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  1. Ed nodded to Tim and there was a burst of speed, kicking up the papers around the reception area.

    Ed looked at the lift doors, "where's someone with super strength when you need them..."

    He sped up the stairs, catching pace with Tim, "we're dealing with a Super Freak here Tim...he's going to be tough, really tough I mean and matching my powers...I'll see if I can distract him..."

    Ed reached the the Mediport area, he smirked and looked back a Tim, "oh I know how to bring him out..."

    Ed grinned, "Hey Shad00w...I hope you fight better than one of your boys, took this from him.." he tossed the eyeball he had in his pocket into the room from around the corner.

    "You think you're big and tough with the dark mojo? Well I'm tougher, stronger, fast and better skilled with Nether Energy than you every could be, besides, everyone knows that Tanks fight like girlies...why don't you contact your three big boys back at base and ask them how they faired against me..."
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    CoV RP

    It was an interesting development, when I first joined the game, Pocket D was full of life with RP and had my first encounter with the CoX RP community there. Over time the place slowly lost people, the idiot count grew and grew, people went there purposefully to annoy RPers because it was quick and easy to get to thanks to the GvE edition of the game and the fact that RPers hung out in their masses at Pocket D became widely known to every [censored] who got their kicks out of annoying other people.

    Pocket D is a shadow of it's former self from one year ago, it is true, Pocket D was the viable alternative for those unable or unwanting to attend Galaxy Girl meetings (for whatever reason be they villain or just didn't enjoy the atmosphere).

    Pocket D was also inherently easier to break into RPwise than Galaxy girl since it was the atmosphere of the place because it was more of a freeforall, lots of people coming and going as the evening went on. GG meetings are quite static in their membership and (I'm also guilty of this) it's hard to achknowledge newblood RPers when your in your own little groups and chatting away.

    Still Pocket D could be glorious again and is a viable venue for those of the villainous persuasion most villain RP tends to be within VGs and in bases though a lot do attend at Pocket D.
  3. Ed finally got off the train, "I hate rush-hour...there's one every minute and the trains are still cramped!"

    With a burst of speed he headed to the hospital, Passing Tim on his way by, "gotta rush!"

    He looked to the recepitionist and smiled, "where's the medi-porters, you've got Freakshow who've probably just teleported in through a hacked Medi-porter I really think they need to be dealth with quickly"
  4. hmm bugger...people we need not able to attend, how about Sunday, is that ok for you guys?
  5. Ok, the date is being set, tomorrow, what time is up to you guys, 7pm so it doesn't clash with GG or 9pm so we know we'll have everybody there...time to get this case opened.
  6. Smiled, "some of us are entrusted with other means of getting around places quickly..."

    He tapped the buttons on his metal arm, "thank you time travellers..." he muttered to himself as the Oroborus portal illuminated the room in its golden glow.

    "See you there in a flash..."

    Ed disappeared through the portal, transfering through the main Oroborous portal and appearing in Atlas park, "Hello Atlas Park!" he chuckled, "always wanted to do that" with his legs blurred as he dashed off at high speed towards the train station...thankfully those trains were on time and quick too...
  7. There is a general feeling it's about time for the basic announcement of Issue 13 should be starting soon. One of the main reasons for this is generally the playerbase, both US and EU are getting restless for any kind of news it seems especially since they made us wait longer than we're use to for issue 12 (six months, compared to the usual four it seems).

    Also it's to see whether we actually get the promised 'three issues a year' because the longer they leave it the less likely it seems and to be honest I seriously doubt we will be getting three issues this year simply due to the move all the devs went through and the hiring of new staff (which would require training).

    Positron commented that Issue 13 was gonna be big, really big (hinting that it's gonna be the biggest Issue yet thanks to the influx of staff) so everybody is desperate to find out what this truly means.

    I can wait a little while longer mind you.
  8. Finally got my MM who was sitting at 43 to 50 and unlocked the VEATs, which means I now have two level 50's, one villain, one hero.
  9. He shook his head, "to be honest, I didn't think they would provide such feedback...cybernetic limbs with tactile sensation are a rarity, they're more often built to smash than to feel..."

    He looked down at Slashshade, "where is Shad00w...I'm sure my words are getting through to you, even through the pain..."

    He leaned down and whispered to Slashshade.

    "I'm not like the other heroes, I learned my art in the Isles but I still have a code of ethics, had I have known I would have left your limbs intact, I am not fond of ill-treating women, especially those as skilled as yourself, seek me out later and I'll repair and improve upon your damaged limbs and regrow your damaged nerves..."

    He placed a card into her pocked before moving behind her, using his 'heat vision' to seal the nerve endings shut, cutting off any feeling to them, just leaving an icy chill in its place.

