Night at the Pocket D ((Open RP))




Poe had zero intentions of staying put.

"Cheerio." He said.

Energon X saw him visibly wince as he operated some control on his right gauntlet.

Poe had developed his charged armor and power sink abilities via crafting devices that could mimic the powers of a friend of his named Zabu, a powerful energy manipulator, the "Patron" like ways in which he used the abilities granting him some affinity with them.

He had checked his sync-scanner before-hand, so he knew trying to rift away right now was futile. So what he was attempting was suicidal, but if there was a time to get experimental, it was now.

Xabu usually got around by being very damn fast, but sometimes, no matter HOW fast you ran, it wasn't fast enough. When prompted, the villain could transmute himself into pure energy and 'conduct' himself along matter to travel from place to place. Poe had, admitedly, begun working on a device that could allow him to do the same...

But he had never really gotten around to getting beyond the prototype. He had rifting, which seemed to be infinitely more useful, and initiate tests were a let-down. (The test subjects usually coming out of their conducted state inside out, IF they came back at all.)

Still, if this failed, being force-time-sheared back to the tower was an ample beat over the head to point out that he needed to invest more in auxililary gadgets.

If even one tiny thing went wrong now, Poe would essentially scatter his matter along uncountable streams, essentially 'killing' him. However, since he would TECHNICALLY still be 'alive' he wouldn't be time sheared to safety until his boss noticed he hadn't come back after his vacation time was up. (Which could have been over several million years at that point.)

Poe vanished from the elevator in a shower of red sparks, and they conducted themselves out of the elevator, heading for the exit lobby...



Energon X' attack ricocheted off the barrier and slammed into the floor with a noise like thunder, actually managing to penetrate the translucent shell that had snapped into place all around the two of them far enough to dent the floor rather badly.

He glared at Poe for a second before giving vent to his feelings with a distorted scream and quite spectacular storm of undirected blue-white energy that inflated the rubbery barrier like a balloon, denting the floor further and bowing the wall of the elevator out briefly, making it lurch sideways for a second.

Then he proceeded to kneel, regaining his strength, and cursing Poe with quite astonishing thoroughness, starting at his personal habits, working its way through a (stunningly low) assessment of his intelligence and sanity, touched briefly on hygiene, maligning his powers, calling his employers fools and worse for putting up with him, and then starting in on his ancestry, going back sixteen generations before starting to work its way forwards again. He had gotten as far as viciously impugning Poe's Great-great-great-great-grandfather for a second time when the rather mangled elevator doors slid open once more.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Jonas could feel Poe's power. It was everywhere. But while he had been waiting for the villain to show up, he had taken the time to draw Dark World runes over the floor, walls, and ceiling in both his own blood and the Bane's Blood he had acquired earlier. The runes would not only act as a barrier for selectable powers and nullify any influence the DJ had over this particular area for a small amount of time, it would also act as a portal.

Hurry the hell up Poe, we need to talk. Jonas thought darkly knowing what was in the near future for both himself and Poe.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



--Actual Pocket D--

When Poe rematierialized, he found himself face-to-face with DJ Zero. On top of that, he was, much to his dismay, perfectly fine. Anybody who wanted to take a shot at the villain was free to do so, except for the teensy-tiny problem of all of their hostile (even remotely hostile) powers not working. There was also the fact that another shimmering barrier had been erected between them and the rest of the club.

"Remember, Poe, I am the god here. I said I wanted to talk to you, and now we're going to talk. I simply won't let you walk away. Okay?"

Smiling warmly, he hovered in mid-air as if he were sitting in a chair. He was reclined and a drink appeared in his hand. It smelled faintly of cranberries. After he took a sip, he regarded Poe.

"Would you like a drink? Just say what you want and it'll be here... No poisons, though. I don't care if you enjoy a nice strichnyne mixed into your sparkling water, I'm not risking you keeling over in my club and having to deal with your boss. He's unpleasant, even if he is a professional."

He waved the Arbiter back to his position at the Villain-side entrance before returning to the matter at hand.

"First of all, you really need to learn how to relax. Yes, yes, I know, you get bored. We all get bored. However, there's a whole wide world out there for you to amuse yourself with... In fact... There's a whole universe, as I understand you are more than well aware..."

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Don't worry about them, they can't get to you, hurt you, or whatever. I'd say they can't see or hear us, but, well... I've never been that good a liar. Now... Tell me... Why is it every time you come here, you have to try to give me a headache? There are plenty of other things you could be doing, why must you bring havoc on my establishment?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Jonas smiled when he felt the power appear behind him. "Hello Zero," Jonas said with a smirk.

"Why is it every time I see you I get a headache? You DWC people always seem to bite off more than you can chew. Why do you insist on angering both me and Poe?" DJ Zero said as he took a step forward breaching the runes.

"No reason really, I figured you would show up before Poe got here. The whole of the DWC have been on peaceful terms with you for longer than most would want to know. I wouldn't want to see that wasted on a minor skirmish like this, 'sides I just wanted to talk to him," Jonas pulled the vial of Bane's Blood out of his pocket, only a few drops of the liquid remained.

"Fine Jonas, as long as you only wish to speak to him and not harm someone in my world. I'll let you have him when I'm done," The DJ finally noticed the runes around him, "Jonas, what is this?"

Jonas turned to look into the DJ's eyes, "This is just insurance. It'll only last a few minutes, but that will be all I need to make sure Poe and I can have a conversation that will go unimpeded." The entire time Jonas had been speaking he had opened the vial and poored the last few drops onto the ground.

The runes flowed from every where and began twisting up the DJ's body. He felt his power close in on itself, leaving only his floating avatar with enough power to keep the D from plunging into chaos or collapsing in on itself. "Don't worry Zero you go to my home for a few minutes, come back and every thing will be fine. Both Poe and I will be gone."

Zero was pulled through the floor of his dimension and into an infinately darker one. Jonas looked back toward the club and overlapped runes in his mind Ok Poe I'm at the door. We've got two minutes and eighteen seconds to get out of here.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((I disagree. In case it isn't said enough, DJ Zero is in COMPLETE CONTROL of his dimension. He would not allow somebody to utilize malicious magics against him, regardless of duration.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((It wouldn't necessarily be deemed malicious magic. I mean even the DJ needs a break from work every now and then. He is still there. . . . just not all there. I don't really think that he would have a problem with me getting rid of an annoyance for a little while through peaceful means.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((The idea isn't to simply get rid of an annoyance. This isn't the first time Poe has done stuff like this. I would think anybody would want to know why somebody's constantly being disruptive in their house.

And yes, a Detention Field is malicious. If it can miss, it's an attack.

You know what? Fine, run with it. Let's see where this goes.

I gotta get away from working with Zero, anyway. I gotta stop God-moding. I can't see how you can do this pathologically, Diov. It gives me a headache trying to figure out how to fudge somebody's tactics, especially when they're God-moding themselves...))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((It's not really gonna go that far, just wanna get Poe outa the D for awhile so he will quit screwing with those who just wanna get drunk.

Diov doesn't really god mode so much as he makes himself the center of attention long enough to start trouble.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Has anyone else noticed that we seem to have ditched the OP in all this chaos? Lt. Briggs, where'd you go?

And I really wish people would stop yanking Poe away as I'm trying to bludgeon him. Godmode or not, he's got a beating coming))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



(( [ QUOTE ]
And I really wish people would stop yanking Poe away as I'm trying to bludgeon him. Godmode or not, he's got a beating coming

[/ QUOTE ]


I've already beaten Poe down in one RP (a sword through the chest will do that ) But the guys you for sure DON'T wanna face are Xabu and Noitpeced. I hate both of them like 9000 times more than I hate Poe.

And I reallyreallyreallyREALLY hate Poe))

Fraenir walked over to where Poe seemed to have reformed at, and looked up at DJ Zero.

The big dragon-man planned on asking the good DJ what he planned on doing with Poe, and if he would return Khel to them any time soon.

But then DJ Zero didn't seem to be there anymore.

But Poe was, and the shimmering barrier between the offending once-waiter and the rest of the club had fallen with Zero's disappearance.

"Now, about getting Khel back..." Fraenir rumbled, as he reached out with his empty left arm and grabbed the back of Poe's neck.

"Think carefully, or you'll never think again"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((It may be god-moding, but it is all within the limits and boundaries of the game. Poe cannot do anything not possible in the game, and he cannot use any powers outside of what he has in-game. While what I do may easily be interpreted as such, I do follow a set of basic rules.

