Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




*ACHOOOOO!* Marcus sniffed and wiped his nose Someone's talking about me

He reached into his breast pocket for a hankercheif when his hand touched the cylinder. What the hell happened to the trap? I figured he would've jumped me as soon as I stepped outa the main club. Oh well I can turn this in to Shaakti or Build, one of them should be able to figure out how it works.

Marcus pulled out both the items, spinning the cylinder through his fingers while wipeing his nose. He started tossing the cylinder into the air as he leaned against the door leading to the Cap. He has to see me now, unless Morin left out tellin' me he's blind or somethin.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



She shook her head at Kip, blood running from her mouth. "...Don't worry...about me..." she rasped, even more quietly than usual. "...I'll be...Okay in...a few...minutes...Look out...for yourself..."
Khel coughed again, and slumped over in another chair. Her eyes widened, and it became apparent for the first time that her pupils were milky white.
But she was obviously not blind.

"...So...It looks like...we're trapped..." she said, her breath slowly returning. "...And that damn Poe...had better give me...back my energy-leeching--" she coughed -- "...Then again..." she grimaced, her constant pain becoming obvious for the first time. "...Death might not bad..."

Khel sighed.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





After giving the D a quick once-over, Poe found squat. Finally, he took the tracker out, (something he did not want to do. Kuro was still keeping a close eye on him, and using Technomancy would set him off like a bomb if he happened to be watching) and checked it.

The gas trap was back up in the elevator lobby and quickly moving away.

Poe swore, and dashed back for the door.



((As Energon X stands patiently in the D, waiting for Fraenir to put in a reappearance, or somebody else to acknowledge his existence.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Ink got off the machine, and tapped Energon.
"'Ey, y' got 'ny ideya where Khel went?" She looked rather worried, shuffling her feet. "'D she run off t' go eat Poe 'r sumth'ng?"


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Fraenir walked over to where Ink and Energon X were standing, arriving in time to just catch Inky's comment.

"I was begging to wonder where she had gotten off to, myself..." Fraenir grumbled, "Do you think the waiter had anything to do with this?"

((Sorry for the absence, I'll definitely start keeping a better watch in here))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Most prob'bly," Ink said. "She w'z glow'ng like a star. She glow'z whenev'r she find'z a lotta en'rgy, 'n 've nev'r seen 'r that bright b'fore. M' guess iz, she'z not g'nna let th' rest 'a 'er meal get 'way that eezy."
She shrugged, and handed each of them another donut. Jaws snatched a third one out of the box. Inky always had donuts on hand, and nobody knew where she got them for sure.

Nobody. Except her, and she wasn't telling. Just one of those funny little mysteries of the Isles.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Energon X glanced down as Inky tapped him on the arm. I must be out of it to let her get so close without noticing. Either that or the D is lulling me into a false sense of security... He tossed a quick purple glare at the hovering form of DJ Zero, then returned his gaze to Inky. "That's probably not a bad guess, shortstuff. She popped out of a rip in the air over the bar and then jumped back into it a moment later- that's the last I saw of her. Looked like Dimension hopping to me- surprised that Zero let her get away with it, he usually prefers people to use the officially-sanctioned exits."

He nodded to Fraenir as the draconian giant returned. "If by 'waiter' you mean that goon with the massive energy field, then probably only indirectly- she definitely left under her own power."

E-X raised an eyebrow. "Do you think we should go after her? She's been gone for a while now, and... Poe, wasn't that his name?.. was powerful enough to give her some serious problems if she's interfered with his machinations." He hesitated, thinking for a moment, then hopped into the air and glided swiftly across to where Power Breaker was sitting.

"Excuse me." he told the brute, nodding politely. "It seems an acquaintance of yours has upgraded himself to my 'people-I-wish-to-beat-unconscious-and-dump-in-the-Zig' list. What can you tell me about Poe?"

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"O, yah," she said. "'T'z how Khel teleport'z. She'z akshelly kind' diff'rent fr'm most oth'r Warshade's. 'N 'm NOT SHORT."
She was actually five-foot-three inches. And still growing. In fact, there were some adults she towered over.
Ink grinned, and went behind the bar. She rummaged around, looking for sodas.

When she found one, she grinned slightly evilly. "Watch th's."
Then she began violently shaking the can, in every direction possible, for about five minutes.
She tapped absently on the can, and popped the top.

It didn't explode.

She grinned.
"Wanna see me blow up a whole can? I c'n do that too. Pow'r ov'r soda. Lame, huh?" Of course, it wasn't any sort of power. Just a magic trick.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Fraenir popped the donut into his mouth (and it was gone an instant later) and he walked over to where Energon X was talking to a large man who had spikes rising out of his shoulders.

"You know that waiter?" he rumbled.

((I'm assuming Breaker has his normal suit on, I'll edit if not))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Marcus felt it in his bones. The same power from earlier. The power Poe weilded. Crap. Well I guess I got what I asked for. Yo Jonas, gonna slip a reverse scroll on. You got the reins. Marcus seemingly pulled a roll of cloth out of nowhere. The scroll was painted over with runes of sealing and protection spells. He wrapped it around his right arm feeling a tingling sensation as the spells took hold.

Alright I'll take over. Maybe he won't notice you when he gets here. If he does though, we are gonna have to get outa here.Jonas pushed forward with his mind regaining control of his body. The cylinder never missed a beat rolling across his knuckles while the transfer was made.

Well this party's gonna get crazy!

((sorry couldn't resist tossing in the Devil May Cry 3 quote))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Power Breaker always has spikes, even when wearing his power armor. I think I posted earlier what type of outfit he's in right now, though... Here it is. Sorry for my absence, but something happened recently that should keep me here more regularly.))

--Actual Pocket D--
Power Breaker looked up from his beer glumly. He couldn't shake the bad feeling he was getting in his gut, and it was really slowing down his drinking. He had been finishing up his argument with his own nanites (they were indicating that his stress levels, which were already incompatible with nearby stress inducers, were causing minor digestive problems) when Energon X and El D got his attention.

"I'm sorry," he grumbled to his companions, "I was miles away. Poe... Well, as far as I can tell, he's a bit of an antisocial deviant. Other than that, I got nuthin'."

He took a swig from his drink and grunted.

"You know, he threatened me before he left? I... I don't have the patience to deal with that kind of insanity. Poe throws some crazy stuff at people. So... I'm trying to get hammered, but I can't shake this really bad feeling in my gut. My nanites tell me it's nothing, but I just know... You know? Something bad happened."


--Virtual Pocket D--

Kip set the chair down and walked over to Khel.

"Come here, over to the corner here... You need to lie down and rest..."

Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! Now I gotta find a way out of here...

"I'll..." he started, his voice betraying a little of his irritation at the situation, "I'll try to get us out of here..."

Wherever here is.

"It seems to be a virtual world," his soul replied to him, "Oh yeah... I'm back, now, so we can get to working on a way out of here..."

Yeah? How about you tell me how I'm supposed to do that? Am I stuck inside a computer? Is this an alternate Pocket D? Can you help me on this?

"I have no clue,"
he could almost feel his soul shrug, "Sorry, it's difficult when you can only see through a set of eyes that can see through dimensions."

Kip rolled his eyes moments before dark purple tendrils started seeping from them.

"No, Khell, I'm not a Warshade like you are. This... This stuff is different. Now, you should lie down... Me? I'll start getting to work on finding a way out of here."

He picked up his discarded chair and started heading for the facsimiles. This was going to be really fun, really painful, or both.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Energon X glared around, the actinic blaze of purple that passed for his eyes shining so brightly that twin purple 'spotlights' indicated where he was looking. "You're not the only one with a bad feeling." he said flatly.

"Poe's back."

He rose off the floor, glancing over at DJ Zero, who ignored him resolutely. Should've known he wouldn't get involved, even if his customers are in danger. Can't threaten the peace of the D. Dick. Irritated, he drifted slowly across the club, seeking the source of the energy fluctuation he was feeling as his powers responded to Poe's presence.

