Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




"Now... As far as a hero helping a villain... This is merely an exchange of property, not evidence. If the rifle were evidence..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Yes," she notes. "But I'm just making sure I'm not being privy to an "arms deal". The contraband trade between Paragon and the isles is staggering."

"The only thing that makes this not 'up-and-up' is that he's officially an escaped fugitive..." Kip turned and pointed to various people throughout the room, "But then again, so is he... Him... Him... Her... That... All quite cordial in this setting, largely because of him..."

[/ QUOTE ]

The cybernetic cop taps her finger on her forearm of the opposing arm as she takes the situation in. "Mmhmm. And if you don't mind me asking just what does this information pertain to?"

A man in his mid-thirties in a brown, tattered trench coat stepped out of the villain-side bar and approached a woman and a pair of children on the border of the dance floor that bore the vista of the twirling truck. He embraced the children before greeting the woman. Anybody near them would have wondered as to why they couldn't hear a word being said.

"Visit family," Kip finished, "Brother Mauthe is what that man's followers call him. The kids just call him 'dad.' Nobody knows what the woman calls him."

[/ QUOTE ]

Briggs frowns, giving a disapproving look towards the couple and their children. "Just who would bring their kid in here? Yeah its not dangerous due to Zero and all. But still there are some pretty foul dudes in here." She turns her look to Breaker and remarks, "Present company excluded."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well..." Power Breaker rolled his eyes, "If they went through normal routes, Mauthe would run the risk of getting arrested, assassinated, or worse. Here, Zero keeps everybody safe. Heck, we're not even seeing the civvies' real faces. Zero makes some pretty convincing illusions, it's a cakewalk for him to hide somebody's identity from prying eyes. The only person who knows what those people really look like is Mauthe himself."

He patted the rifle case.

"I don't intend to use this. Intend, mind you... This is a collector's item. And I mean that. I'm better off with a bunch of other tricks I naturally have at my disposal, anyway..."

The crystalline protrusions on his shoulders started humming, and a few lines of red electricity crackled, but petered out almost as quickly.

"Zero doesn't even like the hint of using a hostile power, but I like that he allowed me the chance to be dramatic. Relax, I didn't really have anything in specific targeted."

He drank another half of the beer and set the glass on the table.

"Our trades are also carefully monitored by Freedom Corps," Kip sighed, "No information on Hero movement is the big thing..."

"And since I'm an agent of Vanguard," Breaker shrugged, "I'm technically in the service of the interests of the people. Technically a hero..."

He sighed and looked glumly at the table.

"Practically... That's another matter."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Oh good, you figured out what I was doing. I was going to try messages in a bottle next, Sara replies just as a large crowd of dancers obstructs her view of Marcus completely. I’ll have to reappraise my opinion of you again. You’ve consistently surprised me, and that’s rare. When I first saw you, I had you pegged for the quiet, unassuming, romantic type.

a pity… hm, looks like the capital ‘a’ vanished. You wouldn’t, by chance, be trying to make me look foolish by reducing my ability to respond to the level of a fourteen year old on Paragon online Instant Messenger, would you?



((I be going offline now. See you tomarow plskthx.

...I also think I need to read less lolcats.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Quiet, unassuming, and romantic...wrong brother, Jonas is the wimp. I had nothing to do with the 'A' disappearing, and you never really answered my question. How'd you get your powers?

Marcus grinned, sent a wink, and gave a little finger wave too one of the cage dancers.

Sut up before you even say anything Jonas. Gotta play the field while we're still able. Who knows when the mark's gonna advance and we become full Darkin

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



(( hey don't mind me just joining in. don't get much roleplay these days.))

Taking his usual seat at the corner of the bar. Corvan stood easly 7 feet tall. Though most of his figure was hidden under black baggy clothes and hood. Only his face showed but his eyes were covered with blood red round shades.

Corvan was given a nickname several years ago "The Celtic Warrior" most called him. They called him this because his clothes bared Celtic symbols. From his chest to his boots bared the signs. Most of his work was escorting high payers across town.

Tonight was just another night in Pocket D. Looking across to the hero section of the club he stared over at the so called fighters of paragon city. grunting deeply he turned to the bar keep "hey bar large glass..stronger glass too...broke the last one by accident" he asked the bar keep watching the villians in the club.



