Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




((Yeah, she has hair. This is her more plantish form and this is her original costume.

Can't make a full post at the moment, I'll edit this one later.))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Flaming laughed at the display going on between the plant woman and Energon. "Heheh.....And I was hoping to see some blood here too, ah well, I guess I always have the Isles for that..." Flaming stood up and walked over to the railing to watch the club for a minute, on his way the fly trap he had previously grown clumsily stepped in front of his path causing him to stumble and nearly fall flat on his face. "Gah....Stupid thing..." He stopped his walk to the railing and went behind the fly trap, petting it on the head. At the third stroke his glove immediatly emitted incinerating flames over the plant. The thing stumbled around for a moment in a panicked fassion covered in a small flame before finally keeling over as a dried stub. "And that takes care of that."

Well, we wouldn't call this information valuable, per se, merely historical. An exchange of the past if you will. We only wish to know how one such as yourself became a knight of the Dark World Court.....Or was it a birth right? Feel free to ask any question your mind sees fit, this night is rather boring and we feel this would better serve inquisitive minds as opposed to sitting at a bar-table. He paused for a moment before continuing. Oh yes, and that woman you were trying to mate with, if I assumed correctly, is indeed getting rather agitated at her table there....



Marcus chuckled.

I'm sure she will be fine without a few minutes of supervision. I was actually forced into becoming First Knight. Jonas had control at this point in time and was stupidly wandering around the Isles looking for someone who knew something about the mark. He eventually drew the attention of some members of the Court, he didn't know how to cloak the Darkin energy yet so he stood out like a beacon. They let him run a few side missions here and there trying to see if he would survive when he became a knight. Eventually he got fed up and went to one of the bosses asking for away to get rid of the mark. The woman tossed him a gold coin and the idiot caught it. The coin acted as a path way to the Dark world. Once there he was killed, killed again, and when the natives found out he wouldn't go easily they trained him. Time spent in Dark world isn't relative to this one, a hundred years over there can be a tenth of a second over here and the time is only measured by the potential of the one sent. He spent twelve hundred and sixty-eight years over there and every day was torture. By the time he got his walking papers he could speak several different languages and could control his powers to an extent that was formerly unheard of. He also managed to awaken the actual Darkin that lay within him. Your turn. Can you give me a history of yourself?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Sara was beyond ‘rather agitated’. She had one of the access panels for her right glove open, and was working at a furious pace on a device she referred to as a ‘dimensional anchor’. With practiced precision, she tied the device into her Unified Field Projection Gauntlets. Her task accomplished, she closed the access panel. Her fists, which before had been radiating electrical energy now tapped into the nearly-incomprehensible forces exuded by the spaces between dimensions. It’s a trick she’s used before, although unfortunately her power gauntlets aren’t truly equipped to project the negative energies at range. Still, that shouldn’t be an issue here: she slams an open palm down on the collection of letters, counting on the anti-harm energies of Pocket D to nullify not only the energy produced by her gauntlet before it can destroy the bar, but to also disrupt the nearly-identical energies produced by Marcus’ runes.

((OoC: Whether this actually works or not is entirely up to you, Build. ))



((Still here. Breaker's still filling up on beer and nuts, Kipland's just about to the door. You guys certainly are the energetic lot...))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((*grin*... well, in fairness, Energon X is feeling a bit... overstimulated... thanks to the massive spike in his powers when they ran wild in response to Poe's energy field. And Inky's thirteen. I'm not sure what the rest of this lot's excuse is ))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((I said "Nearly thirteen", she's twelve And Kheldragon has the excuse of being a tortured emo experiment who sucks everyone ELSE's energy ))

Ink retracted her thorns and looked at the ground.
"Sorry," she mumbled. "Yah, truce. 'M sorry I accuzd y' 'a do'ng that j's t' both'r me. 'T's jus' th't pe'ple seem t' like t' pull th't crap w'th me."
She grew an apple off her arm and handed it to him as a peace offering, then she and Jaws wandered off to one of the machines.

Jaws had four "legs", or at least four of the stalks it used to walk. It beat her easily.

"...Well..." said Kheldragon, "...If I drain people completely--" she coughed-- "...They die...They don't just lose their...powers, you see..."
She shifted slightly, tearing the carpet.
"...It was probably..."bloody plague and mediocre"--" another cough "--That set her off...She's from the Isles, you...see, where to survive, you be a fighter...I bet she had a...major temper even...before she went there, though..."

Kheldragon shrugged. She would probably have gone to the Isles a long time ago, but she NEEDED Terra Volta and the War Walls. Like almost everyone else here needed oxygen (or, in Ink's case, sometimes carbon dioxide). They were a limitless energy supply that she totally depended on to live. Here, the dimensional energies were enough to keep her alive, but if she went to the Isles...Well, she'd die fairly quickly. The PTS wasn't everywhere like the War Walls, and she couldn't live by feeding off other villains.
So she didn't know what the Isles were like, she'd just heard it from Ink.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((Sorry Poptarts I'm a little slow with technobabble explain what you are trying to do. I believe its either a tp or your trying to give Marcus a scare.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Sorry Poptarts I'm a little slow with technobabble explain what you are trying to do. I believe its either a tp or your trying to give Marcus a scare.))

