In The Land Of The Blind ((Semi) Closed RP Part)




((Probably not gonna be many involved in this, most likely just me and one other; but if you feel you have a strong reason to be involved, or a brilliant/hilarious/darn cool idea, please send me a PM. Anyway, onwards...))

Bryan Tyrne sat in his car; humming, and occasionally interjecting with singing, to Asia;
"mmmhmmm, heat of the moment... doo de doode dooo" he blasted out, tapping away on his steering wheel. Glancing at the green light, he shifted the stick forward and pulled out across the intersection.
His hatchback crumpled, the thin sheet metal not standing up to the impact of the minivan that ploughed into the side of the vehicle.

Around the city all the lights turned green; cars crashing at every intersection. Then shortly after, all the lights turned red and stayed like that.
As they did, the cars all around the city began to back up, causing mass gridlock. People began to get out of their cars to see what the holdup was.

Meanwhile, In Perez Park
A shimmer thudded down onto the soft soil, leaving two large imprints and scorch marks. Looking up, Infinitron shimmered into view. Glancing round at the, now, corpses of the Circle of Thorns mages, he raised his wrist and a panel slid open. Tapping in a sequence of commands, he took a few steps back, and a bright light appeared where he was standing; the light grew and then flashed as the teleport activated.
Looking at the device from within his helmet, Infinitron smiled.
"It is time" he muttered to himself.



'4 ons' said the device either side of the control panel hatch.
Checking the device over, inputting codes into the control panel on the side, and syncing the display to his wrist panel; Infinitron worked quickly and efficiently. Someone could appear at any moment; a passerby, a hero on patrol, or god forbid someone could have registered the transport. This was unlikely as they should all be preoccupied with the accidents and jams around the city; all made possible from the unnoticed plan put into effect as the heroes were distracted by those poor children. A necessary distraction.
But their suffering would be over soon enough, no longer would they live in fear. No longer would the world have to live with the ever present threat that he had foreseen.

Closing the panel, the writing now complete, the lettering spelled out.

"4 Megatons"



Edward smiled as he landed, a black cloud engulfing him as he shifted from demon to old man form.

"Well well...looks like a little tracting paid off..."

Edward unslung a device from his back, it looked similar to the guns used by Void Hunters, only it seemed to glow a multitude of colours, various other dials, vents and addons had been made.

"Blowing up the whole city, now look at what you've become, you just as bad as Requiem or've gone full circle from hero, to vigilante and now to fully fledge criminal, I see my path was the one you followed...such a shame..."

Edward patted the energy cannon, "this thing here is a Time and space displacement cannon...with this I can use it to transport objects to a random dimension, an end I think fitting for someone who repaid my kindness with a bullet to the head..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Clearly I should have used bigger bullets" said Infinitron without looking up.
"Nice to see you again Edward, our last meeting was so short. Satisfying. But short. You call me a criminal, but you assume that on your idea of right and wrong. If you knew what I knew, you might think otherwise; hence why I will inform you. It won't do you any good anyway.
I have spent alot of time at the palace of the menders; trying to see the outcome of my actions. My noble quest to instill fear into the criminals of this city, true fear, was not good enough. I thought the pit we currently resided in was bad, but the future I saw was far worse.
There are powers at work that not even I can protect this city from, not that I haven't tried. This is my last ditch effort, as it were.
These powers will slowly, but surely, without fuss, without incident, calmly take control of every citizen in this city. Not through mind control, not through force, through careful and precise corruption. Those who resist will disappear, those who don't will become part of the universes most terrifying force. An army of metahumans, unstoppable, and they will be used to enslave and suppress the entire population of this planet; and then, soon enough, many others.
This has been foreseen. As it is, I can not allow this. I am making my stand. This city and its inhabitants must be destroyed. I will go down in histrory as one of the biggest mass murderers of our time; but it is the cost I am willing to pay to see this planet and others in our galaxy remain free.
Unfortunately Edward, I cannot allow you to stop me, too much is at stake, so put your toy down; and embrace the rapture I am about to deploy" Infinitron concluded raising his rifle; the panel on his arm blinking away.