    "I am a person of science, like you Slashshade, while I admire your work in creating another super freak...a foolish ideal since even Doc Buzzsaws creation turned on her...but it is a marvel none the less...so tell me, my dear, where is your Frankenstiens Monster of technology and magic?"
  10. Smirks, "now you know how it feels to have your arm begin to melt off, just like mine did with that gas of yours..."

    He looked around, "I don't carry any...never really found the need to be honest...and yes Tim, I did have to remove those arms, you want to leave her with those things still attached, she'd cut through the cable and be out of here in a flash..."
  11. a very good video, also strikes me as interesting that it was actually commissioned by the Dev team themselves (they asked Samuraiko to make it for them) foreshadowing perhaps? who knows it's still a very amazing vid, that is one talented lass.

    Surprised she hasn't been hired/offered by the team to do all their Issue introduction videos to be honest.
  12. Ed dropped to the floor and panted hard, his body was pretty badly cut up but was healing slowly.

    "Something tells me this is the Meat Doctor I've been looking for...so, we need her bound and awake...without these too..."

    Ed begun attempting to snap off the metal arms protruding from the meat doctors back.
  13. Just to say, we're postponing it, a team of two means we're levelling faster than the other two and the whole point was to level together.

    Hopefully the others will be sorted with their move (congrats ) and programming will be returned to normal
  14. The blade cut a long slice down Eds back, the blessing of battle from the Spirits of Croatoa left his defenses weakened. He let out a howl of pain and collapsed on the floor, blood seeping out of his various wounds.

    Ed was surrounded by a circle of light, words whispered on the wind could be heard even above the din of the battle.

    "Arise my Champion..."

    Ed raised off the floor his body spinning as he slowly landed on his feet. His Angelic form filling the surrounding area with a white glow (Revive).

    "Down for the count but not out of the game..."

    Ed grinned and decided to join back into the fray, leaping into the air as he spread his wings, going directly after Slashshade...
  15. Ed let out a howl of battle, "that all you got...that everything you can throw at me...I am why you fear the dark, I am the wrath of God, I am your holy destruction!"

    He Continued to pound on the Freakshow infront of him with everything he had, dark tentacles ripping through the ground, sapping at the Tanks energy, "don't get back up..." he uttered as he continued his assault.
  16. Dr_MechanoEU

    I feel Guilty.

    Hmm I don't know, the End mission of Arbiter Daos somehow comes across as a tad more evil.

    "Here's an Arachnos issue shotgun...now go shoot my own son in the face with it."


    Seriously that's just plain, cold hearted evil even compared to Phipps.
  17. Ed took the brunt of the sawblades, the grenades hurt but didn't lift him off his feet but not far enough to cause him any trouble (Intergration provides 10 KB protection, M30 grenades (used by the Tanks) only do 3.32, so x3 = 9.96, so just under, literally just).

    Ed moved first to counter the Tanks baring down on the rest of the group, fire spread down his upper arms and to his hands (Hasten) meanwhile his skin rippled and pulsed as his regeneration kicked into overdrive in preperation for the oncoming onslaught of damage he was going to suffer (Instant Healing).

    His whole body begun to glow brightly, illuminating the darkness with it's glow as a blessing of battle was bestowed upon him by the spirits of Croatoa, battle pleased them and Ed was fighting for the lives of his friends (Geas of the kind ones...yeah I popped an accolade >.&gt.

    With this he kicked into overdrive (having 170% boost to recharge (not including set bonuses) in total will do that to you ) he became a blur of fists and whirling death, concentrating on one tank at a time launching his blows at an incredibly rate, the other two tank he kept in a state of constant fear (stacked touch of fear, takes two stackings) until he was ready to deal with them. The focused heat from his eyes slicing through armour plating.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    IMHO the next generation of MMO's will provide as far as possible for infinite progression this seams inevitable, with this in mind is it not a case of keep up or fall by the wayside?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm this I doubt but for one thing...

    Level caps provide a solid and obvious goal, it's the 'carrot on a stick' method of play. People want to hit 50(CoX)/60(Original WoW)/70(Burning Crusades WoW)/80(Wrath of the Lich King WoW)/whatever simply because once they're there, their character is at the height of their power and can begin the more mightier quests of taking on the biggest of the big bads (Statesman/Recluse/Hamidon or the Raid progression in WoW).

    Some games like WoW the meat and bones of the game doesn't really begin until you're AT the level cap whereas CoX is more about the journey through the levels with your character.

    Even I admit the 40-50 can be a git of a grind, sometimes feeling like the bar barely fills with XP each mission (unless you run ITFs/LGTFs to level your character) but fill it does, this would probably explain why I have only 1 50 and 3 characters at 40+.

    Edit: Though saying that one obvious example of a level capless game is Eve, though that's more about spending time aquiring skills so playing for long enough to get those skills to pilot (and the harvesting of resources so you can afford) the bigger ships becomes the goal instead of a level cap.
  19. Personally I doubt they will touch Regen for a while yet. From what I'm told (this was before I came to CoX) that 'nerf regen' was what thought to be one of the definite things that was going to happen every issue simply because Regen got nerfed again and again with every passing issue.

