Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




Jonas had almost calmed down from Poe's almost outburst when some shrimpy plant-thing-girl-being jumped out from a potted plant causing him to spill his cold cup of coffee. Well at least things aren't getting dull.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Inky snickered as the guy spilled his coffee. She looked at Fraenir, holding out a glazed donut.
"It'z a d'sert," she said. "Seryusly, jus' try wun 'n see." Then she stuffed half the donut into her mouth, defying several physical laws of face-stretching.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"There," the 'perfect' woman in the red costume says with satisfaction as the almost-conflict wraps itself up. "I knew this could be resolved without violence." She eyes the floor beneath Kheldragon, having either ignored the other woman's earlier statements or simply not heard them amid the commotion. "Well, mostly without violence," she ammended, flashing Khel a bemused wink.

Her gaze shifts back to Jonas, and she eyes him with a cold stare.



Fraenir bent down, and took the second half of the offered donut.

Then, after probing one end of the spongy baked good with his tongue, he popped the thing into his mouth.

Two chomps of serrated, dagger-like teeth later, the donut half was gone.

"I've never had anything like that before....Where did you get it?" Fraenir asked Ink, looked down at her as if she knew the secret to finding a great treasure of some kind.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Jonas saw the cold glare the woman gave him when Marcus stepped to the forefront of his mind again.

"You know sweety if you keep glaring like that your'e gonna get wrinkles. I don't think you said your name either. I'm Marcus, Marcus Dark, and if you would consider having a drink with me you would make me one lucky man." Marcus said giving a flash of near perfect white teeth.

Jeez Marcus, she's gonna hit me. Women always hit me when you start talking.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Inky grinned. "They're comm'n 'n this p'ticlyer dimensh'n," she said. "Y' c'n find donut store'z all ov'r th' place. There's a real good one 'n Faultline."
Meanwhile, Kheldragon was close to fuming. Which, considering her normally neutral state, was very rare. It wasn't Khel's fault her feet ripped up the ground most places she went. She felt like this person was laughing at her pityingly, whether or not it was true.

She muttered something at the ground, but was at least glad she wasn't the one getting flirted with. Before she'd become Kheldragon, nearly every idiot in the D had hit on her. And gotten third-degree burns.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Inky grinned. "They're comm'n 'n this p'ticlyer dimensh'n," she said. "Y' c'n find donut store'z all ov'r th' place. There's a real good one 'n Faultline."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hmmm...I'll need to visit this..."Faultline" place, then" Fraenir said, looking down at the grinning Inky.

Then the big dragon-man got a sense of...anger, coming from Kheldragon.

"You Ok?" he asked, his face holding a sense of compassion towards Khel. Or at least what some people might consider compassion, as his monstrous visage didn't manage emotions very well.

((At this, I gotta logg. Returning to high school tomorrow. Don't get too far with out me! ))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Glad to know I'm not the only one still trapped in the Purgatory known as high school. GL tommorrow D))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



“Sara Deckard,” the woman in red replies, her golden gloves crackling briefly with electrical energy. “So tell me, Marcus,” she begins, her mouth twisting upward into the faintest hint of a smile, “Is it just a side-effect of the physical attraction, or are your motives always so… transparent?”

Sara holds out a hand expectantly, and without a word a passing Pocket D waiter (a real one this time), presses a glass into her hand. She tips the glass slightly, as if saluting Jonas, then takes a sip. “It would appear, Mister Dark, that you have just become marginally more fortunate. Now, the question is, how far do you think your new-found luck will get you?”



((What do you mean, purgatory? Pffft. It's Hell, no doubt.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Marcus smiled, "Wouldn't call it luck, more like skill. Unfortunately my brother says you're gonna get my pants down and probably procede to beat the crap out of me in a non-sexual way. Me on the other hand I think you're not that kind of girl."

We've still got a target to take care of Marcus. Jonas

Chill man. I'm not gonna interfere with your DWC priorities. I just wanna get my flirt on for a little while. Lord knows you haven't shown any interest in a woman since Cally died. Marcus

. . . .If you ever so much as mention her name again Marcus I'm gonna put a seal scroll on and never take it off. Jonas

It's been three years man. Learn to move on. Marcus

This conversation is over Marcus. Jonas

Marcus looked at Sara and winked. "This may have to wait till another time though. My bro isn't really feeling up to it right now." Marcus grabbed a shot of something hard off a passing waiters tray and began to walk toward the villainside.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Energon X, still jittery after the confrontation with Poe and the tension of nearly losing control of his powers (and coming uncomfortably close to vapourizing the D in its entirety), whirled when Inky popped out of the plant, fists up and glowing. A split-second of cognitive dissonance, and he realized the new arrival wasn't a threat. Unless she's giving out poisoned donuts or something...

