Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




"Put a bullet in his gut, huh? Some friend," Power Breaker frowned at Briggs, but blinked, "I mean him... For putting you in that spot. In my experience, those on your side of the law tend not to go to extremes unless absolutely forced to."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jessica keeps her arms crossed and looks somewhat pensive. But being around someone from the Isles will do that to a seasoned cop such as herself. "Well he opened fire on me first," she notes regarding her former friend. "Fire, literally fire from his hands."

"Well, I'm the son of a former PPD officer... Sergeant Eric Harris, from the King's Row precinct. He... He wasn't a terribly good father. I guess he made a mediocre cop... Since I didn't want to have to deal with him in the afternoons after school, I'd hang out with my friends... Friends who had connections."

[/ QUOTE ]

"I grew up in the Row," she notes. "I wonder if your father ever met my father. Frank Briggs, he was an officer in Kings as well, as was my grandfather Daniel Briggs."

"Well, in the course of my work, I wound up coming across a Tsoo courier. This was shortly after the War, business was picking up again, and I didn't really feel like making any enemies. Neither did he, so we were willing to let the big war of our bosses rage over our heads while we simply tried to survive. Too bad the Outcasts didn't like that plan. Next day, I meet the same courier, only he's getting shot by one of the cold-based ones... Well, he had a snowflake on his shirt... In any case, he takes off while I'm applying pressure to the guy's wound and then... poof. The Tsoo guy's gone. That's when his boss," he pointed at Kipland, "arrested me. I don't hold it against the guy. A thug over a dead body, the murder weapon right there... That Outcast was such a chicken-[dung] wuss, he dropped his gun when he took off..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jessica just nods her head as she listends to the sordid tale. "I'm sorry you were wrongfully convicted," she replies. Though honestly when you embed yourself in such a lifestyle it can come around and bite you in the butt. Karma is a b****, and doesn't always come back in a direct cause and effect manner, but it does come back."

"Some life. The nanites fixed me up, alright. They also made it so I can't forget anything, poked crystal spikes out of my skin so they can use sunlight as a power source, and turned my brain into their very own supercomputer. I know more stuff now than I ever needed before, and it's all instantaneous..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jessica looks down at her own augmentations as Power Breaker continues his story. "Well, I mean I'm sure there might be an engineer out there who could help tweak some of your artificial components to weed out the stuff you dislike. I have a list of a dozen tech geeks in Paragon who can fix me up and upgrade me as necessary."

"I myself have a computer in my brain as well. Or at least connected to the back of it. Its not always active though. But it speeds up my thought and reactions greatly. Though some would think that it would make me "smarter". But thinking faster doesn't mean you are smarter, it just means you can come to the wrong answer to a problem much more quickly."

When the rifle and datapad change hands Jessica quirks a brow. "Kip," she intones. "This is all on the up and up right? I mean to the casual observer this looks like some shady back alley deal. Though you would have to be batty to do such a deal in front of a cop."

"Just what is that datapad about anyways?"



The pinch on the butt took Sara completely by surprise. In a flash, Sara was covered in a personal force field, the force and suddenness of its appearance sending the barstool she’d been sitting on a fraction of a second earlier smashing into the waiter’s knee. The waiter yelped, at fell backwards, spilling the new drink he’d been offered all over his uniform.

Sara’s bubble faded an instant later, as she brought her defensive instincts under control. She turned slowly, and affixed the waiter with a stare that could’ve frozen nitrogen. Still, she offered the fallen waiter her hand, helping him to his feet.

“I trust that was another ‘message’,” she asked rhetorically. The waiter nodded solemnly.

“Make sure he pays you. Then tell him I might have changed my opinion of him if he’d have come and done that himself… after that, I suggest you take a smoke break, because if I hear of you do anything like what you just pulled to any woman in Pocket D again, I’ll put you in a Detention Field and deliver you to DJ Zero personally. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” The waiter replied, scrambling away. She knew he’d deliver her message, and trusted his fear of DJ Zero would see him off the dance-floor almost immediately after.



Kip looked at the datapad himself.

"Sorry, Briggs... I gotta say that this isn't entirely up-and-up... However, the information from Breaker's usually legit."

"I stopped taking information fed me by Scirrocco," Power Breaker intoned, "And this rifle's gonna look nice mounted on my wall."

