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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I don't think the system distinguishes between "mission/drop" Rare and "Pool C" Rare. I'm pretty sure I saw a same-rarity conversion go between pool C and A.

    Can anyone confirm/deny this?
    I am fairly certain that the game doesn't care what drop pool the rare came from - or, frankly, that it's even Rare in some cases (e.g., I converted a Call of the Sandman into a Touch of Death acc/dam, which is uncommon, and then converted the ToD A/D into another rare). I did a bunch of random converting last night, because I got bored flipping purples and wanted to turn some of the junk random SGmates have stored over the years into more useful items. I can't remember whether it was a level 10 Erad Damage or ADR that I turned into a BotZ KB protection, but I know it was one of the two.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Cannot combine Synthetic and 'normal' HOs even if they are the same kind.
    I just combined an Enzyme Exposure and a Synthetic Enzyme Exposure on the test server. Worked fine.

    Unrelated, the new feature where you don't detoggle after 15 minutes? Really nice. I logged on test earlier this afternoon, probably 5 or 6 hours ago, and turned on all my toggles. When I logged back in to check this, the toggles were still running.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    Night Watcher isn't a proxy account.

    Night Watcher, Myself, Cactus Brawler, CBeet and a few others are all on Skype.
    Which is fine, and why I included the language about posting on behalf of a suspended user. If CB is suspended, posting on his behalf violates the rule.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Watcher View Post
    On behalf of Cactus Brawler:
    On behalf of the Forum Rules and Guidelines (

    11. No proxy posting; no account hopping to evade suspension.

    Posting on behalf of a suspended user is not allowed. Working around a ban through other people’s accounts, trial or secondary accounts to continue posting is also prohibited and may incur an extension of a current ban.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    They just removed an entire RP concept from the players, want to RP as a Preatorian post I23? Too bad everyone's dead.
    Not angry enough. Here's an alternative approach.

    "Play and you may lose. Rage and you will win - at least a while. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as angry players and tell our devs that they may take our RP, but they will never take our DRAMA!"

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    I didn't just mean combining Hydra Os or Hami Os but rather combining a Hami and a Hydra - admittedly there is a much higher chance of failure because of the level difference.
    Sorry about that. My quoting of you was largely because you were the most recent post in the thread. I probably should have just hit the "reply" button.

    My concern was that something had happened that made general combination of special-origin enhancements (specifically, Hami-O's) impossible. That does not seem to be the case. Having never had a Hydra-O I can't test combining un-like special origins, but I'll take your word for it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    Should also work combining with Hydra Os (long time since I have done so though) or the drops from Eden.
    I went over to test, just to see, and was able to combine 2 Enzyme Exposures just fine.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    A great suggestion! My only concern would be that the forums are not frequented by the majority of the player base (less than 10%) and as such are not the ideal avenue to convey such information.
    The flip side, of course, being that most of the complaining happens in the forums...
  9. I thought this was going to be about pining for more immersion, then getting pooped on by one of the gulls circling over Mother Mayhem's hospital in First Ward.

    Yes, I'm pretty sure this happened to me once while I was parked up on the roof of the hospital, working on the silly day job badge.

    No, I don't have a screenshot.

    Yes, this would be the most random and disgusting easter egg ever.
  10. I may have one of these (52, not 53) tucked away in a base. Send me a PM with what you think would be a fair market value and I'll look into whether I actually have one tonight.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
    Ill step into this thread partly IC and partly OOC. Good luck figuring where the line between them is.
    I'm not sure how you got an entire thread on your motorcycle, but you cleared that shark by a mile.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HT_Ingram View Post
    Clowns have been depicted as murders, bank robbers, terrorists, and general insane Mahayanist.
    Out of deference to those coulrophobes in the thread, I will not post the standard Joker "Not sure if serious" image in this space.

