Ellie & the Ziggurat - OOC Discussion Thread




I thought it'd probably be a good idea to have an OOC discussion thread, especially as things are looking complicated right now!

Quick summary of today.

This morning, an order was received at the Zig to transfer Ellie into General Population, contrary to normal procedures. 2 guards assigned to do this were not what you'd call nice people, but not all the guards are like that, honest.

Both Zorielle Rolando and Operative Seven were notified almost immediately by this transfer order. Zori is preparing troops, Seven is already en-route to the Zig. Both are certain Ellie is in immediate danger.

Ellie's partner, Jessica (Grav Mistress) has also been notified (by BODICIA), of Ellie's status. I'm not sure if she's on the way to the zig too, though.

On the Rogue Islands, Dr Mechano has heard of Ellie's incarceration and being at least former friends, is planning to have her broken out; whether she wants to be or not.

Ellie is currently in the canteen eating porridge (Sorry, I just couldn't resist it ). A gang of Malta are eying her with unpleasant thoughts, and she's been approached by a former member of the Knives of Artemis, offering protection for a price.

Ellie is wearing a heavy duty power suppression collar. All her Peacebringer abilities are suppressed, along with her super strength. She DOES however, still possess the enhanced abilities imbued by her cat side, including sight, hearing, smell and agility (these being genetic in nature and outside of her PB powers). She's a trained martial artist and CAN defend herself, but she's no longer partially invulnerable.

Some OOC information that is findable. The order to transfer came from the Department of Corrections. The specific person who gave the order, however, is out of the building; reportedly in Washington at a meeting with various officials. He cannot be easily contacted.

There may or may not be a battle at the Zig; depends entirely on how people want to play it. What we need to hash out though, is do we somehow do this in game, or would a more appropriate venue be somewhere like IRC (I run a private server), which can later be turned into fiction for everyone else's enjoyment, or forum RP (which I know Ravenswing isn't keen on).

However, I *think* I'm prepared for all the possible eventualities I can think of from today's events so far. I don't mind which direction it goes, I shall endeavour to adapt like a good little RPer. You have free reign on your actions. Anyone caught boarding a train will be fed to Zortel.



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If push comes to shove in order to keep the narrative moving, I'll had Ed reconsider his hiring and simply go at it alone (well as alone as a mastermind gets) he's busted out of and then back into the Zig in his criminal career by himself (Breakout and a villain storyarc to breakout other criminals...and rescuse Jenkins...again...) so I don't doubt he could do it again.

I'm working from 4pm-9pm today so sadly I can't really do much during that time period and wont be home until 9:15-9:30ish.

Having trouble with mIRC since it's asking me to register (quick question, do I have to?) plus I can't remember the channel name for the IC chat...I can find GGOOC but not your normal chat channel.

Would have prefered to have been given the time to execute my plotline to the actual breakout begining before others began busting out Ellie but alas such is the way of the world...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



You don't have to register mIRC no; it's just a nag screen. The channel you want is #OOC, but it's only a possibility for playing it out (though much easier there than in game). Depends on Ravenswing, and whether he wants to try it there. If not, we can figure out a way to do it in game, I'm sure.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



A post from Shadowe, who's having problems posting from work again!

************************************************** *********************

Well, just managed to get up to speed on the IC story thread... lots

Details of my current thoughts, feel free to pass along to Ellen and anyone
else you feel appropriate.

Helena will notice the transfer to GenPop, and examine likely responses
from the UV, resulting in a pretty good anaylsis, informing Richard that
there is a 78.23% probability that the Unity Vigil will attempt extraction.

Richard will, off his own bat, send a message to Zorielle, to the effect
that he is going to run cover. His initial method is going to be brutally
simple - he's planning to overload the Ziggursky Penitentiary with new
inmates. A sudden influx of fellons and crooks will overstretch the guards
and admin staff, hopefully to the extent that it will enable the UV team
enough additional surprise that their mission is easier.

Secondarily, once that *completely innocent* diversion has taken effect
(and he will be monitoring comms channels in the hope that he will get an
idea of when the UV are planning to strike), he will enter the Zig
personally, along with his secretary, Kara Sloane (herself a member of the
Knives of Artemis currently assigned to watch Richard), demanding to speak
to the Governor, and citing relevant legal precedents that support his
knowledge that Ellie should, under no circumstances, have been moved to
GenPop. He is aware that Zorielle will be doing the same thing, but assumes
that she will be too busy actually getting Ellie out to take personal
control of the situation, which he is MORE than happy to do.

