Paint or Bust!
Oh and before I forget, NO ROBOTS!
Oh!!! You know you want to pick Goat Lord.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
Damn that's tempting... maybe I'll do that as your Christmas present.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
Here's one of mine I haven't had anyone do as yet, for your consideration:
Silver Belle closeup
Silver Belle
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

I'll play...
Quickening (close up on the left), I kind of imagine her facing looking like Catherine Zeta-Jones. Feel free to take liberties with the hair if you choose her.
[/ QUOTE ]
<;_;> I am disappointed. Not the kind of busts I had envisioned!
/pervsquirrel >.>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Well if you have an NSFW dressed toon, that's up to you...
I think t his is a great idea LJ. Lets people with a smaller budget still get a piece of your gorgeous work!
Thanks Larissa...
Well if you have an NSFW dressed toon, that's up to you...
[/ QUOTE ]
Hehe, sorry <^,~>
I think its a great idea honestly <^_^> I just had to say something doofy <~_~>; I've been in a bad mood for days; so I'm trying to make myself be lighthearted <x,x> TRYING!
But anyway, yes, I think this is a good idea <^-^> I honestly do a lot of the head-and-up only art myself; though its just sketches, and rarely very good.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Here is my lv 50 Corr. If the wings cause you to go 0_0 it's ok if you pass her up.
Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
Mr. Glacier would like to be another one of your contestants
I'd make the screenie shot like this....but I have not yet figured out just how to do that (if anyone wouldn't mind PMing me the details, I would be most gracious)
Global - @El D
Servers - Protector
Mr. Glacier would like to be another one of your contestants
I'd make the screenie shot like this....but I have not yet figured out just how to do that (if anyone wouldn't mind PMing me the details, I would be most gracious)
[/ QUOTE ]
Well first, to get that absolutely craptastic result, you must have a 10 month old baby nursing while you are at the keyboard trying to grab at your mouse at the same time, all the while opening up screenshots into photoshop, selecting them, hitting ctrl-x then ctrl v in your other image file where YOU Want to place the image, but not neccisarrily where your baby wants you to place your image. Usually as you see in my absolutely craptastic screenie compliation, the baby won...
Sorry everyone..
Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
*Tosses hat in*
If its not too late I would like to toss in (from the creator of Jala) the mutant lizard girl who flings fire, Vexa!
Absolutely love the idea.
If you are still looking for a character to do, I think Tural would be cool as a bust.
I might be interested in one for Banshee Bride.
I has to consult my finances first though.
I would love a bust of skye if your still doing these ...
*points to the DA scraps*
WOAH sweet thanks!!!
Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
Yer welcome, I'll try to finish in the morning, but we're celebrating Turkey Day in Canada early, so I might not have it done till monday...
Just trying to get your attention, but I've recently seen that some people offer just "busts" of their work for sale, and I was wondering if any of you would be interested in this kind of thing?
A big plus is to suggest someone (celebrity living or dead) that they'd like their toon to resemble.
Basically a non-full figure, non-hands, just head and shoulders piece... of a single toon.
The final would be up to me to color as I see fit, but it will most likely be done entirely in Painter, as I seriously need the practice. As for cost, I'm figuring somewhere in the "triple the amount of digits on a given hand" area...
In the end I plan to offer these up in about 3 weeks, but here's a possible result:
Anyway until then...
I'm willing to test this out for free on the next two posters that strike my fancy.
I'll choose the first tomorrow for my warm up, and another by Monday... so please link a clean headshot to this thread.
If you're image is too small, I may not use it... and please don't make me fish through your signatures, cuz I won't!
Okies, thanks for playing...