Plus, I'm not in this to win. Judge me as you will.

As far as you going with DJ Zero Grey, I did not see your actions as god moding in any way shape or form, and I whole-heartedly agree with you when you say that nothing short of another dimensional entity greater or equal to in power to DJ Zero would be able to do anything to him. I don’t even think he’d even blink in response to the Malleus Mundi or the Tears of the Spirit.

But seeing as I am being thrown a bone here, and since I have never been one to turn down free bones…))

"Would you like a drink? Just say what you want and it'll be here... No poisons, though. I don't care if you enjoy a nice strichnyne mixed into your sparkling water, I'm not risking you keeling over in my club and having to deal with your boss. He's unpleasant, even if he is a professional."

[/ QUOTE ]

“You have nothing that I could ingest with satisfaction.” Poe spat at the DJ.

"Don't worry about them, they can't get to you, hurt you, or whatever. I'd say they can't see or hear us, but, well... I've never been that good a liar. Now... Tell me... Why is it every time you come here, you have to try to give me a headache? There are plenty of other things you could be doing, why must you bring havoc on my establishment?"

[/ QUOTE ]

“I will remind you that when I first walked in here today, it was EVERYONE ELSE who started the trouble. I will further remind you that it was others who also started the fight when I walked in here not a few minutes ago. So the reason as to WHY I bring havoc to your establishment? People don’t like me. However, as YOU have stated CLEARLY multiple times, differences are supposed to be moot here. If it is ANYONE’S fault as to why there was a fight between me and your other patrons…” Poe grinned lightly. “It’s YOURS. After all, is it not YOUR responsibility to make sure that a fight can’t even BEGIN to start here?”

Then the others showed up.

The moment DJ Zero got stuck, it was all over. Poe was gone in a flash. Literally. A series of seeker drones, gas mines, stealth generator, and being able to fly away at high speed being a great advantage here. With DJ Zero gone, all bets were off. Any power or ability could be used, anything could happen. Fraenir didn’t even get as far as grabbing Poe by the neck.

((Mind you, this is merely me assuming that with DJ Zero gone, the various rules and operations of the D are suspended during his absence. After all, I understand he literally keeps the place afloat through sheer force of will. Taking him away from the D is like dunking a tooth-pick into a lava stream. If I’m wrong in my assumption, however, I’d be happy to edit.))


The false DJ frowned.

“What are you two doing? Stop that…”

Nothing got past their shield, but that hardly stopped the two heroes.

They were breaking things faster than they repaired themselves, and there was really nothing the Anti-Virus manifestations could do to stop them.

Now all it would take from here on out was clever thinking. If every object in the room was a manifestation of the program/application they were currently in, that meant that the room itself was the actual boundary of the application. Which meant to escape, the application needed to be ‘deleted.’

There was obviously a recovery program which kept delving into the system and bringing back programs that were deleted, but at the rate Khelly and Kip were smashing things…

An application’s size is determined by its content. What would happen to it if everything inside of it was deleted?

The Anti-Virus programs almost looked worried, even without their faces.



((Dun dun DUUUN...

And I still have no idea what the way out is. >.&gt)


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





((DJ's avatar is still there, the D is still functional, and the safe gaurds are still in place although weakened. I guess we left Briggs back around the time Poe dissappeared earlier. I passed my tests! HOOO-RAH!))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



((Well, something I remembered from an earlier RP got me to calm down. It also makes sense... Zero does have a tendency to simply step back and let the players do their thing. So, that's probably what he's doing here.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Poe's escape would have been perfectly smooth, had he not forgotten one thing. Well, two things, actually... make that three.

One, that Energon X was just as fast as he was. And two, he was more than a little pissed with Poe. And finally, and most importantly, he was still between Poe and the doors.

Poe popped out of the gas cloud to find the now-familiar bloody glow coming, once again, at the bridge of his nose. "Welcome back, you miserable bugger."

((I'm assuming from your post that Poe was headed for the elevator doors- if not, let me know and I'll edit my post))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Errr...Diov is not Poe. I think if Diov himself was here, this would be a somewhat different situation entirely. >.&gt)



Fraenir was surprised when Poe unleashed his traps. Three Seeker drones and one gas mine had been launched in his direction.