    However, I will ask for a citation relevant to the depiction of insane Buddhist clowns.
  13. EarthWyrm

    EA vs Stone

    I've played a Stone/ tank and a /Stone brute to 50, and my most-played character is an SS/EA brute. I've got another /EA at 31 that's suffering from TMAS (too many alts syndrome). My SS/EA is, far and away, my most fun character to play. It's got great tools, as has been noted, and if it's a little weak to defense debuffs, well, there had to be something.
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    While it is true that Stone Armor has some cons, the cons can be easily compensated for with certain IO's. My stone armor alts all have at least 70% recharge bonus from IO's which negates granite's recharge penalty, and my two brutes have about 90% run boost and my stone tank has 100% run boost which greatly reduces the combined 160% run penalty from granite+rooted. Also they are nicely defense softcapped and are all working on getting Agility for their Alpha so they can remove Cardiac.
    Used to be, when someone would argue that /EA was great with IOs, there would be those who jumped in and said something to the effect of, "Yeah, but if you made the same investment with a different secondary, it'd be that much better!"

    The same logic kind of applies here. Getting 70% global recharge on a stoner means that you're back to having no penalty. Getting 70% global recharge with any other secondary means that you now have the equivalent of perma-hasten.

    That being said, I'm from the weird school that doesn't believe stoners should live in granite. We have to keep Rooted on, sure, what with it being our mez protection. But granite flat-out isn't needed in most content, and particularly for a brute, you don't want something that reduces your damage output right off the bat. Yeah, if you're in granite, you'll almost never die. (Unless you're going up against psi-users. I love the "WTF?" moment when a granite tank teleports up to the psi AV in the STF and faceplants in two seconds...) You'll also provide way less damage to the team's cause. The team is only as fast as its slowest member. Personally? I hate being That Guy.

    Of course, I also don't think the movement debuff is particularly meaningful once people get used to the shift+lbutton teleport bind. If somebody gets to a spawn before I do on my stoners, they went to the wrong spawn.

    It comes down to a playstyle choice. Having done both (over a thousand hours on the stone tank, over 2,000 on the /ea brute) I know that /EA fits my playstyle better, so that's what I'd recommend.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
    Did I miss anything in some patch notes, and Hami-Os can no longer be combined? Or is this a bug?
    Something to test (since you're over on the test server) is whether the Hami-O's can be boosted in the same fashion as IOs (i.e., with Boosters). Tha'ts not the case on live, currently. If (on test) they can be boosted and can no longer be combined, that would point to an un-advertised but intended change. If they cannot be boosted and still cannot be combined, that would seem to be a bug over on test.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    As you can see in the patch notes, they fixed the "exploit" about using a level 1 character to get converters via vet reward merits. That is the same file where a "bug" in permissions prevents you from buying Converters from the other 3 vendors. I wouldn't be surprised if Posi came out on April 1 and said, "April Fools, we were lying about making Enhancement Converters available for Emps, Astrals, or Alignment Merits."
    We'll get them eventually, I'm sure. This strikes me as a way to bleed the truly ridiculous number of RMs generated by super packs out of the system somewhat. The irony is that doing so is not just slowing down some of the crazy-making with purples, it's also creating more crazy-making with anything that's not purple/pvp by pushing people away from using their RMs for anything other than converters.

    That's just a WAG, though. I'm not trying to understand the logic too much. I'm just logging in, playing, and continuing to get fake-rich. I figure the week that I don't re-position some alts to be in Fort Trident/Crucible will be when they finally push these out via other means than RMs.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I wish the markets had real time streaming quotes just so I could sit back and watch the fireworks on the day the alignment merit patch goes in.
    At least they had the foresight to throttle alignment merit-based converters to 1 purchase per 20 hours per character. Won't help with the glut of astrals and empyreans, though.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    10 single converts used and majority are "good" with me also getting the pancea proc + shield wall proc x) Happy days for me
    I had much better luck with out-of-set conversions than I did with in-set conversions. Twelve randoms on one character got me 2 Panacea procs, and another ten got me a GA and SW unique. It's the in-set conversions that somehow feel way more like a sucker bet, which makes me wonder about the weightings.

    There's not much to be mad about, objectively, since I pretty much made back everything I spent getting purples and pvpo's with two GA sales for a billion each early on, and have a ton of purples and PVPs to convert over time, to trick out my characters. I don't need the fake monies, since I have more than I can spend already. I'm really just disappointed that this is twice I looked for the roll-out on these, and twice that it didn't go as I expected it would.

    My own fault, and ultimately, my own lack of perspective. When I'm the angriest person in a thread, it's time for me to take a break from the forums for a while.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I have 1100 merits saved for this so i'll give it my best! But are they dropping from enemies too or only via vendors?
    Good luck with that. I just spent 400 doing in-set conversions and couldn't hit the one I wanted. I started out with 63 stacks of 25 merits in my email and am down under 40 from another set of conversions, and only hit 2 things I was trying to hit out of that run.

    They introduced the least-optimal, most cash-relevant, option first. This is about as skeezy a move as I've ever seen this team pull, and I'm really disappointed in them.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Converters are only available through the Reward Merit Vendors in the Live environment. On Beta, they're available also through Astrals, Empyreans, and Alignment Merits.

    Since it costs 10 Merits to buy 1 Converter and it can take about 20-40 Converters to change garbage into gold... you probably could have already turned those Merits into gold an easier way. Until larger bundles of Converters are available through the other vendors, Converters are likely to be a non-player in the grander scheme of things.
    My first thought was, "Well, if there were any way for them to actually make money off this, I'd be really annoyed."

    My second thought was, "Well, crap. The easiest way to get reward merits is to buy super packs..."
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    It was like an extended Freedom Friday of FB.

    There were several idiots in that chat log.
    It was a nice reminder of why, when I sit for 5-10 minutes every time I make a new character claiming items and setting up trays, one of the first things I do is remove "Help" from all applicable tabs.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    My thoughts are on stabilization that it will be harder for marketeers to farm "niches" since they will need to control a much greater inventory of the entire class of I/O in order to maintain their corner of the market. Basically, this will take the "corners" out of the market. With everything rounding to an approximate level of worth.
    There's about an order of magnitude's difference between "working a niche" and "cornering a market." I'd be shocked if converters turned the market into a "store"-like entity with totally stable prices.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sith_Rose View Post
    Important note: The new DA content mission complete badges are, per the senior GMs, only supposed to be awarded to the mission holder. There is a bug that sometimes allows the badge to be awarded to teammates and not to the mission holder.
    That's good information to have. I hadn't noticed, but that's because when I've run in teams we've not been auto-completing the arc-badge mission because of the other funky thing that happens when you're on a team and complete an arc in DA.

    I don't think we've gotten to any of the non-arc badge missions thus far, but we've been working our way through fairly slowly.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Holy crap, I just realized... The leprechaun isn't supposed to be making US money... !
    So... it fails twice as hard?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    The pricing model is you'll pay what we want you to pay and like it now get off my lawn.
    Except that for such a model to work, they have to be able to spend my money for me. And they can't, so it won't, so I'm pretty sure your interpretation fails.

    I realized they were not going to put the extra trays and storage items on sale when I bought them and found out just how useful the extra room can be.
    I've got tons of recipe and salvage storage just through normal play and vet rewards and Vanguard merits. I bought extra storage on Beta and don't notice it much. The utility that goes along with having multiple enhancement trays got diminished when I picked up a stack of unslotters that allow me to pull IOs out one at a time.

    What they offer is QOL convenience, but it's nothing I can't live without for $20. I'll spend money on other games before I get that free with my spending in this one.

    If it's worth it to you, though, that's cool.

    This is Paragon WINNING!
    I think there should be a joke about leprechaun blood after this, just to make the gratuitous Charlie Sheen reference complete.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    I bet you'd see a sea of green little men in Incarnate trials if they worked like that
    As was pointed out to me on the beta forums, he'd be greyed out on the iTrials.

    I fail to grasp the logic that attempts to balance in-game rewards by making them prohibitive to purchase with out-of-game money, but that seems to be what's going on here. It's bizarre.