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  1. Edward smirked, "Shame you're just that bit too late my dear...we've got what we came for...if I wanted to spar with you I would be in the appropriate form to do it...but this old dog still has some teeth!"

    With that Edward hurled a force bolt towards Cerri before jumping backwards through the portal, which closed after him.

    Edward could see the angry looks he was getting from the Menders, he quickly grabbed the crate he had managed to swindle and push it through the exit portal to Cap Au Diable...exiting himself soon after.
  2. It's an arc given to you by Gaussian in the Rikti War zone, believe it's called 'The Red and the Black', it's the 3rd arc in a series of 4 (1st being Levantera, 2nd being Serpent Drummer) that culminate in Dark Watcher's arc which explains a lot behind the Rikti invasions.

    Vanguard can be either really easy or incredibly tough, they're actually tougher on melee toons than on the squishier ranged toons, they have high accuracy and hit very, very hard in melee...
  3. Edward sighed, he'd managed to duck out of the line of fire for the webnades but his robots hadn't nor had they the chance to avoid the arcing electrical charge, the robots fizzled and then exploded. The lightning arced onto Edwards metal arm and he let out a yell as the electrical charge went through it, slamming his arm into the ground to force the electrical charge to ground safely. Edward looked a little worse for wear, he shook his mechanical arm, "damn it...50% strength capacity..."

    There was still some heavy lifting to do...Edward grunted as he pushed the crate containing the battlesuit through the Oroborous portal, "Ladies, Gentlemen, time to leave...activate the teleportation tickets Mr Ghoul gave you or use this portal...ditch any remaining loot and just get out of here..."
  4. ((well that's the reason Edward scrambled behind the truck to avoid the Wide Area Web grenade, the Robots belong to Ed, not Blood Ghoul, Blood Ghoul used his own portal not the oroborous portal that Ed summoned, ReclusesPhantom seems to have got mixed up since Blood Ghoul's portal did indeed close behind him))
  5. Edward saw the containment field go up...

    He scrambled behind the truck, his robots were down but his forcefield was still up..."Hmm...so we cannot teleport out way out of this normally but I know where we can go..."

    Edward pressed a couple of buttons on his arm, the oroborous symbol appearing on the floor, "Think this is the last time the Menders will be letting me use their little toy like this, already had complaints before about using it as an escape device...best make the most of it..."

    Edward yelled out, "Alright...everyone grab what you can and go through the portal...teleportation may be a no but I don't know any containment field that stops these kind of portals to escape..."

    Edward quickly punched a few more buttons and his robots slowly rose from the ground and moves to block any incoming assaults on his position.

    "Come on people...let's move shall we?"
  6. Edward heard the chopper coming in over head, "great, red and white are coming in...just what we need..."

    He pressed the radio to his ear, "Alright, remember, as much fun as this is, we're here for a purpose, the Police convoy seems to be taken care of...let's just get the gear we've come for and then get the hell out of here...seems like the explosions have distracted the heroes but not Longbow..."

    "Night, engage the enemy...see if we can bring any in alive but just getting rid of them will do, Rylus just get here, as much fun as it is having someone track the PPD response I need everyone to carry things so ju...."

    The radio cut out as the EMP grenades went off..."Damn it...seems like Longbow came prepared..." Edward threw up his shields, ALL of them...

    Yelling above the din of the chaos going on, "Just get the truck open and get the loot...ladies and gentlemen I suggest grabbing a teleportation ticket from Mr Ghoul, no doubt they'll try to contain it, if the teleportation fails...I suggest we all make a beeline to the Arachnos sub..."

    Edward smashed open the back door of the van with a force bolt, buckling the metal inward and shattering the lock. He grinned as he was met by rather bulky battlesuit, "ooh you'll do nicely..."

    "Unless you're currently engaged in combat...grab the loot!"
  7. "Alright...we can't waste any more time...the Convoy has just left the ferry, we're going to have to hit and hit now...everyone make your way to Peregrine, I'm sure those of us already here can delay the convoy enough to get everyone gathered..."

    Edward pressed a button on his cybernetic arm and somewhere in the rogue Isles, a dish aligned and a tape begun to play...

    ...across Paragon city the now familiar sign of chaos appeared throughout TV screens, the skull within the cog.

    Edward appeared on the TV screen the a manaical smile.

    "Welcome one and all, this isn't a drill, this is time for fun, the hour has come again Paragon, for too long have I been quiet and left you hanging, now we're going to have an 'explosively' good time," Edward gave a chuckle.

    "What better relaxes someone than a shopping spree? Yes, yes I know I've done this in the past but I happen to be in a retro mood right now, so it's time to play that golden-oldie, crime spree...thugs of Paragon, grab as much loot as you can get hold of...and remember...points mean prizes..."

