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  1. Ed leaned back on his chair, "Looks like that Omega is finally out of the equation...the threat of the virus halted and the world can once more be at an uneasy peace," he smirked to himself, "still talking Hector into going against Omega probably helped sway the cause of the rest of the TLF..."

    He chuckled to himself, "hmm a backseat hero...a Mastermind first, scrapper second as I say..." he grinned, "now I can get back to my normal day..."

    "..Steve time for walkies.."
  2. Dr_MechanoEU


    There was a whomp sound as four AI appeared. One an aging gentleman with grey hair dressed in a military uniform. The second a rather elderly and slightly portly looking woman wearing a shawl and large overcoat (as is the fashion for the elderly). The third overly muscular and dressed in furred boots and a loincloth with long brown hair. The last an eight foot tall teenager dressed in leather trousers and a sleeveless biker jacket, short red devil horns on her forehead and a prehensile demon tail swishing behind her.

    "Ah so this is place..." they looked over, "oh..it's you Bodicia..."

    The four AI were those of Edward Johnsons, the man in the military uniform called Grunt, the elderly woman and leader of the group was known as Gizelda, The one dressed like a certain Barbarian with an austrian accent with named Arhnuld. Lastly the more infamous of his AI and 'teenage daughter' was Succubus but she had taken to using the name Elise as her designation instead.

    Elise looked at Oracle, "she's right you know, glowing balls of light are so passe..."
  3. Yay Catz, thanks for the pic *hugs* love it
  4. He nodded, "I thought so, quickly child, where is the core node...I need to take it down and fast...it will atleast delay Omega long enough to assmeble some band of heroes against him and the TLF before he can launch the virus...there's got to be some way of containing him..."

    He smiled to the girl, "you did good kid...so..what is your name after all, can't go around calling you kid.."
  5. He slowly moved closer to her, "it's alright, what you did wasn't your fault, you werent in control then...nobody would blame you..." he put his arms around her in a gentle hug, "I don't blame you at all...I'm sorry for the way I treated you...".
  6. He saw her awaken, "shhh..it's alright...despite what you may have seen, I'm not going to hurt you, I thought you deserved another chance at life, what you did wasn't your fault, you weren't acting of your own free will..."

    He kept his distance from her as not to scare her, "My name is Edward...I healed you. I couldn't let a young life like yours be wasted..."

    He looked her over, "how are you feeling? besides scared obviously."

    The robots and Steve had vacated the room as not to scare her when she opened her eyes.
  7. Mechano carried the boy of the girl that BUO had cybernetically altered...and that Dr Hector had killed. The poor girl, she didn't deserve to suffer that kind of fate.

    He looked her over as he placed her down on the table, his robots and his pet Shivan Steve gathered around, "hmm the wound though the nerves, it was a quick clean kill on all accounts...if I can reattch those nerves I'm half way there..."

    He looked around the abandoned house he did all his work training Steve in, "then...how do I..." he looked at Steve, "of course..the bloody bay meteorite chunks...Steve I'm going to need to burrow a small piece of you for a moment.." now he wasn't sure whether the small sample of meteorite would turn her into a Shivan or give her just enough energy and life in order to live again...it was something so very untested.

    He turned her onto her front, taking a vial of nanites and pouring them into the wound, "it'll be a few hours before the work is done..I'll sow up the wound myself..."

    <several hours pass>

    He had plugged his laptop into the connection port, "damn...it's complex but for her sake I can remove the programming Omega installed in her, the overrides and connect are severed and just a few more thing to do" Half hour past as he worked on completely removing any trace of Omegas forced hand upon the girl.

    "Alright...nows the moment of truth," he reached into Steve, pulling out a tiny fragment of the Bloody bay meteors, "let's see if I've condemmed the girl or freed here.." he carefully placed the fragment inside the girls neck, placed against the nerves connecting her brain to the rest of her body, he quickly sealed up the wound using one of his robot familys lasers and hoped beyond all hope it would work...
  8. When if first started Doc Mechano, I played him as a rambling, generally insane kind of guy, sure he was cartoonish but more often than not he came across as a senile old guy who was ranting about kids on his lawn (including his insult "You sir, are a small lawnmower!"). However, seeing it grate on a few people I developed the insiduous backstory.

    Most villains who rant and rave, especially some sixty year old mad scientist, are never taken seriously by the hero community in the slightest, what better way to be completely underestimated than appearing to be senile and incompetent?

    Which is why the sudden switch from random rantings, to cellphone chats with the family discussing drug shipments and ordering hits on Britanics then fiance (now wife) just completely threw the hero community that knew him offguard. Using Cindernaps hatred and mass dyne burning purely for that fact it would get media attention and the information about his designer drug out there was seen as just downright rotten, to the point where people saw him as a true villain.