[/ QUOTE ]

((OoC: Heh, sorry. For clarity, Sara's trying to get the Pocket D's anti-power energies to register Marcus' runes as an "attack". Basically, she's trying to use DJ Zero's tech to disrupt Marcus' powers for a couple of seconds to 'get his attention', so to speak. ))



((Nobody knows how Zero maintains such control over his pocket dimension, but, suffice it to say, the control is his and his alone. There's some things he'll allow, and others he will not.

Watching your character fiddle with pointless circuits and wires, for instance, might be giving him a chuckle. Heck, he's even willing to have the Hamidon drop in a couple times, provided the gelatinous goo doesn't try any funny stuff (like eat the customers). Don't mess with his sound system, though. He'll make sure you get electro-barbecued into next week.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Poe commits suicide after thinking too hard about time dialation fields and the difference in the operations of time and space in separate areas of the world, listening to the complete conversation going on in the D in seven while observing at the same time it ALSO takes Kip seven minutes to accomplish leaving, even though he headed for the entrance and therefore...




((Nobody knows how Zero maintains such control over his pocket dimension, but, suffice it to say, the control is his and his alone. There's some things he'll allow, and others he will not.

Watching your character fiddle with pointless circuits and wires, for instance, might be giving him a chuckle. Heck, he's even willing to have the Hamidon drop in a couple times, provided the gelatinous goo doesn't try any funny stuff (like eat the customers). Don't mess with his sound system, though. He'll make sure you get electro-barbecued into next week.))

[/ QUOTE ]

((OoC: I'm aware of that, but Sara's so technologically-focused she honestly believes that anything she can't personally understand is technology, and therefore she generally finds something that sounds plausable and runs with it under the hopes that it will be effective. ))



((lol, kk got it))

Marcus felt a ripple run through his runes. That's not good. Marcus felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning he stared straight into the face of Pocket D's resident god and creator.

"It appears as if your lady friend is trying to corrupt some of my tech to get your attention. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' you would do well to remember that, and inform her that I don't take kindly to people trying to influence my world to their own goals." DJ Zero said with edged laughter

"Uh, right sorry Zero. It's my fault. Wait. . . weren't you just standing in the middle of the dance floor?" Marcus looked over the DJ's shoulder to see him still hovering in his usual spot. The hovering DJ looked over at him and winked.

Marcus laid his hand back on the bar Sorry for the interuption. I had someone show interest in the DWC. . . and I have A.D.D. and multiple souls, so sue me if my attention is easily diverted.

Marcus heard the DJ's voice from behind him "Those marks BETTER disappear when you're done, or I'll make you clean the toilets for the rest of the night."

Marcus paled. Dude that's harsh. Do you know how nasty those toilets are?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Probably not gonna be able to post again till tomorrow, going to a football game and probably some parties after words))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Hey, Poe, sometimes it takes a lot of time to get through the D, especially when it starts lagging so hard while all the other meta-types are in the dimension... Super-power induced gravity wells can be some terrible things...

So... Okay... Since it looks like Briggs is done dealing with Kip...))

Kip exited the club and made his way for the Talos Island exit. Suddenly, he could hear his soul screaming at him, like a roar in the back of his head.

Unfortunately, it was too late. He was out the door and headed into the dark void that led to the Talos Island Pocket D door...

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"So, where are these 'Arenas'?" Fraenir asked, "And who is fighting with who?"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Poe grinned as Kipland popped up on the Talos Island monitor.

He pushed a button on the console in front of him.

"Boom. Headshot." He said, cackling softly.


It was less than a second after Kipland had stepped out into Talos when he stepped out of Talos and into somewhere else entirely as somebody/something teleported him.

He rematerialized in a small concrete room nine meters by nine meters in width and length. It was basic enough, with a few lights on the walls and the ceiling to properly illuminate the place. Against the wall in front of him was a grey reinforced blast door.

That dropped out of sight very fast, however.

He had reappeared mid-air. Directly below him was a giant pit in the floor, descending about twenty yards, being three yards wide in every direction. It wasn't the drop that was dangerous though, no, that was nothing.

The armed land-mines, gas traps, web grenades, and caltrops littering the bottom were the real threat.

Everything down there appeared to be organized so that hitting ONE thing would spring all of them. Being exploded, gassed, and completely covered in webbing sticky and resistant enough to immobilize and potentially even hold him while also preventing him from climbing back out of the pit, (combined with caltrops, no less) would NOT be a pleasant experience, regardless of how tough Kip was.

