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  1. Well if they end up transfering out data and characters to the US side they will have lost atleast one account anyway... I'm not paying for two US accounts, one US and one EU sure but if we get everything transfered (fingers crossed) along with our vet reward time, I'll just cancel the current US account.

    This doesn't look good at all, seems like the UK side of things is going down the toilet...let's face it, the Koren part which actually controls these descisions probably don't really care about CoX, the Devs of the game do but the actually higher ups probably don't, they're too busy pushing GW2 or Aion because it's more like the games they would enjoy if they played MMOs.

    Sorry but I've got an Absces under one of my teeth and it's going to cost me £200 to get fixed...on a minimum wage job I can't afford that...so I'm just real angry and bitter right now and this news did not make my day any better...
  2. Edward grinned, "yeah but in the land of the one eyed man the..." He fired the device again, this time he wouldn't miss, his life and the life of many others depended on it...sure he was crazy but he wasn't THAT crazy.

    The multicoloured beam pulsed from the time/space displacement cannon, aimed at Infinitron and his nuclear device...
  3. The shot was slightly off but it was enough to wing Edward in the shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground for a moment with a grunt...steadying himself with his other hand to try and keep him from hitting him the ground harder.

    "Nice try Infinitron..."
  4. Edward smiled, "toy gun...oh that's so rich coming from someone who never truly understood the meaning of science..."

    Edward pulled a lever on the side of the gun the thing seemed to pulse for a short moment before a large multihued haze of colour blasted from the barrel towards Infinitron, "this is untested so you'll be pleased to know you're my first guinea pig..."
  5. Edward smiled as he landed, a black cloud engulfing him as he shifted from demon to old man form.

    "Well well...looks like a little tracting paid off..."

    Edward unslung a device from his back, it looked similar to the guns used by Void Hunters, only it seemed to glow a multitude of colours, various other dials, vents and addons had been made.

    "Blowing up the whole city, now look at what you've become, you just as bad as Requiem or Nemesis...you've gone full circle from hero, to vigilante and now to fully fledge criminal, I see my path was the one you followed...such a shame..."

    Edward patted the energy cannon, "this thing here is a Time and space displacement cannon...with this I can use it to transport objects to a random dimension, an end I think fitting for someone who repaid my kindness with a bullet to the head..."
  6. Well he has been controlling the weather for years...someone should get out there and stop the dastardly brass fiend from causing abnormal amounts of snow for my area of England!

    I would but it's far too cold...
  7. "Alright, alright just don't burn my stuff, I don't know where the old man is, he just came up to me one day and gave me some money to look after the place, said I could do whatever I liked with it, ever since then he's given me a number to call on a vidphone...he just sends me stuff he finds of the 5th Column every now and then...please don't burn my stuff alright, it took me years to aquire it...you know how valuable a Mark two Wolfpack model of robot is?"
  8. heh while some of you may have been snowed in, unfortunately I walk to work...and the snow wont be stopping me doing that (and despite the fact all the other staff bar one have to catch buses and thus wont be able to make it in, the District Manager is still very unlikely to let us be closed for the day...)
  9. nope not closing my UK account, I can afford for a maximum of 2 MMO subscribtions so I simply cancelled my WoW account (I've played it like once in the last month) in order to be able to afford the US account.

    Did a test run on the US side PD...it seems to have less griefers but the RP level is about the same (though Ed has already made a villainous friend).

    As for when and how, unsure of yet.
  10. Ok just copied the files and used the US version of CoX updater, logged in with the account, all seems well.

    Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I can purchase any of the serial codes for the booster packs.
  11. Aye they don't hang out there but Ed's last act will be to threaten the crowd at GG before his device goes fzztp and sends him (and only him, unless someone else is planning to open a US account) through the dimensional rift which seals up after him.
  12. Some of you may have noticed I'm inquiring on setting up a US account...

    ...Well I'm thinking of using that as Edwards big way to go out, unveiling to the Heroes his new invention, the temporal time/space displacement gun (aka the portal gun), able to displace heroes and villains alike to other dimensions.

    Of course such a thing when invented by a mad scientist is bound to backfire perhaps dispatching him to a universe not too far removed from the Unionverse (namely the Virtueverse) as such they will have to put up with him for a while (of which their first experience of him will be him plummeting into the Virtueverse and faceplanting infront of the Galaxy Girl statue).

    This is after he's used it on it's intended target...
  13. Hilda glared at the 'thing' infront of her.

    "Alright, I'm listening, just ask whatever the hell it is you gotta ask so I can get out of here and get back to my museum, I don't want none of those Hellions busting in a wrecking my carefully placed displays!"
  14. how does one go about setting up a US account, I still wish to play in the EU as well, would I need to copy and alter the updater or download the game again + buy the extra packs (ouch that's going to be expensive).

