Dr Mechano Taken to Court ((open RP- this part))




A lawsuit is filed against Dr Mechano by Medusa Corporation law firm on behalf of the Court of the Blood Countess. The Suggested individual Dr Mechano According to our client blew up the face of her house with Modern Bombing Technology , according to one of the Luddite Witnesses who said “ Earlier Technology heretic, Robotic Abominations... Later Big boom, wall down, female screams sounding allover City“. Some Hard elements will be given out of the bombing attack including a photograph of a tourist from Paragon Isles who claims to photograph a man followed by robots placing an unknown device on a track, the tourist was in the vicinity of the area to take pictures of a "Alien electrical entity" as described and then the tourist's interest was sidetracked by "What seemed a human with like robots and stuffz that jumped from like nowhere and placed like this Medium like sized device to the track next to like the beautiful like home".The name of the tourist is kept under strict confidence. Also testimonials of experts at the scene and R.I.P files including all other evidence (some of which we had to dig out of Sharkhead Isle dumpsters).
According to the City Registrar the historical buildings must be preserved by all means. The lawsuit Claims 20million for the repairs of the unprovoked attack to the victim and also a psychological damage fee of 40 million more for the owner of that Historical house of Cap Au Diable …

Also for any information, footage, material that can prove and condemn Dr Mechano feel free to Give a call to Medusa Corporation ((or post below)) number toll free 0800-Medusa-Corporation. A fee for more tangible elements and testimonials of the attack is issued 1-5k depending on how they can be used by Arachnos and R.I.P.

Medusa Corporation is a firm that can represent any villain vs villain disagreement villain groups vs villain groups and even villain vs “hero” false accusations …. And as our motto says , If you had Medusa attorneys around, Zig would never been there , or at least more comfortable to survive in.

For legal support in the Rogue Isles Medusa is your obvious choice...



Edward chuckled, "oooh a lawsuit...that the best you could come up with Bathory?"

Edward cracked his neck, "well you're not the only one with money Bathory...and I'm sure I can wrangle some of my Dream Partner clients into help with my defense IF they ever catch up to me, got to serve me the papers first sweet heart, saying your sueing me is all well and good but unless I get the papers, doesn't mean squat...".

Edward went back to his research on his holographic projection belt, the bullet to his head from Infinitron had slowed down his plans somewhat but he would have his own subtle vengeance on both The Gang and The Court of the Blood Countess...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Jack Dawn ((a.k.a Chemical_Clone)) closed the newspaper he was reading at the morning, slowly passed into the office and drunk some of his coffee. Jack opened his laptop and as per day checked the inbox mail.. "Voila" he said, he picked up his cellphone called a highly Arachnos official and wished him a happy child birth for his wife, then he looked at the clock on the wall of the office, still sipping the coffee. He then thought of the newest case and called the City registrar and asked if he could have the adress of Dr Edward Mechano , Ofcourse they refused, to give it away. Not wanting to pull any strings...yet.. Politely but firmly he said to the Registrar employee "Please make haste on delivering then the papers of the lawsuit at his residence, and even if he doesn't get them at his own hand, just throw them under his door rug". He thought then how lovely it would be to not get them at hand that would be his problem really ...failing to show up in the Court will definetely be his loss. Then he asked the employee on the same tone "Oh and what's your name again ?" the employee answered " Jean Martins" Jack said "Oh Jean make haste please Mr.Ross is a very good friend of mine, thank you...oh by the way are you related to George Martin? Your father? Send him my regards, Have a pleasant day". Having finished his coffee, feeling a strange itch at the skin of the upper part of his hand, he drunk some water, and felt the urge to call his client but due to his proffesionalism he didn't.
This case would be a winner he thought, what if he asks for settlement though? he pondered and smiled. Oh well not my business since i ll get Medusa's fee anyhow. Another wonderful day in the rogue isles!!!