Edward smiled, "toy gun...oh that's so rich coming from someone who never truly understood the meaning of science..."

Edward pulled a lever on the side of the gun the thing seemed to pulse for a short moment before a large multihued haze of colour blasted from the barrel towards Infinitron, "this is untested so you'll be pleased to know you're my first guinea pig..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ducking, and rolling to the side, out of the way of the beam; Infinitron re-raised his rifle. However, the sudden pulse had scrambled the viewing apparatus of the helmet. Reaching a hand up he disengaged the helmet to reveal his monucular vision, and with the other hand fired off a volley in the vague direction of Mechano.



The shot was slightly off but it was enough to wing Edward in the shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground for a moment with a grunt...steadying himself with his other hand to try and keep him from hitting him the ground harder.

"Nice try Infinitron..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(( "Do or do not, there is no try" ))

"You are blind to the greater good I do here Edward. I cannot expect anyone to fully comprehend what I do here and now. This city is blind to the threat, blinded by faith, blinded by greed, blinded by complacency and blinded by ignorance."

Looking down at his wrist panel, the blinking light reflecting off the shiny leather of his eye patch, Infinitron pushed in the button, and the light went solid red.

With a slowly increasing whine from the thermonuclear device, Joseph Infinus looked back up; raising his arms out to the side, palms up; and saying with finality,

"And in the Land of the Blind, the One eyed man is King."



Edward grinned, "yeah but in the land of the one eyed man the..." He fired the device again, this time he wouldn't miss, his life and the life of many others depended on it...sure he was crazy but he wasn't THAT crazy.

The multicoloured beam pulsed from the time/space displacement cannon, aimed at Infinitron and his nuclear device...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The beam enveloped the nuke and the vigilante with the pulsating glow. With a crack and a flash the two were gone.

25 miles up
A simultaneous crack and flash occured as the two materialised. Having no time to register the transition, Infinitron was hit with the full blast of the 4 megaton blast. The heat evaporated his armour and disintegrated his flesh, only the heat resistant fabric of the cape remained as it fluttered down towards the surface of the earth.

Meanwhile, at ground level

Throughout the city, the blindingly bright flash burst forth, followed by the fireball in the sky. 118 seconds later the sound of the explosion rocked the windows of the city.
In Steel Canyon, a red cape flicked and fluttered down and landed on the roof of the Infinity Building, wrapping itself around one of the antennae masts like a flag.

The sky dimmed, and the city went silent.



2 Days Later...
Above Galaxy City

The hero, Next Dimension, zipped across the sky; eyes burning with Kheldian energy. His communicator bleeped and then clicked on.
"Hi Rufus, it's Jenny here from City Hall"
"Hi Jenny, how can I help?"
"Can you get over here? There's a man here to see you. A lawyer, says he's the executor of the Infinus estate. You knew him?"
Furrowing his brow, Infinitron paused and then replied,
"I'll be right there" and clicked off his communicator, span in mid air and burst forward in a pulse of light, accelerating towards Atlas Park.

Atlas Park, City Hall

The caped figure of Next Dimension swooped in towards the doors, and as he pulled up, burst into a white light and landed dressed in a smart suit.
Pulling open the door, he entered. Standing at the reception silently was another suited figure.
"You are the hero known as The Next Dimension?" asked the man.
"I am" replied Rufus.
"I am Liam Johnson, I represent the estate of Joseph Infinus. You are included in his will, and we wish you to be present during the reading of it. We have a car waiting outside. Please follow me" he announced.
Puzzled, Rufus nodded and followed the man to the Mercedes outside. Pulling away, it headed North.

