186 -
Hell, I recently saw the Collectors Edition on sale for $30 Canadian. CoV is cheap right now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I bought a copy of the DVD edition at Fry's several weeks ago for $30. At that time the regular version was actually $40...$10 more than the Collector's Edition.
I also grabbed one of the preorders they still had there for $.01, which got me one of the special helmets. -
Are there any plans to let Hero players get into their SG bases, as opposed to just Villain players that also play heroside?
None of this is at all useful if you can't actually get in.
[/ QUOTE ]
Go buy CoV for $30 at a store. "UPGRADE" your account and you get a free month.
Net cost: $15
That's $15 for four extra slots per server, a whole game's worth of new content, access to all of the SG Base features, and (probably in Issue 7) hero-access to the tons of new CoV costume options.
Seems like a pretty good deal to me...but that's just me. Obviously some don't agree. -
Good answer Screwloose, but I guess you didn't notice that this post was made about 22 months ago, two weeks after City of Heroes launched. For some reason that I'm sure no one could ever figure out, The_Smoking_Baby decided to resurrect it, which is quite a feat because I don't think even Dr. Frankenstein could have reanimated a post that old.
Making an absolute statement like "Mayhem Missions are versus Longbow" based on a single screen shot is a stretch, to say the least.
From that screen shot, the most you can realistically say is that "IF that is a shot of a Mayhem Mission, then SOME of them will have Longbow in them." -
A corruptor's primary function is ranged damage. Obviously, it's not as if the Devs can't change one value without altering the other. A Dominator's purpose, even if it's his secondary purpose, is to deal damage and that some of that damage is meant to be melee.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, a corruptor's primary function is damage not ranged damage...even if he has no melee attacks in his primary power set. Corruptors can get Air Superiority, Jump Kick, Boxing, Kick, and Flurry...all of which are melee attacks. And when villains get their versions of the APP powers in Issue 7 there will likely be a few more melee attacks available to them.
A corrupter would do more damage than a dominator when using any of the above melee attacks, because damage is his primary function. But control is the dominator's primary function; damage is his secondary. That's why my Ice corruptor's hold powers aren't as good as a dominator's hold powers, and that's why a dominator's attacks aren't as damaging as a corruptor's attacks...regardless of whether they are ranged or melee.
Besides, the melee difference is only 5% anyway, so it isn't like corruptors are getting some kind of significant "advantage" over dominators. Throw a hold on something and run up and melee it. If the attack numbers are basically equivalent, the corruptor's ranged attack will only be doing about 5% more than the dominator's melee attack...and the dominator will likely even be in less danger than the corruptor because of his control powers and Domination. -
It's because a corrupter's primary function is damage, whereas a dominator's primary function is control. It is just like the difference between blasters and defenders or scrappers and tankers.
What are you trying to make it do? You can only activate one power at a time per bind. Well, technically you can activate two if they are click powers and you set one of them to auto-attack in the bind, but that's another issue.
It looks like all that bind will do is make you jump and then toggle Fly on/off. Is that what it's doing? If you are wanting to turn off sprint at the same time then you will need to use "powexec_toggleoff sprint". That will activate Fly and turn off Sprint at the same time. -
That sounds right to me, and it is something which has been needed for a very long time, but was practically impossible to do because we didn't really have a standard by which to compare all attacks across all ATs in relation to each other.
That's the problem I've always had with the Brawl Index... it quite effectively shows you how your attacks compare with all your other attacks, but it reveals nothing about how your attacks compare with everyone else's attacks. For example, a Blaster's 2.7778 BI attack would do about 28 base damage at 20th level, but a controller, defender, or mastermind's 2.7778 BI attack would only do about 15 base damage at 20th level. It is simply not a good standard to use unless you couple it with the AT modifier, which is what should have always been done.
I don't think the typical person reading some BI number or using a hero planner realizes that when they see 2.7778 damage for an attack on their blaster and then 2.7778 damage for an attack for their defender, that those attacks do completely different damage. Why would they? It looks like they do the same damage. But the blaster's attack actually does about 53% more than the defender's.
