Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




Flaming Earth casually walked into the bar, once he had learned of this place there wasn't much more of a need to search for places that would tolerate him...That was of course unless he was in a bad mood.

"Hey Jake!" He shouted while waving. Sitting down next to him he picked up Jake's drink and essentially downed the entire thing. There was a bit of a smirk behind his mask. "The villain-to-hero ratio seemed a little weak so I thought I'd drop in." There were a series of humms and beeps through his suit after he drank.

His smirk chamged to a frown. He had mistaken the 'harmful chemical' to be alcohol, as that often happened. "Damn machine never lets me get drunk...Wait Jake, you ordered an actual beer?" After sitting down he took a look at the new bartender. "Nope, can't say I've heard of him before. Say could you get me a scotch on the rocks?"



Jonas paled. The waiter had just eaten a mouthful of Darkin power and didn't even flinch. He pushed his forgotten cup of coffee away from him and diverted his attention to the two new comers and the waiter.

"Great this place is getting crowded. None of these guys look even half as powerful as the waiter." Jonas sighed "I have a feeling things might get rough."

"So...Has anybody here heard of a certain villain named Power Breaker?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"What does this guy want with someone like PB?" Jonas was now even more interested in the waiter. PB was well known in the Isles. Jonas had never had the chance to meet Power Breaker, nor had he had the pleasure of dueling him.

What got a man crush? The voice snickered.

Man, shut up. I'm busy and you're distracting. Jonas disliked the voice more and more everytime it deemed it necessary to speak.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



A distant sound of thunder, although much drowned out, sounded throughout the club, and a red vortex swirled it's way out of the wall across from the bar.

The twisting energies moved up along the wall, and only when the red vortex was as wide as the end of a pool table and almost four times as high did it stop moving and settle into a fixed form.

The fixed swirl of the vortex lasted only a few seconds before a massive form stepped into the club and out from the depths of the vortex.

It looked to be just over nine feet tall, with orange scales covering it's body. It wore dark leather and fur as lower body coverings and heavy chains were wrapped around its upper torso and arms. Large wings jutted out from it's shoulder blades, and a long, thick scaled tail moved along the ground as the creature advanced to the bar.

It's tri-horned, reptilian-like head looked around at all the flashing lights and brightly dressed people dancing around in the club.

Finally, it's blood red eyes settled on a form it knew. Even with her faced away from him, he recognized her.

*How could I not?* the big creature ironically thought, remembering their first meeting as he walked arcoss the room to stand behind her.

Then, the massive dragon-like man reached down, and as carefully as he could manage, tapped the red haired, red scaled woman on the shoulder.

"Guess who" he said, his deep voice rumbling like rocks in an avalanche.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



The thing snaked its head around slowly. Well, sort of snaked. The best one could manage with an only slightly elongated human neck.
"...Hello again..." it croaked, and turned its hidden eyes to the waiter, wishing it'd gotten that energy. For now, it'd have to settle for draining the lights and the batteries.

She turned back around to face Fraenir.

"...How's it going?..." the thing said, in an attempt to be friendly. She wasn't all that good at that.
It snaked its head back around to see if she'd gotten the batteries yet. Maybe she'd be able to take some of that energy the waiter'd eaten for herself, if she drained him partially.

She sighed. She wasn't even sure why she'd gone back to the D. Returning to her old haunts, perhaps. Back when she still flew the skies, she'd spent quite a bit of time here, and inflicted quite a bit of burns.
"...Waiter..." She rasped. "...Could you find any...batteries behind...the counter?..." And coughed again. Blood flecked the back of her hand, slightly purple from the low amount of oxygen.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





"What do you mean?" Poe asked innocently. "He ordered root beer. Last time I checked, root beer was not an alcoholic beverage."

Poe's mind raced furiously. This whole thing was quickly spiraling out of control. There were simply too many people here now, and one of them already displayed means of detecting nanites, so it stood to reason he could also detect powders or gasses. If he continued with the current plan he was doomed to failure.

So it was time to improvise.

Option A: Exploding in a storm of fiery doom, hopefully obliterating all of them, and then vanishing in a puff of poisonous gas just in case any of them survived.

Not viable because the DJ would maul him the moment he exploded.

Option B: Exploding in a storm of non-lethal traps, focusing on restraining or flooring everyone here.

Not viable because while non-lethal traps were nice and good against normal humans, they wern't so good against super-powered entities.

Option C: .....

Poe choose option C, and quietly began heading for the elevator, hoping everybody would be too distracted by the new arrivals to care much about a lowly, (albeit oddly dressed) waiter.

This could still work, potentially. It wouldn't even take much. He just had to be patient and be a bit lucky.



The monster felt the energies of the D shift slightly as the waiter left. Whoever he'd been, he was radiating some powerful stuff. And he had a very distinct energy signature. She'd be sure to remember it.
But she still hadn't been served. Just relatively ignored. Of course, it could have been that some of them were afraid of her.

