Character concept.




Hello, here is a really simple tread.

Everyone present those character concept he thoug about someday but never had the time or the wishes to create or play.

The goal is to have a pool of character concept that may atract some people in roleplaying.

From now post your character concept.



<ul type="square">[*]A cute teen whose mother is Gaia spirit of Earth, her mother protection make her a nice Earth tanker.[*]A warrior from a caste of male warrior wearing both the traditional magic armor and magic sword of her family. Yes, her! She do her best to hide it but she is female.[*]A character coming from a dimension where space doesn't works the same so he has a complete lack of direction senses.(nice for tanker in a lets-follow-the-tank party)[*]A lesbian catgirl!!! [*]A character possesed by a spirit of technology who speak 1337 and has the power to materialyze and use technologcal device at will (nice for blaster riffle/devices or MM robots/)[*] A mutant who has the power of buffing his partner through self inflicter pain. (good for a def give him psi attack so that he also has the ability to transfer his pain to his oppponents)[/list]Send more please!



hmm main one currently is...

<ul type="square">[*] Villain group member gone good (so far played around with the character creator and managed to create decent looking gang members (Trolls, Skulls, Hellions), Tsoo, Malta, Knives of Artemis, Sky raider, Council (Vampire, Warwolf and foot-trooper with helmet or hat) and Family (which is really easy). Tying in with this a Hero SG made up of such characters.
[*] A PPD cop (beat cop, sergeant, detective, captain, SWAT or Psi division, all can be made and look pretty close to in the character creator) and a PPD cop hero SG to go with this (though it's a lot of Assault/devices blasters mostly).[/list]

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!