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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    DR is not any kind of improvement its a stupid devs cruch to heavy handedly dictate to players what to play.

    Thank goodness the devs are not stupid enough to implement this stupid suggestion that has been suggested many many times and poo pooed over the past two months for various reasons.

    This is just ANOTHER nerf AE thread in disguise.

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    ED was a player suggestion as well so they do look at stupid ideas to make the gaming experience more drawn out...
  2. Something I like to add is that I took Increase Density for the purpuse of slotting:
    You get KB protection, a 3% Overall Defense and increased Recovery for only 2 low price Bronze Roll Recipes.
  3. I think this is awesome that someone is willing to match and bring the ratio down to 250:1 trade on prestiege building. I think the devs need to bring it down to 150:1.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    I was thinking when a hero or villain draws out his/her sword or gun where does it come from??? I was wondering why dont they have a holster or something to put there weapons into and so its visible. there can be different holster costume parts and ect. if you don't like the holster idea please think about making weapons visible on either the characters back or waist (should have choice based on player).

    Think about this!!

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    Hammer space.

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    Wow, that link kinda sucks. The term Hammerspace was around long before anime-girls were wielding hammers.

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    then how about this one?

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    I like this source, with the mention of the TARDIS and TOON shows it's credibility. It's known that the Doctor had pockets that housed quite a bit of useless stuff, including the popular banana :-). I know in Star Trek Elite Force they actually explained the Hammer Space via mini Borg based transporters to produce the weapons and gear when the player reached for the hips. You know now there will have be a new rogue market like Pocket D but in Hammer Space!!!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    This might stink:

    Players are no longer able to reinvite others to a Task Force after the Task Force has started.

    Assuming each MA mission is a Task Force.

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    That should cut down a small amount on the AE farm spam, by making it more inconvenient for them, since they will now have to quit and reform in order to add more people to the farm.

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    This will increase Blind invites then :-(. Also they tend to hit your CoH email non-stop now. It's a bigger problem than the Devs can handle I think. But we have experienced the "two leader" bug before: 1/2 the team was able to get into my story arc and the others ended up going to another arc that they quit to join mine. It was weird ... we all had to log out for a few minutes to reset the missions.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This might stink:

    Players are no longer able to reinvite others to a Task Force after the Task Force has started.

    Assuming each MA mission is a Task Force.

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    That MIGHT be referring to the bug where people can invite others to a TF after the TF gets screwed up by someone still on an AE arc. It had the chance of being a huge exploit.

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    I'm hoping this will not effect AE mission mechanics. Plenty of times I have to invite a new player or two because the leader had to log out [East Coast and West Coast players].
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    My husband and I are now logged in.

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    Either they are on Vacation or Unemployed :-o
  8. When you know the strength of them they are great... but they also can be very much tinfoil with the right conditions. I have a harder time taking out a few longbow chasers than I do certain AVs. Get some foes that do lots of KB, sleep, and stick in them as runners the set falls apart.

    I also noticed the bodygaurd bug... I use provoke and sands of mu as much as possible to keep the aggro up.
  9. I did this a few years back before the police drones were outside portal corps and people used to farm monsters in the courtyard. With so many people in the area the Cyst was geared for an 8 person group and the place just swarmed with Nictus was judged that the Cyst was more dangerous than the Giant monsters.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not to new Players of the game. I've seen several members that were "Wowed" by wings, Rocket Boots, etc... ask how to get them.

    It would be nice to be able to store some, for such players. Just starting out, they can't afford them. They can hardly afford to stay enhanced without help.

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    New players could easily afford any costume recipe they fancied by level 10 if they would do regular missions instead of powerleveling thru the AE.

    Sorry to go off topic like that.

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    Do you have any facts to back this up? A player can barely afford slotting powers let alone spending 100k on costume parts in the early levels. Same amount of kills net about the same amount of XP/inf. let it be Missions, AE, street sweeping. You trade salvage drops for tickets which helps on slotting powers in the AE. No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. So AE toons actually have more influence on hand. Heck, when I rolled a VEAT doing missions, I didn't get my first salvage drop until like level 6. When I was level 10 I had about 6 peices, hardly enough to buy a costume part of choice.

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    Yes. I do. I have over 100 characters (heros and villains) and I ALWAYS have 1 million inf + or - 100k by level 10 from simply selling/crafting salvage and recipe drops. (that's without playing the market)

    Go down to the Market forum and ask and you'll get dozens of people willing to tell you how you can earn a million before level 10 by playing the market with simple techniques.