A global damage magnitude number has been needed for a long time. Frankly, I've never cared that my defender's XYZ attack does 2.7778 times more damage than my Brawl attack does, but I would very much like to know that my Brawl attack is damage magnitude .55, the blaster's Brawl is magnitude 1.0, my XYZ attack is magnitude 1.53 and the blaster's ABC attack is magnitude 2.7. That gives me an objective standard by which to judge all of my attacks against each other, and against all the attacks of all the other ATs as well. -
***lightning flashes as he leans over the dead thread...***
"It's alive...alive...ALIVE!" -
Not to mention that he cross-posted it into the General - CoH forum too.
Archmage Tarixus....25-30......Lore Keeper.......................793, 16, 1781 Sharkhead
+ Lore Keeper is the correct badge (used to be Weed Whaker or Soul Binder);
Tarixus' brush off message isn't updated yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Archmage Tarixus is not 25-30. At best he is 25-29 like regular contacts.
I talked to him at 29 but didn't have the Lorekeep badge yet, so he gave me the "learn the history" message. Almost immediately after that I hit 30th level, then went and got the badge when I had the chance, and went back and talked to him again. He was now unlocked but then gave me the "Your usefulness to me has ended..." message, and consequently wouldn't give me the missions.
I suspected the 25-30 thing might be an error since contacts typically end at 29, but I went on to 30 anyway without checking it. Oh well. Live and learn. -
No, you can't "pull" with Wormhole. It's AoE is very big, like a normal AoE disorient. So, if you "pull" with it you are actually just pulling an entire group. It pretty much like any other AoE disorient as far as I can tell. I don't recall offhand exactly how long it is, but if you slot it sufficiently then the disorient might last long enough for you.
My Grav/FF controller has it and I use it fairly often, since its recharge is significantly shorter than the AoE hold. -
Error on the Hoarfrost section , or percevied error. The recharge total time is 180 sec (give or take a few with enhancements), and it lasts 120, so you have a 60 sec period of nothing. That is where Hibernate comes in handy.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe Hoarfrost's recharge is actually 360 seconds. It is a little over 180 seconds with 3 Recharge Reduction SOs slotted in it. You used to be able to have it always on with 4 SOs and perma-Hasten, but that is no longer possible. -
Wow! That is some serious thread resurrection there...it could be a new forum record. This thread was from over 1.5 years ago, which means City of Heroes was only two months old.
Nice work, Enantiodromos, and thanks for all the effort you put into that.
And for those who would like a simple illustration of the actual percentage of XPs you get when you and your team "share" the damage with confused mobs, here's the chart I posted in cforce's guide (note this only shows the actual percentage given per mob...it doesn't take into account any of the time factors outlined by Enantiodromos):
Experience Rewards for Confuse
1%..............99%............2.88%..........96.12% ............3.88%
5%..............95%...........12.39%..........82.61% ..........17.39%
10%............90%...........20.77%..........69.23%.. ........30.77%
15%............85%...........26.38%..........58.62%.. ........41.38%
20%............80%...........30.00%..........50.00%.. ........50.00%
25%............75%...........32.14%..........42.86%.. ........57.14%
30%............70%...........33.16%..........36.84%.. ........63.16%
35%............65%...........33.29%..........31.71%.. ........68.29%
40%............60%...........32.73%..........27.27%.. ........72.73%
45%............55%...........31.60%..........23.40%.. ........76.60%
50%............50%...........30.00%..........20.00%.. ........80.00%
55%............45%...........28.02%..........16.98%.. ........83.02%
60%............40%...........25.71%..........14.29%.. ........85.71%
65%............35%...........23.14%..........11.86%.. ........88.14%
70%............30%...........20.32%............9.68%. .........90.32%
75%............25%...........17.31%............7.69%. .........92.31%
80%............20%...........14.12%............5.88%. .........94.12%
85%............15%...........10.77%............4.23%. .........95.77%
90%............10%............7.30%............2.70%. .........97.30%
95%.............5%.............3.70%............1.30% ..........98.70%
99%.............1%.............0.75%............0.25% ..........99.75%
From the chart you can see that you get the most "work" out of the confused mobs when you do one third damage. That is when you get the highest "bonus" XPs (i.e. the most XPs credit for damage you didn't do). One third damage gets you two thirds of the XPs. That's when you're getting the best work-to-XPs ratio.
A personal note: Although I can understand the limitation forcing you to share damage in order to get XPs (to prevent exploits), I'd still like to see the percentages increased a little more, or them give a very small amount even if you do none of the damage at all. Leveling a mind controller can be a bit slow when compared to the other controllers, who get 100% of their pets' XPs. My gravity controller constantly gets XPs for mobs I never touch...or even see for that matter, but from the numbers Enantiodromos posted, they can still potentially level fast in spite of it, so maybe that invalidates my point. Still, in any case, Confuse has a definite "fun factor" that's hard to beat regardless of the XPs given.