"...Hey..." she called to the leaving waiter. "...I haven't been served...yet. Where are...the batteries I ordered?..."
She coughed, and she knew she'd asked twice. Did this person have qualms about giving people batteries? And if so, why?
She shrugged, and shifted in her seat, sucking all the energy out of the light above her. It fizzled, and went out. That'd be sure to catch the waiter's attention.



In one of the plants on the bottom floor, there was a person. Nearly perfectly camouflaged in autumn colors, she watched the goings-on of the D from her botanical hideout. She knew Gloomy Khelly was upstairs. Khel was pretty hard to miss.

She shifted in her little lookout point, watching people come and go. One thing was for sure, though: Something was happening for once.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas saw the waiter try to become inconspicuous as he headed toward the elevator. He realized that one of the bars occupants were coughing blood and remembered that it had said something about batteries. He reached over the bar and looked for a bottle of something called "Liquid Lightning" that the bar served to its more mechanical type customers.

He saw the bottle with the clear energy infused liquid sitting on one of the lower shelves and a small bottle of black stuff beside it. He grabbed both and placed the bottle infront of the coughing person(?). "Take a couple of shots of that it should help." He informed it.

His attention reverted to the small bottle and to the retreating waiter. He hoped something useful was in the bottle, he didn't want the waiter to get away before he found out what the hell it was. He popped the cork and took a whiff of the dark liquid.

"So...Has anybody here heard of a certain villain named Power Breaker?" . Jonas thought with a smile.

Wait didn't you say you just wanted to chill? The voice asked with something approaching mock wonder.

Yeah well I'm bored, so sue me. Jonas retorted

He tipped the bottle allowing a few drops to land in his right hand. Jonas felt the markings on his arm start to emit their strange power. He pointed toward the elevator doors and emitted a stream of non-lethal negative energy to stream by the waiter and form a barricade between the waiter and the doors.

Great way to stay unnoticed. Guess we're gonna get a beat-down now. Hope your happy. The voice said exasperatingly.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Mind if I join in? I feel rejected from every RP, so this will be a good oportunity to get off on the right foot.))



((Open RP man, just jump in.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"I'm...Well" Fraenir said, answering Khel as he looked at the waiter who seemed to be trying to make his exit.

*Where is he going...* Fraenir thought to himself, wondering why the waiter hadn't served Khel yet.

But then, there was someone else at the counter, and he had gotten a strange bottle out for Khel. Fraenir looked down at the man who had given Khel the drink, then looked out to the slowly retreating waiter.

Suddenly, the new man shot a stream of darkness out past the retreating waiter, seemingly blocking his path.

"This world just gets stranger..." Fraenir grumbled as he slightly tensed his muscles, preparing for a fight should it occur, a sound like the grating of stone raked against stone sounding seemingly from within the big dragon-man.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Kheldragon turned to Jonas. "...Thanks..." she said quietly, "...But I don't consume fluids...I appreciate it, though..." and coughed again. Instead, she gripped the bottle tightly, and drew out all the energy from the liquid inside. Much better than batteries.

"...What's in that...other bottle?" she asked, her curiosity resurfacing. There was something going on here at the D which she had no part in, and she intended to nose her way in.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas watched as the dark energy caged the elevator doors. He raked a hand through his black hair and straightened his glasses out of nervous habit. Then he noticed the rather intimidating lizard dude looking at him.

"Well, you're a big one ain't ya? Don't worry. There won't be a fight if I can help it I just want to ask him a few questions." Jonas tried to explain his actions.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Well, you're a big one ain't ya? Don't worry. There won't be a fight if I can help it I just want to ask him a few questions." Jonas tried to explain his actions.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Questions?" Fraenir rumbled, slowly flexing and contracting his fingers, causing the knuckles to pop.

"I can think o' a few"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"They had better be very short ones, or very uncomplicated ones. I'm busy." The man in white had a very angry looking frown on his face, which would have probably looked much more angry had his eyes not been covered by the blast goggles.



"...What's in that...other bottle?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Jonas looked to the being and realized she could drain energy as good as he could.

"It's Bane's Blood. It amplifies dark magic by about ten times it's usual power. MAGI outlawed it a few years ago and the market for it dried up." Jonas informed the being.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Oh, yeah I got questions. Namely what is someone as powerful as you doing here asking about 'Breaker...and where can I get a pair of cool shades like that?" Jonas smirked at the waiter

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Khelly nodded, and got up. She turned towards the now-trapped waiter, growing more suspicious by the moment.
"...Why should the nature of...the questions" she coughed. "...After all, you're just...a waiter..." she said maybe a bit too casually.

She stepped forward, leaving deep claw marks in the floor. Just close enough to the "waiter" for him to feel the aura of lifeless air that surrounded her. Just close enough to be involuntarily feeding off his energy, at least a little.

She raised her head. That was truly some strong energy. For her, an all-you-can-eat buffet. A really good power boost.
Khel quickly combed her hair back into her face before it fell away. No sense in scaring what could be her allies with her own face.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas couldn't do anything as Kelly stepped into his line of fire at the waiter. He raked his hand's through his hair.

This is why I work alone. Fewer mistakes. Jonas thought

You mean its not because people don't like you and your'e antisocial? The voice in his head smirked.

Didn't I tell you to shut up? Jonas was getting tired of this

Yeah well, when you want me to bail you out I ain't gonna do it. The voice stated it as a fact

Fine. I'll do it on my own. Jonas shut his mind blocking out the voice

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Oh, yeah I got questions. Namely what is someone as powerful as you doing here asking about 'Breaker...and where can I get a pair of cool shades like that." Jonas smirked at the waiter

[/ QUOTE ]

"Powerful...? Hardly...I'm just a waiter. I can take a few more punches then average Joe but really, I'm no more poweful than a normal citi-" Poe started.

Khelly got within his personal space.

His eyes widened just a tad behind his blast goggles. He had seen her draining energy from everything else. With the sheer amount of power radiating off of all of his gadgets, (not to mention his rather impressive personal aura in itself) he must have stood out like a mountain in a plain to her. Infinitely deep pocket pocket dimensions filled with advanced traps would do that to energy detection methods.

It was almost time to panic.

He felt trapped. Powerless. He couldn't attack anybody in here without provoking DJ Zero. At the same time, he couldn't escape these heroes if they blocked off the entrance.

He still had an ace up his sleeve.

Time Shearing.

The same method he had used to COME to this miserable planet to hunt his prey. He could use it to escape, to whenever and where ever.


He would lose his prey.



He had NOT spent three and a half years on this miserable planet for nothing.

He carefully considered the options available to him.

A: Continue plan C.

Not viable because of the present situation.

B: Conjure a Time Shear and escape.

Not viable because he'd lose his target.

C: Conjure a Time Shear and drag all of them through it to a place where you arn't held back by a god-like entity...

His eyes locked with Khelly's. They both understood that the game was up. It was time to drop the charade and get serious.

He'd give them a chance. He was very reluctant to do this. Perhaps if he could intimidate them they would just let him go, and the world would be minus one odd waiter while he waited for them to fade into obscurity before striking. If they didn't back off though...

"..." Poe had stopped mid-word.

"Get away from me." He said in a very low and quiet voice.

A low and quiet voice that sounded as malevolent and menacing as the shadow of Oblivion itself rearing over the scene.


If what Khelly had felt before was equal to that of an all-you-can-eat buffet, now it was equal to that of enough food to last her a month. He was reving up for something big...



Suddenly, the energy coming off the waiter dramatically increased. Kheldragon felt the energy building up inside her, and her eyes began to glow brightly of their own accord. She fixed the waiter with an eerie, purple stare, her eyes just bright pinpricks of purple light, glowing behind her hair.

She'd always been good at intimidating people, even as an ordinary human. With her rather creepy Kheldragon-ness, she was far, far better at it...


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas felt it. That waiter was definately not normal. The sheer amount of power he was emiting was enough that even non-supers would be able to feel it.

Hey Marcus, I think I made a mistake. Jonas addressed the voice.

Yep, I noticed. We're in for a world of trouble...thanks little brother. We're in for a beat down. The voice actually sounded worried

Mind if you give me a hand when it gets dicey? Jonas actually asked for help

Sure, why not. I'm bored. The voice said

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Although Fraenir could not hear what the waiter was saying, he understood the man's intent easy enough.

Unfolding his great wings with a roar of anger, Fraenir lept over Khel and down at Poe.

He hoped he could stop what ever actions the man was about to take.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



As she sucked in more and more of the waiter's energy, Kheldragon's entire body began to glow softly. She stood up completely straight and dug her claws into the carpet, bracing for an impact of some kind. This guy was by far the best human battery she'd ever seen.

Also, what with the massive amounts of energy she'd absorbed and was busy consuming, if she died she'd regenerate nearly instantly. She bet the waiter didn't realize he was only adding fuel to Khel's proverbial fire.
But if he was powerful enough to exude that kind of energy, there's no way she could take him on. Hell, not even all the people in the D right now. Maybe not even Zero himself. And there wasn't any backup to call for.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Jonas took a step back as the lizard dude spread wings and jumped over Khelly. Jonas ran his hand through his hair again.

Great. Things are getting worse. Jonas couldn't believe the way his luck was going.

At least we're not bored any more. The voice stated laughingly.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Anyone mind if we sorta pause the fight for the moment? I gotta hit the hay, and thats usually when all the good stuff goes down. I might be able to make one more post for the night if you all want to continue, but after that, you'll be hearing from me at 8 AM eastern time. This dark elf needs his sleep ))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector