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  1. Something else you may look for in the BIOS settings is "C state". If its in there set it to disabled and set "sleep mode" to S3. Definatly try safe mode when you can .... this will eliminate the questions about the video card being pushed too hard.
  2. You just lost any help from me. Have a nice day.
  3. was your old pc an OEM such as Dell or HP? If so then the OS is hard coded to the BIOS on the motherboards they use. You can reconect your old board and creat a recovery disk,but again its all for not if its an OEM copy of the OS.
    As a side note, Windows 7 RC is free till April of next year or there about. That is of course if you dont mind the early adoption headaches .
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    ExceptionCode="0xc0000005" ExceptionDescription="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" ExceptionAddress="0x6947a8ff"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I truely do love consistancy since it makes things much easier on us tech heads!!! Thru all the changes made the exact same error in the exact same memory location keeps on comming up. I have two possabilities off the top of my head for you.

    1 ) did you download this game via STEAM ( or any other download manager ) or was it a disk install?

    If downloaded it may be a corrupted download ( DRM via STEAM and others can be corrupted with mulitple downloads streaming at the same time. ) It sucks but try a fresh download with only the game downloading.

    2 ) You may have a bad memory sector on one of your sticks of ram. I did notice your memory usage is quite high even without the game running. Try killing off some of the none critical procesess and see if it will load. you can download Memtest here and test the Ram. Of course there is the old school method of remove one stick of ram at a time and test the system by trying to run the game heheh. Give that a shot and let us know how you get on!!
  5. HJT log is clear. Norton is bloatware IMHO .

    Try updating or reinstalling DirectX. You can also try running in safe mode and see if that works.... If so I would say you may have a faulty video card.
    I know it may run other games fine but it is a possability....CoX pushes almost all systems far beyond normal. Give those a shot and we will go from there .
  6. CoX is a very hard game on the graphics cards for all computers. This is almost certainly due to the onboard video solution. Im willing to be if you scalled back the graphics to totaly ugly levels you would be able to run no problem in most instances.
    The issue of course is when you do anything intensive such as multi man/woman/animal teams, wentworths/blackmarket or the AE buildings you may get a crash or major slowdown. If playing games is something you wish to do then upgrading both the powersupply and graphics card is very advisable.
  7. Have you tried reinstalling Directx yet? There has been alot of conflicts recently and for some odd reason reinstalling it ususaly helps. Not saying its a fix but worth a shot! Best of luck!
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    O16 - DPF: {8D95D14D-4AFB-4885-8BF1-FB09FD72FCD2} (eBLVD ActiveX Control) -

    O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{3C4E141D-E31C-481D-AED6-247B88077262}: NameServer =

    [/ QUOTE ]
    These are the only real bad entries I see on the HJT log.

    Then again if you know the web sites related to these and trust them then its a non issue.
    The first is from
    The second one is definatly a little suspicious.