The only occupants of his house currently was a single woman who seemed to have a large collection of Faschist memorabilia, a lot of items relating to the 5th Column including a uniform though there was a lack of the distinct facemask worn by the standard 5th Column soldiers.

When served the papers she simply begun yelling that the old man didn't live there any more and that they should get off of her property before she got angry unless they were willing to pay for a tour of her museum ((if the tour is taken it includes various rants on why the 5th Column should rule the world, how they're better than the Council, and various informational pieces on 5th Column clothing, equipment and tactics)).

When the person left, she returned to the house and opened up a vid screen to the Doctor.

"Nice work Hilda, I need to maintain the fact that I am missing after the Infinitron Incident now as payment I've got more 5th Column souveniers on the way to your abode, you're going to like this, I managed to find an old mark two Wolfpack robot it's currently non-functioning but it will make an excellent piece of your museum of the righetous rulers of humanity..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Jack woke up from a very relaxing sleep in his personal lounger in the office, what a dream he thought, after making some coffee double black, he looked at the pile of papers he had left, ofcourse the lawsuit of the Court vs Dr Mechano was standing out so he decided to learn if the papers arrived there. He called the registrar "Hello i am mr Dawn from Medusa Corporation law firm could i speak ..." music on the phone the call was being diverted, a minute of silence and a young cheerful voice answered, it was the familiar voice of Jean Martins "Hello Mr Jack Dawn, i was instructed to let you know that the recipient didn't receive the notification". "Oh really?" Jack said, "But i didn't call for that infact i just wanted to go out for dinner with you, business ofcourse strictly if you could bring the lawsuit file to me as well it seems there were some implications in filing it" A momment of silence passed and Jean said "Only in a crowded restaurant", knowing fullingly the crime rate in Rogues Isles, "deal?", "Deal wherever you choose". The place and time "was" set then, Jack said to himself still drinking his strong coffee, he looked around in the office and he picked up a piece of paper and tore it in half, at the first piece wrote "For you, Dr." and at the second "As I told you so" on an old typewriter. He left the second hidden in the secure vault of Medusa's office, the first he pocketed in his suit and slowly moved towards the office exit, his senses accurate as ever picked nothing unusual he moved to the dinner and while talking to Jean and examining the file he pulled a paper from his pocket and added it to file... Then he said to Jean "Here have it back, all is in order now". They talked about various things among those being the delivery of the lawsuit. After leaving the dinner he knew all that he wanted, Someone did answer at that building and never took the papers. Alert as ever of being watched but not frightened he strolled slowly to the office of Medusa, passing outside the Court's courtyard he thought to himself what a pity for that historical building. At medusa's building at the top floor he called his client and related the situation. He checked Medusa secure vault it was properly closed, he smiled and opened it, the second half of the paper he wrote was missing, he smiled again and after moving to his own appartment at Medusa's building went to sleep his hand itching, thinking "Tommorow".



Elizabeth had slept most of the past day and a good chunk of the night away. Her undead rest was disturbed several times by the sounds of machinery the workmen used while reconstructing the facade of the ground-floor building right above the sub-basement.

To her right she noticed that Alicia wasn't in at the moment... so she put on a black chemise and walked towards the bar where she grabbed a bottle of blood only recently drained. Filling up her glass she noticed the paper of the day before lying on one of the side tables.

Slowly and with interesse she read the article. Content with it she took a sip of blood. "Let the games begin Mechano... let the games begin...", she softly said to herself.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Jack was drowned in paperwork. Bribes,bribes and more bribes and yes yet more bribes, Birthdays, Memorable gifts and bribes and the big case the case of The Court of Blood Countess vs Dr Mechano.

Jack calculating numbers in his head while he knew he had to find a new contractor for Medusa's offices revamp. He went filled with rage to the coffee machine, coffee was out as well,"Brilliant", he thought to himself, so he filled a water full of glass and drunk, one, two, three glasses, he smiled and picked up his cellphone, for the first time for twenty six hours he smiled.

