Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




Chuckles to himself walking back to the bar and takes his normal seat. seeing a woman on the otherside he decides to watch her and see what she does. "hmm.."



She shook her head. "No, I can't. 'S not th't Jaws izn't smart enuff t' talk -- it'z prob'bly smart'r 'n me -- I jus' can't talk t' plant'z. 'T all."


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Kipland's the one leaving. Power Breaker is sitting right where he is.

Raise your hands if you've dealt first-hand with the insanity that is Poe helmed by Lord Diov. Those of you on that list will understand well why Breaker wants to stay right where he is (or at least get good and drunk before he goes anywhere).

Kip's still on his way out... Not quite there, yet. However, since there's been some interaction...))

Power Breaker reached out for the odd piece of black paper and marveled at the lettering that typed blockily onto its surface. Intrigued, he looked to the unusual symbol on the other side. Not too different from any other arcane or faux-arcane group... His nanites couldn't make hide-nor-hair of it... Must not be a symbol from the Malleus. Maybe it was after the Hammer's time...

He pocketed the paper. He was never one to trust help offered so freely, but... Sometimes, the best way to deal with evil was to give it a different evil to focus on.

"With any luck, they'll destroy each other."


"Relax, just musing to myself."

It was good to know some parts of his brain were still his alone.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Energon X faded back into view and pulled off the mask, rubbing his face between the eyes... the thorn had penetrated deeply enough into the mask to cut his forehead quite deeply, rivulets of blood running down what was left of his nose and around the edges of his breather-mask.

He raised an eyebrow at Inky. "Easily distracted, much?" he commented amusedly. He waved a waiter over. "But yeah, truce. Oy, mate?" he said, turning to the waiter who had moved silently up. "Whatever the shrimpy and her pet plant want, on me." He paused. "Whatever they want that they're legally allowed to have, that is."

He offhandedly tossed the mask back into his dimensional 'pocket', and nodded to Fraenir. "Don't worry too much about the tikimask bit- I was just pranking shortstuff here after she started shooting spines at me." He reached into the pocket again, and pulled out a mid-sized bar of chocolate, tossing it to the big draconian. "This here's chocolate- Belgian milk chocolate, to be exact. Very good stuff... er..." He hesitated for a second. "Hmm... the main ingredients are milk, sugar, and a type of bean. Hope there's nothing in the mix that would be harmful to your particular physiology." He gave Inky a quick wink, nodded to Fraenir, then said "Excuse me a second..." and wandered off to find Kheldragon.

Quickly locating her, he bowed. "Feel free to rejoin us, if you like." he offered, then added, "By the way- the offer to continue drawing energy from me while I'm in the vicinity does not have an expiry date; if anything, it would be something of a relief, since it would make it far easier for me to maintain control." he told her, then nodded to her once, and withdrew back to the small knot of people around Inky, making it as clear as he could that while he would prefer her to join the group, her personal space was her own.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Oops sorry Grey misread your other post. Knowing 'Breakers nanites he's gonna be there awhile.))

Marcus traced the flow of runes till he found the source of the intrusion. Instead of transmitting the rooms through the bar top he fired them through a Darkin rune he had summoned in his mind.

I understand what you mean about having more than one spirit in a single body. And as for the matter of relations, people like me need distractions every now and then or we end up studying arcane texts and manuscripts for a very long time. You say you are interested in a trade of information. What is it that you wish to know and what will I get for my trouble? Marcus asked in a voice that seemed underlying with knowledge both dark and forgotten through the ages.

Looks like Breaker isn't leaving yet. Jonas

You mean I went through that trouble for nothing? Marcus

Not necessarily, he pocketed the card. Jonas

This guy is asking about the Court, how much can I tell him? Marcus

Nothing about the other members. Feel free to tell him about our basic history though. Jonas

I supposed Sara will be pissed if I don't respond back. Marcus

So. We couldn't risk infecting her or putting her in danger. Jonas

You know your misbegotten sense of honor can really be a pain sometimes. Marcus

That sense of honor you speak so darklly of has pulled us out of the fire more than a few times. Jonas

Yeah, well it's gotten us in trouble more than the times it's gotten us out. Marcus

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Kheldragon nodded. "...Thanks..." was really all she had to say at this point, and she started draining Energon a little more. "...And yes...She's rather easily...distracted, especially if you...have junk food...It's almost eerie how...she can guzzle chips and...sodas and donuts and...never gain a pound..."

"Well," said Ink, looking up at the ceiling, "I wanna Sprite. 'N Jaws jus' want'z s'm plant food. Also, y' got 'ny sandwich's back there?" she asked the bartender. When Ink was hungry, there was no taking her mind off food.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Fraenir caught the bar of chocolate in his hand, handling the small candy carefully to not squish it. He lifted the bar up, peering at the paper covering and aluminum foil.

*What is this covering?*

Then Fraenir decided he wouldn't worry about it any longer, and took a small bite of the candy bar, wrapper and all. Fraenir seemed to make a slight grumbling sound, his way of showing contemplation about something.

Then, after a few snaps of his teeth, the piece candy and wrapper was gone.

"I like the sweet part, but what is the paper for?" he rumbled, once again looking at the candy bar, or the half that was left of it.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



E-X blinked. "Er... sorry about that. The paper is to protect the 'sweet part'- chocolate has a low melting point. You don't actually need to eat the paper." He glanced at Inky, then dug around in his cape.

He tossed a packet of hard rations at her. "Here. They don't serve food at the D, no matter how silly that may sound..." he paused for a split second, glancing at DJ Zero. One got the distinct impression that if he still had a tongue, he'd be sticking it out at the nigh-omnipotent clubowner. "I keep this stuff for when I get sucked into another dimension or whatever... tastes like crap, but you definitely won't be hungry anymore."

Energon X rose off the floor and spun briefly, half-airdancing again, half just not really able to stand still. "Oy, shrimpy, Fraenir... either of you two feel like hitting the arenas for a workout? Even with Kheldragon drawing off some of my energy, I am still feeling crazy-jittery after the giant overcharge I suffered from being in the same room as that deranged jerk Fraenir was trying to stomp flat when I got in his way."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Oh...Well, the paper isn't that much of a bother...." Fraenir said, grinning wide showing his many, dagger-like teeth.

Then he looked down at Inky, then at the candy bar in his hand, then back at Inky again.

"You may have it if you want it" Fraenir said, holding the half candy bar down for her to take.

Then he looked back up at Energon X.

"Arena?," the big dragon-man said, still looking at E X, "I could be up for a challenge..."

((I might be able to post a little more tonight, not certain at the moment, but if not, I'll for sure be able to keep posting tomorrow after school))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Inky took the candy bar, bit into it, and grinned at Energon. "Y'r on," she said through a mouthful of chocolate, "B't gimme a bit f'rst, I need t' get sug'r-hyp'r so I won't tire out 'n th' middl' 'a a fight."
She snickered. She was only mostly joking. There were some advantages to being a kid, and lots of energy was one of them.

"Eh, no thank'z," she said about the hard rations, dropping them as if they were dead squirrels. "B't 'm up f'r a DDR match aft'r a fight." Ink grinned widely, almost evilly. She ate six-foot-songs for breakfast and could finish most nine-foots with some difficulty.

((EDIT: For those of you who don't know, "feet" is a measure of song difficulty in Dance Dance Revolution, with one being the easiest and ten being the hardest.
Actually, ten is pretty much impossible.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Grins at watching him eat the bar paper and all. Finishing his second glass he got up and walked over to the one who ate the candy bar, and took a unocupied seat near him. "never had candy before i take?"



"D..D...R? What does that mean?" Fraenir asked, once again wondering what yet another strange new thing was.

"Is it some sort of monster we must fight?"


((I know it's just a snippit, but I can't stay tonight, Chemistry quiz tomorrow, ugh. But! I'll be back tomorrow afternoon
Also, can ANYONE possibly beat The Fire and the Flames on DDR? It's gotta be like a 20 feet difficulty))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Nah," said Inky. "IT'z a game. There's a met'l pad y' step on, w'th four arrow'z -- one f'r each d'reksh'n -- 'n y' hafta step t' th' beat ov a song. DDR stand's f'r Dance Dance Revolush'n."

((I have no idea, never seen that song before, but I can beat Afronova...and Xepher...and Tsugaru...and some other nine-footers on Heavy. But the hardest song EVER, Bag. It's incredibly slow, and on Heavy it's just basically this river of arrows. You can't even see the screen. THAT should be 20 feet. ))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Energon X gave Inky a flat look (or at least as much of one as can be managed with most of your face obscured and your eyes made up of a harsh actinic glow). "Dance Dance Revolution? If that bloody plague's made its way even here I may have to blow this place up on purpose, this time. About the only thing worse would be a Starbuck's."

He glanced at the big draconian. "Unless the machine's been specially reinforced, I'm not sure you could do it, mate- it's a sort of videogame that has you jumping up and down like an idiot to mediocre music to stomp on coloured pads as they light up. Frankly not much of a challenge when one has enhanced reflexes and superhuman speed." he added as an aside, winking to Inky.

In mid-wink, he vanished in a streak of purple light, reappearing a split-second later at the far end of the club. Returning a heartbeat later with a chilled can and a rather punky-smelling bag he called "Yo, fangs! Catch!" tossing the bag of plant food to Jawz. "Here ya go, shortstuff... see what I mean?"