"According to some of these messages, it looks like Arachnos is looking for another group of psychics," Kip frowned, "Arbiter Taylor? What does he have to do with... Oh... Crapstick."

Kipland attached the datapad to his communicator and started cycling through options.

"Come on... Come on..." he hissed at the machine.

"Officer," Power Breaker tapped the table, "I do remember my dad talking about yours. Didn't think much of him... Called him a brown-nosin' sonova... Nevermind. If my dad didn't like him, there had to be something good about him."

He smiled at that.

"Now... As far as a hero helping a villain... This is merely an exchange of property, not evidence. If the rifle were evidence..."

"I wouldn't have it," Kip muttered, then his face softened and he relaxed from his communicator, "And it's sent... Snuffy should be getting a robotic escort for her date with her fiance..."

"I hope it's enough," Breaker commented, then back to Briggs, "Now, to continue... I'm an informant for Grey's Army, Lieutenant (I recognize the insignia). My services come with a price. I already stated my price range, and I ask for nothing different. Nothing compromising, and nothing overpowering."

"He won't ever get a nuke, for instance," Kip muttered, "Plus, the rifle was made from spare parts found strewn about the city. Quite a project for my boss's eldest son."

"I'm glad he was willing to part with it," Power Breaker sighed, "Once word gets out that I have this, it'll get a few more people off my back."

"The only thing that makes this not 'up-and-up' is that he's officially an escaped fugitive..." Kip turned and pointed to various people throughout the room, "But then again, so is he... Him... Him... Her... That... All quite cordial in this setting, largely because of him..."

DJ Zero nodded to the young scrapper.

"I really hate when he does that," Kip muttered as he turned back to the table, "It's just unsettling... Still... Here, we chill and hang out, conduct business... and even..."

A man in his mid-thirties in a brown, tattered trench coat stepped out of the villain-side bar and approached a woman and a pair of children on the border of the dance floor that bore the vista of the twirling truck. He embraced the children before greeting the woman. Anybody near them would have wondered as to why they couldn't hear a word being said.

"Visit family," Kip finished, "Brother Mauthe is what that man's followers call him. The kids just call him 'dad.' Nobody knows what the woman calls him."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Did she now?" Marcus asked as the waiter recounted the events of the past few seconds.

"Those were her words exactly 'If he'd done that himself I woulda changed my opinion of him'," The waiter still looked pale from the threat Sara had made.

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind. Here's your tip." Marcus passed the bill across the bar to the waiter. The waiter ambled off to have the smoke break Sara had suggested while Marcus inwardly smiled.

You're gonna do the friggin rune trick again aren't you? Jonas

What can I say its a show stopper and a panty dropper. Women love it even if they won't admit it. Marcus

Why do you have to be my brother? Jonas

Mom thought you were too boring and dull so she had to make me interesting and out going. Marcus

Yeah well before you start playing with your runes, drop a dark orb under 'Breaker's table. Jonas

Man there is a fine woman who would probably do the horizontal shuffle thirty different ways with us and all you can think about is Breaker. You do have a friggin man crush don'cha? Marcus

Get to work Jonas

Marcus opened the palm of his right hand and summoned a single orb. The orb fell to the ground and rolled across to the table where Breaker and the other two sat. It would act as an ear allowing him to keep track of their conversation.

Marcus absorbed the ambient energy out of the bar top where his finger touched allowing him to write his runes into the very essense of the bar. If Sara were to look down at the bar top she would notice words appearing.

So are you really that cold or is it an act for spectator's amusement. Just think at me if you want to answer.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Whats chocolate? Is it like donuts?"

[/ QUOTE ]
It was hard to tell, given the absence of most of his face, but there was a definite hint of a grin in Energon X' voice. "You... COULD say that... remind me to duck out to Founder's when I get off the dancefloor; I'll snag you a bar from my favourite chocolatiery. Wish Zero would start serving food in here as well..." he grumbled, ignoring the look DJ Zero flashed him at the complaint. The blazing fire of one eye went out briefly as he winked, and he started to head out onto the floor, then paused.

She quietly stepped back into the plant, giving Energon an "I'm a good deal tougher than I look" glance.

[/ QUOTE ]
Energon X drifted over to Inky's innocuous looking plant a moment after she slipped into it. He held one gloved hand in amidst the plant's stems and fronds, and let loose a snap of energy, careful not to damage the small tree. It wouldn't be audible even a few feet away over the thumping music, but within the confines of the plant, it would be a frighteningly loud *BANG!*

"I hope you're even half as tough as you think you are, shrimpy. This game's a nasty one."

He straightened and flew back to where Khel was moving slowly towards the dancefloor, shaking his head. "I'm not sure how comfortable I am with kids... even superkids... getting into the giant war-zone that Paragon and the Isles are for super-types." He shook his head again, then gave a one-shouldered shrug. "Well, there's not a lot I can do for her, other than keep half an eye out if she's around." Then he paused, looking embarrassed, or as embarrased as it was possible to look with nothing but your eyes and eyebrows visible. "Eh, sorry. Letting my protective instincts for 'innocents' run away with me again. he commented offhandedly, the cynical quotation marks around 'innocents' clearly audible in his voice (whoever had built his voder was bloody good.)

He offered a hand to Kheldragon, concentrating briefly. She suddenly found herself freed from the bounds of gravity as his powers took effect on her. The grin was back in his voice as he said "I don't think we need to worry too much about straining your injuries. Or did you never wonder why there was so much airspace above the dancefloor?" The synthetic voice was teasing, but there was more concern in it than flirtatiousness.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Kheldragon felt some of the dark energy. Turned, peered under the table where the dark orb sat. She lashed out, sinking her claws into the orb, and slowly sucking it in, not knowing that it was a spying device.
She licked her claws, as if cleaning off some extra scraps of meat. It's not that she could taste energy -- just old dragon habits.

Sitting around in armor all day was getting old. She concentrated, and for a second was just a purple cloud of Nictus energy.
When she reappeared, the armor was gone, and in its place was a suit quite a bit like a Void Hunter's. Of course, she wasn't a Void.

Before she'd been transformed, Khel's sharp scales shredded all clothing she tried to wear. Now she just held it together in a crushing gravity field.

Her face may have been grotesque, but the rest of her wasn't actually all that bad.
In her less shaky moments, she stepped with a slightly feline grace, walking only on her toes like most large predators. Her body was sleek and muscular, also like a big cat. It didn't hurt that she was pretty well-endowed, and her tail just added to the feline, predatory look.

In the armor, she'd looked like a huge, thick, resilient monster. Now she seemed a lot more quick and graceful, but it spoiled the effect when she stumbled.
Kheldragon stumbled, heh, back towards the bar, looking for more of the energy drink.

When she'd found it, she turned back to Energon, floating over the dance floor.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Sara’s reply was… descriptive, to say the least; and this in spite of the fact that she didn’t respond to Marcus with any kind of mental contact. Her one-finger salute, coupled with a smile that was almost half sneer was response enough, even from across the ‘D.

Certain that she still held Marcus’ attention, the pointer finger of her right glove started to crackle with bright electrical energy. Moving with surprising quickness, she begins to spell out a response, one letter at a time.

[Are you always so grammatically imprecise, or are you just thinking with your endocrine system?] she replies, turning the form of his own question against him. [Mind shielded,] she adds in response to his second statement. [More fun that way.]



"Ah, Flaming Earth..." Jake muttered as he saw the invitation, getting up from his spot next to DJ Zero and walking over to the fellow villain. "Long time no see." He said as he approached, smiling and helping himself to a turned around seat. "So what's up? You wanted me to see something?"



Marcus laughed a little. And began his next message
Grammar is for rich people, and yes I do tend to think with my endocrine system. Those big flashy letters draw to much attention, just lay your hand on the bar and think. My Darkin powers can bypass almost any defence as long as they have physical contact, I'm using the bar as a focus point so it'll work. My next question, how'd you get your powers if you don't mind me asking?

Hey, Khelly just ate the orb. Jonas

Too bad she doesn't know that only a being like Poe or Zero can do stuff like that with Darkin energy. Marcus

How long Marcus? Jonas

I say about ten seconds before she coughs it up or it starts screwing with her. I noticed she absorbs energy like we do, one difference though she needs to expel it we don't thanks to transdimensional storage. Marcus

She seems nice enough so don't draw it, let her get rid of it on her own. Jonas

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Now... As far as a hero helping a villain... This is merely an exchange of property, not evidence. If the rifle were evidence..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Yes," she notes. "But I'm just making sure I'm not being privy to an "arms deal". The contraband trade between Paragon and the isles is staggering."

"The only thing that makes this not 'up-and-up' is that he's officially an escaped fugitive..." Kip turned and pointed to various people throughout the room, "But then again, so is he... Him... Him... Her... That... All quite cordial in this setting, largely because of him..."

[/ QUOTE ]

The cybernetic cop taps her finger on her forearm of the opposing arm as she takes the situation in. "Mmhmm. And if you don't mind me asking just what does this information pertain to?"

A man in his mid-thirties in a brown, tattered trench coat stepped out of the villain-side bar and approached a woman and a pair of children on the border of the dance floor that bore the vista of the twirling truck. He embraced the children before greeting the woman. Anybody near them would have wondered as to why they couldn't hear a word being said.

"Visit family," Kip finished, "Brother Mauthe is what that man's followers call him. The kids just call him 'dad.' Nobody knows what the woman calls him."

[/ QUOTE ]

Briggs frowns, giving a disapproving look towards the couple and their children. "Just who would bring their kid in here? Yeah its not dangerous due to Zero and all. But still there are some pretty foul dudes in here." She turns her look to Breaker and remarks, "Present company excluded."



Flaming let out a smirk upon Jake's recognition of him. He turned to Twilight for a minute. "Told ya he knew me." Turning back to Jake he held an almost anime-like grin. "Just wanted you to meet my pal Twilight Radiation here! He's not much of a talker....Or a people person....Hell I'd barely call him a person."

Twilight looked rather annoyed, looking straight ahead, not even peering at Flaming he stated "Should we thank him or hurt him..." He finally turned to Jake. "Yes, the windbag is correct, we are Twilight Radiation and this introduction feels very much forced." He held out a gloved hand to Jake. It smelt of death and decay, as did he for the most part. "If you are expecting conversation you should consider yourself very much...disapointed." He simply turned back to the bar and quietly observed the goings on of the club.

Flaming merely shrugged off Twilight's anti-social behavior. "Ah forget about him...errr them rather.....I don't know." He made sure to adjust the volume of his voice so that Twilight heard "He's alright on the battlefield...If a bit disgusting. I'm pretty sure he's got some death fetish or something." Twilight sent a dark tentacle over that smacked Flaming, leaving a dark smear on him. "Ow! Blech..." He wiped off the sludge with a napkin and switched his attention to Jake again. "So, any interesting goings on in Arachnos? I used to be a spy for 'em 'till Longbow sent me to the Zig."



Poe stormed back to his hideout.

After leaving the D, he had specifically planted and activated surveilance around each entrance, both in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Teleporting all the way and back had been a [censored], but it wasn't like his generators couldn't handle the strain.

So he sat down and watched the minitors.

The moment Power Breaker stepped outside, one of two things would happen, depending on the situation.

A: Power Breaker would get teleported into a pile of landmines.

B: He would be cautious enough to have his Entrophy shield up, making him resistant to teleportations. So then Poe would teleport away anyone who happened to be near him, teleport in himself, and settle the little conflict once and for all.

He wasn't a patient man, but he could wait. Just this once.

He glared at the screens, waiting.



((Well, technically Khel doesn't have to expel energy, it's just that if she has more than she can consume at once, she starts glowing...and losing control of her powers a little.))

Eaugh. This was some very strange energy. She could eat it, but it'd give her her equivalent of moderate indigestion. Maybe she shouldn't have eaten that orb...
Zero-gravity dancing should be made into a sport. There were all kinds of strange things you could do, like corkscrewing while bouncing off the ceiling, or turning over and over while pulling some ordinary dance moves, or...

She felt some wrenching pains in her gut. Maybe she shouldn't have tried a maneuver with too much movement, or maybe it was the strange energy she'd eaten. Whatever the case, Khelly found herself leaving blood in the air as she rotated...