He turned a bemused gaze on Kheldragon. "Batteries?" He shrugged. "Never let it be said I don't know how to show a girl a good time." he murmured teasingly, the faint echo of the voder at work distorting his amused voice. He reached into his cape, rummaging around in the small pocket dimension contained within it.

Then he twisted around, reaching deeper into the cape. After a while, he untwisted, drawing out a large handful of the small, high-energy powercells many heroes used to power their various gadgets and gimmicks. He offered them to Kheldragon with a short bow. "Take as many as you like... I tend to carry enough to light Steel Canyon for a week. A few years in this line of work has taught me that there's no such thing as being too prepared."

Then he caught the brief interplay between her and the hitherto quiet woman who had introduced herself as Sara. First, she introduces herself as a monster, then reacts like this to some random... admittedly quite pretty... woman... Hmmm. The blaster raised an eyebrow at the Kheldian's mounting anger, then shrugged. He turned fully towards her "You may not like the bits you've got..." he commented mildly, then reached up to the close-fitting mask that (presumably) covered his lower face and touched a clasp, letting it swing to one side briefly. He let it hang for a beat and a half, allowing Kheldragon to get a good look at the disquieting hole in his face, a ravening maw of energy sunk into a circular area, from the bridge of his nose, around just below his cheekbones, and hollowing out most of his jawline. Then he swung the mask up again. "But at least you've still got all your bits."

He shrugged again, then turned to Fraenir for a second. "Mate, if donuts are that much of a shock to you, I've just got to see how you handle chocolate..." E-X paused for a moment, then glanced down at Inky. "By the way, short stuff... for future reference, startling a large group of supers after a situation like that is a good way to get your cute lil' head blown off."

((Hmm... not sure. That purple's a little better, but... I'm reluctant to lose the purple completely, because it's a convenient shorthand to indicate that Energon X' voice isn't quite normal))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Well...Khel isn't really angry, per se, just annoyed, and it isn't showing much ))
Kheldragon closed her eyes, and pointed to her shoulders without another word. Pointed to the red spikes.
"...I'd gladly trade my jaw...for my wings..." she said, even more quietly than normal, taking the batteries. She clutched them tightly, draining them slowly.


INky grinned. "I know that," she said. "Me 'n trubble g' t'geth'r like peanut butt'r 'n jelly. 'n m' not short, y'know, m' five frikkin' feet tall 'n three inch'z."
She stretched, lots of very long, black thorns suddenly popping out of her body. "'N az y' c'n see, I c'n take care 'a m'self jus' fine." She kept grinning. Surprising people was one of the best things life had to offer.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((It's easier to read without having to highlight it, so it's definitely an improvement. Kudos.))

Kipland led the lieutenant past the menagerie of oddities that commonly plagued the super-powered nightclub to the table next to the dance floor where Power Breaker and the demonic El D sat and conversed about the recently departed Poe.

"Yeah," the large, spiky man grunted, "I see what yer sayin'. I guess there's no helpin' it. Kip! Who's yer friend?"

"This is Lieutenant Briggs, she's with the Paragon PD. It's kinda her first time here, so be nice, 'kay?"

Power Breaker threw his arms out wide.

"I'm always nice. Dee? Ain't I always nice?"

He didn't wait for a response, instead turning to the girl.

"Look, officer. Don't let anybody tell you any tall tales about me. I'm one of the few people in the Isles who's on the up-and-up, and that's earned me quite a few foes."

"Yeah," Kip nodded, "That's why he works for Vanguard, now, as one of their 'free agents.'"

"Still," Power Breaker pulled a datapad from a case on his belt, "I find information on events in the Etoiles, in the City, and some other places. I trade with interested parties for cash, gadgets, and sometimes for some face-time with a genuine judge and jury. One of these days, Kip, I'm gonna get that appeal."

He set the datapad on the table.

"I got some info here concerning Grey's Army specifically. Arbiter Taylor's out and about again, and he's especially on the warpath since you guys messed up his Kheldian experiments."

"What's your price?" Kip asked.

