First Piece of Art




First piece of art I've actually seen through. Done on one layer in a little less than three hours on Photoshop. I don't like how the top of the hood turned out, and I screwed up a little with the eye, but I do like how the streams coming out of its head worked out. It's a character concept for CoV, mainly for RP purposes. still havn't decided on a name yet. Please leave comments.

The thing with no name. Yet. Seriously.



Oooh very creepy! Reminds me of the Scary Stories book series...those always freaked me out! Nice work!



reminds me of the lovecraft cover art .. and thats a good thing



That looks pretty awesome Diov! Reminds me of the Dark Servant pet thing that fenders and corrs get.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Well... I can make cartoons...

I'm sure that counts for SOMETHING.



I think it looks like the guy you sell poes to in Zelda, if Only because of his eye thing.



Scary Stories to tell in the dark definatly. now do another shot.



All I can say is wow! I can;t wait to see other works from you.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon