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    Damnit Londoner...you've done it now...I explicitly avoided refering to THAT thing

    To be fair what I'm getting at is that these are major overhauls to the system, overhauls that probably should have come about very soon after their respective Issues (9 for merits, 4 and 6 for PvP I think).

    While I do see the value of what's being done, it it's pulled off poorly and comes across as too much of a 'nerf' to which particular aspect it focuses on, people will still be peeved.

    The devs need to handle and handle with care with regards the large scale changes.

    To many losing the current PvPers doesn't seem like losing a lot of people (and means that the devs can just annex PvP from the game and focus on PvE) but it's still a loss of people who have taken their subscription fee elsewhere.

    initial Open Beta does have a habit of being pretty much the final version (minus some minor tweaking or any major bugfixes) which goes live, minor bugs included (the Icon Bug from Issue 12 for example) and it tends to be more a 'stress test' by throwing as many people as they can at something to see if it breaks.

    Still raising concerns in a forum (much less the EU forum) doesn't seem to be the way to go, the majority of players don't post in the forums and nobody can really claim to speak for them.

    Just my thought that with the situation as it is, it could go either way.
  2. Reading various posts on both the EU and US forums with regards the many changes brought in with Issue 13 there seems a whole lot more of the doomsaying or general dissatisfaction than with any other previous Issue I've been here to experience (well maybe Issue 9 may have come close).

    Perhaps it is to be expected, the game is going through massive changes with the Merit reward system and the new way PvP 'works' it looks like a major overhaul.

    I can now see why Issue 13 was going to be considered huge with all its content originally intact (Mission Designer, VEATs, PvP changes, Respeccable Patrons and changes, APP changes, new missions in Cimerorea and elsewhere) however obviously a lot of the bigger hitters have been removed reducing the hefty payload.

    I think the problem is that there is the potential to really hurt the game with the changes in their specific area if utilized in a poor manner.

    PvP Changes) If they don't encourage more people to PvP, more people than the leaving 'hardcore' PvP crowd leaving (as it would seem the majority of them are willing to cancel subs if the PvP system the way it is goes live) then the whole major overhaul may as well have been for nothing.

    Merits) The potential to kill the market with completely removing the random roll chance and only merits could remove a lot of the 'lesser used' recipes from the market, causing supply to dry up on things like Fear, Confuse, Snipes and Slows.

    Hmm I've never before seen such a major overhaul to the way the game works and heard such outcry from more than a few people. I wasn't here for 'that' particular round of major nerfs (it's like Macbeth, you don't mention the thing to do with enhancements lest you bring about more doom to a thread) but judging from what I've been told it doesn't quite match upto that in terms of the spread of Doom and gloom, it's just a hell of a lot higher than I originally thought it would be.
  3. It can....if you load it into a Rock-It launcher first, then fired at such a velocity the book gains the capacity to kill (yes too much Fallout 3...).

    The book didn't encourage anything, infact it was more a documentation as to how the Catholic church and to that extent people, at the time, were operating and thinking. There was witch burnings centuries before the book was released, still on large scales.

    Even if the book hadn't been written, the same things would have happened, we would just be lacking an insight into unenlightened times when we thought the earth was the center of the very universe itself and the idea that maybe a singular all powerful deity was the cause of every single thing that happened in your life, ever (Dog got run over by a wagon, that'd be a test from the Almighty herself not random occurance which happened because you went with choosing a very stupid dog instead of a much smarter Cat who would have avoided said cart)!
  4. You lot do realise that the 'Malleus' title actually has a historical references with regarding witches apart from just being the latin translation.

    The Malleus Maleficarum aka the Hammer of the the Witches.

    A book used by Witch hunters and Inquisitors during the 15th century and was published to help local magistrates on how to 'deal' with the witch problem and also prove to people that witches really existed, were more often than not female and that only being a pious catholic christian would save you from them.

    So in my view...Malleus can stay.
  5. Edward looked over to William Benedict and muttered, "Dudes got some brass balls for a normal human..."

    He poured himself another shot of vodka, knocking it back, keeping an eye on the other patrons, noticing they all looked about ready to strike given a seconds notice.
  6. Edward smiled, "oh yes, well I flit between my lair in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, having just been involved in some antics I thought it best to retreat to the Isles while things quieten down..."

    He smiled and nodded to Red, "Well I know of atleast one person that would do it..."

    "As for the matter of the Lady Elizabeth, I find her alright but the company she keeps...I was never one for the mingling of too many supernatural creatures in one place...this bar excluded of course...Vampires, Werewolves and Demons can't mingle for too long, something about proving which supernatural predator is king of the hill seems to crop up..."

    Edward smiled, "me, I don't care about being the top predator, now being a good super-villain...there is a worthy goal...takes class to be a good one."
  7. Smiles, pouring himself another shot of vodka and politely raises his Shot glass in return before knocking it back, "thank you ma'am."
  8. Edward chuckles slightly, a dark mist covering his form as he switches to that of an old man with a full white beard, white hair tied back in a pony tail, his skin a dark hue of grey.