"What'd you bring?" the brute replied.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Hm... damned if you do," Sara mumbles to herself, finishing up an internal monologue. Idly, she leans up against the bar, cradling her drink in a neutral posture, neither inviting nor uninviting, ignoring the appraising glances that nearby dancers and drinkers would occasionally direct her way.

Still, the space around her stayed clear as folks moving to buy drinks simply clustered up elsewhere, rarely coming within two feet of her. She was a fantasy, unapproachable, but the kind of woman that most would brag about having been shot-down by to their friends on the way home.

It was becoming harder to tell if the coldness to her eyes was due to feelings of superiority, or a defense against loneliness.



Look, officer. Don't let anybody tell you any tall tales about me. I'm one of the few people in the Isles who's on the up-and-up, and that's earned me quite a few foes.

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'll save judgment until after I know a little more about you. Can't say I know much about the Isles anyways, other than whats on the news," she replies as she crosses her cybernetic arms.

"Though I think a friend of mine from high school is in the Isles now. Moron joined the Hellions. Last I saw him I put a bullet in his belly, but he got away."



Marcus leaned against the bar on villainside. Man she was feelin me too. You could mess up a wet dream, you know that Jonas? Marcus motioned to the bartender, who was lazily cleaning a spotless glass, to get him a drink. "What'll it be mate?"

"Something hard. Send a shot of Jose to the hot chick at the bar on heroside. Name's Sara, you can't miss her. Tell her its for luck and that every beautiful woman deserves a drink. Send a glass of Liquid Lightning to the dragon chick Khelly and give her the same message."

"Will that be all sir?" The waiter asked with an exasperating manner.

"You do it and get back to me with another shot and I'll give you fifty-bucks, now go."

Hereing the amount of the tip the waiter brightened considerably and began to prepare the shot and glass. The waiter left and started crossing the dance floor hurriedly.

Atleast now I know your sense of chivalry isn't dead. Jonas

Shut-up. I'm still hoping to get some from that hot chick. Marcus

What about Khelly? Jonas

My interest lie more with people of my own species, cat girls excluded. Marcus

Oh how the mighty have fallen. You like her don't you? The human one not Khelly. Jonas

At least I'm not in love with a corpse. Marcus

. . . .If you ever say that again-- Jonas

I KNOW ALREADY. "Gonna put a seal scroll on you." Stuff it little brother. Grow some juevos, get over her, and find some chick who wants a night and nothing else. Marcus

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Whatever you say, munchkin." Energon X told Inky. "You remind me a bit of my little cousin Danny... he's going by Target Lad nowadays. If you see a kid with a bow, electrical powers, and a big bullseye on his chest, tell him I said hey." The synthetic voice became even more amused. "I should duel you sometime... see how good you really are at 'takin' c're of y'self.'"

"...I'd gladly trade my jaw...for my wings..."

[/ QUOTE ]
"I think we may have to agree to disagree on that one." E-X ripsoted wryly. "Even now, more than three years later, I find I still miss my tastebuds."

He shrugged. "We're all broken to some extent in this business. Best you can do is keep going." Another shrug. "Hmm... I can't drink anymore than you can... well, I can, but it tends to put people off when they see me pouring liquid into the blazing energy hole in my face, and I can't taste it anyways... but... well, do you dance? I need to burn off some of this energy, and that is as good a way to do it as any."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Put a bullet in his gut, huh? Some friend," Power Breaker frowned at Briggs, but blinked, "I mean him... For putting you in that spot. In my experience, those on your side of the law tend not to go to extremes unless absolutely forced to."

He took a sip of his drink.

"Well, I'm the son of a former PPD officer... Sergeant Eric Harris, from the King's Row precinct. He... He wasn't a terribly good father. I guess he made a mediocre cop... Since I didn't want to have to deal with him in the afternoons after school, I'd hang out with my friends... Friends who had connections."

He took another drink as he let the implication sink in. When Briggs looked like she was listening again, he went on.

"I was never a really big guy in those days, so I wound up being a courier. Take money here, drugs there, a box full of 'flowers' to Tommy One-Eye, a crate full of 'vitamin water' to Draco... I was making so much money just moving stuff, I didn't really notice when I got word I'd been kicked out of school for absence. I didn't really care, to tell you the truth. I'd already learned all I figured I'd need to know... One plus one equals two, how to calculate percentages, how to write a check, driver's ed, and dodgeball."