Even when not going all Dragonball Z on someone, Poe's energy field remained so strong that it created a detectable resonance in the blaster's powers. Frown wrinkles creased his forehead as the resonance began to fade. Blast... you're not getting away from me, you bugger.

A blue-gloved hand flashed to his belt, sorting rapidly through the collection of minor charms and radiation boosters that virtually every super carried. He pulled several out, snapped them open and was immediately surrounded by a pulsating yellow glow, purple glow briefly subsumed in yellow radiance as his senses were pretenaturally sharpened.

"He's headed for the elevator!" he yelled, then rushed forwards, his cape snapping with abrupt acceleration. He slammed to a halt in front of the angry Poe, fists roaring with barely-fettered power. This jerk may be more powerful than me by an order of magnitude, but anything... and anyone... will break if you hit them hard enough.

"Poe." he rumbled threateningly. "Circumstances would tend to indicate you know where a friend of mine is. Khelldragon? The dracoform Warshade? Any information you might have on her whereabouts would be... appreciated." the blaster growled.

((Tch... Poe certainly is good at making enemies, isn't he?))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Apparently ))

She frowned slightly, and still didn't sit down. She was used to this by now, and headed to the bathroom to get most of the excess blood out -- relatively politely.

Soon, the door creaked open again and Kheldragon stepped out. She wiped her lips, and took a halfhearted swing at the air.
Still nothing happened. A hole didn't even open for a bit. And it completely figured that her powers would be taken away, but of course the cold double voice inside her head would stay.

Yyoouu'rree ttrraappppeedd, ddoonn'tt yyoouu ggeett iitt? Sstuuppiidd ggiirrll...

At least it had stopped referring to her as 'lizard'. Well, there wasn't much to do here and now, but at least she could touch people and machines without sucking their energy dry.
She wandered over to the pinball machine and played a few games, claws making marks in the metal, waiting for Poe to return. Just waiting... Surely the presence of THAT much energy would make her powers return.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Fraenir quickly lept across the sets of tables near the bar, landing (luckily) just a foot behind Poe. And at this close of a vicinity, Fraenir recognized Poe's scent fairly quickly.

The large dragon-man hefted his right arm up, and a massive, spear handled maul of stone formed in his grip. Then he let the maul arch down to crash on the floor of the D, to the right of Poe.

"Yes. Where is Khel?" he said, his voice suddenly becoming very inhuman in it's deepness and rumbling like the echo of an avalanche.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Crash and Burn." Poe stated simply.

There was a suddenly poof as he set off another of his specially modified gas-traps. If it didn't knock the two out on the spot for several hours, it would at least give him ample cover to escape the D.

After all, he had been waiting for the elevator to come back DOWN when they had suddenly surrounded him. It was a simple matter of entering and hitting the 'close door' button.


The manifestations of the anti-virus programs all raised their hands, Matrix style.

Right before Kip strode over the boundary between the dance floor and the hero bar, he crashed into what felt like an invisible wall.



Fraenir opened his massive wings when he saw Poe set off the gas trap. He flexed them as far back and they would go, then snapped them down, blowing most of the gas from the trap away.

This didn't mean the gas hadn't had an affect on the big dragon man, or that he had succeeded in removing all of it from the area. In fact, it had caused a very unique reaction when it hit Fraenir.

"Try harder" he grumbled, trying to hide the fact that the gas had half blinded him as he swung the maul across the space where he guessed Poe to be.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Twilight observed the spectacle occuring below and let out what resembled a laugh. Though the transmitions from Marcus and Jonas were gone, it was probably for the best; never is a good idea to reveal too much. Though he could tell the energy of the two was no longer even in this dimension, it didn't really matter much to him, they were merely a time waste for while he was there. Casually hovering over to where the events were occuring, he simply sat at a nearby table and watched. He didn't care what happened to any of the brawling patrons, he only wished to stay near so as to revel in the chaotic tone and in case there were any.....accidents.
Even from the bar where Flaming was sitting, he could see the rumble happeneing below. "Ah Christ.....Long as it doesn't come up here I'm fine." He looked at the bartender stationed nearby. "'Oy, could use a scotch...I'm not sure how things here are gonna end." He wanted to relax while in the D, but he couldn't look away from the scene.



