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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He slowly stood and blinked, "wow...that's just...wow...thank you..." he let out a soft sigh, breathing nolonger hurt but the pain still coursed through his body thanks to being on holy ground
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He slowly and shakily got to his feet, he looked at Sister Mary, "I'm sorry..." he turned back to the Priest, "thank you...for even just agreeing to hear me out...the chains I assure you are not for your protection, attacking a man who has probably taken down demons thrice times more powerful than myself would be suicide, they are for my own peace of mind..."
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He gave a chuckle and coughed, wincing, still recovering from the bullet wounds.

    "Science cannot redeem a soul, it can create life, alter life and sometimes, just sometimes, enhance life but matters of the soul and faith are strictly your area...I have tried to use one beast to control another...now the two beasts both seek to control me and I find myself slowly becoming a true beast...that which does not care or feel, they say I am evil, attacking heroes and robbing banks but what I would become if I lost control, that is true evil."

    He paused.

    "What I did to your young apprentice, what I said, was wrong, science and G..Go.." he remembered he could not say that name, "..and Him are not opposite ends of the spectrum, Science came from Him, most of those early scientists were indeed men that believed in Him...I should have not been so blind..."

    He opened his eyes, "please...help me find redemption."
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He gave a smile, his body shaking.

    "It's...alright..just a few bullet wounds and the pain of being on holy ground as for why I came so quickly...well the old saying the sooner the better..."

    He remained in his kneeling position with his eyes closed and let out a soft sigh, "forgive me father for I have sinned...oh how I have sinned...I come to you seeking that which I know cannot be given...but I atleast want to try and earn it..."
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    Monday 3rd, 3am

    Footsteps and the clink of chains echoed through the streets surrounding the Cathedral. Edward Johnson aka Doctor Mechano, stood outside the Cathedral, his arms and legs bound in heavy chains, a precaution which he prefered. His chest wrapped in day old bandages, bullet wounds covered his back.

    He slowly moved towards the open door of the Cathedral, stepping foot inside sent a pain shooting through his entire body, his knees went weak but he bit his lip, struggling forward still, closing his eyes as he tried to fight back the pain.

    Kneeling infront of the altar he continued to keep his eyes closed and waited for the man he simply knew as 'The Priest'.
  6. ((stop it..look there's KITTENS

    Sorry old habits die-hard...lets not drag this onto these boards shall we folks, thanks ))
  7. There is several major reasons why I think (not know, think) that the villainside prices are high for somethings and low for others.

    1) Heroeside has more players (I believe, feel free to correct) therefore more people doing the taskforces = more of those hideously rare recipes on the market = people trying to undercut one another etc. and gaining lower prices.

    2) Costumes we're moved to their own drop group AND the other reason I suspect we saw a major influx of them was thanks to the Rikti Invasion, considering I actually got my kill 100 rikti badge in about a minute (on an 8 man team admittedly) that's a lot of mobs people are going through, higher chance of costume recipes dropping means that they're far far more common hence shedloads of them around.

    That's the way it's working currently I think...could be various other factors mind you which I haven't accounted for
  8. Terrance's profile is now up in the NP character section along with his backstory and (made-up) primary, secondary and epic powers.
  9. woot

    Thank you Goodguy for putting up the walking toaster article, spent AGES looking for a pic of one but couldn't find anything suitable so hadn't put it up yet.

    Yes everything that's there is spot on.

    Edit: Just put up the story '1000' which is the story of the walking toasters defending Galaxy city, originally posted in War stories but now up on the wiki for everyone to enjoy.
  10. Added ya in there Pious sorry about that.
  11. Ah thanks for the quick answer

    In that case then yes a Therianthrope category would be most applicable, characters like Wild Child can shapeshift through different beast forms as well (so far only seen Tiger and Bunny, having read the profile, there's obviously more) so I wouldn't be the only one in this category.
  12. hmm...then I come along and throw a spanner in the works, what would Mechano be listed as?

    His base form is human (if old and grey skinned) and his younger form is human but he can adopted an anthropomorphic Dragon form (through mucking about with genetics) and he has a Werewolf form (through being bitten by a Werewolf).

    Technically he could coexist in three given categories at once, Human, Anthro and Werewolf.

    Perhaps just a 'Shapeshifter' category for those of us that are just plain oddballs.
  13. Made the edits you suggested on my page...how on earth did Mechano warrant the monstrous rating, not that it doesn't please me of course .
  14. Thought it was about time I did an art request

    could someone do my main, my MM Dr Mechano.