Zero gravity...she sighed. Annoyance? Exasperation? Hard to tell. Hopefully nobody'd get blood to the face.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Sorry Khell my mistake, just thought that since her energy absorbtion made physical mainfestations that it would be possible to make her overload with enough energy or atleast get sick))

Ok, I'm tired of waiting for her to ralph it up and I don't want to summon another one. Can't I just pull it out? I'll make it as easy as possible on her. Marcus

Fine just don't hurt her, things get complicated like that. Jonas

Here goes nothing. Marcus

Marcus reached out for the orb with his mind and made it form into liquid. In a few seconds it would either flow through the partitions in her scales or flow out of her mouth.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((It's okay ^_^ It can have physical effects, depending on the type of energy, but you can't overload her She's almost like a black hole that way))

Kheldragon stopped still. Dead still. Her stomach pains were getting worse, and she was about to barf, even though there was no acid left in her stomach --

With a wet, sliding sound, a black fluid slid out of her mouth, mixed with blood. She coughed and gagged for a few moments, then pulled her Void scarf back over her mouth.

She stared at the ball, trying to decide whether to chase after it or not. It was considerably smaller than it had been, because she'd eaten part of it.

Mmyy mmyy, yyoouu cceerrttaaiinnllyy aarree aa gglluuttoonn ffoorr ppuunniisshhmmeenntt, aarreenn'tt yyoouu? said her own little voice-inside-the-head. Ii wwoouullddnn'tt eeaatt tthhaatt iiff Ii wweerree yyoouu.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Sara lays a hand on words Marcus had formed on the bar. For a few moments, there was nothing but dead silence from her, but then something started to come through. Unfortunately for Marcus, her thoughts are unintelligible, it’s much akin to listening to a very, very distorted radio transmission. Either her defenses are vastly more complex then he’d expected, or her thought patterns are in some way different from those of a normal person. After a few minutes of mental garbage, Sara pulls her hand away from his runes, a frustrated expression crossing her face.

Still, with his apparent desire to stay relatively low-key, Sara had to find another way to answer his second question, obvious though the answer was. Raising one of her brass mechanical gauntlets, she raises her other, gauntlet-covered hands and points to the first. Then she slaps herself in the forehead with the back of her hand, points at Marcus, points at her breasts with both hands, and mimes a look of abject stupefaction.

Her message is pretty clear, despite having used mime to convey it. [My origin’s technological, duh. I guess you were too busy drooling at my breasts to notice.]



Energon X spun and swooped around Kheldragon, doing something that was a peculiar mix of aerobatics and dancing, and just generally enjoying himself. He noticed Kheldragon coughing up some blood, and his brow creased in the upper half of a frown. The purplish liquid hovered, suspended in his flight field, and he shrugged.

He raised a hand, and thin beams of blue light crackled out, neatly vapourizing the globules. He caught Kheldragon's glowing eye with his own, and shrugged self-consciously. "Just working on my control... Have to stay on top of it all the time."

An eyebrow quirked questioningly. "You've had that looked at, right? I know a few empathic healers, including one who is a trained MD as well." He made a face. "Healing-resistant injuries are a bugger. Trust me, I know. I actually had one healer who was powerful enough to fix my face... hurt like bloody hell when it melted off again almost immediately."

Not too talkative, is she? Still, she's oddly good company... either that, or she's just so depressed she makes me feel better by comparison alone. he thought ironically. He continued to soar, enjoying the movement and the music, half an eye, as always, open for trouble. It wasn't the most fun habit to be stuck with, but then again, it was a necessary skill for someone who didn't get funky forcefields, or invulnerability, or stone-hard skin, or command over the forces of nature to protect himself from harm.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"...Well...I have had it looked at...But not really closely...I don't know what's, but I know that...It's not the best idea --" she coughed -- "...For me to eat normally...And if I depended...on oxygen, I'd be...dead right now..."

It was hard to say whether Kheldragon was depressed, or simply emotionless. It could have gone either way, because she didn't look on either the bright or dark side.

She wondered briefly if, when she healed, her eyes would turn bright red. Probably not; her blood was more reddish than her eyes.

One of the nice things about spandex Void suits was, they weren't as restrictive as the armor. She could move more freely.
In spite of herself, Kheldragon found herself smiling. It was almost like flying again, but there was still the nagging detail that she didn't have any wings. And probably wouldn't have any wings, ever again.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Eh, not much." He said, politely taking Radiation's hand, if not a bit reluctantly. "Standard stuff, you know. Even the Rikti bombings don't seem to be affecting business that much." He sighed and leaned back as far as he could in his chair. "Don't get me wrong, some interesting stuff's happened, just really nothing to mention within the past week. Anyway, how 'bout you? What've you been up to recently?"



