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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Positron said that existing Vets will have what they got auto-filled in the program.
    Cheers Snowglobe for the quick response *gives him a shake to watch the snow fly about*
  2. No Campbell in the main role, no Raimi directing, no sale!

    Sorry but I nolonger hold very high hopes for this film.
  3. Just curious but do we keep all the rewards we've currently got unlocked OR under this new system do we have to go through and pick everything again...because that's just a pain in the backside if we have to do that.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Narkor View Post
    Aww man, another light colored splash screen?
    You really want to kill my eyes huh?

    And did we ever get an answer as to what's wrong with State's face? I swear he just looks... you know!
    I believe the term is Derp face

    Especially on the current splash screen on live, he looks positively derp in that.
  5. [Rogues viewpoint]

    Mercenary works a good job mate.

    Challenge work, out of doors.

    I guarantee you'll not go hungry, Because at the end of the day as long as there's two people left on the planet someone is going to want someone dead.

    "Dad..Dad I'm not a supervillain I'm a Rogue."

    "What's the difference? One's a job the other's mental sickness!"

    I'll be honest, my parents do not care for it.


    I'll tell you who has feelings, Vigilantes that blungeon people to death with Golf trophies...Rogues have standards!

    Be polite, Be effecient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

    "Dad...Dad...ech...put mum on the phone.."
  6. Another viewpoint on the Microtransaction debate.

    Interesting...I will say Lord Kat is actually, rather than debating points, more debating semantics. For example what is the difference between Microtransactions and DLC? He uses the various companies definition of a Microtransaction...fine but considering that when most people use the term Microtransaction...they don't mean that, I mean, come on Lord Kat, you probably know better than to do the whole semantics thing (though I personally doubt he's going to be reading this ever...but you get my jist).

    Now my own personal opinion, Microtransactions are strictly the area of MMOs and a certain number one hat themed war simulator, while yes, technically anything could be considered a Microtransaction but most things tend to be Downloadable content in my eyes.

    Map packs are DLC, Character packs are DLC (a game I recently begun play has released numerous character packs for their solo/multiplayer 'fight the horde' style game...they provide no effect beyond making your character not one of the default). Anything like that to me is downloadable content since I have to, you know, download the actual item and once I've downloaded it, the item stays with me forever as does the game itself until I delete it off the hard drive.

    Microtransaction on the other hand are not exclusive to my computer, if my account prior to Freedom goes 'pompf!' because I stop subscribing I can nolonger access not only the game but the stuff bought within the game store.

    The Hat based war simulator is interesting because if I want to play the game, I have to have the service that the game is downloaded through running but by the fact I've logged in to the service (which requires no subscription fee) then everything I've got for said game is unlocked, it's kind of a strange mix between DLC and Microtransaction.
  7. Like I said, I get why they've done it...doesn't mean I have to like it, as I said, it screws over UK/Europe people. We can't even BUY the damn thing, I wouldn't mind if both the US and UK version had that but if it doesn't...then well there's sweet bugger all us EU peeps can do to see the pictures.

    Well apart from going to a certain other city of heroes fan forum that would allow scans to put up.
  8. Would be nice if one of the community guys could share these pictures because...as mentioned...that's the US edition of PC Gamer, not the UK edition so some of us can't even buy the magazine just to see the pictures.

    I get why they've done it, by PC gamer having the exclusive to show those pictures it's suppose to encourage we gamers to go out and buy the magazine. Essentially Paragon Studios pay the magazine company to include those pictures with the promise that it will 'boost sales' for the magazine because the CoH community can't see them anywhere else.

    I personally think such a practice sucks monkey [censored], atleast with putting up pictures/interviews etc. on Massively everybody can see them.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Might be the wrong place to post this, but this is the only applicable thread within the first page, so here goes:

    Extra Credit released a very cool video on microtransactions that's probably worth seeing.
    I will also point out that one of the background pictures in that WAS City of Heroes interestingly enough.

    And yes, listen to Extra Credit, they're not just random people on teh internet, they're games devs, industry analysts and other people who actually work in the industry.

    So yes, Devs listen to Extra Credit and listen damn well hard.
  10. A kitten in a pirate hat.

    It's both adawwabble and distracts people from the potential mind controlling substances within.
  11. Am I the only non-scot in the world that loves the sound of the bagpipes....

    Also given me an awesome idea for a character with the Retro-rifle recoloured to make it look more...Tartanish...
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    Best of MST3K?

    Good God going on an Archive binge of MST3K is scary.

    I actually worked out that since each episode is usually 100 minutes long, there is actually 328 hours of MST3K to watch...not including the movie (which is shorter than most episodes...weird).