And then you go and disappoint me again, she chides, her fingers moving with lightning speed over the assembled letters. Finding a Dark World character that vaguely looks like a smiley face, she predicates her sentence with it in an attempt to take out any hint of actual malice. Anyway, to answer your question: I built them. Miniaturizing the parts was quite a challenge, but I am reasonably satisfied with the results. I just have to keep adjusting them whenever inspiration strikes me… I have to keep them up to date because my signature scrambler also scrambles my vitals, so the Mediport system doesn’t detect me at all. If I don’t upgrade wherever possible, I’m liable to wind up bleeding to death in some warehouse or office building… and I think even you’d agree that would not be a positive and uplifting experience.

So what about you, she inquires. You don’t strike me as the scholarly type, so how does an individual like you wind up with such a strong grasp of mystic forces?



Ah! So you are interested. My story is simple me, my mom, and my twin brother all lived in mercy till I was about 14 and we moved to the states. After graduation me and my brother came back. I got in deep with some mystics just for [censored] and giggles and ended up having a demon sealed in my body. To complete the transformation though I had to sacrifice my entire family. I tried and failed, a hero came along and used a little too much force.

I didn't survive. Luckily enough Darkin are damn near imposible to kill my right arm bound with my brother and he ended up joining the DWC. Since then we've both been trying to learn as much about the mystic arts as possible. So whats your alliance, hero or villain, and how long have you been in the biz?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Energon X shifted uncomfortably, trying to pin down the odd sensation creeping down his back. Finally, another shift brought a faint crinkle of leaves to his ears, and he snorted. Digging down his back under his armour, he hauled out the nettle. He raised an eyebrow at Inky. Sorry, kiddo... gonna have to do better than that on someone whose blood is basically raw energy now. I got the scratchiness, but the itching doesn't work so well when there's nothing for the poison to work on.

He dug around in his pocket dimension, using his cape to shield the action from prying eyes. First, he popped out a small, glowing green capsule, snapping it open to bathe himself briefly in healing green radiance, taking care of the scratches. No point in being uncomfortable for the rest of my night off. Then he dug a little deeper.

Lesse... Freakshow cybernetics... Skull mask... faux Hellion horn... why do they wear those stupid things, anyways? Just makes them look like morons... Malta Sapper's gun I used to beat the jerk senseless... more Freakshow cybernetics... Devouring Earth protoplasm, yech... hmm. No... gyeesh, I really need to clean this thing out, or at least organize it a bit.

A few minutes later, he straightened up with a nasty spark in his glowing eyes. Fading to invisibility once more, he slid silently over to where Inky was still looking for him. First, he twiddled his voder a bit, altering his voice dramatically (in theory, anyways). Then he slipped on the Banished Pantheon Spirit of Pain mask he had kept as a souvenir. I knew I'd kept one of these...

Parking himself directly behind Inky, he let his natural glow take over, then decloaked just the mask, making it look like it was floating on a column of violent purple energy. Reaching out with a tendril of energy just strong enough to sting, he growled "BOO."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((K guys I'm outie for tonight))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Taking his glass of beer making sure its stronger then the other glasses. Taking a deep drink he turns in his stool and goes back to watching the heros. " too bad they don't allow fights..i could use..a warm up on these second rates.." Grinning to himself he watches the heros and then the villians back and for for several minutes.




She must've jumped a foot in the air, but she'd seen those masks before, so her first reaction was to fight.
She hurled a thorn right through the mask, and glared at Energon.
"Aright, aright," she called, "Y've had y'r fun! Next time, y' get a thorn through y'r chest!"
She smirked. "Or I c'ld call Jaw'z! Y' wanna meet Jaws?"


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Our trades are also carefully monitored by Freedom Corps," Kip sighed, "No information on Hero movement is the big thing..."

"And since I'm an agent of Vanguard," Breaker shrugged, "I'm technically in the service of the interests of the people. Technically a hero..."

He sighed and looked glumly at the table.

"Practically... That's another matter."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Alright," Briggs replies with a nod. "For some reason I believe you. But still I feel it is my duty to log this transaction. Standard procedure." The woman holds her cybernetic arms outwards in front of her. Two small image projectors rise from the tops of her hands. The projectors cast a hologram of a keyboard and computer screen in front of her, which is tapped into the Freedom Corps computers according to what can be seen on the screen. Her fingers tap swiftly over the keyboard which floats in mid-air.



((....33 posts.....I now hate high school....))

A buzzing sound alerted El D to the ringing comm. link on his belt. He reached down, and unclipped the device from its holder, putting it up against his ear.

"Yeah...Thorns mystic, you say?....Fine, on my way" the tall demon man said, pulling the device away from his ear and clipping it back to his belt.

"Breaker, the PPD needs some assistance in dealing with a escaped Circle mystic in Peregrine, I gotta jet" he said, the buzz of his PPD teleporter growing as it activated.