    As Edward heard himself say he pressed another button...

    ...Not too far from Pistol and her gang a car exploded in the main shopping strip of Steel canyon, shattering the glass on all the shop fronts, soon the area was filled with Outcasts, Tsoo and Trolls, hollering and brawling as they tried to get the best pick of the loot.

    In Skyway another car had detonated, a Lost Headman climbing through the window of an electronics store, picking up a TV and turning to his companion, "Hmm what do you think, new hat?"

    "Nah, makes your head look fat, try something smaller..."

    "Me Troll and me say you look stupid..." replied a Caliban who was already in the store.

    "Yeah well, don't care what you think you Incredible bulk..."

    "Oi, dat not funny...me smash!"

    A fight had now broken out along the shop front between the Trolls and the Lost, a few brawling and a few looting.

    In Kings row the Skulls had begun their looting as well.

    Edward lifted the radio, "ok everyone...the convoy is in the middle of the strip...go go go!"

    Edward activated his rocket boots, his robotic family fired their rockets and he sped from the sub towards the convoy.

    ((The convoy is arranged as a police car infront flanked by two police motorcycles, a very large truck in the middle, also flanked by two police motorcycles and finally another police car bringing up the rear again flanked by two police motorcycles)).
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Boom Headshot!

    Hmm...tempted to go with Assault Rifle/Nrg...I believe (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here) Sniper Rifle has the longest range out of all the snipes, combine that with Boost Range and frankenslotting 3 Dam/Range enhancements you'll have such range that your Snipe would actually go beyond the draw distance of PCs/NPCs.

    That's if you want to go purely for range, however AR does have the downfall of only having 3 single target attacks (Burst, Slug and Sniper rifle) all the rest are cones or AoEs and probably not that great for PvP (again feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
  9. "Good Countess, I have hidden the explosives in Kings Row, Skyway and Steel Canyon, your robots will make even more of a distraction, disguising our presence from the eyes of the capes..."

    "Ah Monsieur Ghoul, head towards Peregrine Isle, I am waiting just off the coast on an Arachnos Submarine...but I suggest handing out the tickets for when we all meet up once the job is complete...I am still waiting for others to call in..."
  10. ((This topic is for those villains that have agreed to come along on Eds heist of a military convoy of high-tech arms on their way to the Shadows Shards through Peregrine. this is semi-closed RP for villain characters, since they need to be part of the NWA on order to participate but Open RP for heroes, since anyone is allowed to respond to the various attacks)).

    Edward sat, waiting, just offshore from Peregrine island in an Arachnos sub he had managed to convince one of the Arbiters to borrow...after all Arachnos dropped villains out here every day through the use of an Arachnos flier to rob the bank however he wanted something more subtle than the scream of jet engines overhead. Edward spoke through his radio to the others that had agreed to help him.

    "Ok, I want everyone to call in, I need to know everyone and everything is in place and ready before I begin my taped transmission to distract the heroes while we liberate the technology currently inbound for portal corp..."

    This needed to be quick, before the heroes realised that the chaos elsewhere was just a distraction, he hoped that Mr Ghoul had cooked up that long range mass teleportation spell as well to get them all out of here, otherwise it was going to be one crowded submarine on the way home...
  11. Personally I don't think you have to worry about anyone jeering CoR accept those that simply have an axe to grind about 'something' with regards City of Heroes/Villains.

    The problems that arose from Issue 14 and the Positron annoucement was that Issue 14 has seen nerf after nerf in order to stop power levelling, enemy groups being removed with little explanation as to how they're going to be put back in (looking at Prisoners here) and a swathe of changes has continually made authors arcs invalid.

    Positrons Anniversery announcement wasn't exactly the dynamite I suspect a lot of people were expecting, infact it wasn't anything much, War Witch did a better Anniversery speech even if it was just as 'I remember when X was happening' along with 'it's been a long, hard but fun road for us all, there's a lot to look forward to in the future' compared to the announcement that 'Issue 15 will go straight to open beta' was seen as lackluster by a few.

    Then the followup to the Powerlevelling that was rampant to the MA, the initial address at least, smacked of the Devs being very upset and the backhanded threat to ban people who had used the MA, without clarification on what unacceptable abuse of the MA meant, didn't go down to well either.

    Issue 14 brought in a lot of problems, it also brought in something only one other MMO has had before (Ryzom) but done in a way which had never truly been done before but people remember bad experiences more than they remember good ones.

    Going Rogue, atleast what I can gather from the Forums and from chats on the global channels ingame, seems to have the opposite effect of the Mission Architect which split the community, Going Rogue seems to have unified people, got them all excited thinking of the possibilities. Sure we're still discussing the pros and cons of the idea but the thing is were discussing without raising voices like the MA situation led to.