Knowing already about the address of that building from Jean Martins constant talking, he sent a text message with the street number floor and door to countess's cellphone also he added to the text "be fast", making sure first the triangulation of the signal or hijacking the text would be impossible.

He picked up his cell-phone dialing another number *beep beep* Someone answered so Jack said "Hello Fossi i know you are there is Jack", a dark voice with a heavy accent said "Jack who?" , Jack said " Jack Dawn, i called to...", Fossi said "To disrupt the Council plans again?? Jack we were friends in the Zig why you doing this?" Jack knew he found Fossi on an emotional moment talking about the Zig so he said "Oh on the contrary my friend i have a tip for you but first i need to know the line is clean" ...*sounds of machinery where heard and Archon Fossi answered* "Nothing is taped go on we are alone", "I found out about a museum of fifth column very historical pieces of ...your personal past as well i am afraid, like the stories you kept telling at the Zig" Jack continued " You have like an hour and a half before the place is compromised, Ah Fossi if you find any communication materials ,devices, or anything that can prove the presence of communication with the individual known as Dr Mechano, I want them, ok?", Fossi sighed and said "Thank you Jack, where is the place again?" "Port Oakes, There should be none there witness wise, Oh and Fossi clean the place I d really hate to have to Represent you as your lawyer"

After these two calls, Jack decided to take a stroll and check out the Black Market, and also talk to a person there while he was walking he thought "I wonder how is Mia doing" and continued his stroll...



Silently pondering through the archives in the Grand Library within the Castle... Ghost of Death was carefully studying a dusty old ancient map of Port Oakes. After spending some time analysing this map, she began to practise some of her Dimension Travelling spells.

After completing her tasks, Ghost of Death, gracefully hovered through the castle to the torture chamber, where some fresh victims were awaiting their fate. A rough leather whip lay unused on top of a decaying corpse, rotting rapidly in the corner of room - Ghost of Death did not hesitate to take the whip for her own personal usage - soon after, dangerously approaching a chain laden, middle aged man with infectious scarring to the face and lacerations to his body. Ghost of Death stabbed the heal of her stiletto through the man groin, through the chair seat and out the other side. The man cried out in agony!

With every cry of pain, Ghost of Death's smile grew bigger - she soon realised that she had no more time to toy with the boy - in her mind she signed his death warrant and finally ended him there...

Candles swayed to the soft breeze which echoed through the dank corridors of the Castle. Undisturbing her surroundings, Ghost of Death was finally completing the necessary tasks before she could leave the Castle - one of which was a note to Elizabeth. Although she knew that Elizabeth was aware of her presence, it read:

"My Countess. I must apologise for my absence and any problems I will create, however, my actions will be justified when my plan is complete. Let the night shadow thee... Jemma"

A few moments later, Ghost of Death stared at her candlelit book, closing her eyes before sinking into the floor, as though the ground was nothing more than a liquid matter.

When she immerged she found herself standing before a house that would appear to be deserted. The howling wind and the dark streets, accompanied with lashing rain and sounds of pedestrians going about their normal lives, made Ghost of Death more aware of her presence. She phased out of the natural world, into her own. Yet still seeing the real world through her eyes, she staunchly strutted across the road, walking through cars and lorries as if they were never there. Her eyes began to glow an unpredictable shade of white. She stopped at the wall of the house, placed her hand of the wall and sank through it.

On the other side, she stood looking up a flight of stairs - she decided to unphase herself and join the natural world. As she stood at the bottom of the staircase, she belted out for "Hilda!"

No response. Not a word. Not a sound, apart from the sound of her voice echoing off the walls. She grinded her teeth before sinking into the floor, except this time, emerging directly before Hilda. In such close quarters, Ghost of Death has such a terrifying presence... Hilda looked unprepared and before she had a chance to react to Ghost of Death, she began to paint a circle with both hands - as she gradually completed the circle, the inside became darker and more violent. A black matter was present where her arms once swiftly glided through the air.

As the portal began to take form, it warped furniture from the room inside. In one swift kick, Jemma had knocked Hilda through the portal, without Hilda's matter being transformed as it passed through.