    Is now a bad time to be getting a US account?

    Another question, can I use my current PlayNC account but buy the American GvE edition and simply apply it to my account?
  15. I think we all have, up until very recently they weren't worth a lot but since the introduction of merits they're incredibly hard to get hold of on the market and thus price has gone up.

    Just been checking prices on Reactive armour, nice set, nice bonuses and fairly cheap to furnish. The end/rech/res IO which costs about 20k inf to make (without crafting costs) but since it's unpopular it's a bugger to get hold of recipes at the level range (30-35) I want.
  16. Also you may notice bar a few sets it's a mostly 'on the cheap' (not really processed how much inf it would take, not entirely sure but it uses fairly cheap to get sets) build which comes in at fairly high defense. Though I did mention that with more expensive sets you could probably get def-capped which it appears you've managed.

    Kinetic combats are rare, as in stupidly rare (rarer than the Purple invention sets rare), nobody quite knows what has gone on but it's actually incredibly hard to get hold of any of that set currently and Smashing Haymakers make a nice alternative.
  17. What pretty much killed Hami by my reckoning wasn't just the 50 cap limit on Hami raids but also the addition of SHO's from either the LRSF or the STF which are significantly easier, less time consuming and don't need half as much as the organisation as a Hami raid.

    That and Invention sets kind of smacked the last nail in the coffin for Hami really.

    More interesting AV's that aren't simply tank and spank I can agree with but it still becomes routine once you've figured out how to deal with said AV's (GW is simply either having enough Clear Mind/Clarity stacked on you that you resist the hold while taunting from range and Romulous is either just DPSing the hell out of him while he's heavily debuffed OR seperating him from Mr Healy the healing Nictus)

    I wouldn't mind something to shake up the atypical Tank'n'spank style AV fights though.

    If there was a raid style (more Mothership than Hami) thing that let me somehow unlock enemy costume parts for use on characters...I'd so be all over that like a rash and you know lots of other people would too.

    Sadly I doubt it'd happen.

    Edit: Especially if said raid was something all levels could contribute something too, make it scale like the Rikti Invasions...it'd be awesomesauce in my opinion.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    Ask A Ben

    awww now you've ruined me dreams FG...I want a space MMO played with a joystick dagnabbit!
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    Ask A Ben

    Yay new episode!

    Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.
  20. Finally there's something I think we can all agree on...

    Hami changes aren't great, Just a shame I never got to high enough level to see the old community based Hami raids.

    There are a few mobs which I believe would be very difficult to solo.

    Romulous + 3 Nictus AV's: One Nictus has an auto-hit Sunless mire which it spams and does serious amounts of damage, also said Nictus is immune to any and all debuffs apart from sleep which is possibly the worst crowd control type I can think of, plus the summoning nictus summons enough little Nicti that some of that damage is going to get through no matter what your defense is like.

    Ghost Widow STF/RV version: She's high enough level that your defence is going to be hurting out of Elude, resists all but -res debuff effects to a high degree and has a oneshot kill ability known as Soul Storm which unless you're running say Unstoppable, it's going to kill you and if you're running Unstoppable, it means you're already in trouble.

    Hamidon is our 'raid boss' City of Heroes was just not built with that kind of thing in mind, it's simply not that kind of MMO.
  21. It's the same in EVERY MMO though.

    Hunters/Warlocks: Kings of killing Elite mobs in WoW on their own through kiting.

    Bright Wizards (they do have amazingly high DPS) and most of the tanking classes in WAR: Through sheer DPS or just a massive battle of attrition can take down things they're not meant to (the tanking classes can output some serious DPS for tanks).

    Demontologists: More kiting.

    Rad/Illusion, Rad/Sonic, DM/SR Brutes: Are a few of the examples I can give which can take on AV's/GM's and win.

    It's just that we have more combinations that can take on these big guys and win, which I personally think is a good thing.

    Yes powersets matter because it depends on what you want to do which picks the powerset, all trade something for something else, DM/SR brutes, great sustained DPS but incredibly awful AoE capabilities, Fire/Kin, awful single target damage but wipes out groups in seconds, Rad/sonic defender, again great sustained DPS but a total of one decent AoE cone attack.

    Each of these specialists excell in their chosen field but completely fail somewhere else.
  22. my Demontologist could take out quite a few elite mobs on his tod...one of them being that spider demon queen in that area filled with cobwebs and giant spiders, it's tough don't get me wrong and incredibly close but once again it all comes down to which class you pick.
  23. Sure there's harder games.

    They tend to be Koren based grindfests though, RO being one of them, the original Everquest being another example.

