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  1. A few items that have never been explained [although I might through personal arcs]

    - Children: 5+ years of being a hero and we have yet to see a child.

    - Animals and other critters: One thing that should be abundant should be scavengers since they thrive on ruin. We do see flies, moths, and roaches, and birds. Time to see some sharks, Lusca babies, Dingos, etc!

    - Weather: It's either time to add it or time to explain the war walls are damaging the ecosystem ...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Aren't most bases a bit small for the whole mission map bit? I'd love to show my base off more.. but trying to run a mission there would be a little.. crowded.. 0.o

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    Interesting point ... but the top 200 SGs do have enough prestiege to have the biggest plot availble, and I still have SG members getting lost in my base...
  3. DojhromTRW

    The forest room.

    Kudos! Another reason why need open ceilings
  4. I think bases are a much under used portion of the game. They need to be set as more of a staging area for missions as well as raiding. The mission computer needs an overhaul. It should act like the newspaper / police scanner for each zone. Bases need to be an event in themselves: more interactive components.

    As for the CoP trial being turned off, it was broken in certain aspects and it needs to be fixed. Many improvements have been made to the Auto SK code so I could forsee it returning.

    Base versus base raiding varied on the base designer. Some bases looked like bases and were fun to raid against while others were nothing more than objects squashed together that bordered on exploiting (jails / genwrapping /anchor blocking).
  5. I'm hoping they bring back the Maliase tucked in pants. My warshade looks great with them but I can't put them on future costumes. (Nor use it as a Contact costume part)
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    ... Wow, I thought there was more to this issue than the general outline. Aside from any PvP/MA/badge changes, it really seems to be just the TF... and honestly, Yet Another piece of new 45-50 content doesn't compel me to level new characters.

    I'm sure the TF and SF are both very neat and enjoyable, but one TF and one SF do not an Issue make.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nothing they ever do will please you. We get it. It's old and played out, dude.

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    Which is amusing, because prior to Issue 12, I was voicing all kinds of happiness...

    What would've pleased me is a new zone and some contacts to go along with this TF and SF. But no. It's just the TF/SF. And frankly, if an hour and a half's worth of content is all they can produce after months of development, then you can't possibly be upset with me for voicing my unhappiness.

    Sure as you're an elitist hack who looks down on negative sentiment, these two TFs will get old very quickly. Precedent: LGTF, ITF, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is this what people do now, complain on free stuff? I think someone hasn't worn the shoes of an Analyst or a Developer.
  7. DojhromTRW


    As of now there is no way of changing the SG name w/o a court order or a super violation (like a disney or marvel copyright). So if you misspelled your group name or just want to change it there is no service. You could always recommend it to the devs.

    Plutonium huh? I hear North Korea might be able to get some . . .
  8. DojhromTRW

    I am the leader

    [ QUOTE ]
    That would be correct. Every member must be kicked or choose to quit. When the last one quits, the SG goes poof.

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    Actually the base would still exist ... if you left any coalitions attached they might be able to use the base until it was turned off. I know why had an old coalition attached to us and we had to get CS involved to break it. I swear some of these abandoned bases need to be sold on the auction house .... or is Longbow/Arachnos "claiming" them :-)
  9. Well I found out that epic powerboost offers a benefit that equates to the double bubble loss.

    Use powerboost when applying buffs to your bots and allies. Then when you are soaking the alpha have all toggles up and click boost... your defense and status protection will go up as well as any leadership defense and to-hit buffs. The numbers will vary on how you are slotted but this power is a must have in the set.

    I still need to get IO KB, Pet sets installed to see if those get a boost as well.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    The protector bots will bubble each of the other pets twice, and you once. I guess the reasoning was that since the other pets are less durable than you are (due to bodyguard mode), they could use the extra defense.

    If they DID bubble you twice, it would make certain secondaries (FF, Traps) insane. My Bot/FF MM already has around 50-55% smash/lethal/energy/ranged defense. Adding another 7-8% on top of that would be overkill.

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    I was under the impression that the Mastermind is the Villainside Tanker once you get Elite Bosses and AVs defense becomes trivial quickly. Even when I lose my Veteran Power drone I notice it ... a few % points made a difference. But if that's the price of Bodyguard Mode then that's the price we pay. Just will need to carry some more lucks when tanking them for my teams.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem with applying the GM code to Perez is that the comparative power of the mobs that are in there is pretty low. There's a reason we don't fight Hellions, Skulls, Vahz, or Clocks after level 20: they're weaker than they should be.

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    I totally agree as I mentioned above..unless some other scaling can be made, a complete daytime/night time code would need to be applied.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a suggestion from a while back that I was fond of


    The clockwork castle.