"Drop me a line any time you wanna bust up some Husk Corp. or just hang in the D," he continued, the teleporter device buzz getting even louder, "Later!" El D said, waving his hand as the device pulsed out a bluish aura.

And when the aura faded, El D had ported away.


"Who is 'Jawz'? And what omen in this?" Fraenir rumbled as he walked up behind Inky, looking down at her and the flase floating Tiki mask.

"Does this thing trouble you?" Fraenir growled, his eyes popping with small charges of red electricity as he now glared at the Tiki mask.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Sounds rough, Sara spells out in reply. Her responses come more and more quickly, as if she’s studying the limits of Marcus’ ability to read through them. I also begin to understand why I read you wrong at first. You have two separate identities in your head, don’t you? I guess that’s where that undercurrent of confusion keeps coming from. I’m glad you weren’t successful in murdering your own family; but I also understand what kind of impact a cult can have on an impressionable mind.

So, odd question, she continues a few moments after completing her last message, as if to give Marcus time to catch up. Could you graft yourself to a clone, and become separate from your brother? I imagine that it could be theoretically be possible: if you were bonded by grafting your arm to your brother, couldn’t your arm also be grafted to a clone? I know Crey’s been making some headway into cloning biotechnology, and with their presence in the Rogue Isles and your apparent power, I doubt it would be difficult for you to “gain access” to cloning technology and enough scientists to make an attempt possible…



Inky smirked, and waved her hand at the ground behind her. For a few minutes, nothing happened, then suddenly a gigantic, walking venus flytrap popped up out of the ground.
She slapped it on the back like an old buddy. It bowed. "This's Jaws," she said, grinning, and handed the thing a pencil and a notepad.

Hello, it wrote.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"Our trades are also carefully monitored by Freedom Corps," Kip sighed, "No information on Hero movement is the big thing..."

"And since I'm an agent of Vanguard," Breaker shrugged, "I'm technically in the service of the interests of the people. Technically a hero..."

He sighed and looked glumly at the table.

"Practically... That's another matter."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Alright," Briggs replies with a nod. "For some reason I believe you. But still I feel it is my duty to log this transaction. Standard procedure." The woman holds her cybernetic arms outwards in front of her. Two small image projectors rise from the tops of her hands. The projectors cast a hologram of a keyboard and computer screen in front of her, which is tapped into the Freedom Corps computers according to what can be seen on the screen. Her fingers tap swiftly over the keyboard which floats in mid-air.

[/ QUOTE ]

Power Breaker nodded.

"Anything that gets the word spreading faster..."

"Well, I'm gonna head out," Kip sighed, "I've got me some Crey operatives I need to put down... Maybe some Nemesis troops, too."

He checked his own datapad and his eyes widened a little.

"Dammit, both. Fifty each. Ugh... This is gonna be a long day."

"Have fun," Power Breaker hollered after him, "Both of you (El D). I'm gonna be here all night. Maybe for a solid week... Zero? You guys serve meals here?"

The DJ shook his head.

"Okay... I gotta figure a way out of here that Poe won't see. Screw it, I'll subsist off beer."

Again, the DJ shook his head, this time in disgust.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Of course, Kip was making a somewhat fatal mistake.

Poe had originally come to the D to get HIM for some bit in whatever plot he had concocted. It stood to reason that if he was watching the exits, he would see Kip leave, and potentially try to either murder him or capture him.



Raising a eyebrow at the sight of the giant plant. "huh...well isn't that something" Corvan decides to watch the plant and see what it does " can right...wonder if it can juggle" he grinned to himself and finishes his glass. "barkeep another beer..full glass too" he said to the barkeep with a small glare.

Getting his glass he tips the keep and turns to watch the giant plant once again.



Inky thought for a moment. "Y'know, m' not sure...Mebbe 't can. Y' got 'nyth'ng t' juggle w'th y'?"
She turned to Jaws. "'Ey, c'n y' juggle?"
It bobbed its head, as if unsure.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Sorry 'bout the wall o' text here.))

Flaming laughed at the reluctant greeting gesture by Jake, "Ah relax, he won't bite, well he can't actually." Stopping for a moment, he shook off the uneasy feeling that gave him. "Anyways, Me? I haven't been up to much really, just killing folks with mutated sunflower seeds mostly." He chuckled for a moment as that possibilty actually accured to him. "But yeah, those Rikti are actually pretty vulnerable to plants and the like, must not have many on their homeworld. Should've seen how a warrior screemed when he saw a giant venus fly tra--"

He stopped when he happened to see the subject of what he was saying crawling along the floor in this very same club. "Heheh....Excuse me for a moment." Flaming looked to make sure no-one was watching and suddenly threw out a large seed of his own. A green mist saturated it for a good while before the seed started to burst open. A large fly trap, less experienced and intelligent than the one previously summoned by Inky crawled towards Flaming. He bent down and whispered to it and looked in the direction of Pinky's fly-trap. He turned to Jake for a minute. "Ya know, talking to plants really does work." The large plant swiftly made its way behind Jaws. Flaming snapped his fingers and it lept into the air, a good few inches at most, and landed directly on Jaws in a playful tackle sort of way. It simply stood there and stared at jaws after that.