    And I find it funny you should mention your VEAT because costume recipes are a lot cheaper redside than they are blueside.

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    Thank you for backing up my point and slamming yours into closure once and for all, 100 toons on one account =moot, read the original topic. We are talking greenhorn players, not advice givers, or veterans who know the inner works of the game. Greenhorns that want relatively expensive costume parts and slots on whatever server or side they choose all while a new SG giving the ability to have those parts availible from a base storage.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Being smart enough to ask a question while ingame is not restricted to being a "metagamer". There are plenty of people willing to answer questions.

    Having the common sense to read the manual that is provided for free on the City of Heroes website is not restricted to "metagamers". You can even find the CoH manual by using Google.

    Paying attention when creating your account and taking the time to set up their forum account and reading the section clearly marked Player Guides is not restricted to "metegamers".

    Reading the instructions provided by contacts in the tutorial and at places like the University, the Consignment House, the Arena, the AE building, etc. is not restricted to "metagamers".

    The person that jumps blindly into a game uninformed and then flounders about has no one to blame but themselves for their predicament

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    You making an assumption that a player will do this all by level 10 the first time around ... this is ignorant post about the player base at best. The game manual that many boxes have out there are quite useless as the game has changed so much. The majority of players are not on the forums, the majority of players will be only introduced to content as the game instructs them too. If you are willing to discuss this "off topic" further you are welcome to PM myself and the devs on how they arranged content. Advice: Sit in Atlas Park and Mercy Island and see what is actually going on and stop using the "veteran blinders"
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Veteran and Informed player = Moot.

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    If they have the intelligence to formulate a looking for team request then they are smart enough to ask what missions drop the best salvage.

    If you are going to claim they can simply hit the hotkey to make a LFT request, then that means they have demonstrated that they can RTFM and have no excuse for not reading the rest of the games instructions.

    The only "poor" players in this game are the ones that choose to be "poor".

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    Don't give everyone that credit. Don't confuse your Metagamer to a casual NEW CoX player new to MMOs. A new player gets a hint at crafting when they get a peice of salvage during missions but they are not introduced to the university until, level 10! Heck, I'm still explaining to my wife the details of crafting invention sets to maximize builds and she's been around since the 3 day head start! As a vet, I try to educate whomever I can and stay in the Help channels answering questions when I have time. Back on topic, the Op wants to address this issue in the fact that new players are like ooOOOh wings and multiple costumes! How'd you get that! And the ability to set a new person up with salvage bins having horrible capacity limits the gifting process. 30 peices of halloween salvage filling up a bin? come on that would only take up 2-3 peghooks at best!!! Also, there is no way to store costume recipies because crafting them makes you use them immediately so following the "craft enhancements and leave in bin" rule doesn't apply -this is the OPs issue that he wants fixed (and I agree with him).
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not to new Players of the game. I've seen several members that were "Wowed" by wings, Rocket Boots, etc... ask how to get them.

    It would be nice to be able to store some, for such players. Just starting out, they can't afford them. They can hardly afford to stay enhanced without help.

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    New players could easily afford any costume recipe they fancied by level 10 if they would do regular missions instead of powerleveling thru the AE.

    Sorry to go off topic like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have any facts to back this up? A player can barely afford slotting powers let alone spending 100k on costume parts in the early levels. Same amount of kills net about the same amount of XP/inf. let it be Missions, AE, street sweeping. You trade salvage drops for tickets which helps on slotting powers in the AE. No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. So AE toons actually have more influence on hand. Heck, when I rolled a VEAT doing missions, I didn't get my first salvage drop until like level 6. When I was level 10 I had about 6 peices, hardly enough to buy a costume part of choice.

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    What are you talking about - "No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. " Why wouldn't you use the market at any level you get salvage drops? That's why they have WW in Atlas & KR and BM in Mercy and Port Oakes (in fact, the PO market was added due to requests).

    My low level alts on my less-populated servers all stand on their own, and they all use the market. They pick missions that will get them good drops (i.e., missions with mobs over level 4, usually Arcane foes) and sell them all at the market. I have taken the Level 10 challenge* a couple of times and ended up with 150-200K Inf* at the least.