((... good grief. You'd have to be twitching like a rhythmic epileptic fit to get that The Fire and the Flames thing o.O))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Agreed O_O I stand corrected. Bag is the SECOND hardest.))

"Aright, aright," snapped Ink, stomping over to Energon. He'd dumped drinks over her head, made her jump about six feet in the air, and now insulted one of her favorite games. Now she was really going to hurt someone. She was beyond somewhat-friendly pranks, and was now in a real rage.

She didn't even bother hissing at him to take it back, just smiled venomously and punched him in the nose. Amazingly hard, for a twelve-year-old girl.
She'd grown small thorns out of her knuckles.

She'd have loved to kick him in the family jewels, but just punching him was dangerously close to getting herself kicked out of here. Again.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((OoC: Just as a sidenote, there's an in-game DDR machine upstairs on heroside in Pocket D. It's near the pinball machines. ))



((...Really? @_@

EDIT: You know, that Fire and the Flames looks faintly doable on the slower bits...

...I'm not kidding.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Er, nope... my bad. It's just a jukebox, but you can see why I mistook it for a DDR machine at a glance.

Edit: That's Sara in the pic, btw.))



((Oh well. ^_^ And yeah, I can see.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Inky's fist cracked across the front of Energon X' voder mask. Since the blaster was doing his usual hovering- really, he rarely bothered to touch the ground- he actually did a full backflip, the can of Sprite he'd fetched for Inky flying out of his hand. He shot up and backwards, grabbing the tin before it could crack some unfortunate dancer's skull.

"Oh, great, it's all shaken up, now." He blinked. "Oooookay, then." He floated up to the ceiling, hiding amidst the rafters, and took off the voder, dropping the Sprite into his dimensional pocket for the moment. He fiddled for a bit, then slid it back on and soared to the floor.

"Do you usually make a practice of punching people who disagree with you in the face?" he asked bluntly, embarassed by having to take his faceplate off in a public place, even amidst the rafters. He turned his back on her and flew (more slowly, this time) over to the bar, grabbing another Sprite. Returning to the small group, he handed it to her, then turned his back.

He glanced at her once again. "Grow up a little. Unchecked temper tantrums... especially over nothing... superpowers or not, are not a strong survival trait in this game."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((I don't know why but I had Sara pegged as a blond))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



She suddenly burst out completely in thorns, poison dripping off their ends to the floor. Every normal human nearby backed away.
"Yah, well," she snarled, "Aft'r a while y' kinda get sick 'a pe'ple pick'ng on y', y'know? Guess what. I don' want m' hair ruin'd. I don' want t' have a premach'r heart attack. 'N I really don' like pe'ple 'nsultn'g stuff I like jus' t' make me feel stup'd!" she snapped.
Kheldragon stepped in between Ink and E-X, and turned her eerie purple gaze on both of them in turn.

"...Cool down..." she said to Inky. "...You're way out of your, like it or not...just looking funny at...some of the people who...go here is risking your...neck..." she said, somewhat sharply.

"...And..." She turned to Energon. "...Leave her alone...There's such a thing as a...bullying hero...Leave her be, or...I'll see how much energy --" she coughed -- "...You really contain..."


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((I don't know why but I had Sara pegged as a blond))

[/ QUOTE ]

(( I know I went out of my way to specify black hair in my first post. ))



(( I know I went out of my way to specify black hair in my first post. ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Yeah, Still say she's blond))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Inky has hair? For some reason I thought it was just leaves, so the drink-bath wouldn't have ruined them...))

Energon X jerked back at Kheldragon's rebuke, the radiant purple glow of his eyes flickering as he blinked. "Bully..?" he half-whispered. He looked from Inky to Kheldragon, and back again, completely ignoring Inky's new spikiness. Then his shoulders slumped.

He bowed to Inky, looking more than a little defeated. "I'm... sorry." he managed. "When you responded in kind to my teasing... well, when you responded by zapping me, anyways... I assumed you were playing along. I meant no harm."

He raised his head slightly, and a brief flash of pride made him add. "But my dislike of DDR has nothing to do with wanting you to feel stupid, or, in fact, anything to do with you at all, since I've never seen you before tonight." He looked at Kheldragon. "And somtimes I almost wish you'd drain me completely. I've embraced the game, but I miss being normal at times, too. The most likely result would be tragedy for both of us, though." he finished, shaking his head.

He straightened up, and looked down at Inky. "How 'bout a truce, shorty? I took things too far, maybe, but you've given just as good as you've gotten. At least I haven't actually drawn blood."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"