Moth Cathedral: The New Vegas!?
He looked up from arranging the Bibles and smirked, "well I certainly ain't no Minister...didn't expect to see you here..." The church was empty, as it often was out here in Astoria, Edward had let himself slip into his demonic form.
"Now tell me why you've just barricaded us in not be zombies again...they never get the message..." he sighed and moved to pick up a shotgun, "loaded with the holiest of holy shotgun shells this is...should take care of a few of em if they get doubt the Father heard you shoutin for a priest...he should be along shortly.."
Edward rummaged around in a cupboard taking out another box of ammunition just incase, "So...what can the holy cathedral of Dark astoria be doin for you tonight ya two loverbirds?
He grinned, "Out for a nice stroll in our wonderful cemetary...can't see it 'as bein' romantic but you young kids today see romance in a lot o' strange places these days, whats wrong with a fine meal in a half-decent resturant?"
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
On seeing Mechano, Britanic facepalmed. "Of all the bloody people to run into, it had to be you."
"I'd forget about going out there just now, im pretty sure you don't have enough ammunition to hand. Besides while you are here, you might as well make yourself useful. Me and Suzi want to get married, and you can be a witness."
he chuckled, "well it looks like I wont be going anywhere for a while so I've not got much choice in the matter have I?"
He grinned, "oh and congradulations, nice to see such a good young couple getting are we going to be hearing the sly witt of young brits...anytime soon?"
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Suzi tried to calm her breathing and wish away the trembling aftermath of the adrenaline rush their epic battle through the ravening horde of zombies had caused. Shadowy tendrils of dark energy still radiated from her slender form harmlessly but ominously.
Part of the fiesty rock star wanted to carry on fighting the horde, hating to retreat from the battle. As she'd commented to Brit earlier, being surrounded and rushed by hordes of pale, mindless creatures that all wanted a piece of her was nothing new to the former front woman of the Gothic Overtones.
Suzi did an obvious double-take at the unexpected person who'd greeted them.
"Edward? Oh my! What are you doing here?", Suzi asked incredulously, still brushing dust and debris from her dark red Hyperion Watchman costume. Suzi desperately wished she had a brush for her hair.
He chuckles, "well dear Suzi, I owe Saint Michael everything, he saved me from myself, so to speak and I found the path of God...for a while I lived here but now I help out quite a bit, living in Unity tower instead...I place the bibles, keep the candles lit...that kind of thing.."
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Sallum, Egypt. Late evening. Reverend Pious Hunter and his accomplice, Altair Stevens, now known as Sister Mary were camping out on the outskirts of a small town. The two were there on a mission to convert the locals to Christianity. In only two days, Pious had built the infrastructure of a small sustainable temple from which he held sermons and performed miracles. He alone had caused rain throughout the desert villages in an attempt to attract attention. However, although he had gained the interests of some young Muslims, the majority of the villages were in protest of his presence.
Pious had just returned from the town when a vision came to him, all the way from home. When Sister Mary questioned him about it, he explained that Moth Cathedral was under attack.
Astoria, Rhode Island. Minutes later. A faint pop sounded above the Gothic cathedral, the clouds of mist slowly began to dance, quietly creeping lower and lower upon the horde of zombies surrounding the church. Unable to see or smell beyond their noses, the zombies stood immobilized, waiting. Noiselessly, the Priest appeared inside the Cathedral, fully cloaked in his black robes and darkened eye-plate. Through the cross-shaped slits, he could make out some familiar faces; Eric Mitchel and his fiancé, and also the resident church keeper, Dr. Johnson.
"Good evening Edward" said the Priest. "Eric, Ms White"

Britanic turned to face the reverend, and a smile crept across his face. Britanic knew the man both from his time helping the Militia, as well as the recent MMB strike against the Rikti homeworld. Now he was here Britanic hoped to get started.
"Hullo mate, bloody great timing. I was wondering if there was any chance of you marrying me to Suzi?"
"Ah them. Well they followed Suzi, and myself. They're not very strong, but admittedly there is a lot of them. I think the doors will hold though."
The message from Suzi had been confusing. Come to the cathedral in Dark Astoria and where a suit. Bastinado had long since given up trying to understand the minds of women; Suzis in particular.
