. Nobody should ever grow comfortable in the knowledge that they're on top of the food chain, because, more often than not, they're not.))

Kipland Durj shook his head to the odd waiter. The other guy's shift must have just ended. He thought it was a little strange that the waiter didn't ask Lieutenant Briggs if she needed anything.

Eventually, his glib mind settled on the notion that Poe must like men.

Looking slightly askance at the guy, he shook his head "no" again.

"Do you need anything else?" he asked Briggs.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Didn't you read his latest profile? He's designed o be self destructive. If you think THIS revenge scenario is big, let me tell you about the time Darkie beat him in a game of Pong...))



Jonas was stunned. The six orbs he had sent out to gather intel had all seemed to wink out of existence at once. The only other time this had happened was when an inter-dimensional being known as Zeddicus had decided to tangle with the entire Dark World Court. Zeddicus had been a being of immense power, almost godlike, and only something of that magnitude could disrupt Jonas's Darkin powers.

Jonas looked around the club. Besides the usual riffraff that frequented the club there was only the staff, the two heroes, and a guy leaning against the wall asking for a drink (don't know why he just stands out in my mind). He let his eyes wander to the heroes sitting at the bar and noticed a strange waiter asking Kipland about an order.

Jonas dropped his right arm down by his side and snapped his fingers. A bolt of darkness seemed to leap from his hand onto the floor and flow toward the waiter. It settled at the waiters feet and just seemed to sit there.

Yep, all I wanna do is chill for a night...what kind of hell's gonna start? Jonas thought knowing that anytime things should be quiet around him something always happened

What scared of a little scuffle? Man, didn't think you were such a wuss. The voice spoke in the back of his mind.

Shut up. Zero can handle anything that could happen in this place. Jonas remarked

Yep that sounds like you. Never gettin' your hands dirty. The voice was just becoming annoying now.

I don't wanna hear anything else out of you! Jonas stated acidly

Yeah well.... The voice didn't seem able to think of anything else to add.

Finally quiet. Jonas thought. He couldn't shake the feeling though that the waiter was bad news.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"And I am, of course, ignored..." Jake muttered, glaring at the waiter. He grumbled and moved from his comfy position to get himself a refill, making a mental note to not tip the waiter.



Poe raised an eyebrow behind his blast goggles.

"And I am, of course, ignored..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I didn't ignore you, you merely lack patience." He said in the same crackling voice. "What'll it be?"

'Incapatitation by powder, gas, or nanites...?' The Artsonist thought briefly to himself.

He looked down at the dark blot on the ground.

"Ugg, that's filthy! How did THIS get here?"

Poe reached down and picked up thw writhing mass of negative energy as if it was solid.

He started at it intently for a moment.

He shrugged, then shoved the thing down his throat.

Turning back to the others...

"Will you have anything else?" He directed at Briggs.



"Another soda, preferrably Root Beer, but I'm good with anything else." He said, the glare retreating from his face and him retaking his former position.

He yawned and carelessly followed the waiter with his eyes, eventually seeing him eat the negative energy. Jake's eyes widened and his mouth was opened.

D-... Did h e just eat negative energy?! The Hell is this guy?



"Frankly, I never thought you guys needed the gimmicks. I always saw you guys as heroes in your own right."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I could either accept these "gimmicks" or remain a useless torso in a wheelchair. That was no way to live," she states flatly.

"Will you have anything else?" He directed at Briggs

[/ QUOTE ]

"No," she replies to the "bartender". "Well that is unless you are a native of Philly and can whip me up a cheesesteak."



"Ok then...One root beer coming right up." Poe said to Jake.

He turned around, picked out a shiny glass, spun over to the tap for root beer and filled it.

He handed it to Jake.

"Njoi." He said.

Before, Poe hadn't been planning on bothering with all of this. He hadn't expected there to be more than one person around. Now that there was, he'd need to improvse by making sure all of them fell out of the picture.

Starting with Jake, the only one who had asked for a drink.

Poe had slipped some nanites into the drink while it had been pouring, and they had spread throughout the entire thing. They were invisible to the naked eye, naturally, and did not effect the look or taste of the drink at all.

Even ebtter, they were made specifically to not take effect until after the drinker had LEFT Pocket D. Once that happened, the unfortunate in question would be knocked out for several hours.

"So...Has anybody here heard of a certain villain named Power Breaker?" Poe asked in a casual tone.



Something was thumping up the stairs heroside, making enough noise and impact to be heard by most of the people upstairs. It had a sharp clink at the end of every step, like a blade against metal.

Soon enough, the new visitor became apparent. As it stepped onto the top floor, one of the lights flickered for a second.
It was six feet tall, muscular, and half-hunched over. Long, limp, flame-red hair hid its face. Probably for the best.
It was hard to tell whether the thing was male or female, because it wore armor. Hi-tech, thick armor crisscrossed with glowing purple circuitry.

And as for the clinking noises when it came up the stairs? It had giant talons, rather than feet. There were claws on its hands, too. Any part of its body that was exposed was covered in red scales. Red, bony spikes were jutting out of its shoulders. It had a reptilian tail.

The thing moved towards the bar, stepping very heavily, maybe a little unsteadily. It plunked itself down on one of the empty stools. Then it spoke.
"...Have you got any...spare batteries?..." it asked. Its voice was weak, rough and raspy, but definitely female. It almost sounded as if it was speaking with half a lungful of water.

The light above the thing suddenly dimmed. There was a tangible aura of deadness around it. Not so much an aura of death as an absence of life.

Something glowed faintly behind its curtain of hair.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.