    Sure he lost in the end but that's what good villains do, you provide adventures and storylines for heroes (along with the ability to snap back at you with witty oneliners). Until he reformed the hero community still didn't trust him one bit.

    Though admittedly there were times when he was genuinely incompetent and insane (like using an angle grinder on a deactivated Rikti battlesuit at 4am, causing everyone in EVIL to think the Ritki were cutting their way into the base).
  9. Spoiler alert!

    with the task force at the end villains are basically told, "Yeah and it should stay that way...unless someone comes along and borks it up" which is basically what the heroes version of the taskforce does. Invariably, the villains then go back AGAIN (running the taskforce a 2nd time) but then the heroes simply counteract that by going back a 2nd time themselves.

    It also works the other way around, the happy shiney future gets borked up by the villains, so thus the heroes go back and change it etc. etc.
  10. Omega had come out saying that he was target those who believe in or worship the Christian God. If Omega sought to provoke a reaction in Edward it had happened. He knelt in the Cathedral.

    "God, I'm not a praying man, I have no tongue for it."

    He sighed and bowed his head.

    "I might not be your best worshipper, sometimes I do things that are quite...well incredibly...stupid and highly dangerous but this isn't a prayer for me, this is a prayer for all those who can't protect themselves, this god-forsaken machine has begun to target your flock. Yes this is because of me but a man cannot be silenced when evil comes...for evil to prosper, all it takes is for good men to do nothing..."

    he paused looking upwards, "Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, I ask that you protect and watch over your flock, forget about me, I do what must be done."

    He stood up and begun to sing in his old graverly voice

    You can run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down

    Go tell that long tongue liar
    Go and tell that midnight rider
    Tell the rambler,
    The gambler,
    The back biter
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

    Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
    My head's been wet with the midnight dew
    I've been down on bended knee talkin' to the man from Galilee
    He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
    I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet
    He called my name and my heart stood still
    When he said, "Ed go do My will!"

    Go tell that long tongue liar
    Go and tell that midnight rider
    Tell the rambler,
    The gambler,
    The back biter
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

    You can run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down

    Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
    Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
    But as sure as God made black and white
    What's done in the dark will be brought to the light

    You can run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down
    Sooner or later God'll cut you down

    Go tell that long tongue liar
    Go and tell that midnight rider
    Tell the rambler,
    The gambler,
    The back biter
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
    Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
  11. ((hehe...no problem, always here to help ))
  12. The situation had turned interesting. He had a fight with Rip Fang...or Hector as he was known, the fight wasn't something he was going to win, Hector outclassed him by a wide margin.

    However, the one thing everybody forgets about him, he was classfied as a 'Mastermind' long before his designation as a 'Scrapper'.

    He wasn't an all brawn and no brains type of guy, far from it. Though he had no hope of winning the fight he could still talk some sense in to Hector. That and play Hector off against Omega, something which proved easier to do than he had anticipated. Omega was not to be trusted by anyone, he had made that point clear, he knew the machine was out for it's own ends, even if it feigned 'compliance' with Hector. It had taken some time but he'd finally convinced Hector of this notion.

    Hopefully with the information he could gleam from Hector and a sample of any possible newly modified virus, he could manafacture an antidote to it.

    "plots within plots...soon I'll be turning Brass and have an upper-class accent..." he chuckled to himself. He had been a villain, he knew how they thought, he knew what to say to push the right buttons. He knew the goals of Anarchy never sat well with the goals of any self-respecting Meglomanaic, thus even a villain like Proffessor Terror was more than willing to put an end to Omega and the Terra Liberation Front.

    Currently anyone with powers or mutations had a vested interest in this affair. If Omega angered him enough he wouldn't stay his hand from the machine.

    "Your immune to biological viruses Omega...but you're not the only one that can play the virus game...you forget that an AI, is an AI, is an AI, semper fi AI," he grinned.

    "Elise, Gizelda, how's the virus coming along?"

    "It's going alright but this things gonna have to be complex, anything less than that and it wont even affect another AI, especially not one like Omega...even then we're not sure what it will do, shut him down or just send him a bit crazy..."

    "Whatever it does, it'll help, I need him weakened before I can call in some heroic help and shut him down for good, no doubt he'll get backup...but then I'm relying on someone to 'stab him in the back' while the fight is going on..."
  13. jesus was just saying...god remind me not to post in the PvP section again...here I was thinking that people could be mature about it.

    I said everyone has different views on whether insps can be used or not during a casual arena fight, I specifically noted NOT some hardcore pvp match or a tournament. Normally I talk to opponents first to see which rules they follow.
  14. admittedly a very nooby and 'casual' pvper but the only time I frown upon insps is during casual (not hardcore or tournament) arena matches, zonal PvP I see as fine (how else you going to break 3 Controllers holds without popping break frees!) but arenas are a 1 on 1 situation so there's really no need for a 'quick kill' incase someone else comes along and kills you.

    I imagine everyone has their own rules when it comes to Insps in 1 on 1 arena matches though.
  15. Edward gave a smirk but kept quiet, the old villain side of him crept up for a moment but there was a difference between just annoying Brit...and having Brit physically want to try and kill him so he quickly pushed the thought of his mind and decided to remain quiet.
  16. I did enjoy the sparing and then the all out fight (Ed told him not to hold back) between Loup and Ed, though thankfully it didn't last as long as my other vs Claws/Regen battle record (35 minutes before the other guy just gave up) still looking forward to a more training session in the future that are on more even ground

    Also...with RPing, I found i tended to spend more time RPing than levelling anyway, so you wouldn't be levelling fast anyway
  17. hehehe no problem, glad I could help you along with your RP experience
  18. hmm my character is far from an emo-guy and definitely isn't a cutesie-girl. Take one part former villain mad scientist, one part demon and one part sixty year old man and your pretty much there.

    He's was and to some extent still is a nutjob, (he's attempting to house-train a Shivan he calls Steve, he tried to mass market a highly addictive drug back when he was a villain, his experiments often end with minor explosions, turned himself into a Supa-Troll during that etc.).

    I can understand that there are times when it's hard to get involved with groups. At GG or in PD I make a point of trying to talk to the newer people over the old crowd because new Rpers are the lifeblood of RP.
  19. Edward placed down his shotgun, it was obvious father Michael had the situation under control. He smiled and hummed along to the tune of amazing grace, not wanting to spoil the moment with his awful singing.

    "hmm best assume something more wedding like, can't have a big honking demon in ya wedding photos now can we?" shadow tendril wrapped around him, dispersing as he appeared in his human form, "much better.."
  20. Edward politely nodded to Father Michael as he appeared. He picked up the Holy shotgun and took a spare stool, sitting down by the door just incase the undead horde decided to make a move inside. He doubted it, the Cathedral had stood here within Dark Astoria for a long time now and none of the Banish Pantheon had dared attack it.

    "Well I hope he's teleporting here or we're going to have to clear him a path".
  21. He chuckles, "well dear Suzi, I owe Saint Michael everything, he saved me from myself, so to speak and I found the path of God...for a while I lived here but now I help out quite a bit, living in Unity tower instead...I place the bibles, keep the candles lit...that kind of thing.."
  22. he chuckled, "well it looks like I wont be going anywhere for a while so I've not got much choice in the matter have I?"

    He grinned, "oh and congradulations, nice to see such a good young couple getting married...so..when are we going to be hearing the sly witt of young brits...anytime soon?"
  23. He looked up from arranging the Bibles and smirked, "well I certainly ain't no Minister...didn't expect to see you here..." The church was empty, as it often was out here in Astoria, Edward had let himself slip into his demonic form.

    "Now tell me why you've just barricaded us in here...best not be zombies again...they never get the message..." he sighed and moved to pick up a shotgun, "loaded with the holiest of holy shotgun shells this is...should take care of a few of em if they get in...now...no doubt the Father heard you shoutin for a priest...he should be along shortly.."

    Edward rummaged around in a cupboard taking out another box of ammunition just incase, "So...what can the holy cathedral of Dark astoria be doin for you tonight ya two loverbirds?

    He grinned, "Out for a nice stroll in our wonderful cemetary...can't see it 'as bein' romantic but you young kids today see romance in a lot o' strange places these days, whats wrong with a fine meal in a half-decent resturant?"
  24. Explaining scrapperlock to non-scrappers.

    Defender: So what exactly is scrapperlock?

    Me: Well paragonwiki defines it as akin to a beserker rage. Most scrapper will tell you "Scrappers go for kill, if we live or die, does not matter...only defeating our enemies matters" and that they're are three kinds of scrapper, feral, who lives in a permenant state of scrapperlock and thus not good to team with, wild, who has a tendency to go into scrapper lock and domesticated, which are least likely to go into scrapperlock and think more about the team.

    Scrapper 2: hmm...say I was wild then.

    Me: hmm...I don't think I've ever met a truly domesticated scrapper...

    Me: I think Conan said it best that for a scrapper the finest things in life are "to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women..."

    Scrapper 2: Conan...now you know that guys a scrapper...Broadsword/Invuln scrapper.
  25. Yay finally. The unity vigil has been missin you!