    Issue 14 was a major release but it also contained very little else apart from the MA, unfortunately this is coming after Issue 13 was also a very small Issue and Issue 15 seemed to continue the trend and people questioned what on earth all those new devs were doing for giving us so little contentwise, now people know, it's eased the burden somewhat.

    So I although there will be jeers, some people just don't plain like the idea of being able to switch sides, I feel they'll probably be in the minority, since the introduction of City of Villains, Going Rogue has been something many people have hoped for.

    Even if it's just the two new powersets, Praetoria (however many zones it may be) and the ability to switch sides, Going Rogue will probably still be a success. If there's more to it than that, say a graphical overhaul and Power customisation, then I predict it will have exceeded my expectations and probably everyone elses.
  12. Basically, each phone only his it's number listed under the addresses...this is primarily to encourage a communication of sharing numbers between people in the NWA, it's good to talk says a certain someone.

    Neurocide would have Kall's number, which would be the phone he's holding and that would be all. Ed would tell Neurocide to take it up with Spruk if he wanted to get his Cell phone number.

    Currently Ed is the only one that knows all the numbers and he wouldn't willing give out anyone elses number unless they had been asked by someone specifically and for good reason.

    You never know who could have intercepted the parcel, could be a Longbow Spy claiming to be a member...
  13. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Couple of days later
    Edward decided to do the ring around, the time was nearly upon them to act. He phoned everyone he could, including...Pistol...

    He shuddered when he said that name, not of fear but of loathing, he did despise that woman...a loud mouth with too much money and too much firepower.

    Edward put down the phone after his ringaround, "Paragon City deserves a better class of criminal...especially one much classier than Pistol or the Countess, someone with a little style, a little flair for the dramatic, someone like me.." he chuckled softly to himself.

    ((whoever wants in on the raid, please say so in here, I'll give a couple of days for everyone to post))
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    Vet Badge issue

    [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]

    Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I knew it, the Mac is evil!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That has nothing to do with the mac pack, but rather the fact there's only 28 days in febuary.

    Last year i got a vet reward on feb 3rd then next on april 29th then the one after that on july 30.

    This year i got a vet reward on 11th jan, then the next one on 14th april.

    So the month of febuary will play a little havoc with the vet reward dates.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, only reason I assumed it was the mac edition being added was because last year, it didn't happen, was awarded my first year vet reward on the 26th of Feb as normal but this year when I added the mac pack prior to that date, it got shuffled to the the third of March.

    Still, perhaps it's just the evil month of febuary mucking about with my vet reward times..damn you Febuary...DAMN YOU!
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Edward looked at the two of them for a moment.

    "Welcome aboard...this will hopefully be a simple heist, the weapons looted will be distributed among the network, I'm expecting a good haul and hopefully a few things that will deal with the pesky heroes...once I get the explosives from the Corporation...the plan will swoop into action"
  16. Dr_MechanoEU

    Vet Badge issue

    Remember vet badges are award at the 'time' you signed up, down to the exact second of your account creation (give or take a couple of minutes) so while you may officially be on your account creation DAY, it's not that time yet.

    For example I don't get award Vet rewards until around 6pm-ish in the evening because that's when I signed up with an account.

    But in your case I would also do as above and double check your account for what date it says you should be awarded and also to contact support.

    Have you added anything like the Mac edition to your account recently, that did bump my vet reward time by a week when I added it to my account, from the 26th of Feb to the 3rd of March, however it has gone back to awarding on the 26th again once that vet reward passed.
  17. Would have be awfully careful with the numbers, Supremecy adds quite a bit of +dam on it's own, coupled with all the +Dam from this set (4 powers, most sets don't have two powers at most which increase damage as a percentage) and then add in the +Dam from Assault and you'd be looking a pets with stupidly high damage and Thugs and Robots already kick out a hell of a lot of damage as is.

    Also a lot of the names are a bit too...heroic...for representing a villain but that's just my opinion.

    I also don't believe the game engine is capable of doing a "if X amount of Henchmen are alive, power is X effective" type power.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Edward looked at Enerfist, "Infinitron...but I killed you..." he shook his head as his phone wrang, "no matter, you'll have to wait...business first..."

    He picked up the phone to speak to Blood Ghoul "ah...any assistance is required and welcomed, I require some muscles might to overpower the guards and...well...you're good with magic, a very long ranged mass teleportation spell would be most useful, I would prefer to get myself, any colleges and the loot out before the heroes can arrive...now you'll have to excuse me, I have someone waiting..."

    Edward looked at Enerfist, "so what is it we have to discuss?"
  19. Judging from what I've read.

    Most people trawling for good arcs through the MA will actually go specifically to higher played 4 star arcs than any of the non-dev/HoF 5 star marked arcs.