    The clockwork king has been busy and has built a castle in north boomtown. The area can be a point for story arcs about containign its developments and breakign in the smack some heads. Plus A king needs a castle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like this ...

    I have a story there in Baumton as well.
    It was the central point of the Rikti attack so there were heavy losses. A few I mention:

    Sports ... The Cities Main Arena was there it was huge as in superbowl size. What still lies hidden under the rubble????

    Schools :....The pinnicle of education was in Baumton but Rikti tried to kidnap all the children during the onslaught so now they are home schooled and are still too afraid to walk the streets. What needs to be done to end the fear?

    Animals:....What is eating all the Cats, Dogs, etc?
    The Lost-? Rikti Monkeys-? Something else from a secret lab(new stalker based mobs)-. . .
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    -Apply the Giant Monster Scaling Code to Hazard/Trial zone mobs.

    Doing just this would bring in the recipe hunters, the salvage hounds, and anyone looking for money in general. Currently there is only ONE place in the entire game I can think of where people actually hunt OUTSIDE for drops. The Cimerora wall. Adding the scaling code to these zones would decongest the wall, as well as maybe get people to stop farming outdoor missions. You might have to do a bit of coding to get drops to scale to the level of the player, but otherwise just this little change could potentially draw in more people.

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    This is a great idea, it works already with the Zombie and Rikti attacks, but how will you handle someone teaming with a level 50 in Perez Park and sweeping everything in existance?

    Other flavors would be a night time /day time Mobs ... This goes way back to Everquest with a few Zones that scared the poop out of you at night.

    Perez park - Daytime/Nighttime
    Dark Astoria - Monster Code
    Terra Volta - Daytime/Nighttime & Monster code
    so on and so on . . .

    I love many of the suggestion posted so far.....

    Move Lusca to Founders Falls ..

    Have the Arachnos Flyer try to gain entry into TV.

    Have new groups in TV to support the Ideas above (Abandoned Arachnos Troops)
  14. I could have sworn that each of the Protector bots gave everyone a bubble each ...for a total of two. The Bots are doing this as expected except for..the Mastermind! Did something change a while back?

    I tested this by summoning the 2 Protector Bots. They each give each other a bubble then only one gives me a bubble . . .wait wait wait... no new application until it disperses.
  15. Thank You! And with the action with NK and Iran, work has gotten very busy!
  16. Yeah I was curious to see how "Karma: Knockback Protection"would work on the protector bots.
  17. How do these sets work on Masterminds with bubbles? Is there a way to give pets KB protection?
  18. We are doing a Meet and Greet on the 6th which will consist of players from all servers and one of our objectives is to try this on both Hero and Villain Side....
  19. DojhromTRW

    Villan Community

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    there is no real universal meeting place for villains on freedom, but you can find most of the villain community in cap
    either begging for farms or on the BM.

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    Tell me about it ... it was an effort to get a Zombie team started in Nerva . . . later in the evening I was to meet a RL friend in Cap and we kept on getting "can U fill PlZ" tells.
  20. Wow these are still showing up?

    I remember an old Dev post that if these are appearing out side of the Kheldian story arc to petition that Map and details to have them fix it.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I will update the job title posted on the door of my cube at work tomorrow to reflect this. "Type R Server Guy" has a nice ring to it...although my wife thinks the "R" should be backwards.

    Yes, we have doors on our 7 foot tall cubes. No, I don't know why. They even have locks. <baffled>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We call them Offi-cles
  22. Try added a small object and deleting it and see if the base updates the correct total. I noticed the totals lag a little. Also verify you didn't lose any members as a loss under 15 members can effect your totals.
  23. From what I can calculate, you might have another "build" but this build is your "rogue" build.
    You can only switch between your Hero/Villain build by a rogue contact. I think of Robin Hood ..he was a Villain to some and a Hero to others. So at times he is earning Influence and other times Infamy...3rd party Enemies? You can earn both since you are Impressing both parties!!! The badge system looks like it is set up to handle both sides of the coin already.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    How will this Mirror World work in regards to bases?

    Will the mission computer launch missions?

    Will there be new beacons and teleporter upgrades?

    May I request a beta slot :-).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A Big Follow Up ....

    What will be the new Dynamics of Threat Groups / Super Groups? I can see entire rosters dropping A Super Group to become Evil and vice versa!

    I see why base raiding and other stuff needed to be shut down ...this expansion changes everything!
  25. How will this Mirror World work in regards to bases?

    Will the mission computer launch missions?

    Will there be new beacons and teleporter upgrades?

    May I request a beta slot :-).