Concurrent to this, Helena will be attempting to hack the Zig's network to
gain control of the prison, via an unauthorised agency in the Rogue Isles,
Lothair Corp (which has precisely ZERO links to Huntington, as it is owned
by a gentleman named Rich Hunter, a bounty-hunter, and it is a known fact
(ahem) that he and Dr Richard Huntington are not the same person). If
successful, Helena will attempt to aid the UV exfiltration attempt.

At the SAME TIME, on the basis of some rather hasty guesswork, Samantha
Huntington will be attempting (somewhat poorly, given the scale of the
operation) to befuddle and confuse the Prison Guard population to make it
even *easier* for the UV to get in, get Ellie, and get out.

End result: possible suspicion that Shadowe was involved in the
exfiltration attempt by providing a diversion; linking the exfiltration to
a group based out of the Rogue Isles who have no apparent link to any of
the relevant hero groups, though some may consider that a blind; heightened
risk of prisoner escape from the Zig during the attempt.

So, those are the current plans. If this is to be played out in-game, let
me know, and I'll try to handle it tonight (should be able to). I want to
keep Richard in the background, helping and not taking a direct hand (there
are a number of reasons for this, but if you want your KoA inside the
prison to get out, then link them to Kara in some way, and she, using KoA
stealth tech, can attempt to extract them herself).

********* (( and more from him )) **********

Feel free to post it in the OOC discussion thread - I'll try to keep up to
speed on responses, but might not have a huge amount of luck before I get
home tonight. (You're right about the trouble I have posting from work
right now. Hopefully that will be resolved in the near future!)

I'm just trying to come at things from Richard's perspective, and he wields
a lot more power as a businessman than he does as a hero (consciously so),
so it makes sense to try and act like the 'concerned citizen'. His demands
to the Governor (whom he has no qualms whatsoever about demanding to meet
at an ungodly hour of the day) will simply be that since Ellie has been
lawfully imprisoned, it is criminally remiss of him to allow the transfer
of a Registered Hero to GenPop, and that should the need arise, he will
prefer civil charges against the governor on behalf of the citizens of
Paragon City who are outraged that he has not been able to ensure the
safety and security of his inmates, and has potentially violated their
Human Rights. He will also press for the extradition of Ellie to the UK for
imprisonment there.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Um... I'd need to set up an IRC client, I don't think I still have one on the machine (just checked and I can't find one). Sorry, but the idea of playing out what's likely to become an action scene via a forum makes me laugh so hard I may need stitches and a full body cast.

I'd prefer to do it in-game, log it, and then someone can fictionalise it, but I'd accept using IRC if someone lets me know later what's required, where to point it, and what the appropriate authentication is.

As for it being easier than in-game: I've never understood why. Text chat is text chat is text chat. Only time I've ever roleplayed in IRC I remained unconvinced that it was any better than in-game. Not any worse, either, (aside from the requirement to install additional software, again).

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Just looking at that post from Shadowe... this is all going to end so badly.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Setting up mIRC is pretty simple. It's a small install and only takes a few seconds. I can give you the login details over PM if you want to do it that way.

As for ease of use. In some circumstances, you are playing in an environment that the game just can't represent. In those cases, the game can actually be a distraction from the RP, so IRC can be a better environment. Sure, you have to describe everything, but it logs as well, and you have a much better text editor to work with, with more way space per entry!

But like I said, I'm fine with trying it in game; though WHERE is an interesting question!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Grav would indeed head to the Zig upon hearing of Ellie's transfer.
With the intent to demand immidiate visitation... prepared to blast her way in if need be.

This presents me with a problem.
I've made Grav too powerful in the past. And for plot purposes, her mental disposition isn't what it used to be in regards to other people.
In her frame of mind, I wouldn’t put it past her to create a black hole near the roof if she can’t walk through the gate.

This is the problem, I can’t really play her down in this instance, and I doubt it’d be fun for others to RP having to deal with her.