"Dodgeball?" Kip asked, "That's not necessary..."

Power Breaker grinned and took another drink before continuing.

"Well, in the course of my work, I wound up coming across a Tsoo courier. This was shortly after the War, business was picking up again, and I didn't really feel like making any enemies. Neither did he, so we were willing to let the big war of our bosses rage over our heads while we simply tried to survive. Too bad the Outcasts didn't like that plan. Next day, I meet the same courier, only he's getting shot by one of the cold-based ones... Well, he had a snowflake on his shirt... In any case, he takes off while I'm applying pressure to the guy's wound and then... poof. The Tsoo guy's gone. That's when his boss," he pointed at Kipland, "arrested me. I don't hold it against the guy. A thug over a dead body, the murder weapon right there... That Outcast was such a chicken-[dung] wuss, he dropped his gun when he took off..."

Power Breaker sighed and took another drink.

"One speedy trial later and I'm in the Zig. The Family abandoned me... Something about my friends having to prove themselves at proper business, so they cut off support to a 'liability.' The Tsoo bought into the whole mess, so they sent an assassin to visit harm on me..."

He thumbed the scar over his right eye.

"Raked a claw made of flatware and duct-tape across my eye before stabbing me in the gut. Mind you, I didn't look like this, then. No... This was directly a result of that precision assault. Crey Research and Development wanted to test out a new nanite serum, so they offered it to me... 'A chance to save my life' they said."

He thumbed one of the crystal protrusions in his shoulder.

"Some life. The nanites fixed me up, alright. They also made it so I can't forget anything, poked crystal spikes out of my skin so they can use sunlight as a power source, and turned my brain into their very own supercomputer. I know more stuff now than I ever needed before, and it's all instantaneous..."

He stared forlornly at his alcoholic beverage.

"It even takes me three of these things, drank within a fraction of the time I'm drinking them, to actually feel a buzz. The damn nanites keep filtering out the 'poison.'"

"So, that's my story in a nutshell. Since the big Zig breakout, I've been doing odd jobs in the Isles, mostly one faction against another deals. I've hardly been to Paragon since. Of course, now I do most of my work for Vanguard. They pay well, and I don't have that whole 'moral quandary' thing hanging over my head."

"So..." Kip piped up as he set a wooden case on the table, "I have here a broken down Crey sniper rifle... Cedric broke the thing apart, cleaned it, oiled it, reassembled it, test-fired it, broke it down again, cleaned and oiled it again, and put it back together. I think he intended to hunt pigeons with it. He said he was tired of them pooping on his car. So... Before he gets himself arrested... Here's our offer."

Power Breaker opened the case and looked over the weapon's pieces.

"Firing pin?"

Kip reached over and pressed a section of the case. It flipped open, revealing some of the small parts, including the firing pin.

"Don't worry about Ced's feelings on the matter," Kip chuckled, "He'll find himself a new hobby soon enough."

"Nice case."

"Yeah... Roland made it."

"Those Greys..." Power Breaker chuckled, "Alright, deal. Take the datapad, man."

He shook hands with the scrapper.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



El D stayed at the table, semi listening to Breaker and Kip's conversation, while he also looked at all the new supers around the club.


Fraenir winced slightly when Khel mentioned her lost wings and the red spikes on her shoulders.

*I've never always had my wings, either....* he thought, then he looked back to Inky as she mentioned her height.

"You look short to me" Fraenir said jokingly as he crouched down, still a good few inches higher than the small plant girl.

Then he looked over at E-X.

"Whats chocolate? Is it like donuts?"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Flaming Earth just sood there, staring blankly as Poe left. "Well.....That was....Interesting." He shook his head slightly, shaking off the nervous feeling he had. "Bah, I was never scared! He wouldn't have done a damn thing anyways."

Twilight sighed, some darkness escaping his ventilator instead of normal breath.
"Of course. That's why you called us here, right?"

Flaming darted his eyes around. "Err...No it's just--"

"Regardless, there's nothing left for us now. We'll be going if you don't mind. The emotions here sicken us." Twilight began to float to the red side when Flaming jumped in front of him.

"Aw come on now, enjoy your self! Have a drin--Wait you can't taste the drinks... Well there're a lot of ladies here! Actually you're not much of a looker... Just stay for a bit, I'm bored and killing small time cultists like that probably doesn't do it for you that much now anyways."

Twilight just facepalmed and looked around. "Fine...We suppose there wasn't much to do now anyways."