Steel Canyon
As the car pulled up, a doorman rushed up and opened the door for the pair. Liam Johnson stepped out, thanked the man, and marched into the building, with Rufus following close behind.
The entered a large office, where Liam motioned Rufus to a chair, and then sat himself behind a large desk.
Looking round the grand room, Rufus sat quiet, thoughts rushing through his head. Finally he spoke up,
"Who else is coming?" he asked.
"Noone, sir" he replied, "Now to business", he continued as he moved an envelope and picked up a document from his desk.
"This is the last will and testament of one Joseph Infinus, it names you as sole beneficiary of his estate. Everything is yours; a list of your new assets is here. On the event of his death, he decreed you be contacted, informed, and then given this letter", at which point the envelope was handed over; on the front was the Infinicorp. logo and a similar seal on the rear, "to be opened and read once you take posession of his property and are within its walls" he stated.
Taking the envelope, Rufus' mind was thinking in overdrive - how had he known? and why? This could be a dangerous path he was treading.
"We just need you to sign here, here, and here", motioning to several pages in the document, "and then it is all yours sir"
Wary, but intrigued, Rufus signed the documents. As he did so, Liam leaned back in his chair,
"You know I had dealings with Joe for 8 years, his passing is a great loss to this city, despite his recent activities; but in all those 8 years, I had no idea he had any relatives - him being an orphan and all. His legacy is now yours I suppose. Any legal advice you may need, we are here to help, and we look forward to working with you in the future Mr. Infinus."



Infinity Building, Steel Canyon

Rufus stepped up to the doors of the Infinity Building, and the entrance slid open with a self-satifying hiss.
The hovering bot on the reception perked up,
"Greetings sir, please use the elevator", at which point the elevator pinged open, and large shutters rolled down infront of the entrance Rufus had just walked through.
As the elevator doors slid shut, Rufus looked at the floor options, but as he did so, the lights in the buttons dimmed. Above the buttons a small panel moved aside open with another button that lit up.
"Must be my floor" he commented as he pressed the button, and the elevator began to move.
Slowing to a halt, the doors slid open to reveal a darkened room. Stepping out into the room a monitor flickered into life.

"Greetings traveller", came a disembodied voice, "in the envelope in your possession is a flash drive, insert it into the side of the monitor infront of you and a 5 digit code will appear, say it out loud and voice recognition software will verify. You have 30 seconds before the room is locked down and gas released."
Working expediently, Rufus broke the seal of the envelope and emptied the contents, which indeed was a USB flash drive. Slotting it into the monitor, it whirred and 7AEF3 was displayed,
"Seven, A, E, F, Three" Rufus said aloud.
"Verifying... Subject verified. Rufus Infinus. Welcome Rufus, I have a message for you..."



The face of Joseph Infinus appeared on the monitor.

"Greetings Rufus. As you are here, then I am dead, and my mission has failed. Maybe it is better this way, maybe it was not my destiny to succeed, or maybe I took the wrong path. It matters not, I am not here to dictate what you do, or ask you to continue my quest; for that would take away your freedom - the freedom I fought so hard to uphold.
As you are no doubt aware, I have been aware of your true identity for a while. I must say it was nice to find out I had descendants, and that they carried on the good fight. You being here was a strange event; time travel is a tricky business.I know this as well as any man, and I fear it to be my downfall, or my greatest gift. Ironically, only time will tell.
As you know, all my possessions are now yours. The remainder of my fortune, all of my properties, all of my equipment, and all of these..."
At this point the lights flickered on around the room to reveal display stands, each holding one of the suits of armour that Infinitron wore.
"... and with them, you get the mantle of Infinitron. The authorities are aware of my death; and that you have taken on the role. Use it as you wish, hopefully it has instilled fear in the lower elements of this city and will be an asset in your fight. There is a training simulation for the suit, combat procedures, and all my files in the room behind this monitor. Good luck Rufus, and good journey."

The monitor turned itself off.

Rufus looked around the room, at the suits, at the weaponry in the racks behind it. Walking around the armoury, he noticed the mentioned further room with a large computer bank. Picking up one of the helmets and turning it over, Rufus smiled.
"Ok Joe. Let's do this"

((Thankyou to everyone involved, this has been fun. Thanks for reading. Hopefully the 'new' Infinitron will be interesting to roleplay. Please leave any feedback, will be gratefully appreciated.))