    If you stayed up and watched nothing but MST3K...it would take you over THIRTEEN DAYS! to watch the entire run...

  13. Like I said in another thread...

    I really hope a big Ball and Chain is an option for this set.

    All I'd need then is some American Football gear and I could make my Blood Bowl Goblin Fanatic..mysteriously transported through time and space to the world of the mighty boosh...sorry the world of Paragon and the Rogue Isles.
  14. Now I'm not going down the "Katanas are always better" route but you've basically confirmed what I said. Broadswords didn't have a fine cutting edge, They weren't razor sharp. They were also still bloody heavy if you didn't have a skilled manafacturer, there were places that produced finer quality blaes than others.

    They could cut but they relied on the application of force through being a beefy sword which could crack bones and cave in skulls, sure they're not lopping off limbs in a fine cut but you're still going to lose an arm/leg to a Broadsword just be sheer weight of force, they were a brutal piece of kit.

    Seriously though, try doing a jumping slash with a broadsword that looks just like Whirling Sword ingame, you look very silly doing it and you're not going to be hitting much with any great deal of force (apart from the last part of the animation where the sword is brought straight down in an overhead slash...that would hurt...a lot).

    You'll also note that I retracted statement number 3, that Broadswords were mostly two handers in a later post, which was my bad, most were one handers for the exact reason you stated, what I was thinking of was a Longsword, which was a two hander.

    The ingame legacy Broadsword looks more like a Longsword than it does a normal Broadsword though. Hence why the entire set, even before weapons customisation, was not realistic. Which was the whole point of the arguement, if people complain that the Titan Weapon set is unrealistic (despite it being a superhero game with people who can kill a Yak at 200 yards with mind bullets) then the Broadsword set already ingame is unrealistic anyway.

    For mail wearing Knights, things like axes or Falchions were used as an 'anti-armour' weapon as opposed to the warhammer and Mace during later periods (can crush AND pierce plate at the same time!).

    And yes full plate was rare...heck even during the period where it became 'popular' it was still rare since only the rich could afford full plate.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    To be fair, Night Goblins aren't known to be that keen on self preservation.
    Yeah but there's just so many of them...damn short green blighters...they just keep coming!

    An yeah I would be immensely happy, enough to distract me from my temporary slightly doomish mood, if we get a huge ball and chain as a weapon option.

    Though I know, chances are low.
  16. Reminds me of a certain videogame game I was playing recently in multiplayer.

    There I am, a peasant archer, got a Longbow, a billy club and wearing leather armour...a fully armoured Knight is bearing down on me, I've plugged the Horse with a few arrows as the distance closed, as did a fellow archer standing beside me.

    I see a throwing axe narrowly miss the side of my face and imbed itself into Horse square between the eyes, the Horse crumples to the ground whilst going at a full gallop, the Knight is flung from his horse and promptly beaten to death by a group of enraged peasant archers with clubs before he can get back up.
  17. Though I will point out I'm using British Pounds instead of US dollars. Going Rogue was £25 at time of release or $30, EU customers paid slightly more if we go the British Pound/Euro to dollar conversion at the time.

    Also booster packs are usually either £4.99 or £5.99 at a time.

    So lets say I did buy everything and that the boosters are £5.99.

    Going Rogue: £25.
    Going Rogue special edition additional items: £5.99.
    Mutant Booster pack: £5.99
    Animal Booster pack: £5.99
    Origin Booster pack: £5.99
    Steampunk Booster pack: £5.99
    Party Pack: £3.99 (it WAS cheaper than any other pack IIRC).

    Total sum: £58.94 so my guesstimation of £50 is not far off the total sum which would have bought everything within that yearly period.
  18. I just want a REALLY big two handed hammer, they're always my weapon of choice in certain games (Great Mauls, Super Sledgehammers, whatever, just a big old hammer for smacking things with).

    Or something like this:

    Since using something like that is based ENITRELY around momentum...more in the sense of once you get going it's very hard to stop (unless it wraps around your own neck and twists your head off...as does happen with Goblin Fanatics...)
  19. Or something like this

    Designed to both deform plate armour to smash limbs/skull or...well just smash the limbs/skull of anyone who got in the way AND penetrate plate armour or just jam the pick end of it into someone, either way you're not looking at happy fun times to be on the recieving end.

    I retract the statement about Broadswords being two-handers, that was my mistake. Most were one handed but the point of them being big old hunks of metal on a stick still stands. However the legacy Broadsword is clearly large enough where it's suppose to be a two hander and quite a large number of the normal and unlockables really should be two handed weapons (just look at the size of the Rularuu sword...it's a big old beefy thing).
  20. I do love the "It's not realistic" argument.

