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  1. It all depends, for actual gameplay wise you're best sticking with FRAPS.

    If you want to do some story telling then use the Demo record function since it is highly editable (check out the guides on the US forums since I've never done this myself, just seen what amazing things can be achieved with it)
  2. Hmm what Dan is saying does make sense, an explosion big enough to breech the walls of the Zig from the outside would probably reverberate around the neighbouring zones (Kings row, Faultline, the lower part of Independance port and the lower portion of Skyway city) not to mention incoming reports from any PPD and the level 30-40 heroes pottering around in the area.

    Looks like Ed is going to have to make it as fast a smash and grab as possible...
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Especially since I've got that Greek music from the end of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking barrels going on in my head

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you mean This one by any chance?

    I can really picture the scene in my head to that music, the slow part has Seven going across and the Vigilants getting in place in the sewers while thier compatriots get ready to head into the prison.

    Then at 2:25 in the song a low flying, single prop aircraft appears and gets closer and closer really quickly approaching the Zig.

    Then the pause from 2:38 to 2:41, plane hits Zig and explodes, everything after that...utter chaos!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    It's so much nicer when the mad scientists are vaguely sane.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only vaguely...Ed's plans at the best of times in his hero AND villain career tended to be more about the boom and the pummelling than any kind of tactical thinking.

    This is the same guy that charged a full speed into a room full of Arachnos (He didn't know that at the time) and clotheslined the first Bane spider in his path or 'Cannon balling' himself into a massive Spider-nictus thing and distracting it long enough for a high explosive grenade to go off before he healed himself back up (the joys of Regen)...

    Since this isn't the Heroic version of Ed, he'll just be bringing along his artillery (aka the Family of bots) and he's at his worst when he's got the family backing him up, things tend to go boom...just hopefully not Ellie.

    Oh and she'll be extracted from the Prison whether she likes it or not...

    Whether she gives herself up or remains at large...that's for her to decide...Ed is making his 'comeback tour' from the Isles.

    Edit: It wouldn't blow up the entire Zig, just create a hole for Ed and the family to get into the main complax, the walls on the Zig are incredibly thick when you look at them ingame. It would probably be repaired sharpish, any property damage seems to get repaired quickly not to mention Longbow coming into cover the breech while it is repaired.

    Besides...what better way to cover an escape but to cause mass chaos inside and the surrounding area by having a large explosion and the possible mass escape of various people in Orange jumpsuits...makes one in particular very difficult to track...though the old grey guy with the white beard and his team of robots would probably help...
  5. Oh he would get Ellie out alive...it's his primary goal...

    Just that it's probably best the general prison population gets the hell out of his way when he comes in.

    Or perhaps before that when he plans to fly a single prop plane full of explosives (he and the bots would bail out first) into the outside of the Zig to smash through it's massively thick walls...though that's just an idea at the moment.
  6. I wouldn't worry too much about the Malta especially sans equipment.

    Even fully equipped Malta have trouble fighting against a laser firing, rocket launching, flame spewing, plasma blasting Bots/FF Mastermind let alone ones without any fancy sapping equipment.

    Remember Ed isn't exactly going to be holding back when he comes in...
  7. This is still going to be hectic, you'll have Ed and his Bot-SWAT team heading in through a rather interesting method, which will undoubtedly set off any and all major alarms once they appear which means the constructs waiting in the Sewers will be alerted and Seven as well.

    Lets just say the entry method wont be subtle...
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    well sorry folks but it's looking more and more like we'll be getting it at the same time as the US...no announcement (still) either way which would have been kind of nice to know when it was due to go live over here (sorry I know you lot at NCsoft Europe are going through a very tough time right now but that is kind of slacking).

    So looks like it'll be 9pm tonight for us folks...
  9. If push comes to shove in order to keep the narrative moving, I'll had Ed reconsider his hiring and simply go at it alone (well as alone as a mastermind gets) he's busted out of and then back into the Zig in his criminal career by himself (Breakout and a villain storyarc to breakout other criminals...and rescuse Jenkins...again...) so I don't doubt he could do it again.

    I'm working from 4pm-9pm today so sadly I can't really do much during that time period and wont be home until 9:15-9:30ish.

    Having trouble with mIRC since it's asking me to register (quick question, do I have to?) plus I can't remember the channel name for the IC chat...I can find GGOOC but not your normal chat channel.

    Would have prefered to have been given the time to execute my plotline to the actual breakout begining before others began busting out Ellie but alas such is the way of the world...
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Plus the PlayNC website is going to be down from 3pmish for maintenance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm I wonder what that's for?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well that just kind of peeves me a lot, normally things in the EU work to an EU schedule unless it's a major Issue release which they need the devs onhand for so it kind of makes sense that they would wait.

    Can't help but feeling the recent shakeup is also affecting this but that might just be my paranoid mind going into conspiracy theory mode <shrugs> and probably is.
  11. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    Part of me has this sinking feeling that it wont happen until tomorrow at the latest since GR mentioned that the US are one patch ahead of us since our version of said patch has only just gone into the training room.

    I imagine that this patch also contains various bug fixes to the Cyborg set...

    Well hopefully that wont be the case otherwise I'd be seriously peeved.

    Otherwise I think they're going for simultaneous EU/US release which makes sense but does peeve me off slightly.

    Just odd that we've had no mention of it just yet.
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    Bah 10pm and no announcement.