After entering the cathedral, Bastinado wiped the zombie brains from his formal shoes and military uniform (the closest thing he had to a suit) and pumped more shells into the still smoking shotgun in his right hand.
He followed the sound of voices until he saw the familiar figures of Suzi and Britanic and two others he didnt know. His eyes narrowed behind the soulless black of his shades.
He lowered the shotgun, every synapse ready to fire. Would anyone care to tell me what the hell is going on?
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
"Hullo Bast, glad to see you made it in one piece. Bit off the cuff, but Suzi, and myself are planning to get basically!"
"Well, there's a couple of friends and near-family on the way actually, er, Father" Suzi replied.
Spinning around at Bastinado's voice Suzi brightly said "Hi Bast, glad you could make it."
"Someone seems to have faked a message from you over the comms, Bast - I've asked Stanley to warn all the other Watchmen. But first, there's a small matter of a wedding here. I ... well.. fact is Bast, you're the one I'd like to give me away. My father isn't around anymore... and, well... y'know..."
The other guest was already closing in on the Cathedral, though none of them knew it. The mage known as Powerstone was approaching the rear edge of the horde of Zombies even at that moment, gathering up mystical power in his right hand, even as his left clutched the bottle of champagne he's managed to grab on the way.
With a tremendous wrenching sound, the very earth itself began to move to his will, grasping upwards to hungrily reclaim the corpses disinterred from its dark rest. One after another, the Zombies near him were clutched by the earth, squeezed, and drawn back down into its depths.
"Usually the only delays are whether the lmo shows up on tme, surely" he muttered to himself as he drew deep on the lore of earth magic to reach the Cathedral. Powerstone's own mansion lay in the dark mists of ths part of the city, and he was not about to let these weak summonings keep him from travelling around his own neighbourhood.
Bastinado played what Suzi had said in his mind. He was almost touched. Almost. He still couldnt believe she was putting a wedding above a security breech. He looked at Eric then at Suzi.
Fine, Suzi, but lets get this over with so we can concentrate on more pressing matters. Like undead hordes and ambushes being set up using our own comm system.
He walked over to Britanic, scanning the cathedral for possible entry points through which the zombies could break through. Eric, Ive had doubts about you in the past, but youre a good leader and a good man. It goes without saying that if you ever hurt my lieutenant. He paused. Youre a big man with great power and experience using it
He looked at the blood splatter patterns on his shotgun and his lower arm.
but I do this for a living.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
For a short while, the Priest stood motionless by the pulpit until suddenly he threw both arms up into the air, quite dramatically. Floral decorations sprung up all around the high church windows and across the skirting of the stone walls. Unnatural sunlight broke through the fenestrations and poured across the nave, brightly colouring everything in sight. The excess benches, originally set to sit over two hundred vanished from sight, replaced by open space, decorated with coloured candles and flowers. A snow-white carpet paved the way from a spiral stairway above the great doors, where presumably, the bride would descend.
Satisfied, Pious watched the lady, smiling with his eyes. "Is this to your liking? Sadly, it is all merely an illusion, but hopefully you can see it and experience it in full sensory detail."

Britanic looked around as Pious Hunter's illusion seemingly brought new life and atmosphere to the Cathedral. He then turned to Bastinado to counter his warning, with one of his own.
"I wouldn't worry about me hurting Suzi, I'd be more worried about her getting hurt while running around for you. Anyway now isnt the time. This is supposed to be a happy occasion, lets keep it that way."
Britanic then turned from Bastinado to face Suzi. "You used the amulet right? Paul is on his way? I hope so, I really need a best man."
Edward politely nodded to Father Michael as he appeared. He picked up the Holy shotgun and took a spare stool, sitting down by the door just incase the undead horde decided to make a move inside. He doubted it, the Cathedral had stood here within Dark Astoria for a long time now and none of the Banish Pantheon had dared attack it.
"Well I hope he's teleporting here or we're going to have to clear him a path".
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Paul Stone watched the last of the walking corpses dragged into the ground with a grim satisfaction. The mindless creatures had been effectively blinded by the power emanating from the Cathedral, but they had no business above ground, helpless or not.
