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  1. /Elec is awful when it comes to survivability. I'd probably even put it behind /Fire. I know on teams with my brute unless I'm in Powersurge I'm pretty much going to be the first to die. Part of this is EM's fault, however, as it doesn't offer swift, consistent mitigation like, say, Footstomp does.

    Another issue I find with Elec Armor is that even with Aid Self you're pretty suck. Sure, it's up quite frequently, but because of the long animation I find that usually by the time I'm allowed to attack again I've been nailed for the damage healed plus some.

    Even with tough and weave it doesn't get much better. A little bit, but because of the more prevalent exotic damage in end game, it's just not enough.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Only thing that keeps me from playing EM: Stuns. I despise powers that stun. I hate having to follow guys around.

    That, and I hate the colour pink. Can't explain why, but I actually hate the colour pink.

    That said, I still have plans to play an /EM tanker at some point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I actually have a really neat concept for an /EM tanker, but every time I think I might be able to handle it I log into my brute and run a team.

    Corpse blasting galore and often everything but bosses are dead before your can even get a chain started.

    ...It's just not a lot of fun.
  3. I would think Shield/ might offer EM some help in the added AoE department. Honestly, it'd probably be the only way you'd get me to play EM again.

    I know the nerfs totally destroyed my brute, for reasons similar to those stated about Fire/EM tanks.
  4. I have to admit...

    The more I play my ELM/EA Stalker, the more I wish I had rolled a WM/EA brute.

    I'm so very pretty, but not strong!
  5. On the female model, if you pop your claws out while running, it puts you into the weapon-drawn running animation (which looks... proper?). If you stop moving the next time you move you'll be in the standard, no weapon out, arms bent at the waist running animation.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    My recommendation is 4 Impervium Armors in OS, MC, and DE. This is mainly done for the +2.25 Max end. bonus and 2.5% recovery bonus.

    + resistance is extremely scarce in the form of set bonuses. It's far simpler to pick up defense bonuses. I recommend aiming for 25-30% defense to M/R/AoE.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This, pretty much. A Performance Shifter proc in Stamina and a Theft of Essence proc in Dark Regen also go a long ways.
  7. I wish a mod would sticky this thread... so it could be preserved without needing to be continually bumped.
  8. So where does Claws fall on the PvE usefulness scale for stalkers? I assume it's going to be much more of a scrappy set that lacks in damage spikes...

    I guess it would come down to how crippling the pure lethal damage was in late game CoV?
  9. I second the Cloak of Fear adjustments.

    I also think the immob protection should be moved to Obsidian Shield. The defense and stealth should be reason enough to want the stealth power...
  10. I'm working on respeccing my level 42 Katana/Dark scrapper for several reasons. The most of which being that her build is getting old, like, pre-I10 old, and I desperately want Gambler's Cut over Sting (it looks so awesome).

    Anyhow, I had a question. With the changes to hover speed is it worth taking and slotting on a scrapper? My one concern is opening myself up to the glaring immob hole I've patched with CJ (I have Cloak, but I don't like running it constantly, I put work into my costumes, damnit all).

    So, right. Is Hover worth having now? Is it worth running WITH Combat Jumping or should I suck it up and become the floating dustball of doom at all times? Also how many slots should go to it? One or two for speed, one for endurance... is the defense at all worth enhancing, I usually do on CJ, but that's because it doesn't need anything else in there...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Well if whirling hands is getting a buff to its radius, Ice Sword Circle should get the same treatment!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It did. At the cost of some damage.
  12. Dr_Unholy

    Assault Rifle

    I have a friend looking to play a Corruptor for the first time (he doesn't have a forum account). Natural villain and he wants to go AR/Traps... and I promised I'd make him a decent SO-based leveling build.

    Except I'm utterly clueless on slotting priority for traps and his blasts. If anyone has a sample build they could post here or PM to me, I'd be very grateful.
  13. Dr_Unholy

    Damage auras?

    [ QUOTE ]
    just checked city of data, and yep, looks like brute cloak of fear is a mag 3, stalker and scrapper mag 2. bizzaro.

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    Would that make it worth taking and slotting on a Brute? I've always avoided the power on my scrapper, because really, at mag 2, what's the point?
  14. Dr_Unholy

    Tanker Offense?

    What about just giving them a scaling damage buff in the early levels. Much like the accuracy buff that becomes smaller and smaller the closer you get to SOs (or did they take that out?).

    It would solve a lot of low level tank problems.
  15. Dr_Unholy

    Broad Sword...?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Heh, I've no illusions that I'm the first to suggest this. It seems so obvious... It makes me wonder why it's not been done already?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. Why is it people always freak out when they're being given MORE options? Good jumping Christ on a cracker.

    Let GR come. The people who like tanks will play tanks. The people who like brutes will play brutes. Both have a place on the team (see co-op zones). Both can co-exist. Neither is going to 'replace' the other. Each AT brings their own strength to a team.

    Stalkers have the awesome alpha debuffing and massive spike damage, scrappers flip out and kill people, brutes are runaway trains, and Tankers are the rock in which the waves crash down upon. Yeah, we could sit here for days and postulate how one is better than the other, but the fact is, they all have a strength.

    What dumbfounds me is the: "Teams are going to pass you over." What server are you people playing on? Even on virtue, most the time finding a full team is like pulling teeth and you take what you can get.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    whereas most Brutes care more about how much damage they can sustain.[/b] There is a difference...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We kind of have to be. Cause, you know, if we don't sustain a decent amount of fury we're like Tankers without the defense and aggro abilities.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been thinking up an alternative that meets the criteria I met in my last post and I figured I'd toss this out there (although I'm sure this has been suggested in the past in some form):

    Breakdown: Enemies affected by Gauntlet (not Taunt) suffer a percentage of loss to their regeneration and recovery. For kicks, we could say this is non-stackable with other Gauntlet effects in the party (multiple Tankers), or the inverse - the amount of Gauntlet in place (more attacks over time) causes a scaling Regen reduction in targets.

    The idea is simple: Instead of increasing Tanker Damage, make it so that Tankers (or teams with them) have one less obstacle to contend with against foes of increasing strength and HP: Their high Regeneration values. Minions would barely feel this. LTs would probably be barely phased by it. Bosses would require fewer blows (in the early game, this would make things far less taxing for the current endurance-heavy Tanker), and AVs would seem far less resiliant. Further complicating the mix, faster attacks (usually weaker ones) would provide a better benefit to this inherit than constantly using the strongest attacks in your arsenal, creating an option for alternating attack styles to keep opponents softened up.

    It's said that the little things are what truly break a man down.

    And, in the case of dealing with AI opponents, I've always considered regeneration to be an absurd obstacle. It exists solely to remind you that no matter how well you can break through their resistances or defenses, they're still better than you because you can't deal enough DPS to stay above the damage treadmill.

    In PvP, this would obviously have be reduced (or removed entirely). Any thoughts?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Love it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What if we go with the idea of a damage boost against Boss/EB/AV/GM class mobs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Would you accept one if it came with a corresponding decrease in defenses vs the same mobs? If the answer is yes, then you really want to play a Scrapper.