Dwimble -
Unfortunately, bases are too costly for small family sized SuperGroups, even with inviting all our Alts. The bases seem more geared toward those with huge supergroups. It would be nice if dynamic duos could affor bases, too. I don't want to raid or be raided, I just want the workshop and the medical center more than anything. Especially the medical center.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the statement was off topic, but I'll address it anyway...
You can afford them, just not quickly.
You can easily decorate a base quickly and cheaply...even if you have a small, casual group. But for functional things like teleporters and medical bays it might take you months to afford eveything you need, depending on how much you play. But what's wrong with that? It takes several months to a year to level a single character to 50 unless you power-level, play around the clock, or cheat. So, why shouldn't it take months for a small SG to be able to build a functional base? Seems reasonable to me.
I started a small villain group on Virtue (The Scurvy Dogs) a couple of weeks ago and have already placed the Energy, Control, and Work rooms. I've also bought the first control device for it...and we only have several active members so far and several alts. It might take us a few weeks to get it powered up and a worktable. It may also take us awhile to get the desirable things like teleporters and medical, but we're in no great hurry. It's a goal to work towards. -
This was PM'd to me by a user who got the info from Pohsyb.
The streakbreaker will force a hit if there has been a long series of misses (only for heroes)
ACC / Length of miss streak before we force a hit
>90 / 1
80-90 / 2
60-80 / 3
30-50 / 4
20-30 / 6
10-20 / 8
1-10 / 100
The random number is calculated simply by the C stdlib rand().
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course if you examine that chart closely then what you said originally would be accurate for even cons with no special defense.
If the allowable number of misses for a 60-80% accuracy is 3 then that certainly fits the original comment, since the chance to hit an even-con is a base 75% for players. I assume the chart was purposely made simplistic for convenience. Obviously it can't be referring technically to the player's "accuracy" in a vacuum, but to the players final chance "to hit" after all of the variables are accounted for such as force fields, bonus defense, buffs, level differences, and so on.
So, if you for example were fighting a +3 Rikti Drone or Death Mage (both of which have notoriously high defense), then it is quite probable that you would have to miss more than the 1-3 times it would be if it was purely based on your power's beginning accuracy before the streak breaker forced a hit. Apparently he said "accuracy" meaning "final chance to hit".
That makes perfect sense, is a reasonable way to do it, and seems to line-up with my own arguably subjective experience. -
Small Update
I've been planning on updating this guide for a while now. Hopefully I'll get to it soon. In the mean time, I thought I'd add a little point to the thread.
Since I wrote this small guide I've found that the changes that were made to TP Foe a little while back made it the best and most useful pulling power in the game. In my opinion there is no better way to pull. You can target something, get out of sight, and then TP it right to you. A TP'd foe has no chance to shoot at you when near his buddies, and thus alert them to your presence. Further, there is very little chance of agroing the remaining mobs, and when you miss, it never (or almost never) causes any agro. TP Foe is now a GREAT power for pulling...nothing else even comes close.
Note though, that the TP'd mob will probably be able to get an attack off after the TP but before you can do something else. That is seldom a problem though, in my opinion. -
Well, I've already manually edited all of the annoying sound loops that used to give me headaches, make me nauseous, and so on, but I'm glad to see they will soon be doing what they did to Force Fields a loooong time ago.
I HAD to figure out a way to turn them down on my own. It was either that, cancel my accounts, or buy a high-powered rifle and start looking for a bell tower.
Some sounds that I had to edit, and hope will make the loop-fade cut:
Targeting Drone
Speed Boost (same sound as unyielding)
Wet Ice
Frozen Armor
Fire Shield
Mud Pots
Super Speed's loop
Dark Armor loops
Peacebringer loops
Hasten's activation sound
...and I'm sure there are others I've forgotten about. -
Never a good idea to bypass the updater...and as Scorp said, you don't have to do that to get what you're wanting.
Just add "-cov" to the end of the Target path of your City of Heroes shortcut and change the shortcut's icon from the same dialog. Problem solved...it will start the Updater with the CoV theme and proceed normally. -
I don't like it, I don't hate it but I don't like it.