Energon X watched the gas with mild interest and stinging, half-squinted eyes. Arrogant ponce... what did he think the metal over the bottom half of my face was for?

As Poe entered the elevator, a voice behind him said "Superspeed, you pompous sod." Brief flashes, one red, then one yellow, were all the warning the crazed Husk corporationer had before a red-glowing fist that could crush Impervium like tinfoil came at the side of his head.

"Where's Kheldragon?" Energon X demanded again as he tried to smash Poe straight back out of the elevator.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((He's walking, Poe... Which I guess is just as comical...))

--Virtual Pocket D--

Kip bonked his head off the invisible barrier. Irritated, he pressed his hand against it. Impassible, absolutely impossible to pass. Impassible.

Smirking, he set the chair down and sat in it. He then looked to each of the facsimiles, left to right, then right to left.

"All the same," he muttered.

A red beam erupted from his eyes, aimed at the DJ Zero clone.


--Real Pocket D--


Power Breaker pushed off his chair and started stomping for him. He was tired of this crap.

"You get over here right now!"

Up on the central platform, DJ Zero glared at the congregated mess of meta types. The poison gas eruption only further aggravated him. Not willing to let the problems continue, he decided on a course of action. DJ Zero snapped his fingers, and went back to playing music.

Instantly, the doors sealed and there was a strange "solidification" in the dimensional aether. If Poe decided to run, things just got a whole lot more difficult.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The door to the elevator closed, cutting Fraenir and Power Breaker off from Energon X and Poe. Poe and Energon had both been inside of it, after all before the DJ had sealed it shut. Perhaps he just wanted to make SURE Poe left and didn't come back?

Energon's punch hit Poe dead-on, but perhaps didn't achieve the desired results. True, it blasted Poe against the wall, (and there was a very PAINFUL sounding crunching noise) but it didn't look like Poe had taken direct damage from the punch. As if he had blocked it. He had still received a beating from the shock of being blasted into the wall and from the kinetic rebound, but if not for that...

A strange redish shield of energy flickered like static across his form. An energy shield...

"Nice punch. How much juice did you put into that?" Poe asked in a slightly pained voice, trying to relay mock awe and failing due to the pain. "Because I'd like to know how many more of those you can do before you're nothing more than a drained capacitor."

And suddenly, Energon X felt almost a quarter of his strength and endurance being leeched away as one of Poe's many technomantic gadgets activated and a power sink initiated. The power sink completely leeched all forms of energy automatically and instantaneously from its surroundings and transferred it all to the user in a converted and healthy form. It had a very short range, naturally, but in the elevator where there wasn't enough room to throw a rock, it was impossible for Energon to get out of range. If Poe kept the power sink going, Energon would be an empty corpse in a matter of moments, as the power sink also prevented him from recovering energy or restoring it naturally.

Poe wasn't through by a long shot though. A hand whipped into his vest at lightning speed, and almost faster than Energon could follow, the corrupter had thrown a seeker drone at his face like a shurikan, its whirling blades being only a prelude to the detonation of stunning and disorienting chrono-light.


Or at least Kip tried to fire off laser eyes.

Nothing happened.

Just like Khelly, Kip had been drained of most of his "supernatural" powers when he had become an application of the system. Since a good deal of his powers WERE natural though, (such as his immense strength) he still maintained them. However, powers not normally usuable by non-natural supers most likely wouldn't work here.

"You can't escape unless you've suddenly become a virus..." Poe's words came back to haunt Kip.



Energon X ducked almost casually, the seeker drone passing over his head and sticking into the wall by its blades. Experience told him that was a temporary solution at best, but...