    Those pesky Korens (generalisation based on all of the Koren based MMOs I've seen follows) LOVE grindfests, random luck drops, forced teaming and everyone looking alike, it's why CoH bombed like a lead ballon over there.

    WoW is seeing that being like their original MMO inspiration (Everquest) just really wasn't paying off.

    WAR, My Black Orc tank can take on champion mobs of the same level and slightly higher yet still walk away with a win, hell even give hero mobs a good run for their money as was my Bright Wizard through sheer killability nuking.

    AoC, My Demontologist was taking out stuff he shouldn't have been because he could kite them, if worse comes to worse, the demon pet keeps pummelling them, they run back to reset at full health, the demon hits them stopping them from resetting and comes straight back to face a nicely recovered fireball blasting, frost throwing, demon petting evil person.

    From what people have said SWG was easy to level but you'd be damned if you wanted to be Jedi before the NGE came along, that took some serious grinding.

    EVE online is actually incrediously easy to 'level' you don't even have to play to gain skill levels but that has hit the point where new players simply can't catch up to the highly skill levelled veterans through factor of sheer time spent training skills.

    You want something to be hard, rather than just a dance by numbers (WoW Raid bosses since TBC and WAR) a Tank'n'spank (City of Heroes and most pre TBC WoW Bosses) or rely on gearing then you have to go into competitive game country like RTS, FPS or fighting games, they're based purely on skill (and sometimes blind luck).

    No MMO is 'hard' the same why nothing in an MMO can ever match the Doom series or Quake series on 'Nightmare!' difficulty level for hard, yes there are challenges but they're simply down to learning a pattern or just plain gear choices.
  24. Earlier MoG you mention WoW Elite mobs...

    ...ooh their so hard to solo...with a healing specced priest...

    ...As a hunter from levels 60-80 (this is going from Classic, to Burning Crusade and then Wrath of the Lich king since I've played WoW for four years now) I took out Elites designed for groups you want to know why?

    Kiting, hunters and warlocks are the kings of kiting stuff that would normally kill them very quickly and over long distances (the infamous, pulling that raid boss to the capital city kite which lasted, from what I can tell judging by running speed, a good 30-40 minutes).

    Infact the hunter epic quest (started with a drop in the Molten Core raid instance) was designed for hunters to take down elites all on their lonesome with only their skills to help them, no pet allowed, no group allowed, just me and big old freething demon (the demons would despawn for three hours if anyone else so much as touched them or buffed you once engaged).

    Hell I had to kite something for about eight minutes non-stop up a hill, around a curve and then down the road, if it got within 30 yards of me, it killed you fairly quickly when you only have a 34 yard range...it's understandably tense. Each demon was tailored to train a hunter in the need to know skills, Kiting, Multi-trapping, jousting + dispelling Frenzy + when to wingclip get out of a mob's reach, doing DPS under constant movement (hunters a primarily a stand and deliver type DPSer).

    Sure those tests were hella difficult for the average hunter (and reasonably difficult for a skilled one) but they were more an exercise in frustation because someone would come along and tag the demon while you were fighting just to spite you simply, leaving you waiting for three hours for it to respawn.

    There's very few elites I couldn't take out in WoW thanks to doing that quest line, heck so far in Wrath of the Lich King I've found exactly one Elite that would need a group to bring down because she's ontop of a mountain with no room to kite her around and Misty (Gorilla) my tanking pet doesn't resist high grade spell damage well.

    Feral spec Druids, Retribution specced Paladins, Mages, Shamans etc. all have ways of soloing Elite mobs, it's only if you're the wrong spec or just one of those classes that can't pull it off that has a few problems with elites.

    The Dungeon bosses are WoWs answer to AV's just they tend to not be Tank and Spank fights like they are in CoX, once you've got the pattern and the timing nailed down they're just as easy.
  25. Actually Fans the FF/Nrg Ballista tells you about the listening posts and suggests that you break into it to get the info, he would send word that your coming and to let you through to share the information but because you're working for Vanguard and the higher ups are still rather miffed it wouldn't do much good anyway but the good Lieutenant Sejfu knows you've got to get the info.

    the Ms Dietrich Longbow Eagle kind of represents the bad side of Longbow, their bone headed, refuse to listen to explanations and will jump to the first conclusion, she's more like a Soldier than a peace enforcer. Meanhile Lt Sejfu represents the more 'heroic' aspects of Longbow, he's trusting, is willing to discuss things over and generally will sit back and try to view both sides of the story (which actually made me gutted when...well play the Dark Watchers arc and you find out...).

    That whole arc is the classic superhero misunderstanding effect with Vanguard being a bit too secretive to actually say to Longbow "We've got a problem with a few Rogue elements and wouldn't mend you're help in dealing with them" so it all kind of blows up in their face.