    "A demon has got to go somewhere to get a drink, didn't think my exploits would be followed by any of the clientelle here..."

    He pours himself a shot of vodka, knocking it back quickly.

    "Still some of us homegrown villains have got to keep the big names busy while those of a world dominating mind do their thing..."
  9. Edward smiled, "Vodka and leave the bottle..." sliding out a twenty dollar note, "should be enough to cover it...and thanks, for the compliment I mean..."

    His eyes turned to Jack, "and I ain't so keen on Lupines...always got that wet fur smell you know?"

    He looked at the new entrance, looking her up and down, "It's a place where those of us who ain't natural can get some quiet time."
  10. Edward in full demon form entered the bar, his cybernetic arm had since been replaced with one of equal style and power. Wings wrapped around himself like a cape, slowly wandering up to the bar.

    Sliding into a stool he waited for the bar tender to complete his order from 'Liz and compatriot, he was in no hurry, mind you nobody in here was really in a hurry.
  11. Dr_MechanoEU

    Halloween Stuff

    Erm you don't defeat the Zombie invasions to get the costumes, well there is one Zombie Invasion costume piece and that you get from defeating an Elite Boss.

    You get the costumes by Trick or Treating (clicking on mission doors that you don't have a mission to) in a level appropriate zone.

    Most of the time it's a trick which spawns mobs which you also get badges for after a certain number but sometimes it's a treat and you either get a rock, a piece of halloween salvage (which you can turn in one of each piece and get a 5th costume slot) or a temp power costume.

    All the info you need to know
  12. As the subject of the IC discussion (I.E. That nutjob) I'll make a vow to keep well out of the topic IC and OOC posting wise.

    Doesn't mean to say I wont read it but I wont be posting in it, think it wouldn't be right.

    Anyway...I like the idea of a yahoo style chatroom dedicated to all things super (both hero and villain) but that's just me.
  13. Sadly don't have the passives yet as I plan to take them from 41 onwards with my Tanker (yes I have every other power besides the passives from Invincibility AND Tough to help max out my S/L resistance).

    Still my Tanker is the only one I'm actively thinking of majorly IOing out.

    mmm 37% Psi resistance...

    still it's going to be a massive outlay...anyone got 100mil inf they could give me .
  14. The Nictus are debuff immmune but they are vulnerable to sleep.

    here's a layout and a description for each of the Nictuses (Nicti, whatever the plural is) powers based on their positioning.


    N1: Darkitty Nictus of healing, this is the one which spams the twilight grasp, keep this nictus away from Romulous while you deal with him, it causes barely any damage on it's own but if you pull it out of healing range of Romulous it's a good thing.

    N2: Darkitty Dark nictus of summoning, this one is the one that summons all those annoying extra black puffballs of doom, need someone hardy to distract it, a MM with taunt personal Force Field normally does the trick or if you've got another tank with high energy resist, use that.

    N3:Lord Darkitty Dark Nictus of AoE spam, This Nictus is the one that does the auto-to-hit Sunless mire AoE, this one is best dealt with by having someone aggro it but then keep out of range of the sunless mire.

    Editors note: N2 and N3 may be swapped in places as it's been a while since I last ran an ITF.

    Romulous: He's very vunerable to confuse, if you want the easy way (considering he puts out so much damage even when confused) is have someone who can stack confuse on the team or better yet, two and have them keep Romulous confused where he proceeds to pummel the other AVs into submission, once he's done with them, he's pretty much like any other AV fight...a big sack of HP to wittle down on his lonesome.
  15. Edward looked at Calm.

    "You know...I never actually meant to kill him, just delay him, I've never seen a hero fall to such basic drones before and there was something else...something was stopping me bring him back from death...I don't know what it was but something stronger than me stopped it...and that worries me a whole lot..."

    Edward reached into his pocket...injecting morphine into his arm, "this stuff kept me alive during ground zero of the Rikti war..." he looked at his mechanical stump, "where I loss that, defending those I cared about in the Isles...funny...how....things...don't...change..."

    Edward seemed to pass out.
  16. His shields were down, the blade sliced cleanly into his leg, thick black blood oozed from the wound as Ed crumpled to the floor, "Damn it..."

    He crawled towards the portal, reaching it just in time before the arm detonated with a large explosion...

    Appearing in the Menders Oroborous palace he clutched his wounded leg and looked up at the heroes around him, "I hope you're happy now..."
  17. hehe Congradulations on becoming a Father.

    Welcome to a world of sleepless nights, nappy changing and much food being flung everywhere.
  18. The Robots were blasted apart.

    Edwards turned to see the robotic zombie soldiers and smirked, "alright...welcome to my party..."

    Edward grinned and began to run into the middle of the zombie soldiers, "shame...I liked this new arm...still I can get me another..."

    Steam vented from his arm, electricity arc from it, the display showing a bright red countdown, "I suggest you run heroes..."