Paul ran his fingers quickly through his hair, and softly intoned a spell that changed his 'working robes' for a smartly tailored suit. Straightening his tie as he went, Stone strode the last few yard to the strong doors of the Cathedral and rapped loudly upon them to the tune of 'Colonel Bogey'.
Suzi didn't bother reminding Bastinado that she'd already had Stanley notify all Watchmen of the secrity concerns and have them all check in to ensure no others were at risk of ambush. She knew the hard-bitten soldier's agreement was already an acknowledgement that she'd covered the immediate issues.
Suzi gasped delightedly at the illusion The Priest provided, "Oh Father, how wonderful! How beautiful this Cathedral must be in true sunlight! Thank you, its perfect."
Suzi nodded to Brit's question, then, turning to the sound of the rap at the door, Suzi remarked to The Priest "Unless your illusion also taught the zombies to play music, I think perhaps the Best Man has arrived"
"I wonder if he has a comb?" Suzi muttered to herself, feeling that she was perhaps the only non-splendid looking thing in the place now.
(At their cues, i.e links provided, play all musics in the background window as you read through these paragraphs. It should enhance the roleplay experience.)
"Teaching the undead to play music. Its as if you read my mind Ms White" said the Priest. With his mind, he threw open the great doors of the cathedral to reveal the latest member of the ceremony. Over the hills, orchestral music could be heard soaring through the midnight air. A new horde of zombies were advancing the church, but somehow, these were smartly dressed in plain suits and white shirts. Their smiling, happy faces were almost human, save for the odd dead-grey skin or bare bone. They carried a variety of musical instruments and sung like a chorus of angels.
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see."
"Ms White, there is a room in the East Tower, accessible via the spiral stairway above this door. In the room, awaits an appropriately flamboyant white wedding gown. I think you'll like it. Will somebody please escort the bride upstairs? The undead musicians shall be here shortly! When they arrive, we shall begin the ceremony. Please be seated. Thank you." The talented choir of zombies continued to advance, their angelic voices, carried through the night.
"'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed"

Britanic turned to face Bastinado once more. "There you go mate, I think thats your cue. Do you want to take Suzi upstairs and give her a hand with that dress? Military bloke like yourself should be a dab hand at that sort of thing" Britanic said with a slight snigger.
Suzi was about to protest the somewhat grotesque nature of a choir of zombies, but stopped herself. This was Dark Astoria after all, and zombies pretty much were the local population.
"So, it takes a singing horde of zombies to get Brit to finally marry me... I'll cope" she said to herself, as she headed towards the spiral stairway that The Priest had indicated.
Looking back over her shoulder to Bastinado as she moved to the stair, she called "Guess you're my escort, Soldier... come on, fall in. Anyone would think you'd never seen a choir of zombies before"
Paul Stone stepped nto the Cathedral as the Priest's mind flung wide the doors, and his gaze quickly sought out Britanic and Suzi to check they were safe. Recognizing The Priest from their time together during the MMB missions, Paul smiled and was about to greet him when the sound of the choir made him turn around.
Paul thought of the effort he'd just expended putting a horde of zombies back beneath the ground and could not help but give an ironic grin at the sight of this most unheavenly choir.
"Well, there's something one doesn't see everyday" he said to Brit. "Please tell me they are just illusory too"
On hearing the clergyman asking someone to escort Suzi to her wedding dress, Bastinado felt himself want to take a step back. Weddings, dresses, hair and make up seemed like torture and he knew all about torture.
It seems Brit and Suzi had made the decision just before he did. Even with things taking a surreal turn, there was still a looming danger in the air that he could taste and as Suzi was the one person in the cathedral he had an interest in keeping alive he took a step forward.
Ill escort you
for protection. If you start talking about lace and bouquets
He trailed off.
and the East Tower sounds like an ideal vantage point to
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
".. Leap suicidally from to escape girl-talk? Yeah, like I'm gonna want to talk about make-up or flower arranging, especially with you, Cap'n Freakin Sensitivity..." Suzi's voice followed her as she disappeared through the doorway.
((After some personal character events for Britanic, and White Vampyr at last nights Hell Night party, me and Ammon cooked up this little forum rp thread to finally try to get them hitched! Pious you got work to do!