    Pics, front and sides (bodyshot and closeup)
  15. hmm main one currently is...

    <ul type="square">[*] Villain group member gone good (so far played around with the character creator and managed to create decent looking gang members (Trolls, Skulls, Hellions), Tsoo, Malta, Knives of Artemis, Sky raider, Council (Vampire, Warwolf and foot-trooper with helmet or hat) and Family (which is really easy). Tying in with this a Hero SG made up of such characters.
    [*] A PPD cop (beat cop, sergeant, detective, captain, SWAT or Psi division, all can be made and look pretty close to in the character creator) and a PPD cop hero SG to go with this (though it's a lot of Assault/devices blasters mostly).[/list]
  16. Hi, got a question.

    With regards a character who is a Mastermind, do you include the pets in the attribute box or just the character themselves?

    Currently got his attributes as if he was on his lonesome without pets.

    With pets his stamina and blast scores would be a hell of a lot higher.

    ((managed to Solo Infernal as an EB...hey..it's an achievement to me...last time I attacked him he wiped the floor with me))
  17. Dr_MechanoEU

    War experiences


    The battle of bread: Saturday the 4th of August.
    One thousand walking toasters took to the defence of the Galaxy area of Paragon city due to a lack of heroes because of the timing of the attack. Heroes arrived later in the attack to help out said toasters.

    One toaster survived. He will be granted the greatest gift Paragon City can grant to a sentient walking cooking appliance...citizenship, owned by no-one...he has taken the name Terrance.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    War Stories

    ((after much heart-rending drama...thought it was time to lighten the mood somewhat)).

    In the early hours of the morning, something was happening in kitchens throughout Paragon and the isles, in the retailers of electical goods, through the homes of citizens. Something was on the move. The smash of windows, the opening of catflaps, the sound of metal feet on pavement and rubble.

    The clank of many tiny feet, risen up in defense of their homeland, of those which they serve, whether villain or hero, they too would defend to the last those that needed them most. Their many coloured highly polished steel surfaces glistening in the moonlight like many thousand multi-coloured candles. Their marching sounds echoing softly through the night.

    Their time had come, for they too would stand beside any hero or villain in the thickest of battle, never would they shirk their duties to fight back the invader, to bring food to the hungry and soft warmth to the cold.

    They marched with a single purpose, united by some common programming which they all possessed, for they followed the laws with which they had been given, they knew what they must do, even if it meant their very destruction, to the last whirr of a motor, the last coiling of a spring, they would fight.

    Many of them would turn to the dispossed...bringing them warm savory food. Others would now aid their masters, in whatever manner they could. Many more, a thousand more, gathered into an army with a single will. A brave army which knew that it's destruction was assured, for they had no defence against such mighty Rikti weapons but fight they would.

    They had forged tiny arms of tin, steel and wiring, using only their many glowing hot coils to weld the parts together. They plundered from government stocks the supplies they needed to feed the homeless and to fight.

    Now, when the moon shines it's brightest, a thousand stood where they were needed, a thousand watched the dropships overhead, a thousand waited for their hour of destruction and glory...

    The first Rikti begun to portal in...at first not believing this strange sight which had greeted them, a thousand tiny toasters with legs and arms, coils growing red hot, loaded with bread, the scene something strange beyond all comprehension to this alien invaders. One of them spoke..

    "Exclamation: Madness"

    then...one of the thousand spoke...his voice drifting through the night.

    "Madness? This is TOAST!"

    With that an ear defening click could be heard, the sky went dark as a thousand slices of well toasted bread hurled through the nights sky. The sheer weight of a thousand slices of bread burying the alien invaders. However though the first wave had been defeated many more awaited the thousand.

    The second wave was not taken offguard, firing into the thousand, many fell, twitching before their coils slowly cooled, knowing they had served well.

    They shed their casings, knowing them useless, they pressed the attack, burning the invaders with their coils, bring them down with tiny grabbing hands. Now the mighty ships had descended once more, bombs blasting them apart. They still would continue the fight, wave after wave did they fight, the sight glorious and horrifying to behold, the screams of Rikti as they were burned echoed into the night.

    Eventually, those mighty men, those gods of which they served arrived, driving the Rikti back just as the toasters were doing, their numbers now so very few, a mere 10...many had been blasted, many had short circuited from the continous use of their heating coils.

    By the time the fighting had been done and the invaders beaten off, only 1 of the thousand stood tall, replacing it's casing and stood, for the first time in it's existence, upright and proud amongst it's owners.

    Those brave walking toasters will be remembered, their destruction merely assuring their place in the annuls of history, in the pages of glory. The night the thousand defended Galaxy City...will be remembered!

    ((edit: For those amongst you that own a walking toaster will now note that they have developed for themselves arms, around one of their arms, is a tiny black arm band....they will also join in any fighting if you wish to include them in such events. 2nd edit: Feel free to PM your thoughts on the story and whether you liked it...Mechano out)).
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    War experiences

    Edward Johnson aka Dr Mechano. Lost his right arm while helping to fight off an invasion with EVIL compatriot Blue Serpent. At the time he'd been using morphine extensively to stop the pain from his badly burnt chest and only noticed it after the invasion had been fought off.

    While now active again, having replaced his right arm with a cybernetic one, he's staying out of the war and generally relaxing and spending more time with his 'family' (as he calls his robots).
  20. Since I've never played a Brute before (my main is a mastermind...so pretty far removed from a Brute).

    For a character concept I want to use Dark melee and Energy Aura sets. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestions for the build and whether it has been attempted before (if not then why..and don't just say "because it's gimp" give me reasons as to why the build is gimp).

    What powers would you suggest and what slotting (only dark melee power that's a 'must have' in my books is Shadow Maul, I like the way it looks...plus have plans to combine it with a certain other three lookalike powers in the future...).

    Your help will be much appreciated...oh and it's a PvE build, not PvP...not may taste PVP.
  21. and they're backed by the UN...damn...they're almost as bad as Longbow.

    Come on Longbow are TOO good...creepy kind of good...you know when someones acting really nice to cover up for the fact they're actually quite creepy and psychotic...atleast Arachnos are pretty much upfront about what they're doing.

    Yeah...starting to see Vanguard in a whole new light...plus they're making me rescue LONGBOW...come on I butchered over a 1000 of them (got the villain badge) it's not like I really want to be saving their hides...and I imagine they'd rather a hero did it than a villain whose cause more casualties than a small war on them...
  22. ah nuts...shows how much attention i paid to them (I heard of Brit's Humanity First BEFORE playing CoH and seeing the posters...just assumed Brit had seen the name on the posters and ran with it, never noticed the Vanguard part).

    Doh! Sorry on my part there.

    damn I look foolish.

    Saying that...knowing what I now know about those posters...makes Vanguard seem alittle darker and a lot less cosy than I had initially taken them for (Hey I only dinged 35 in the wee hours of this morning on my main and only just got into RWZ)...If we weren't helping them with the Rikti...they'd be trying to pummel our faces in no doubt...Hero and Villain.
  23. There is one possible group that might be Anti-mutant in the game...but they're never actually met, you only ever see their posters.

    Humanity First.

    You never encounter Humanity first in the game (Brit has really made his own (in a good way) and helped create an RP villain group not in the game normally). With slogans like 'Earth for Humans' a dedicated anti-super person could read that as earth for normal humans and that all those who weren't normal (which would include all super-powered heroes, villains and groups like Trolls etc.) should be 'removed'.

    That's about the only group I can think of that would be anti-mutant but then they would more than likely just be anti-superpowered so I don't really think there's any specific anti-mutant feeling in the game, just as the many other posters have said, anti-cape.
  24. Fighting off Rikti in Sharkshead (just two of us).

    &lt;Rikti don't spawn for about 10 seconds&gt;
    TerrorRat: Finally it's over.
    Dr Mechano: Don't say that...
    &lt;Rikti begin portalling in again&gt;
    TerrorRat: Me and my big mouth.

    &lt;They stop portalling in again for roughly 10 seconds&gt;
    TerrorRat: That's got to be it.
    &lt;Rikti begin portalling in again&gt;
    Dr Mechano: You and your big mouth.

    &lt;They stop portalling in again&gt;
    Dr Mechano: Don't say anything...
    TerrorRat: hehehehe
    &lt;here we go again&gt;
    Terror Rat: What not even that?

    &lt;stop for what is hoped the final time&gt;
    Dr Mechano: let's just keep quiet.
    &lt;Portal in again&gt;
    Dr Mechano: Ok that didn't work either...

    (all took place in 1 invasion, the comedy timing on all of those was spot on...go Ritki!).