    Definatly not a bad Idea to give your system a once over with a Virus and antimalware scanner .
  9. As other have said my current favorite is Malwarebytes. Close second is Superantispware ( cheesy name I know ). Between those two I really havnt needed my old guard wich was Ad-aware and Spybot S&D. Be sure you download them from a trusted site .
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Sound Notes: No sound card was found. If one is expected, you should install a sound driver provided by the hardware manufacturer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Everything else aside, this is a problem. Try uninstalling your sound card (if it isn't already) and reinstalling it. May also want to see about an update for the drivers for it as well. Lets see if that helps ya out.
  11. Most likely the Video card is getting too hot. That video card only has a passive cooler on it. Meaning of course no fan! This game is absolute murder on video cards in general. Try running the game and see how hot that card is getting. I would sudgest removing that card and inspecting it for damage since its been operating like you say it has. The Quadro series cards have never truely been meant for gaming.
  12. Exactly the reason we asked you to undo your overclocking . If you are able to play normally with the system stock then you are building up too much heat while the system is in the overclocked state you had it in. That means either having to scale back your overclock while playing or get more cooling to whichever part is overheating. CPU, North Bridge, Video card and Ram are all posabilities. The goal first was to determin why .
  13. I understand your feelings! Here is an excellent post from Miuramir on why Cox is such a total pain for PCs.
  14. I have to agree with MrPlayskool. I understand that your computer may be stable outside of CoX. You must remember that this game is extremely rough on computers of all makes and models. I have seen some of the best and most powerful PCs choke on this game. You can always reset your overclocking if its not the cause. We need to eliminate this from being a posability, as always best of luck!
  15. Im using the 8.591 drivers .... then again im a special case because I run an AGP 3850 card. These drivers have been perfectly stable so if you feel its the issue I can vouch for these being stable.
  16. This problem has been fixed.
  17. The original crash message you received is due to a driver issue. Specificaly the open GL portion. Uninstall your old drivers including the Catalyst Control Center. The driver update should reinstall it as long as its included with it. Personaly I dont like the CCC.... but to each their own . As a side note you may also want to update/ reinstall DirectX . It has been known to also cause some issues with video drivers.
  18. The funny thing is that most laptops are produced by only a few manufacturers and are simply rebranded and given visual omph by the retailer. Alienware for instance used Sager laptops ( not sure if its still true ) as the base of their machines.
    If you pay full price then you didn't shop around hard enough . If your looking for a laptop for gaming this site is a good start. Powernotebooks
  19. As heat builds up a powersupply become less efficient than when the air is cool ( meaning less available power ). Thusly it is most likely still your powersupply becoming unstable. It could also be a combo of both the powersupply and a heat issue...... the thing is you are gonna need a new powersupply anyway. That system has been over taxing the one in there for far too long to not have caused damage. The recomendations on that video card alone are for a 350 watt powersupply with at least 18 amps on the +12 volt rail. yours provides only 16 amps.
    You are bearly squeeking by on the wattage but more importantly your over taxing the amperage with the video card by itself. This will cause a large amount of extra heat to be produced as the powersupply tries to keep up. Also the graphical elements in this game have become a nightmare with the last two issues ( not that they werent already ). Which means more heat from the video card. CoX is known to bring top of the line systems to their knees when they play all other current graphics rich games fine. Replacing that powersupply should be your first order of buisness. Just outa curiosity, were you playing the game when it crashed most recently and were you playing longer than when you had the other HDD hooked up?
  20. Also check your BIOS settings for 'C state' and disable it. Also look for 'Sleep Mode' and set it to S3. This has become an issue particularly with Dell systems..... not sure if its at fault here but its worth a shot!
  21. Check your motherboards BIOS for a setting called 'C state' and set it to disabled. Also check for 'Sleep Mode' and set it to S3.
  22. Glad to see we got your issue solved up here. As to the inquiry on powersupplies..... the difference is not just in life expectancy, all tho that is one key point. Higher quality powersupplies are more stable and incorporate alot of advanced circuitry to handle power conditioning duties. This often leads to the difference between a PC that crashes for no reason and one that is perfectly stable. A better powersupply that has a higher quality stable power stream will also help your entire systems life expectancy.
    Here are a couple of great powersupplies that arent to high above the 50 dollar mark.... spend the extra, its well worth it.
    'this list is in order of preference' .

    PC Power & Cooling Silencer PPCS500 500W ATX12V
    Antec earthwatts EA500 500W Continuous Power ATX12V
  23. Could you please tell us the wattage and amp ratings on your power supply..... It should be on a sticker facing the access side of the case. While heat can cause the issue you are experianceing I am leaning more twards a power issue. Also is this a manufactured PC or one you built..... If manufactured could you please list make and model?
  24. Here is a quote from a post that may be relevant to your situation..... thanks to Miuramir for the post.

    [ QUOTE ]
    We just had a series of weird network glitches at work that may have some relevance to the problems some folks are having. New systems were seemingly fine, except they would have erratic stuttering in the audio, or weird domain authentication errors and other network oddities.

    On a new Dell OptiPlex 960 I've confirmed that disabling the "C State" setting in the BIOS resolves the problem; I've also set the sleep mode to S1 from S3. Apparently the new greener aggressive micro-sleep settings are not handled properly and cause glitches with real-time devices such as sound and network cards. Anecdotal reports are that this is also an issue on a Dell OptiPlex 760.

    It's not yet clear whether this is a problem with Dell's BIOS, the motherboard, the CPU implementation, or what. However, anyone looking to do performance gaming probably wants these off anyway. The symptoms certainly *looked* like a number of the trouble reports I've seen here, with mysterious network micro-hangs.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  25. Just so that you have options...... Windows 7 release candidate is free and will expire on June 1 2010. Meaning you will need to purchase or have a different OS at that point. You can download it free till July. If you dont mind being an early adopter ( meaning there could be headaches with drivers and compatability in some areas ) its a nice alternative. Here is the link. Windows 7 RC

    Do not download this from filesharing networks as there have been reports of malware being laced into the OS.