When the drones hit, the spinning blades bent, and the explosions did little more that leave patches of soot on his orange scales. But the mine had ended up clamping down on his right arm.

With a growl of annoyance, Fraenir reached over with his left hand, and ripped the device off his bicep, crushing it in the process.

"As I said before, waiter," Fraenir rumbled, "Try harder"

Then, snapping his reptilian-like skull forwards, Fraenir opened his maw of jagged teeth wide, and spat a bolt of red lightning at Poe's flying form.

((Now who do we know who can affect electricity, Hmmm? :P))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((*sigh*... fixed, Diov. You knew what I meant >.&lt)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



--Actual Pocket D--

Sadly for the demented little corrupter(?), Breaker wasn't too far away from Energon X (a little farther from the door and to the blaster's right), so he had avoided the gasses utilized to cover the escape. Seeing all of this insanity, Power Breaker suddenly shouted over the insane throng.


An electric burst erupted from his spikes, sending cages out to any and all Pocket D patrons near the focal point, which was Poe. This wasn't necessarily the intended result, Breaker jsut wanted to stop Poe. Still, with any luck, (and a whole lot more accuracy), Breaker would imprison a number of people in some really stinging electric cages, hopefully detaining them from furthering their assaults.

"Come here," he shouted, throwing an arm out to catch the guy in case he missed, "What was that you said about teleporting me into a minefield? Don't you run away from me! Don't run! DON'T RUN!"

An arc of electricity coursed through his arm, running down the circuitry channels embedded in his flesh, and hovered at his fingertips. If Poe continued to resist detainment, the electricity would be released, further damaging the poor [jerk].


--Virtual Pocket D--

Kip let loose a victorious whoop as he noticed the scene seemingly falling apart. He didn't know what was keeping him here, and he didn't know what he'd find when it all crashed, but he wasn't about to let up now.

"[Frig] you, Zero!" he shouted as he took a chair and smashed it repeatedly against the bottles of booze behind the bar, "I! Hate! This! Place! I! Hate! This! Bar! Every time! I come here! Stupid crap! Like THIS! Keeps happening! To me!"

With his last exclamation, the chair splintered, and Kip didn't hesitate, immediately leaping over the bar and kicking a table over, breaking off two of its legs, and smashing everything within reach as he stormed about the room.

"Try and stop me!"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Poe did something unexpected. Mid-rush through flight, he reversed, still facing forward.

Energon X heard a *clink* followed by a *pluff* noise as the web grenade exploded at his feet.

Fraenir's red lightning bolt hit Poe dead-on.

And was absorbed by his charged shield. In addition to giving Poe excelent protection against physical attacks, it gave him down-right amazing resistance to energy based attacks. It wasn't long after that when Fraenir found a shower of caltrops surrounding him.

Due to Breaker's little outrage, it was now likely Energon would be imprisoned with one of Breaker's cages as well as stuck in place by Poe's web grenade. Additionally, Breaker couldn't catch Poe if Poe was moving in the opposite direction.

"Screw you Breaker! Don't think I'll make the mistake of coming IN HERE again once I get out!" Poe shouted as he zipped for the exit on the opposite side of the club.



"Tiny metal bugs!" Fraenir exclaimed as he felt the caltrops touch his skin. He flapped his great wings, and got himself airborne (blowing the caltrops a good distance away in the process) and looked over at Poe as the waiter made a b-line for the other elevator.

Fraenir pumped his great wings, and powered himself across the space in the Night Club.

Now if he had timed this right, Poe was soon have a very painful collision.

((think of a T-shaped intersection. Fraenir is flying up from the bottom, while Poe is flying across the top on his way to the elevator. Fraenir has no intent on stopping and letting Poe pass unheeded ))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Sorry for not posting lately folks. Had some family emergency stuff. But hopefully I will post in a day or three.))



((Oh wow... Lt. Briggs is going to be mortified at the chaos surrounding her. Don't worry, there's a waiter nearby to provide her with plenty of refreshment as she watches.

He looks a lot like DJ Zero...))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((This is what Poe wishes he could do to Pocket D....if it was a desert

*beeping noise*

DJ Zero: "What the F-"


Poe: *evil lolz*))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector