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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    Since this seems to be a common response in this thread, I would like to ask the people who are taking that position this:

    If a player spends years working on earning 1200+ badges, is it acceptable that the hypothetical brand new player with more $$ than sense, be able to buy every badge in the game for real money through the market?
    My question would be, "why do you care?" I can probably count on both hands the total number of players who care how many badges another player has.

    The only argument against having things for sale on the market I'm hearing is that it makes some players self-worth plummet. If a players ego relies on being in competition with other players for the best or most stuff, then I feel sorry for those people, especially given that the vast majority of players couldn't care less what you have.

    Is it acceptable to buy XP for cash? How about levels? Level 0-50 instantly for PP? How about accolades like TF Commander or Portal Jockey? All these things provide tangible, in-game benefits to the player.

    If, to you, it is perfectly acceptable for a someone to pay cash to buy all the rarest enhancements that it may have taken another player months of effort to earn, then it follows that all of my above examples should be fine as well.
    Here we go again. The same logic also says that if you agree with ONE thing being on sale in the market you MUST agree that absolutely everything should be on sale in the market. That's what happens when you take things to ridiculous extremes.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Or, learning about and doing Radio/Safeguards is intended since it will eventually lead you back to the legacy arcs.
    I hope not. Granted, I've done the low level content so many times that I don't often want to run it, but I really dislike radio missions. That was one of the major annoyances I had redside.
  3. Right now, when you finish the Atlas Park missions you're told to go to KR and see a detective. The only other contacts that pop up, even using Find Contacts, are Twinshot and Wincott.

    I've found it pretty annoying myself since, if you don't want to do Twinshot, you have to run radios to get back onto a contact track.
  4. I suspect that if Premiums could pay rent they would also have to gain access to the choices that allow creating an SG. It does not make sense that Paragon doesn't sell the privilege to create SGs, and pay rent.

    It probably has far less to do with what the devs want to do than what the code governing how SGs work allows them to do without a great deal more work than they feel is worthwhile at this time.
  5. To me Exalted means 12 more alts without paying for more slots. I also created 12 more on Defiant, since I had nothing there up to now. That leaves me, I believe, about 3 English-speaking servers with no alts.

    ...and I've not seen any difference between the servers in the attitudes of the people who play on them.
  6. Given that I've not experienced the log-out bug since, I find having to log in every time I visit far less annoying.
  7. Doctor_Gemini

    Can I cry now?

    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    I'm guessing that he's referring to the fact that EBs have consistently higher mez protection than AVs which have extra high mez protection, but periods of time where they have low mez protection.
    Nope, although I do dislike anything with complete mez immunity. It's because I find EBs to be boring bags of HP, given that I mostly solo. I see a Boss and I'll go in and fight, use whatever tactics are open to me, and use inspirations as I need them, making the fight, for me at least, a challenge. I see an EB and I immediately take 3 purples or oranges (unless I'm on a high level tank) because far too often if I don't do this I'm two or three shotted before my old reflexes can get to a green and there are no tactics in the game to avoid it. Then the fight becomes a no-challenge button masher.

    That's the problem, they have too much damage output which means either die or activate god-mode, there's no middle ground. There are a couple of EBs which are pretty well balanced, but they are few.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
    * in mission 1 you could have Wexler's defeat dialog be "I'm outta here! Escape spell, ACTIVATE!" but then in mission 5 his last line would be "Escape spell, ACTI-- *fizzle* dammit!! *gack*"
    Thanks again for the suggestions. I do appreciate them whether I end up making use of them or not.

    Wexler's teleport is the easiest to handle, it's a one-use item, I'll just have to find a place to explain that. Making the magic less confusing without lengthy explanations (that I don't have text space for even if I wanted to include a lot of extraneous information) will be the main challenge.
  9. Doctor_Gemini

    Can I cry now?