{31/10/07, Late Evening, Moth Cemetary, Dark Astoria}
In an effort to save his relationship with Hyperion Watchman, and rock singer White Vampyr, the hero Britanic found himself flying over Moth Cemetery towards the mist shrouded Cathedral. Conversations at the Last Words album launch party had centered on the fact that Britanic, had still not got around to marrying long time fiancé Suzi, and his refusal for the quick Vegas wedding she had proposed. It wasnt long before the general consensus was he was just stalling, and it seemed Suzi must of taken it to heart.
In an effort to put things right, Britanic had disappeared to the toilets to secretly try make some arrangements. However despite some frantic phone calls, he was unable to sort anything, and made his way back to the party. Once there he discovered Suzi had left seemingly to give Britanic some time to be single! With that he leapt off the balcony, and soared towards the Pocket D exit, wiping away the red Devil makeup, and transforming his costume into his heroic attire as he went.
As he left the main club, Britanic ran into his good friend Powerstone, who had briefly chatted to Suzi on her way out. As it turned out Suzi leaving the party wasnt about her wedding concerns, but rather a supposed summons by Watchman commander Bastinado to meet in Dark Astoria. Britanic figured if he headed to the Moth Cathedral it would be a simple case to get Suzi to come there, and if the mysterious Priest was willing get wed then, and there. After being given a small mystical amulet that would allow him to contact Powerstone, Brit headed off to Dark Astoria.
Now as he approached the Cathedral, Britanic could see that there was something even more wrong than normal in this cursed land. As he flew across the mists he could see the cemetery was awash with the slow shambling movement of hundreds of Zombies. A sea of undead slowly, and purposely seemed to be heading to one point. Panic hit Britanic has he realised exactly who might be at that point. As he hovered above the dead, his pulled out his phone, and dialled Suzis number.
*Click* Hello lover, sorry to walk out on you at the party but Bast wanted a meeting. Said it was important. I think its something to do with Romanov.
Trying not to let any hint of panic creep into his voice Britanic spoke into the phone.Exactly where are you supposed to meet Bast?
In the cemetery....Oh God..Somethings happening!
Pushing the phone back into his belt, Britanic started to draw the ambient energies around him into his body, supercharging himself, and forcing himself a glowing aura. He then held his fist out in front of him and swooped down into the Zombie horde, cannoballing his way through their ranks towards the point where he now knew hed find Suzi.
As Britanic ploughed his way through, a group of Zombies in front of him exploded in front of him, decimated by Suzis energy signature. Swooping up over the lead group he then landed down in between the horde, and Suzi.
Hullo luv.
Hi yourself handsome. Suzi said as she started to buff Britanic with the energies she ripped away from the Zombies.
Britanic pounded away at the Zombies while talking. Tell you what, il make a deal with you. If we get out of this alive, il marry you tonight at the Cathedral.
Suzi let out a huge smile. ...and to think all it took was a ravening horde of Zombies.
Britanic chuckled as he knocked a Zombies head clean off its shoulders. He then quickly reached into his belt, and pulled out the amulet Powerstone, had gave him. Here Catch!.
Suzi deftly caught the amulet as she blasted another Zombie. Whats this?
Use it to contact Powerstone once you reach the Cathedral, Im going to need a best man. Il hold off this lot here, that way if Bast is skulking about it gives him time to get safe.
Oh no you dont Eric Mitchell! You are not going to use that Sorry I couldnt make the wedding I was held up by a horde of Zombies' excuse with me!. We both fight our way to the Cathedral together. That way we keep their attention so Bast can escape, and I make sure you dont squirm your way out of marrying me. Britanic laughed as he put down another of the animated corpses.
...a short time later
Brtanic, and Suzi practically fell through the heavy doors to the Cathedral. Both covered in sweat, and filth, and hurriedly barricaded the doors. Britanic took Suzis hand and the pair smiled at each over, as they walked into the Cathedral. Behind them the army of undead futilely battered away at the heavy doors behind them. As they walked down the aisle towards the altar Britanic shouted out...HULLO, IS THERE A MINISTER IN THE HOUSE?