I’ll ponder it a bit, in the meantime, I welcome people’s thoughts on this

It’s fairly easy for me to have the excuse that she isn’t reachable by BODICIA at the time until after the situation has progressed past such a point.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Zorielle is -not- busting Ellie out.

A team of five Vigilant constructs have been sent ahead to the front gates, requesting entry to the facility to get Ellie moved out of the General area of the prison, and will insist on sending two of their number to watch out for her.

Meanwhile, a team of Vigilants have been disguised as Council members, possessing stolen arms, munitions and robot support and are currently making their way to wait at the sewers exit to near the Prison, ready to strike -if- needed.

Zorielle has contacted the Unity Vigil's lawyers and are getting them into gear to back them up, and Zori is preparing to head down to the prison herself.

Any messages sent to Zorielle about breaking Ellie out of prison will be responded to with a strongly worded reprimand that the Unity Vigil will take no illegal action and will work within the boundries of the law, and that any hero who does attempt to take the law into their own hands will be flagged as criminals and dealt with accordingly.

Also, Zori's a little scathing about Richard's plan, because that could easily overwhelm the prison staff, cause injuries and risk further chaos.



But like I said, I'm fine with trying it in game; though WHERE is an interesting question!

[/ QUOTE ]

In a base, ignore the surroundings. You could use mine if you wanted, I'm the only resident so we wouldn't disturb anyone. I sometimes worry about you lot and your 'distractions.'

However, I'll set up IRC, send me the info. Looks like I won't be in-game tonight.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Any messages sent to Zorielle about breaking Ellie out of prison will be responded to with a strongly worded reprimand that the Unity Vigil will take no illegal action and will work within the boundries of the law, and that any hero who does attempt to take the law into their own hands will be flagged as criminals and dealt with accordingly.

Also, Zori's a little scathing about Richard's plan, because that could easily overwhelm the prison staff, cause injuries and risk further chaos.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh thank the ephemeral godlike beings who watch over small, frightened catgirls.

Considering that FFM decided that a squad of Malta are involved, the UV constructs would be most useful if they could arrive before poor Seven has to start taking drastic measures.

Of course, if Seven had anticipated the UV learning of the transfer and acting, she might have been able to forestall some of this fun. Then again, I doubt Zorielle is going to trust her without talking to her, and I get the feeling that Zorielle hasn't talked to Eloise or ADAOS about Seven either, so maybe not.

Lack of communication... it makes the world go round, and then stutter and fall of its axis.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



This is still going to be hectic, you'll have Ed and his Bot-SWAT team heading in through a rather interesting method, which will undoubtedly set off any and all major alarms once they appear which means the constructs waiting in the Sewers will be alerted and Seven as well.

Lets just say the entry method wont be subtle...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Considering that FFM decided that a squad of Malta are involved

[/ QUOTE ]
Incarcerated Malta, so sans the equipment, just with their training.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Considering that FFM decided that a squad of Malta are involved

[/ QUOTE ]
Incarcerated Malta, so sans the equipment, just with their training.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhu... that still makes them multiple level 35-50 humans against a single mechanical at level 22 and a level 50 house cat. Have you ever looked at how much damage you can do with Brawl at level 40? At least they won't be in body armour.

I do have one emergency stunt to pull if it gets bad, but Seven would only use it in an extreme circumstance since it violates her mission objectives. (No, she is not fitted with a small nuclear self-destruct device. )

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I wouldn't worry too much about the Malta especially sans equipment.

Even fully equipped Malta have trouble fighting against a laser firing, rocket launching, flame spewing, plasma blasting Bots/FF Mastermind let alone ones without any fancy sapping equipment.

Remember Ed isn't exactly going to be holding back when he comes in...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Oh... just when I thought Ellie would get out alive...

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Oh he would get Ellie out alive...it's his primary goal...

Just that it's probably best the general prison population gets the hell out of his way when he comes in.

Or perhaps before that when he plans to fly a single prop plane full of explosives (he and the bots would bail out first) into the outside of the Zig to smash through it's massively thick walls...though that's just an idea at the moment.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



It's so much nicer when the mad scientists are vaguely sane.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Just remember folks, ICA=ICC. If Ellie IS broken out of the Zig, that's REALLY not going to go down well on her record.