    As it stands now it's definitely a good set but you're still the squishiest of scrappers by definition, you have no inherent Defense or Resistence so even with Instant healing still up AVs can pratically oneshot (well two-shot, one part deals the major damage then there's a tick of damage after normally) you because of the large amount of damage dealt so quickly that your health regen simply isn't quick enough.

    MoG is interesting, great for taking Alphas or if you're paying attention, firing off when an AV is about to do their big one hit kill style AoE attack but by the time they're about to do a second one, MoG hasn't recharged so your doomed anyway.

    Against large groups of normal mobs, yes Regen can outshine others but against heavy hitters...they're not so great as often the damage simply outdoes the regeneration rate and you've already had to pop both heals in order to stay alive in the meantime.

    What I Think will happen is Rage will simply be tagged so that it cannot be stacked.

    This is just my opinion though.
  20. There are a few problems with that over here...

    1) The EU community rarely gets 'direct access' to the devs, they pop in but Positrons last post was merely a news announcement over a year ago, BaB posted and then disappeared into the aether, War Witch does pop in from time to time but still not very frequent in her postings. Castle (aka THE power guy, the one you'll probably actually be wanting to talk to about EM changes) never posts here. Jay never posts here but meh, I'm not to fussed on that.

    So while it is a good idea to set this up and to give constructive feedback on the changes the devs make we simply don't have the dev communications the US forums do and our suggestions would simply be falling on deaf ears.

    The only time the EU community affected a change in the game was thanks to the people at Omega Sektor pointing out the Supa-troll spawns that flooded Skyway to War Witch and that was her seeing first hand.

    2) Most players KNOW which sets are overpowered/underpowered and are just waiting on the expectant nerfs/buffs anyway so a list would probably be confirming what people know. Some sets are overpowered in certain situations, EM was great for single target damage but had almost no AoEs to speak of. Fire is great for taking out large spawns but when it comes to single target DPS or actually migating damage (in the case of the secondary for blasters and the armour for scrappers/tanks/brutes), it isn't as great and so on.

    Just my thoughts though.
  21. Ed decided that he would be behind Red this time, since she was already in the doorway and shoving just wasn't polite to do to a lady.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    can't coexist with them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's not strictly true, only one of two factions actively wants to destroy humanity, the other seeks peace with us and from what we hear by doing the RWZ arcs is that (spoilers) What the heroes (and rather annoying villains) achieve is actually turning the normal Rikti people AGAINST the aggressive faction of the Rikti.

    Think of the Rikti vs human war as the Rikti version of Vietnam, it's going badly, they suffered massive losses during the first invasion and are suffering even more losses on a daily basis now. The proganda tries to hide it but everybody knows the war is actually going badly 'back home' due to the number of relatives/friends/pet mutated monkeys that aren't coming home or the stream of seriously wounded that come back.

    Who is to say the Rikti civil war happens on their homeworld, heroes dispatched to help the friendlier side in the sense of repair years of mistrust and hurt by helping out the Rikti people while villains are utilized in a more terrorist manner against those parts of the 'old guard' that are still holding out (bombing supply lines, blowing up statues of the tyranical regime, blowing up centers of opression or even being used to target the installations of the human friendly Rikti so they can blame it on the old guard using the 'yes a few innocent Rikti will be killed but that's a small price to pay for true freedom isn't it?' logic).
  23. Ed smirked, "on it..."

    He begun yanking at all the cables attached to the speak system to put a stop to the music.
  24. Ed blinked as the darkness engulfed the room, obviously out of all the heroes he was the most obvious, his flaming eyes betraying his presence in the darkness.

    He waited for whatever it was to make their move.
  25. Hey Bunny.

    I think a lot of what you saw if you're refering to the Statesman Taskforce (which both myself and you were on) came about through the stress of that last mission, everyone was highly strung because the fight with Recluse wasn't going so well and our level 50 Invuln tank decided to bugger off.

    It took us, what, 10 tries to finally beat him, having a 48 Invuln tank for Recluse was kinda tough as well but once the Taskforce was over everybody noticeably relaxed and left on fairly good terms.

    Think the main source of frustration was having to deal with the Arachnos Flier before EVERY attempt (that thing really should die and stay dead!) but we did it in the end, thankfully.

    So that explains some of the stress that you encountered.

    Edit: And you're not being rude, I've always thought that the difference between the phrase Newbie and N00b was just that.

    I think it's fairly widely excepted that Newb = new to the game but with time and explanation will become a great player and N00b = someone who thinks they're right, doesn't care to improve and general has no social graces whatsoever.

    Now where's the Ctrl+Alt+Delete comic that has the same explanation.

    2nd Edit: There we go...found it