    Really hoping we aren't going to be running to an American schedule, 12pm for them is what 8/9pm for us?

    Plus the PlayNC website is going to be down from 3pmish for maintenance.

    Edit: Ally Rez/Fallout/Vengeance apparently wont work after you've Self destructed (the corpse isn't targetable since there's nothing left) however you can still use awakens and self Rez powers so Rise of the Phoenix and other such powers will work.

    Would find the exact quote about this on the US forums but can't be bothered to trawl through all 35 pages of it.
  13. ((since the plotline is moving faster than expected looks like the recruitment is null and void..<sigh> nevermind))
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    if your going to die quickly, there is no point activating self-destruct.

    Watch a few of the videos and it actually comes with its own 10 second count down before it goes off.

    Now if Unstoppable is going to crash soon, you're all out of insps and your team is all defeated, then yeah I'd activate self-destruct as the last middle finger to the mobs saving myself from debt and taking the rest of them with me.
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    Cyborg leakage

    so when is this going live today then?

    Hopefully just after the servers come back up and the patch is installed.

  16. hmm had just heard Rad/sonic was a good set for single target DPS (yes AoE wise isn't that great)

    Found my Bots/FF fairly nifty though it's a fairly passive set, can stack up some nice +def in total on the bots plus if it all goes pearshaped there's always PFF (great for when the ambushing EB decides to go exclusively after you due to the game code, stick on PFF and go for a smoke, come back, EB is dead)

    I've not really seen anything I'd classify as a God mode powerset besides the obvious stand out ones, Ill/Rad and Fire/Kin.

    Still I tend not to min/max and play whichever set suits me...

    Though Build up + Aim + Fireball + Firebreath does seem to wipe out large spawns with a fire/fire blaster I wouldn't classify that combo as godly since it lacks the inherent safety of 38 (or whenever they get Transferance) fire/kin.
  17. Hmm for single target damage wise isn't Rad/sonic fairly godly as well due to the mahoosive -res that get's applied (it's known as an AV killer set...and this is on defenders!).
  18. To be fair the War Walls are pretty much a relic now considering you actually have a badge mission where you have to defend them from being disabled.

    Glad lots of people like my idea
  19. Yup on the EU forums, like I said I PM'd him with regards the halloween style costumes being able to use any of the player available powers or whether they are restricted in some way (was for a suggestion about them so wanted to know just incase) and it took him a day or so but he did reply.

    The fact that it took him a day is neither here nor there since he's pretty dang busy with Issue 13 but he did reply.
  20. I'd just like to point out that BaBs DOES answer private messages still.

    When doing my perma-halloween costume power topic I decided to ask him incase anyone raised the point of some NPCs would not be able to use all the animations. Apparently if they use the same human skeleton, they can (which is nifty).

    So he does reply to private messages but I get the feeling that he was kind of soured on posting on the main forums due to what happened when he did turn up.

    The trouble is it's a viscious circle, the Devs don't post, people get peeved, they post, they get some insults after they do turn up because they only show up once in a blue moon and this causes them to lose confidence on posting here and the whole cycle starts again.

    Besides I doubt the vitriol they recieved is any less or more than what they recieve on the US forums.
  21. the main thing I want to see is the questions asked by us that you were going to ask the Devs on our behalf...or did that not make it into the video.

    To be fair a lot of people we're kind of excited about this, what was the cause of such a massive delay, was it the fact that approval took ages or that more important things cropped up in the mean time?
  22. Well there goes one story arc I had planned, was hoping for map editing capabilites but that definiately isn't in or wont be till a way down the line.

    I'm still hoping we can have triggers for events (you know, like taking out/hacking a computer takes out all the turrets/robots in the mission) but I'm getting the feeling we wont be getting something that advanced either so it does kind of look like a paper mission generator with a few more tweaks to it, which isn't a bad thing just I guess I shouldn't have had such high hopes.
  23. Steve withdrew his arm and looked to the heroes.

    "gumurgh!" by the sounds of it a reassuring 'well done' though it really could be anything.

    The Shivan knew that the day had been won, Steve looked at the Portent before going over to it's shopping, some of which had been spilled by the panicking civilians, what a Shivan was doing with various baby related items was a mystery to all but himself and a selected few not present. Seemingly ignore The Portent as he scooped up a few bags of nappies and some cartons of powdered milk and placing them back into the bags before hoisting them in his two massive arms and continuing his amble towards home as if nothing had happened.
  24. Steve saw what Union was doing and nodded. He continued to pump the meteor full of deadly radiation, his body pulsing with an eerie green glow, with every split that forced the meteor open, his hand went deeper and deeper, the radiation spreading.

    Steve brought his hands up above his head, a massive ball of radiation building up in it, "see...you...in..hell.." a phrase Steve had taught himself to speak in English if ever he needed a witty oneliner...throwing the huge ball of coalescing radiation down into the meteors core.
  25. Dr_MechanoEU

    i13 Architect

    One thing about shields that has got me pondering and cursing is the fact of what unlockables will they have.

    If I have a weapon wielding character I get all obsessive about getting every single unlockable option available to them as quickly as possible (namely getting to 35/40 for my Broadsword main).

    Now I'm probably going to remake my BS/Regen into a BS/Shield since it would definitely suit is concept better...

    Damn you Devs...damn you for making me level more alts!