As Hilda was pushed, Jemma could be seen smiling her infamous, crooked smile. She gracefully entered through the portal, following Hilda, before sealing the portal shut and allowing the room to return to its calm, yet disturbed state.

"You will remain alive if you abide by my rules..."

Jemma clicked her fingers and what would appear to be a burning bright light flooded a small door-less room, that is Ghost's dimension.

Blinded by the searing white light, Hilda was tightly bound to a stone chair with barbed wire, reinforced with steel cable. She could barely make out the outline of an angry, Ghost of Death...

"If you try to move, you will be slashed into pieces" Ghost of Death clicked her fingers again, as if she was encapsulating the light with her fingertips.

"It is just you and me..."



Hilda glared at the 'thing' infront of her.

"Alright, I'm listening, just ask whatever the hell it is you gotta ask so I can get out of here and get back to my museum, I don't want none of those Hellions busting in a wrecking my carefully placed displays!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Jemma was gracefully hovering in a meditating position, the only means of light in the small room by this time was the light that her eyes and hands emitted.

"I have nothing to ask you at this current moment in time, I'd rather you remained quiet for moment."

Jemma then feel into deep concentration as her burning eyes and hands began to glow a strange tone of red. In her concentration she was sending Elizabeth a message.

"Liz, I have her. I don't wish to spend a long time with her as I know my actions will be unpredictable. Get in contact with the Dr. and make sure he is aware of what is going on, if need be I can begin taking her life. I will await further word."

Once Jemma had finished this she stared at Hilda, unsure of what she would do next.

"Hilda. I want you to explain carefully your relations with the Dr. I would also like you to state your business with him."

As soon as Jemma finished her sentence she had already sank into the floor, and came back up again by the time Hilda was ready to begin talking. But to Hilda's surprise Jemma had a few items from Hildas museum.

"If you try to give me the 'silent treatment' your museum is next!"

After saying this Jemma's eyes no longer provided light for the room - and darkness returned, until an energetic flame began to circle the room.

"I trust you don't want your stuff burned?"



Elizabeth was attending a small party in Grandville. She used her more human appearance and walked between arbiters and political advisors alike.

Most of the guests hadn't had a clue who she was... and the few who might have recognized she avoided. Still she was glad Stefan himself wasn't attending.

She sipped some of her wine thinking if there wasn't a servant girl who wouldn't be missed when Ghost of Death's message hit her. She spoiled some of her wine over the floor because of the unexpected shock. Then she grabbed her cell phone.

Scrolling through the names on the blood-red Nokia she stopped at the name 'Medusa'. Slowly she walked to a silent corner while on the other side of the line Jack Dawn's phone began to ring.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"Alright, alright just don't burn my stuff, I don't know where the old man is, he just came up to me one day and gave me some money to look after the place, said I could do whatever I liked with it, ever since then he's given me a number to call on a vidphone...he just sends me stuff he finds of the 5th Column every now and then...please don't burn my stuff alright, it took me years to aquire it...you know how valuable a Mark two Wolfpack model of robot is?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Jemma clicked her fingers and the flames diminished, she also returned the items she had stolen back to the museum.

When Jemma returned she felt weak and she knew she had to begin collecting 'sustenance' which would prove very difficult considering she had captured a women and pulled her into the netherworld - a place where live does not last to long.

Jemma paced around the room not knowing what to do next. She still hadn't heard any word from Elizabeth and began to worry, even though she knew that Elizabeth is more than able to handle herself.

Jemma drank an elixir while watching Hilda, Jemma loved the darkness of the room because she knew she was completely in control.

"Hilda do you require food or drink?" she said with a very kind tone in her voice.

When she set the elixir down she slammed her hands together, creating a fiercely bright light - except this time the room had grown in length and width about five times.

The room now a large grand piano, a bookcase, a few racks of coarsely designed melee weapons and a table with food on it.