EDIT: Shadowe is bowing out, I think.. It's getting complicated!

Ed, please don't destroy the zig.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



... Hell in a handcart. You do realise that even if you broke Ellie out, she'd then be wanted fugitive? That the Unity Vigil would be bound by duty to arrest her on sight? Zori couldn't even let her back home on her island without facing hellfire from the media if they caught wind.

The chaos in the Zig will cause the potential for a lot of people to get hurt, prisoners and staff. The Unity Vigil -will- face off against these attacks when they start, no matter how noble their intentions, or who is behind them.



Grav would indeed head to the Zig upon hearing of Ellie's transfer.
With the intent to demand immidiate visitation... prepared to blast her way in if need be.

This presents me with a problem.
I've made Grav too powerful in the past. And for plot purposes, her mental disposition isn't what it used to be in regards to other people.
In her frame of mind, I wouldn’t put it past her to create a black hole near the roof if she can’t walk through the gate.

This is the problem, I can’t really play her down in this instance, and I doubt it’d be fun for others to RP having to deal with her.

I’ll ponder it a bit, in the meantime, I welcome people’s thoughts on this

It’s fairly easy for me to have the excuse that she isn’t reachable by BODICIA at the time until after the situation has progressed past such a point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm... You've managed to reign her in before, so I'm sure you can do it again.

Perhaps it would be best if, on her arrival, she joins Zori with trying to talk Ellie into a safer place?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It's so much nicer when the mad scientists are vaguely sane.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only vaguely...Ed's plans at the best of times in his hero AND villain career tended to be more about the boom and the pummelling than any kind of tactical thinking.

This is the same guy that charged a full speed into a room full of Arachnos (He didn't know that at the time) and clotheslined the first Bane spider in his path or 'Cannon balling' himself into a massive Spider-nictus thing and distracting it long enough for a high explosive grenade to go off before he healed himself back up (the joys of Regen)...

Since this isn't the Heroic version of Ed, he'll just be bringing along his artillery (aka the Family of bots) and he's at his worst when he's got the family backing him up, things tend to go boom...just hopefully not Ellie.

Oh and she'll be extracted from the Prison whether she likes it or not...

Whether she gives herself up or remains at large...that's for her to decide...Ed is making his 'comeback tour' from the Isles.

Edit: It wouldn't blow up the entire Zig, just create a hole for Ed and the family to get into the main complax, the walls on the Zig are incredibly thick when you look at them ingame. It would probably be repaired sharpish, any property damage seems to get repaired quickly not to mention Longbow coming into cover the breech while it is repaired.

Besides...what better way to cover an escape but to cause mass chaos inside and the surrounding area by having a large explosion and the possible mass escape of various people in Orange jumpsuits...makes one in particular very difficult to track...though the old grey guy with the white beard and his team of robots would probably help...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I hope ye keep us informed of what occurs ingame/on irc. I'm really enjoying this thread. Especially since I've got that Greek music from the end of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking barrels going on in my head (where all the gangsters and whatever are all headed for the same place and all hell is about to break loose).



The best way to cover an escape would be to have the cop turn up and escourt her out into protective custody. Fat chance that's gonna happen.

Anyway, just for the hell of it, and it great personal risk (yeah, right ) I have checked and it takes Seven four minutes or less to cover the distance from the King's Row precinct roof to the front gate of the Zig. That's including zone transitions (i.e. going through the tunnels) and was done while running SJ, Stealth, Acrobatics and Sprint. I figure two minutes to get into combat rig, another minute to get to the roof, so she should be at the front gate by 8:18. Given that she's electronically cleared her access prior to arrival, I think having her arrive at Ellie just after the KoA lady leaves sounds about right.

My powergaming-fu is strong.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Especially since I've got that Greek music from the end of Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking barrels going on in my head

[/ QUOTE ]

you mean This one by any chance?

I can really picture the scene in my head to that music, the slow part has Seven going across and the Vigilants getting in place in the sewers while thier compatriots get ready to head into the prison.

Then at 2:25 in the song a low flying, single prop aircraft appears and gets closer and closer really quickly approaching the Zig.

Then the pause from 2:38 to 2:41, plane hits Zig and explodes, everything after that...utter chaos!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!