Marcus stared as the black orb was destroyed.

Gonna need to keep an eye on the human battery over there. Mind if I go into my Human-Knight form? Marcus

As long as it gets the mission done. Jonas

Marcus unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, reached in and touched the horse head shaped tattoo on his left breast. Marcus felt the change begin immediately. His power multiplied by ten, his hair turned white, his eyes turned into a dark ebony color, and his clothing turned into steel plated leather armor. He summoned another dark orb, which was far more powerful in the last and sent it back to the table.

Marcus noticed hand signals targeted his way. Ah! Now I see!

He lay his hand back on his side of the bar and sent his message.

Are you calling me an idiot for not helping you grope your breasts?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Inky was still nowhere to be seen. She hadn't yelped when E-X had tried to startle her. She'd gotten good at keeping her mouth shut over time, but was still very much startled.

She glared at Energon from across the dance floor. Time for some payback.
Inky sprouted a small, harmless, but annoying thorn on the tip of her finger, pointed at Energon, and fired it.

Her aim was good. Very good.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





For a moment, it looks like Sara’s about to mime a response; but then a flash of inspiration seems to strike her and she turns back to the bar. Her fingers play over Marcus’ symbols, spelling out a message despite the limited selection of characters. She must be wondering if he’s capable or observant enough to pick up on what she’s doing, because once she finishes her message she starts typing it again, and then a third time as if giving him a chance to figure it out.

do I really need to ?call? you an idiot? i figured you uuould haye cnouun that about yourselph by nouu? Also could i get some more letters?



Marcus grinned.

More letters you ask?
Streams of seemingly endless letters imaginable, including some in the Dark World's native language.
That do ya fine?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



E-X twitched when the thorn clipped his ear, stinging like a wasp. His flight field wobbled sickeningly for an instant as his concentration slipped, nearly dropping Kheldragon. Then his eyes narrowed in amusement. Unluckily for you, short stuff, my targeting HUD caught a glimpse of that thorn, and told me where it came from. If you want to play it that way... He didn't have a mouth anymore, but there was a definite aura of mischievous grin about him as he finished the dance.

He landed smoothly, offering an arm to help Kheldragon out of the air as the music stopped. "Thank you for the dance;" he said politely, "it's always a pleasure air-dancing with one who has good instincts for it." E-X glanced over at Inky, thinking for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "Oh, right. I promised Fraenir to introduce him to chocolate. Gonna have to duck out to FF for that- will you excuse me? I'll be back shortly."

He bowed slightly to her, then faded rapidly from sight, becoming transparent for a moment, then flat-out invisible. Ghosting towards the entrance, he paused near Inky.

A passing waiter with a trayful of drinks abruptly found himself jostled at precisely the right time to give Inky a short, sticky shower of hot and cold liquids. At the same time, another sharp *BANG* went off next to her other ear, followed by a quiet chuckle. Then E-X was gone.

Less than a minute later, he had reappeared in the VIP lounge, choosing to teleport straight from his apartment. He left the tackytikiness of the VIP lounge... Really, what was Zero thinking..? he wondered for the hundredth time... and set out to find Fraenir again.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Kheldragon was about to reach towards the letters and try to absorb them, but the voice in her head stopped her.
Yyoouu rreeaallllyy aarree aa ssttuuppiidd lliizzaarrdd, aarreenn'tt yyoouu? said her Nictus. Cchhaanncceess aarree tthhoossee lleetteerrss aarree mmaaddee ooff tthhee ssaammee ssttuuff aass tthhaatt bbllaacckk bbaallll. Ppooiissoonn yyoouurrsseellff iiff yyoouu wwaaanntt, it sneered.

It was being unusually talkative tonight. The letters, however, were the closest energy source available that wouldn't involve draining another living being.
She sucked up a K. Then an H, E, L, D, R, A, G, O, N, just because she could.


"'Ey!" Inky shouted as many drinks were suddenly upended over her head, and there was another energy SNAP.

She crouched down in the middle of the plant, glowering in all directions. She'd get that guy back. She'd pay him back, with interest.

Starting with stinging nettles in his pants.

She waited for her target to appear, looking in all directions. The moment he reappeared, she'd get him.

There he is.
She made a couple quick hand motions in his direction. A nettle plant started growing down his back, on the inside of his shirt.
She clenched her teeth.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.