    Played Rikti vs Pandas the other night, it is a very silly storyline (which it admits) but it was enjoyable, that, I beleive, was at 999+ plays and 4 star rated.

    I tend to go for the 4 star but higher rating numbered arcs, 5 star arcs with low ratings are too often just trash but I know 4 stars with a 20+ rating have maintained that 4 stars past 20 plays, which means they're quite good for what they set out to be and have withstood the general test of the playerbase.

    My own arc is on 27 plays and 4 star rating, I admit, it's not a fantastic mission, it's designed with lowbies in mind and therefore designed to be like much lowbie content, just from two different reviewers on the forums I've had completely different feedback on what they prefered, both a 4 star rating mind you.

    So if you're at the 4 star mark, don't give up hope, infact you're probably MORE likely to gradually see more plays at 4 star with a 20+ plays than you are at 5 star but a 2-3 plays.
  20. Consider members of the NWA have now been issued with NWA specific Cell phones (as per the Unwelcome Return topic), each one has a private number listed on it, though as of yet only Edward knows each persons cell phone number. There will be a pop up message when the phone turns on to let others in the network know of their numbers.

    Basically, it does just make it a hell of a lot easier to communicate between members, otherwise it's all word of mouth and carrier pidgeons until the next meeting
  21. Dr_MechanoEU

    Unwelcome return

    Edward needed to get things together, the Corporation weren't part of this New World Alliance but they would help, he had no problem with William and as far as he knew, William had no real problem with him.

    He had just put the order though for a large amount of C4 high explosives through the 'proper channels' which he hoped would reach the Corporation.

    The first part of the plan, distract the heroes, make a broadcast, blow up some store fronts, tell the locals to go wild...he'd done it before but hopefully the heroes wouldn't suspect that there was more than chaos on the agenda this time.

    Second part would be to find a team that could ambush the convoy of high tech weapons bound for the military in the Shadowshards while the heroes were busy dealing with the aftermath of the explosions.

    He had Spruk, which was always a good thing, the enjoyed Spruk's company, a like minded individual, a little crude but a lover of chaos none the less.

    Edward scratched his beard for a moment, "you know this would be a lot easier if I could make phone calls to those who joined the alliance...hmm in that case a change in plan..."

    Edward begun tapping away on his computer, a Nanolathe hooked up to it, making a simple, yet elegant design for a mobile phone, it lacked any markings because he didn't want to have the thing bring any attention to itself.

    Edward worked late into the night producing enough for every single member of his New World Alliance, he knew who they were, where they would be, if not, he knew people who could contact people...

    He set about his robots to deliver them, each in an elegant crimson box with a note inside "From your friendly neighboured Mad Scientist, signed Dr E M" would be left on peoples door steps, entry ways, resident dumpsters, wherever they were.

    Edward muttered to himself, "First the infrastructure Edward...THEN the plans!"

    Edward would give it a day or so, then he would being making the calls, he would need a crew for this, himself and Spruk wouldn't be enough, the haul was going to be big, real big...
  22. All I want to know is when and where I can pre-order a collectors Edition boxset dangitt...

    ...and no it's not up on amazon yet...curses...
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ghost Falcon, you need a forum avatar

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm a Lover not a FIghter .

    My current level of artistic talent involves MS Paint and stick figures.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Couldnt resist ! While we got you here Ghosty, care to share any more hints?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't give any hints...Our Marketing/PR departments would pummel me..., and then Positron would probably follow up with an "Enervating Field+Radiation Infection+Lingering Radiation+Aim+Proton Volley" combo on me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahh the "you'll never be having kids" combo... not deadly but highly effective...pesky radiation..
  24. Right It'll be a Pocket D PvP map then, since we can get a lot of people on those

    Pah...Mechano has gone Rogue already...TWICE...he's gone from villain to hero and back to villain again...

    Some heroes still like him...well a small number, most hate his guts...besides chaos doesn't care if your good or evil, you're all actors in it's nonsensical rambling play of DOOM!

    Remember, tonight, 8pm UK time!
  25. Other moment that left us all awestruck.

    Party encountered a Wraith, The fighter charged the Wraith but thanks to a critical miss, had his sword lodged into the wooden beam above the door leaving the Wraith a free shot.

    The Thief then declared that he was going to "run along the wall, jump, grab the sword, spin and shut the door" the GM looked at him with a smirk saying he could well try it but he'd have to roll for every action and they'd all require atleast 16 or more on a D20 for running along the wall and jumping and an 18 or more for grabbing the sword and getting the door shut.

    The bugger promptly and rather casually pulled this off all off (so 5 dice rolls, the last of which was a natural 20, forcing the GM to give the thief enough time to say a pithy remark before slamming the door), preforming what was essentially a Legolas style move...as a halfling thief...