The two went and sat down at the bar, waiting for the waitor to see them. Flaming looked back to Jake and waved. "Ay, Jake! C'mere I got someone for you to see!"

Twilight stared at Flaming a stare that seemed to pierce through him; well he would if he had eyes. "Must you be so aggravating, we 'need to see' no-one and we doubt he even knows who you are..."



Kheldragon nodded at Marcus/Jonas in thanks, and gripped the glass tightly, slowly sucking the energy out of the liquid.

"It's for luck, and every beautiful woman deserves a drink."
Luck, sure. She'd need it. But Kheldragon, beautiful? She burst out laughing, which quickly turned into a coughing fit and a slightly bloody bar.
"...Well..." she said to E-X, "...I don't use my tongue...anyway, so mouth wouldn't that big a deal..."

She shrugged, ignoring the pain moving caused her. She was used to it.
"...And as for the freaking...people out factor, well...My face is enough to send...most people running..." she blinked slowly.
Khel slowly raised herself out of her seat and glanced towards the dance floor. "...I'll dance, I suppose...It's something to do...but be warned, I'm aggravate my injuries--" she coughed -- "...And bloody the dance don't say I didn't...warn you..."

She took a couple shaky steps towards the transparent dance floor. She also didn't dance very well, her talons not exactly helping.

Mind you, she didn't feel any affection for E-X. She didn't feel any affection towards anyone but Inky, and only in the sense that she felt a little like Ink was her daughter. Khel didn't see dancing as a way to express affection, just as another way to hang out.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





“He told me to tell you ‘it’s for luck and that every beautiful woman deserves a drink’,” the waiter was saying. Sara’s eyes narrow in undisguised anger, her fingers tightening on her own glass. With a sharp ‘crack’, her mechanical gloves grind it to sand, sending her drink spilling all over the floor.

Without a word, she snatches the drink Marcus had paid for from the waiter’s hand. “Thank you,” she says, regaining her composure. “I assume he paid you well to make the walk all the way from the redside bar.”

Her mouth twists upward into a smile that would’ve done Ghost Widow proud. She slips the waiter a twenty before he can leave, leaning in to whisper into the man’s ear: “Once he pays you, I want you to deliver a message from me: Slap him in the face, and tell him not to bother talking to me again unless he’s got the brass to stick around for more than six seconds.”

With that, she dismissed the waiter with a wave, and appropriated one of the stools at the bar. She sat carefully, her body language perfectly composed. Before, her posture had been neutral. Now? Every slight nuance of her pose seemed to exude vibes suggesting that entering her personal space would not only be frowned upon, but could result in a very public emasculation.

The circle of empty space around her widened almost another full foot.



Marcus nodded to the waiter as he stepped behind the bar. The waiter stood there expectantly looking at Marcus. After a few seconds the waiter cleared his throat. "My tip sir?" The waiter asked.

"My drink mate?" Marcus said and waited for the waiter to pour his drink. Once the drink was poured Marcus handed the waiter a $50

"Sir, the 'hot chick' gave me a message to give you." the waiter said.

"Yeah," Marcus cocked an eye-brow, "What'd she give you her number to give me."

The waiter let a smile slip onto his face. He reached across the bar and slapped Marcus across the right side of the face, "She says not to bother talking to her unless you have the dangledge to stick around for more than six seconds."

Marcus's eyes lost all color and turned a dark black. "You're lucky Zero takes care of his employees. But damn that woman turns me on. Send her another drink and pinch her rear for me and I'll double the tip."

The waiter blanched at the command but he really needed the cash. The waiter poured the shot and began his way back to heroside.

There's no way this could end well. Jonas

What are you talking about man? This is just some long distance foreplay. Marcus

Just don't loose 'Breaker man and we can call it even. Jonas
I still hold to the idea she's gonna end up smacking you in a very uncomfortable way. Jonas

I don't care Jonas, I just wanna get touched. Marcus

Don't forget the reason we're hear bro, or Shaakti is never gonna let us forget this. Jonas

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Ink snickered, then burst out laughing at the exchange of messages going on before her. Quickly, she slapped on her "i'm-listening-but-i-don't-look-like-it-at-all" face, hoping to hear something...secret. Didn't matter what kind of secret, as long as whoever had it didn't want anybody to know it.

She quietly stepped back into the plant, giving Energon an "I'm a good deal tougher than I look" glance.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.