    Right lets ignore the fact that not only can you FLY in this game and shoot fireballs out of your palms, lets break it down to Broadsword...just Broadsword.

    1) I doubt any people questioning the realism have handled a proper medieval Broadsword. They're essentially a massive hunk of barely sharpened rectangular metal on a stick, the blade isn't really designed for cutting. Medieval people of Europe lacked the metallurgy skills to make very fine cutting blades.

    Whirling Broadsword is frankly downright impossible, the blade would simply be too heavy to heft in that manner one handed, let alone doing a jump spin.

    2) Plate armour was bloody tough, it took something hitting it with a lot of force to actually penetrate it (hence the invention of the Crossdow and the British Longbow), hence most weapons were designed around not cutting through the armour but CRUSHING THE PERSON INSIDE IT! Which is actually kind of more horrorific when you think about it.

    3) Actually using a proper broadsword one handed is a no-no...you CAN do it but you're not getting the 'oomph' to cave the guys plate mail helm in. Most Broadswords were a two handed affair, shortswords however were designed around stabbing (rather than cutting) through the weak points in a full suit of platemail.

    So while Titan Weapons may not be realistic...neither is the Broadsword set already in the game.
  21. Hmm good point.

    I mean now they've split up the boosters down into Costumes, normal emotes, costume change emotes and temp powers as seperate items.

    The only reason I get the emotes is because they're already included in the pack, I don't usually consider them worthwhile to purchase, like the Party pack I think was a terrible idea and thus didn't purchase it.

    Hmm things to consider.
  22. Ah...that's probably what I'm forgetting, considering I didn't buy the Party pack (because it's terrible) and I managed to snag both the Origins Pack and Animal Pack for free (yay contests), the only one I paid for were the Mutant and Steampunk in that period.
  23. Keep in mind that this was in a year with a boxed expansion so hence the inflated price already, I'm also being rather generous as there were probably only 2 booster packs released last year (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), So 25 for Going Rogue, an additional 5 for the Going Rogue bonus back (Alpha and omega costumes etc.) and an additional 10 for the booster packs only comes to £40.

    So I'm giving myself a little over that, I very much doubt they're releasing a boxed expansion (which was 2 years in the making)+ Booster packs + normal issue updates level worth of stuff within a year of Freedoms release.

    Hmm still a point taken..

    I so it comes down to value for money, if I've spent £50 and got not much to show for it beyond costumes and 2 Powersets, that would be a poor return on the initial investment and a sign that perhaps Freedom doesn't offer decent value for money.

    However if my £50 has bought me 5+ new powersets (which would have been an unprecedented level of powersets released even for a year with a boxed expansion) and a whole heap of costumes (talking atleast 3 boosters worth here if not more) then yes, Freedom is value for money in that regard.
  24. Now in the Two handed weapons thread I pointed out that last year, the game probably cost me in the region of 50 whole English pounds ontop of my subscription thanks to Going Rogue and the booster packs.

    Now my proposed Experiment for when Freedom comes out is this (if I haven't buggered off to the sequel to game that has the name rhyming with Build Bores, which is looking damn tempting at the moment, not because of Freedom but because the game itself looks damn tempting).

    1) I will Purchase £50 of points right off the bat when its released, no more, no less, however I will be seeing the inclusion of the 400 point stipend that VIPs get per month.

    2) These points will be spent on everything except vet temp powers (which you'll use the seperate reward points for) and time limited temp powers (ones with x number of charges etc which just seem like a waste), these will be spent purely on things that would have either come in a boxed expansion or a booster.

    The point of this experiment is primarily just to answer the question:

    "Is the game going to cost me more than it use to?"

    From the moment Freedom is released until exactly a year after I will have to run this experiment. If the year comes to a close and I still have points remaining from that initial purchase, the answer is No, it has not cost me anymore than it did the previous year.

    However if, at any point, I run out of points then the conclusion is obviously the opposite, yes the game has cost me more than it did during a year when a full boxed expansion was released.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KowaiKawaii View Post
    Dex-Starr has to show up!! PLeaseee.
    Second the vote for Rage Kitty, though I suspect that he might be played up more for comedy in this kid friendly series "im in ur sectorz, meltin ur faces!!1!!" probably won't be something he'll get to do.

    Either that or the underestimated foe, Hal thinks he's just a cute kitty until he starts clawing him or another unfortunate Lantern to pieces with pure rage.