Jemma through what would appear to be an energy based lasso around the chair Hilda was tied into, and with one tug, the chair was behind the table. Jemma then began to free one of Hildas hands so she could eat the food.

"Hilda you better eat up, I don't no how long we're going to be here."

Jemma then sat down at the piano and began to play one of Beethoven’s Sonata's.

"Oh and Hilda, I want to no more about the Dr... Or I might have to drop a black star on your house."



Jack was very anxious he knew something was surely amiss, and couldn't pinpoint it. Apart from everything, now he had to worry about an elaborate plan conserning a council member, a mental bombing scientist and one of the biggest Superpowered human beings community of the Rogue Isles.

Suddenly his cellphone rang without seeing the actually number the itch on his skin was telling him it was the countess, he picked up and said "Yes?" ...On the other side he heard the familiar female voice of Liz Bathory. At the end of the conversation he said "ofcourse countess serving our customers wants and wishes is also part of what we do".



The white-armoured form of Dr Mechanibus strode through the main immigration line of Grandville for the third time that day. Doing odd jobs for various Arachnos agents certainly had it's advantages, but getting stopped by Arbiters every time you had to report in, and explain away every single item on your person, was becoming quite tedious. He continued to walk, passing underneath the now very familiar vidscreens pumping out Lord Recluse's message to the masses. Jumped-up know-it-all. Just because he owns a massive organisation makes him think he can push anyone around...

Stopping to pick up a newspaper from a clearly terrafied vendor, Mechanibus scanned through the headlines as he placed a dollar on the man's stall. "Hmph. Same old business. Legendary items stolen. Arachnos raids underway. Circle up to no good.. Hell-o, what's this? Doctor Edward Mechano is being sued? I knew that pompus windbag would slip up sooner or later! Scientist my left cortex! I knew he was just a common thug, and now he's proven it at last! Hmmm... I wonder if I should put forward some 'evidence' of my own..."

Stalking off down the street, paper tightly clenched in one fist, Mechanibus continued to mutter to himself, formulating a plan to furthur slur the name of Mechano. Sure, he'd only met the man, what, twice? maybe three times? But a technological rival was still a technological rival, and deserved to be taken down a few pegs...



When Jemma finally finished playing the piano, she attached a black vail to her hair, falling over her face and pulled on a formal black hat.

Jemma then lifted an ornate, yet blunt axe from the wall and approached Hilda. In her mind she wanted to disembowel Hilda - but she knew that would get her in allot of trouble.

As Jemma calmly watched Hilda, she began to twirl the axe's handle between her fingers, then in one fatal thrust the axe was protruding from Hilda’s upper leg.

"Make sure the Dr. finds out what has happened - and if your still around, I'll see you in court!"

Jemma then began to open a portal behind Hilda, leading to a hospital, but before Jemma could push Hilda through it she placed her stiletto between Hilda's legs and bent down closer to her.

"Just you remember, if I find the Dr. misbehaving in the future, I will find you. And I will kill you!"

Jemma then kicked the chair, while grapping the axe, and as Hilda began to fall through the portal, still attached to the chair, the axe cut open her leg.

Blood had gushed everywhere, and Jemma stood staunchly looking out the portal, her white skin blemished with blood running down it. She then corrected her hat, and walked through the portal into the hospital where Hilda still lied stuck to the chair.

Jemma looked at Hilda as she walked through the elevator
"Remember what I told you..."



Deep within the bowels of Castle Bathory the Primogen relaxed in his sarcophagus. The lid was off and he lay like one might in a bath, his feet crossed resting on the edge. It had been a long flight. The Primogen had been on one of his many unscheduled sojourns. No-one knew he'd gone until he was already where he wanted to be. Where he went no-one knew. No-one dared ask.

He opened up a copy of the Paragon Times, rustling its pages. A headline caught his attention. Apparently Dr. Mechano was being taken to court. The Primogen chuckled. It would seem that Mechano would have to face down the evil beings this world has ever produced - lawyers.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059