"Sorry, was an impulse. So anyways, what brings you here? Just takin a break from command and loosening up?"
Twilight began to grow bored of waiting and watching. Being very detached from his immediate surroundings, it's needless to say the waitor tapping his shoulder took him by surprise. "Sir?' A black tentacle shot from Twilight and wrapped around the waitor's wrist. It most likely burned for a minute before Twilight realized his error. "Our Apologies. It would be in your best interest to address us first next time, lest you end up losing a limb." Twilight slipped him a sliver of Orenbegan gold and floated off, leaving Flaming where he was.

However, he could not help but notice the exchange of a dark energy going throughout the club. Being sensitive to this sort of thing, he slowly floated to the stream of letters and picked a few from the air. To the naked eye he would be grabbing and shooting darkness at air, but to those skilled with this ability they would see him altering the message Sara sent and putting in his own.

We hate to interrupt whatever the sender here was doing, but an inquisitive nature doesn't simply disappear. Tell us, who in a place such as this has the mystic knowledge to communicate through runes?



smiles at there comment. He gets up walking over to the plant and the one who controls it. "so this be your pet" he says looking down on the person then at the plant. then looks to inky. His height made him tilt his head to the side. His clothes though baggy were still large enough to hold 3 full grown men.



"'Ey, 'ey, 'ey!" Inky ran over and tried to pull the other flytrap off Jaws. "Y' didn' need t' do that, r'ly."
She wandered over to the bar, and darted behind it, in search of a soda. Didn't take her long to find one.
When she'd finished, she turned back to Flaming, looking slightly awed.

"You c'n talk t' plant'z?!" Inky was awed. She couldn't do it herself, really. She just bent the forces of plants to her will most of the time.
"C'n y' teach me?!"


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Marcus silently chuckled to himself [ QUOTE ]
Tell us, who in a place such as this has the mystic knowledge to communicate through runes?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am Marcus Dark, and I am Jonas Dark. I'm first knight of the Dark World Court. I am the Darkin known as Tibal and I am the name of death on the tongues of my enemies. May I ask who it is that deems altering the runic message of one such as myself necessary? And may I remind you, in case you do not know, runes are binding and as such no lies or half truths can be voiced using them.

MARCUS! Breaker is getting ready to leave. Send him the message. Jonas

Marcus reached out with his mind allowing several Darkin runes to overlap. The dark orb that had been sitting under the table quickly flies in front of Breaker and begins to change. The orb flattened into a square peice of solid black paper and hovered in the air in front of him. If Breaker were to touch it this is what it would say.

"Dark World Court"
First Knight: Jonas Dark
Touch the symbol on back only incase of an emergency.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Sara watches the bar intently for a few minutes, waiting for a reply from Marcus. When none is forthcoming, her expression sours and she begins repeating her earlier message at half of her previous typing speed.



Twilight almost began to let out a small laugh when he saw Sara frustrated at the bar, apperantly he had found who the messages were being sent to.

Us? We're simply a silent observer interested in the arcane. And we must say....It has been a long time since we've come into contact with anyone from the Dark World Court. Well personally I never have, but I did tens of thousands of years past. We're sure someone who shared their body between souls such as us understands this concept perfectly... Either way, we couldn't happen but notice these messages seem to transist between your point and that of the woman in red. We would not expect one such as yourself to be involved in matters as trivial as relations. Before you ask, there is no point in this inconveniance, merely an exchange of information...

Flaming arched an eyebrow at Inky. "You mean you can't? I thought that these fly trap things were just above average plant intelligence. I guess that gass this suit puts out increases the plant's IQ...Ok that sounded wierd. So sorry, but no." Flaming turned to the large Celtic looking man next to him. "Wow.....Big guy ain't ya? Heh, all jokes aside, I wouldn't call it a pet really, more of a servant type thing. I mean if I felt it was annoying or out of place well..." Flaming outstrecthed a hand in the direction of the plant as flares started to fall from the fingertips of his suit. They abruptly stop before full on firing at the fly trap. "I think Zero wouldn't like me setting anything on fire in here though..."