    If you don't want to use the tools available to you, that's your choice, but don't make over-generalizing statements like "no one without travel powers uses the market" because you are flat wrong.

    * Level 10 Challenge - Start a new character. Level the character to level 10 by whatever means floats your boat, keeping Enhancements at least white if not green,purchasing them as needed. Sell all drops at the Market for minimal prices (1-25 Inf). I haven't tried it specifically in MA, but I do have a low level AE character who has turned in tickets and sold the resulting salvage (random commons) at WW. She has over 600K Influence right now at level 10.

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    Just to go by Ad_Astra's challenge I started 2 new characters today 1 hero 1 villain.

    Dusk Defender - Level 9 Defender - 917,409 Influence
    Lanicae - Level 11 Stalker - 1,587,697 Infamy

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    Veteran and Informed player = Moot.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not to new Players of the game. I've seen several members that were "Wowed" by wings, Rocket Boots, etc... ask how to get them.

    It would be nice to be able to store some, for such players. Just starting out, they can't afford them. They can hardly afford to stay enhanced without help.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    New players could easily afford any costume recipe they fancied by level 10 if they would do regular missions instead of powerleveling thru the AE.

    Sorry to go off topic like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have any facts to back this up? A player can barely afford slotting powers let alone spending 100k on costume parts in the early levels. Same amount of kills net about the same amount of XP/inf. let it be Missions, AE, street sweeping. You trade salvage drops for tickets which helps on slotting powers in the AE. No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. So AE toons actually have more influence on hand. Heck, when I rolled a VEAT doing missions, I didn't get my first salvage drop until like level 6. When I was level 10 I had about 6 peices, hardly enough to buy a costume part of choice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What are you talking about - "No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. " Why wouldn't you use the market at any level you get salvage drops? That's why they have WW in Atlas & KR and BM in Mercy and Port Oakes (in fact, the PO market was added due to requests).

    My low level alts on my less-populated servers all stand on their own, and they all use the market. They pick missions that will get them good drops (i.e., missions with mobs over level 4, usually Arcane foes) and sell them all at the market. I have taken the Level 10 challenge* a couple of times and ended up with 150-200K Inf* at the least.

    If you don't want to use the tools available to you, that's your choice, but don't make over-generalizing statements like "no one without travel powers uses the market" because you are flat wrong.

    * Level 10 Challenge - Start a new character. Level the character to level 10 by whatever means floats your boat, keeping Enhancements at least white if not green,purchasing them as needed. Sell all drops at the Market for minimal prices (1-25 Inf). I haven't tried it specifically in MA, but I do have a low level AE character who has turned in tickets and sold the resulting salvage (random commons) at WW. She has over 600K Influence right now at level 10.

    Back on topic - Costume pieces are the only type of recipe storage I would really like to see, for the purposes of handing them out as CC prizes. Storage for other recipes, I'm pretty mch "meh" about.

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    You have completely lost the topic, your are an veteran player that knows the market. A brand new player to the game will not be doing as you described usless they have help from another player.. get it?? Apparently, you didn't get it the first time.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay its been a few days since I posted this and I have been pounding my recipes into enhancements and storing them in the enhancement table. A little time consuming but it is also a way to use up some salvage.

    I agree that there are more important things that need fixed but i think recipe storage would be nice also. I would have to say that my priorities have changed though and I would like to see a salvage search feature more than a recipe storage feature.

    I'm also confused about how much salvage we can store. I mean why is it that my character can hold 52 salvage but a salvage rack can only hold 30? and the vault can hold 50?

    I started playing about 4 years ago but left a little after inventions were introduced. I started again recently out of boredom and I am trying to pick up on everything I missed...which is quite a bit. I have received a lot of help from this forum so thanks for all the help.

    This post kind of turned into a rant

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    That's the confusing part .. the personal safe and what you can carry varies on the level of the player as well as crafting badges. The storage bins are pretty much trivial on what they can carry and make no sense! I can carry like 50 peices and the bin can hold 30? gee why can't my supergroup purhase this mystical bag of holding I seem to have? Seriously, the bins should hold 3000 items each. But no, the devs want us to play this "hot potato" game with salvage in the market.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Not to new Players of the game. I've seen several members that were "Wowed" by wings, Rocket Boots, etc... ask how to get them.

    It would be nice to be able to store some, for such players. Just starting out, they can't afford them. They can hardly afford to stay enhanced without help.