The interesting thing was the set-up of everything. There were only seven land-mines down there, but there were thirty five gas traps scattered about. This trap was designed to heavily wound and incapacitate, not to kill.

Not that Kip would have noticed any of this, seeing as he was probably still formulating the thought of why Talos island looked fuzzier than usual...




Kip's body was wrapped in a dark-purple cloud as he descended into the trap pit. When the clouds dissipated, he was covered from head-to-toe in a dark-purple crystalline armor akin to Shadow-Cyst Crystal, but off slightly.

"Sonovabi-" he got out before hitting the first bomb.

He was tossed this way and that, explosion after explosion throwing him against the walls and into the air. After not even a minute of the detonations, though, it was over.

"Not nearly enough," he grunted, "I'm unstoppable."

His breath was being filtered by his "mask." His body ached from the concussive hits, but it was a dull ache. In a moment, he'd feel it. Not right now, though.

"Okay, [butt]hole," he shouted to the air, "Who's the wise guy who thinks he can just kidnap a meta-human?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Poe stared at the screen showing the trap pit with Kip in it.

"Huh." He said, and pushed another button.


That's when the ceiling directly above the pit descended like a giant crushing hammer, entering the pit and filling it perfectly, turning the trap-pit temporarilly pitch black as the giant block descended to crush everything below it.

It was, of course, designed to retract after one application.



The eyes of the mask glowed a dangerous shade of red and Kip shouted as he unleashed an energy beam at the oncoming ceiling. A hole tore through the falling obstruction and the room turned a terrifying shade of crimson.

Crouching down, Kip barely avoided getting crushed, but the deed had been done. The hole he'd dug into the ceiling hadn't been enough, and the walls of the cavern he had carved into it smashed into his head, shoulders and back.

When it pulled away, the scrapper slumped to the ground, his armor fading as if it had never been...

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Didn't think I would need that...Note to self, always plan all the way to plan Z12." Poe muttered to himself.

He got up out of his chair and began to move. He'd need to act fast.


Kipland woke up.

He was in Pocket D!

He was sitting right there at the bar, almost as if he'd just fallen asleep.

"Can I get you anything else?" Asked a cheery and genuinely friendly voice.

It was the watier, and it wasn't Poe. That had to be a good start.

Well, it would have been, except the waiter didn't have a face. It was just smooth skin were his facial features should have been. He didn't even have a mouth to speak the words Kip had just heard.

"Or is there anyone you'd like to see?" Said another voice.

DJ Zero stood behind him, and just like the watier, he appeared to have been robbed of his face.

"I mean, in case you just wanted to know what is going on currently...? The DJ questioned. His voice seemed to come from the general direction of his blank head.

And slowly, Kip became aware of the differences in this Pocket D as opposed to other ones.

For one thing, the elevator doors were gone. There was just blank wall where they should have been. The portals were all offline as well, and the windows had bars on them.



"You've gotta be fricking kidding..." he intoned.

He stood and scratched at the border of his left eye. It was twitching again.

Yes. he knew something was wrong, he didn't need the physical reminder of that.

He checked for his communicator. It was still at his hip, but he knew where things would go from there.

"I'm not going through fourteen-oh-eight syndrome myself," he intoned as he smashed it into the table and snapped it in two by slapping his palm against it, then he turned to the waiter and DJ Zero, "I want nothing from you, go away."

He had to find a way out. He had to find his way back home.

"What the Hell did I do to deserve this," he growled as he dragged a chair with him to the dance floor, "You know, aside from not beat up enough idiots?"

Angrily, he hurled the oblong seat into the dance floor, figuring something bad had to be waiting in there.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The floor twisted around as he walked at it, and before he knew it, he was back in the bar.

DJ Zero and the Waiter were gone.

"Sup." Poe said, waving at him.

He was standing upside down mid-air.



"Oh God!" Kip shouted, "It's that weird, sad waiter! I guess I should have known, you sonova[dog]... You were being about as subtle as a nuclear bomb in there."

He walked until he was under Poe and glared up into his face.

"Mind telling why you involved me in your [dung]? You got a problem with Power Breaker, I get that part. I fail to see what I have to do with it."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"You're just bait, actually." Poe said cheerfully. "I doubt you alone will do it though...You might have company in here soon. This is just another cliche revenge scenario, so don't worry. I just kidnap all his friends and idiotically trap them together and they miraculously manage to escape and beat the crap out of me."

He paused.

"Only remove those last two, actually. No, I think that you are going to be stuck here for a long, looooooong time."

He checked a clock against the wall.

"Now I need to go soon. I'd suggest either calling up Breaker before I go and grab another McRandell to keep you company. And who knows, if THAT doesn't bring him out, I may even have to start torturing and killing you all off. Oh, the drama."

There was a slight pause.

"Dare ya to escape. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you're in some crappy alternate version of the D, some alternate universe maybe, either that or you're just hallucinating. Well I hate to break it to ya, but you're WRONG."