    Edward pressed a few more buttons on the arm, raising an oroborous portal before wrenching it from the socket, "ladies first and I suggest you hurry...though you will have no durastiction in the palace of the Menders...out of your time and out of your place..."

  19. Edward stood up, confused, something or someone was stopping the hero from being able to be brought back from the dead, interesting.

    "Look my dears...I have no wish for a fight, the villain that has moved in on my turf has been dealt with...now...you really wish to engage me in combat..."

    The two smaller bots rejoined the group, the full compliment of six robots now stood behind him.

    "Just say when dad..."

    Edward raised a hand, "stand down Elise...it's a shame that hero in the orange and black with sword isn't here...she is the only one that worries me...you two don't seem to have any experienced beyond the Circle of Thorns when dealing with demons..."

    Nether-energy wrapped around his arms, anyone who had delt with Ghost Widow would know the very familiar look of her Soul Storm, hurling it out to Autumnfox.

    "I'm afraid I will have to detain you two for a while as I make my exit..."
  20. Edward looked at the surroundings.

    "Enough Elise..."

    The flamethrower switched off, instead the white mist of a fire extingisher replaced it, putting out the flames.

    "A little demonstration for those that don't know my power...the flames are out, one of your number is fallen and so has the rookie that brought about his own downfall...let it be known that I am merciful and will spare the lives of everyone here..."

    He looked over at Pious on the ground, "such a shame...we simply can't have that...after all, what would the lord think of me for killing one of my own..."

    He moved over towards Pious and knelt down, placing a hand on Pious's chest his veins and eyes turned dark as he begun pumping his eternal life force into Pious, "get up man...get up..."

    The exchanging of ones life force to help heal another was a rare sacrifice now for Edward but he wanted Pious alive.
  21. "Elise my dear...let's make this interesting...light them up, all of them!"

    Edward threw his protective force bubbles around the hostages and the fallen Holly to shield them from the fire, he was above killing innocents directly, if one shall fall during his schemes so be it but he wasn't going to get his hands dirty today.

    "Sure thing Dad."

    The pilot light of her flamethrower flared into life the petrol tank mounted on her gun arms begun pumping the highly flammable viscious liquid down through the metal-clad tube, as it touched the air and the pilot light a great gout of flames spread across the room, Elise turning to make sure everyone was covered with the flames, though Edward had his doubts about some of the heroes here, most would probably be resistant to some degree or another from the fire...
  22. well I am thankful it's not just me that's having this problem, makes me feel better.

    hmm looks like the American nickname of 'Borkoween 2008' for the event seems to be coming truer and truer each day...

    Ghost Raptor is there anybody looking in to this?

    Edit: Problem appears to be fixed now YAY!
  23. Ok game crashed for some unknown reason when trying to zone into Atlas from Oroborous (heading to Zombie invasion in Galaxy) on my Tanker, had to power off from the mains, reboot and restart CoX.

    Now whenever I try to log into that particular character it always comes up with '<character> is still logging out' despite the fact I can still select other characters fine.

    Do I just wait the standard 20min-30min auto log out time to pass and then be able to relog into this particular character or should I open a support ticket?
  24. Edward sighed, a force bubble building out of his gauntlets and hurling it towards Pious as he begun to attack the family, "LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!"

    Edward pressed another couple of buttons, his force field appeared, hopefully powerful enough to keep this person aside. He dropped his personal force field and gave the mental order for the two unintelligent drones to deal with Pious and to delay him for as long as they could.

    Edward still continued his advance...finally coming to the room that Mr Maniacal. He was still flanked by one of his smaller bots, the two medium sized one and the imposing sight of Elise, the 8 foot tall, 4 foot wide, armed to the teeth Assault unit.

    Edward reached behind him, taking out his laser blaster and raised it to his shoulder, pointing directly at Mr Maniacal.

    His force field spread across the room, possibly forcing the combatants and the hostages to be pinned against the walls, depending on their size and their abilities.

    "You, there, Rookie villain...I'm telling you this now, you got one minute to get out of Kings Row and not come back, this here is Doctor Mechano's neighbourhood and no upstart punk is going to ruin my plans..."

    "Take these shennanigans to any other area of Paragon City but Kings Row is MINE!"
  25. Edward shook his head, "sorry but not today..."

    He waved his hand, the bots opened fire...

    ...on the nearby wall, Ed wasn't one for subtle entrances and he was going to continue the trend for blowing a hole in things to get past them, "sorry Michael or whoever you are but this guy is MY business, he comes in here, copying my style and I simply can't have that..."

    Edward pressed a button his new arm, raising his own personal force field, tougher than most but it interefered with the electronic neuro-transmitter use to hook himself into the family directly, hampering his ability to command them properly, "this guy think's he's dangerous, he ain't seen nothing yet..."

    "heroes...too much talk for my liking..."

    Edward stepped through the mess of the wall that had been made, flanked by his Robot family it was quite clear Edward was not in his heroic mode, he was here to show that not just heroes had vested interests in this little show.