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    New players could easily afford any costume recipe they fancied by level 10 if they would do regular missions instead of powerleveling thru the AE.

    Sorry to go off topic like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have any facts to back this up? A player can barely afford slotting powers let alone spending 100k on costume parts in the early levels. Same amount of kills net about the same amount of XP/inf. let it be Missions, AE, street sweeping. You trade salvage drops for tickets which helps on slotting powers in the AE. No one really uses the market until they get a travel power, unless they are supported by a higher level. So AE toons actually have more influence on hand. Heck, when I rolled a VEAT doing missions, I didn't get my first salvage drop until like level 6. When I was level 10 I had about 6 peices, hardly enough to buy a costume part of choice.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Got it working

    What's up with Ice Mistral's pants? I did some color editing and got this:

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    You try not changing your pants for three years, and see if they don't come out a little stained.

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    Tell that to my Warshade, still wearing the purple Maliase pants and he refuses to change 'em.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The option to disable email or to have only those on our global friends list or SG should be implemented.


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    I totally Agree with this. All this email system has done is create an avenue for spammers. I don't think the Devs have banned the IPs of these spammers either.
  19. DojhromTRW

    TF Tank?

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    Nobody gets defense vs Toxic damage type per se. I'm not sure if Vazh toxic attacks have a positional component.

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    Well, the zombies/abominations have [Projectile Vomit] (ranged) and [Zombie Vomit] (AoE, 5 targets max, 5 ft. radius). The [Dart Gun] that reapers and mortificators use is oddly enough classified as ranged/lethal, even though it deals purely toxic damage.

    The best single powerset to take against Vahzilok is, in my experience, Force Fields. 40% toxic resistance (unenhanceable) from Deflection Shield and 25% ranged/AoE defense (enhanceable) from Insulation Shield/Dispersion Bubble combine for some pretty darn nice mitigation.

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    Also taking some skittles will help as needed, if you have a base -use empowerment stations, and if you are a veteran- the power drone gives 5% resists (not only is it good for soaking an alpha, some times the mobs target that instead of you making it a cannon fodder.)
  20. DojhromTRW

    Double Doorways

    I wouldn't mind paying for double, triple, quad, etc doors. I mean you can't place anthing in the space and these new doors could cost as much as the defensive rooms to always ensure the cost on the combined room is greater than a bigger room with equal traits. If it is related to raiding then it is our risk as a group to have "dead" zone with no objects and further LOS.
  21. DojhromTRW

    Tanker Offense?

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    Then I would suggest you try an energy/energy blaster. Iron Man tends to let his repulsors do most of his talking anyway.

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    You have figured my -main- out!!!!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    A couple more questions.

    Are the Nemesis Automatons that pose as real people powered by steam? Or do they use some other power source? Since they don't belch steam, and they fool so many people, I'm thinking that they don't use steam at all.

    Second question, how exactly does Rikti telepathy function?

    [/ QUOTE ]A really efficient steam machine wouldn't need to expel the steam, but would instead allow it to cool and condense internally and re-use the same water again.

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    Which would violate 2 of the 3 main laws of thermodynamics.

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    it's how Airconditioners work .... the excess heat could be just enough to give a "human body temperature" ... the key is the fuel that is being used...
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Why is there a section of Crey's Folly called Carnival Town that is entirely populated by Freakshow instead of Carnies?

    Y'know, just saying... the name's kinda deceptive.

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    You have to go back to Mad Max days.."Barter Town"
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    In 2010 there will be a national census in the United States, home of Paragon City. Will US citizens who have merged with Kheldians count as one "person" in this census, or two?

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    Interesting thought!! I have a "Supergroup" background in which those who were xenophobic found a new way of sustaining Kheldian life forms. This was achevived by advanced hologram and teleportation technology. Basically you make a "meat puppet" for your Kheldian, and they move into a new home.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    Where are the gas stations in Paragon?

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    Whoa I can't believe I have never thought about that

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    Got one better where is the schools and children?

    Everyone in the city Teens and adults did the Rikti use some Bio weapon to stop human reproduction?

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    My Beta Reserve character is "School Bus", he is Part Time Wrestler - Part Time School Bus Driver. His question was - "Since Baumton was leveled not one child has been seen since."

    Rikti want humans so I can't see why they want to stop reproduction as it is a direct opposite of their agenda.

    Gas stations ..refineries .... not one instalation of them . . .