A homage SG, thoughts and questions.




First off, many of the older gamers amongst you will remember a scrolling beat'em up known as Streets of Rage, many hours were spent in your youth on the Sega Megadrive (Sega Genesis to our American friends)

I am (possibly) thinking of starting a Homage SG back to those days known as the Bare Knuckle Brawlers (Bare Knuckle is Streets of Rages Japanese title) where every character in it tries to emulate a Hero or Thug from the game series.

Obviously these homages cannot be too close as eitherwise we'd get generic'd faster than you can say 'spoon' but would the whole thing just be a tad too close to the line for existence and be smacked down?

The thing is Streets of Rage is nolonger a supported product line by Sega, the last in the game series was released back in 1994, this is 14 years ago now. While it holds a place in the heart of many a retrogamer, the last news of any kind of official sequel being developed was early 2000 which apparently was scrapped completely.

Currently in existence is the Streets of Rage remake, a very fine fan-made followup but that's about it.

So is it feasible to actually create the SG without getting layeth the smacketh downed by the Moderators or is there a chance for this too exist?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



And if it isn't what about a Zero Wing SG?



Also if anyone is interested, feel free to speak up.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'd be interested in joining with a new toon or two!
Heroes or Villains side ? or both ?

Something to watch out for on the 'Generic'ed' topic tho, would be : If you create a cossie and really only name the character one letter different, depending on what copyrights there are currently, you may find it DOES get generic'ed.

However, my guess would be, if you created the SG, named the character away from the Streets of Rage theme, but had a Bio explaining he was the son / nephew / daughter / niece / cousin continuing the saga, maybe that would be allowed.

Another example - it'd be quite tricky to create a boxing kangaroo, but you could always try a wolf, lizard or insect, and if you have the vet reward, create a boxer...



We had a He-Man homage SG running called Masters Of The Galaxy, with me as Smelletor. We also had Zorko, Spam-Man, Stan-at-arms etc. 2 GMs who crossed our path (in the golden days it seemed like we had GMs eeeverywhere) while we cleared the streets of Paragon said they find us hilarious and we never got generic'd (it ended when I was the last remaining after <expletive deleted&gt.
So I guess they are pretty laid back regarding homages to old school stuff and as long as nobody petitions you.

Currently we have an Alien-B-movie (especially Mars Attacks) homage VG running. So far, no problems with that either.




(in the golden days it seemed like we had GMs eeeverywhere) while we cleared the streets of Paragon said they find us hilarious and we never got generic'd (it ended when I was the last remaining after ED).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thread alert... ED reference



Another example - it'd be quite tricky to create a boxing kangaroo, but you could always try a wolf, lizard or insect, and if you have the vet reward, create a boxer...

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Yes Roo (or Victy if you go by Bare Knuckle 3) would be a tough one to create, though if you need the boxing fetish sorted there is always R.Bear and R.Bear Junior to contend with that. I'm going to faff around in the character creator and provide some examples of SoR inspired toons.

Yes, the character names would have to be different, Galsia becomes Garry, D. Signal becomes D. Sign, Barbon becomes Barbel, Ash becomes Soot and so on.

Well ages ago I posted an example of one particular SoR (well Bare Knuckle actually) inspired character.

City of Heroes version of Ash with game sprite

Edit: Oh and this would be hero side, yes I know it doesn't make much sense but that way we can include the heroes and the villains in one SG, besides it's a homage, not direct lift

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(in the golden days it seemed like we had GMs eeeverywhere) while we cleared the streets of Paragon said they find us hilarious and we never got generic'd (it ended when I was the last remaining after <expletive deleted&gt.

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Thread alert... <expletive deleted> reference

[/ QUOTE ]
Oops sorry, fixed.




I would be up for that. The streets of rage series was one of my favourites from back in the mega drive days. I still dust of my old mega drive for a quick run through of streets of rage 2 every now and then. What server would this be on?




Though, he mostly punched... We need a street fighting set right now!

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



would be on the Union server, hoping to get a few people interested, obviously be levelling together and such. Nice to see people not only remember the series but also want to participate

Edit: As promised here are some very basic goes at various enemies from Streets of Rage, sadly I don't have the 39 month reward which meant the boxer doesn't look as good as he could do.

SoR meets CoH

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




Though, he mostly punched... We need a street fighting set right now!

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Thats fine, will role a WP/SS tank on union (BAGSY MAX )



Bagsy a hybrid Kangaroo / lizard / insect / thing.

I'll create a weird boxing toon just in case I'll have to create a character that can't use a tail or swipe with a tail, but ill give it a try and see what happens.

hm, ok after an hour or so of trying it .. I can't make a kangaroo...

back to the drawing board



Thread alert... ED reference

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I wonder, do we need to say "ED" five times into a mirror at midnight before the Candybane turns up to gut us with his hook hand?

I'm a huge fan of homage - I think the drawing line is the character name. Otherwise I've seen toons resembling Thors, Hulks, more than a few Iron Men; and I've sported King of the Hawkmen, He-man and Leonadis costumes without issue (or using copyrighted names). Good luck!



fairly easily managed to make Skate..
named him Skoot http://www.ivanwhite.com/coh/sor3-skate-001.jpg

can always re-do him if necessary. He'll be using the pink sliding sprint power and is martial arts / will power, at the moment.

I couldn't re-create the skates entirely, although the slide should look ok. and his vest doesn't have a t-shirt underneath as i don't think that's possible with coh clothing...



oooh...using the American Streets of Rage 3 colours for Skate (Sammy), there's something I didn't think would happen, not complaining just use to seeing the Streets of Rage 2 colours but nice way of getting around the whole homage/rip-off issue.

So characters taken are Axel, Max and Skate.

Edit: Decided to go with Adam Hunter, renamed Alex Hunter (a MA/WP scrapper).

Alex Hunter

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I couldn't re-create the skates entirely, although the slide should look ok. and his vest doesn't have a t-shirt underneath as i don't think that's possible with coh clothing...

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You might be able to do the effect if you you tights smooth as the chest and then the tanker pattern. Though this would make the sleeves go all the way to the elbow.



I couldn't re-create the skates entirely, although the slide should look ok. and his vest doesn't have a t-shirt underneath as i don't think that's possible with coh clothing...

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You might be able to do the effect if you you tights smooth as the chest and then the tanker pattern. Though this would make the sleeves go all the way to the elbow.

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I'll try that this evening thanks!



I couldn't re-create the skates entirely, although the slide should look ok. and his vest doesn't have a t-shirt underneath as i don't think that's possible with coh clothing...

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You might be able to do the effect if you you tights smooth as the chest and then the tanker pattern. Though this would make the sleeves go all the way to the elbow.

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I've given that a try and it makes it look less like a vest and more of a double coloured t-shirt, but thanks again for the suggestion



I have recreated Axel:
Ax Slate

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



I don't know the game that well, but with Vox's assistance I should like to bagsy Blaze Fielding.

EDIT: Made her as Phoenix Meadows

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



Woo it's all coming along nicely.

Need to get a day (well evening more like) when everyone is good to play, how are thursdays evenings for people?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Thursdays are generally fine for me



Vox can't make it until after 9pm most nights (I'm idly wondering if he works in Blockbuster) which is good for me also as I tend not to be able to make it home until 9pm (because that's when Blockbuster close).

By this extension Vox and Morgana come together (awww!) so everyone ok with 9PM?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!