"I am sorry, did I slur when I told you 'super-speed'?" he said mockingly as he snapped a blue candy, briefly wreathed in a blue glow that restored a certain amount of his power. "What, you thought you were the only one with toys?" Another blue glow flashed for an instant as the Blaster entered the carefully focussed state that allowed him to conserve his power, wielding titanic forces at a fraction of their usual cost to himself.

He surpressed a wince as he wound up another punch. This is not good. That power sink did some damage, and tight spaces don't play nice with my fighting style. He aimed another shot at Poe, this one apparently clumsy. Only problem was, Poe could either take the shot... or watch most of the bottom half of the elevator get smashed out from underneath him.

If this works, I'll either temporarily disable Poe, or else smash enough of the elevator to fly clear of the seeker drone, or at least buy some breathing room. "Can you fly, Mr. Poe?" the blaster asked as the fists came down.

((No, I haven't forgotten about the Power Sink, but the Blaster's instinct when things are draining your endurance is to hit them until they stop draining your endurance))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Meanwhile, Khel is still doing absolutely nothing besides wandering around the heroside bar ))


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





--Virtual Pocket D--

"What the Hell?"

"Implies that we may be locked in something, and this is a lucid digital hallucination."

"Thank you, Mr. Science," Kip muttered, "Fine..."

He got up, picked up the chair and hurled it at the DJ Zero facsimile. He then turned to the nearest table and threw it across the room at the bar.

Be a virus? Fine. He'll break the system.


--Actual Pocket D--

"Oh... Fiddlesticks," DJ Zero muttered as Power Breaker bounded across the dance floor for the elevator, then, into the microphone: "Well... I may as well bring them back up here... Arbiter Douglas? Please bring me the individual in contention when the elevator returns."

Power Breaker approached and the Arbiter standing guard at the door shook his head.

"Move along, folks," Douglas barked, "I got this..."

"What if he gasses you?" Breaker asked, "I mean, it is his thing, you know..."

"It wouldn't be the first time..." the Arbiter sighed, but the air around his head was starting to shimmer, "But, sometimes, working for the DJ has some pretty cool perks."


--Actual Pocket D: Villain-side Elevator--

The elevator lurched suddenly. It seemed to be going in the opposite direction. A metal panel slid over the buttons and a cheerful tune came over the internal speaker.

Suddenly, a shimmering wall appeared between the two combatants. It was flexible, and almost rubbery, but there was no pushing through it. No fighting either. It seemed to get harder to push with the more kinetic energy applied to it. A female voice issued from the speaker above them.

"Greetings, patrons. DJ Zero would like to thank you personally, Poe, for bringing your own unique brand of entertainment to the club. Mr. Energon X, not to worry, we shall assist you in your endeavor to have your companion returned to you. Please refrain from attempting to fight, escape or kill yourselves, as DJ Zero is quite in control of the situation, and will resort to drastic, vulgar measures to settle this matter. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Khel smashed her head on the metal railing, barely noticing the pain shooting through her head. The railing had cut her, too. Ah well.
She wiped away the blood trickling down her face. It had been right there all along! The way out was right under her nose! Why was she so stupid?!
The answer was simple.

Throw things. Kip had already caught on.

She grabbed the nearest bar stool, hoisted it over her head, and tossed it at the phony sound technician, then followed it up with several broken wine bottles.

Kheldragon suddenly realized something. Since only certain parts of her weren't regenerating, maybe whatever was in her blood there could be spread to other people.
Without hesitating, she slid out of her Void suit, took a knife from behind the bar, and made an incision in her chest. Hardly with surgical precision.
Wincing from the pain, she reached inside, took a piece of lung, and hurled it at the sound technician before the program could rebuild itself.
The bit of lung she'd taken began replacing itself inside her gut as the wound began to close...But much more slowly than the rest of her. At least it was healing, unlike the wounds she'd had in the first place.

She tossed some more bottles halfheartedly at the anti-virus dancers, waiting to see what would happen.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.