I loved the fact that it was pretty easy to tell just from looks if a character was a villain or hero. Sure there are more reasons to allow this than not to but, I don't know, I just liked it the other way.
[/ QUOTE ]
The only problem with your argument is that it isn't currently like that. That's just your perception.
The only reason it seems to you that it is "pretty easy to tell just from looks if a character is a villain or hero" is due to the CoV players' choices NOT because of the costume creator's restrictions. Villains look like villains to you because most of the players are choosing at present in Beta to use the new "villainous" costume options.
The fact is, basically anything you can currently create in CoH you can create in CoV. Every hero I have in CoH I can make in CoV. In fact, I played around with it and made evil versions of some of my heroes (exact duplicates but for the colors). Any CoV player who chooses can make his or her villain look like any hero currently playing on the Live servers. And, that's very "comic bookish" anyway. Frequently villains look just like heroes, and vice versa. In some specific cases their costumes are even the same. Professor Zoom (a.k.a "The Reverse Flash") has a costume like The Flash except for the colors. In the case of Superman and Bizarro, even the colors are the same. Hero and Villain costumes are all over the place in comics. Stereotypes are broken all the time.
So far I have yet to see any logical reason put forth why heroes should be forced to look different than some certain types of villains but not different than others. -
I think that would be a great move on your part, but it won't help those players who don't have both. Certainly they should go and GET COV, but that's not the correct solution to a real problem.
The message you replied to has nothing to do with making COV costume options available to heroes or vice a versa. It has to do with correcting a problem with costume options that have been with us since COH first went to beta 1.5 years ago.
[/ QUOTE ]
Statesman obviously wasn't replying to your broken costume option issue, he just hit "reply" to the last post in the thread (as MANY people do) in order to post in the thread and let everyone know what the intended plan is. He was obviously replying further to the main subject of the thread, not to your off-topic (although perhaps related) issue.
If they've broken something in the past and fixed it in CoV, then yes, of course, they should propagate that fix to CoH as well. But that really isn't the subject of this thread.
(Note: this isn't directed to you, Starwaster) The correct solution to the problem at hand...namely new costume options in CoV not being accessible to heroes when you both CoH and CoV, is to make them available.
What other solution could there be? To give everything to everyone for free? Cryptic and NCSoft aren't running a charity for underprivileged MMORPG players, they are running a business. They already do more than pretty much every other MMORPG out there, namely regularly give us significant new game content such as new zones, ATs, power sets, and..yes...even costume options at no additional charge. I've played half a dozen other MMORPGs and beta tested a dozen of so, and I've NEVER gotten anything significant to speak of from any of them without having to pay extra for it...that is until I started playing CoH. CoV is their first expansion, and it costs more than most expansions because it has much more than expansion usually have...including tons of new costume options, which should in my opinion be available to both heroes and villains IF you buy the expansion. -
OK - here's the most likely outcome...
If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, so I can already see I'm in the minority after reading through this thread, but, I really don't think this is the way to go. Yes, I'd say share all of the "neutral" options, the new faces, masks, other innocuous clothes that don't scream "hero" or "villain". I'm all for that, however, I'm also all for certain options being relegated solely for villains...
[/ QUOTE ]
I could live with that, but as soon as you would limit something like that, some individual, comic, cartoon, movie, or the like would come along and break the mold of what a villainous/heroic costume or character should look like. Over the years comics have proven over and over again that heroes and villains aren't about how they look but about what they do and stand for. As soon as someone says "a villain/hero should look this way..." it is a safe bet that shortly thereafter one will be created that doesn't look that way at all.
I'm not for limiting it in any way. All that ends up doing in the long run is stifling someone's options in excercising their creativity, and it still won't provide any significant distinction between the look of heroes and villains except in some incredibly narrow circumstances. Besides, you really shouldn't be able to tell if someone is a hero of villain just by looking at his or her costume or body-type...it isn't that way in the comics and it shouldn't be that way in the game either. -
OK - here's the most likely outcome...
If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Finally, El Mystico may get his Top Hat! What's a corny character based on a Monty Python sketch about a stage hypnotist without a top hat?
The "most likely" thing is a bit worrisome though. Hopefully if some things are left out it will be only a few things like monster heads and bodies, but frankly I'd like to see everything included if you own both. More options is almost always better...and there are many instances in comics of evil-looking and monsterous heroes.
Here's hoping.