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    I am well aware of the game balance effect and trying to discuss this civilly. No need to climb up on a high horse and tell me what I want.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's got a point, however. Traditionally scrappers are the boss/AV killers of a group, that's what they're designed to excel at. Why would it suddenly be anymore fair for a tanker to replace them in that roll? It would be like giving scrappers full gauntlet, a taunt aura, and the ability for 'Challange' to have a splash radius. Would that be fair to Tankers?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    My 2 cents worth for whos listening is that stone armor brutes are like tanks the rest are more like scrappers. Stone armor brutes will pick up for tanks that want to do more damage the other AT's will be for scrapper alts. IO's already merge what roles ppl play so arguing these points are moot. The only time i notice tanks have become "tanks" again is AE content. Other than that im a weak scrapper and would be just a weak brute redside. until my team runs up against a foe that the scrapper/brute can't tank (damage mitigation through superior offense isn't enuff) i.e. 54 bosses then ppl say hey tank i love you buddy otherwise even now im disregarded. so i c this argument as an argument of the allowance of even more ppl to get the 'oneupmenship' of my AT. Logically therefor either an increase in extreme dmg mitigation required content or a redefinition of AT roles and numbers will transpire. I believe the latter will occur and this will cross ALL AT's. we can concentrate on comparing things that will probably not matter at the launch of rouge (or not matter soon after they catalog and compair data archives) or we can concentrate on acquiring the required information to successfully gauge the future direction of our beloved game. ASK questions constantly of the devs until we have more than just rampant speculation. this can be a groundbreaking expansion if handled properly and filtered through the community (in the end this game is a business and they have to cater to the needs of their customers) alot of what ppl have regarded as 'broken' can be fixed with the increased depth of choices within these AT blurs or the redefinition of roles, again IF handled properly. this will always be the point where this argument becomes productive or pointless, where we know and where we speculate

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    In the very, very late game when everyone is IO'd the freak out, then you may be right, but that's like 10-20% of the game, perhaps even less.

    I have never been in a group, as a primary scrapper player, where I've heard it said: "Don't invite the tank, Dr. Unholy can do it" and if such NONSENSE was spoken I would be quick to smack that person upside the head like the fool they are.

    Even on soft-capped SR builds, if you get hit, you get brutalized and there's no real replacement for a large sack of hitpoints and the ability to be an aggro holding god.
  21. Eh, I'm of a mind that the loss of the Mag 4 in TF hurt the set more than ET's animation change.

    But, yeah... my 50 EM hasn't been used in ages. If teaming was hard before, it's almost impossible now that your two huge hits take so long to fire. With the nature of PvE and AoE, you get to kill about one boss by the time the entire group is leveled.

    And there's a ton of corpse blasting...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Saying that most Tankers would not want to play with a damage boost against Boss, EB, AV, and GM class enemies is likely not true and borderline insanity, however, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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    The problem is no one wants to know how much downward their defenses would need to go in order for them to get such a thing and still be balanced.

    Because I have a hard time seeing Tanks getting more damage and still being pretty much unkillable... but, what do I know, the only tank I ever had I quit playing at 38.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say level 38 gives you the right to "talk tanker". By 38 you have the majority of your core powers in place and slotted and you're tactically savvy. Beyond that it's all icing on the cake.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but I played a Willpower/Super Strength.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Saying that most Tankers would not want to play with a damage boost against Boss, EB, AV, and GM class enemies is likely not true and borderline insanity, however, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The problem is no one wants to know how much downward their defenses would need to go in order for them to get such a thing and still be balanced.

    Because I have a hard time seeing Tanks getting more damage and still being pretty much unkillable... but, what do I know, the only tank I ever had I quit playing at 38.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Power Customization is (possibly) a ways off, or maybe not going to happen anyt ime soon.

    Hey, I could be wrong and it could be in the Rogue expansion.

    [/ QUOTE ]There's no reason to think the expansion will be out soon.

    An expansion is a really good opportunity to make major code changes, so I would think that if they were ever going to add it, it'd be a pretty good opportunity.

    It might not make the list, but why wouldn't it? Seems like as good a time as any for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With the feeling that they might have to be competing with the other hero MMO coming out (that shall not be named) which is going to have things like power customization in it...

    Yeah, I think you're right. If it's going to happen in CoH, it'd happen in the paid expansion.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder what a world where Mario fans are as terrifying as this world's Sonic fans would be like.

    ...I can only stand the thought because I already harbour desire to kill every single other Sonic fan.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There'd be a lot more Mario/Wario slash fan fiction.