    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    I'm of the mind that if you continue to use something, you're conveying that you're okay with it as it is.
    If I followed that sentiment I would have to stop playing this game altogether. I'm not ok with many aspects of the game. Back in 2005, I disliked enough of the game that is was not fun, so I did stop using it. When I came back 2 years later, the things I hated had been changed, and not because I quit or there had been a mass exodus.

    There are still many things I dislike. I don't like the immersion breaking way the auction house is implemented, for example, but I sure as hell am not going to stop selling my drops there or buying IOs.

    I can't stand the mechanics of EBs, but I'm not about to avoid arcs that have them in them at some point as that would reduce the amount of content I could play drastically.

    There are many more examples, but, it all comes down to the same thing. Overall, the game is fun, and things I have disliked have been changed despite the fact that I and most of the population were using them prior to being changed. AE, for all that I quickly lose enthusiasm every time I try to write another arc, provides additional content to get me past those levels where I have played the missions dozens of times, or all I have are missions I hate to run. I'm not about to abandon it and reduce the fun of the game because it has problems.

    The history of this game has shown very clearly that abandoning some aspect of it does NOT get dev attention. It gets that aspect written off. PvP is probably the best example of that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Consider someone who keeps grabbing and abandoning radio missions to stick to getting council. At that point, it looks to me like farming. Sure, it's not very efficient farming compared to some stuff, but it's a lot more efficient than street-sweeping.
    Or it is conceptually based. For me, I'm playing my character's adventures. Although I love fighting Circle of Thorns, I don't like them on some of my tech or science based characters for whom magic doesn't fit in their storyline. If I actually ever ran tip missions anymore, I'd only run ones that had enemies that fit my concept, and for a couple of those concepts Council would be the major enemy.
  11. Thanks for the play and the detailed feedback. Some of the issues you had were intentional, and some were due to having no text space left in clues and dialogue boxes. Further, it was originally conceived as the first arc in a 5 arc storyline (one for every 10 levels). Although the whole set is plotted, and the second arc has been begun and gutted and rewritten twice now, every time I start working on it things going on with AE kill my enthusiasm.

    Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
    Seems strange that Azuria couldn't detect the portal when it was being used to steal her vault, but she can detect a hypothetical item that created a portal after the fact -- yet she cannot find the vault itself. Could use some explanation and/or more handwaving.
    The vault being stolen happened without warning. Seers don't always know the future after all. Once stolen, they M.A.G.I. seers were actively looking for the vault and an explanation as to how it was taken. I know why they found the item but not the vault, but, no text space. 30 years of running an FRPG have left me with some strong views of how divination magic works, but it tends to make me forget that what is obvious to me and people who have played in my campaign is not obvious to others. Great point, though, so I'll try to figure out how to make that clearer without the long-winded explanation of how I see seers working.

    "Timothy Wexler" seems like a rather mundane name for a wizard... If he stole the whole MAGI vault shouldn't he have weird artifacts that he uses against the player?
    The name is intentionally mundane. Azuria explains, I think in the mission return text (if not, then in the mission dialogue for mission 2), why he doesn't have many artifacts. It's not a detailed explanation, but then it would make little sense for her to explain in detail.

    The clue "A Traitor in MAGI?" says that you overheard Wexler say he worked for MAGI, but actually his dialog mentions nothing of the sort. Would be stronger if he said something along those lines so that you actually do overhear him mention he worked for MAGI. His dialog as he gets wounded is surprisingly wimpy; perhaps this is intentional.
    Intentionally wimpy. He is supposed to give the idea that he has not seen any real combat, leaving open the question as to how he killed the Hellion boss that the patrols and Burning Mad mention.

    I considered the clue as giving you more conversation you heard from Wexler than just his dialogue balloons, however, unless I'm going to add more than just that to it, you're right, I should change his unaware dialogue.

    You may want to make it a little clearer in Wexler's dialog and/or clue that he is teleported away before being captured; this is mentioned in the system text but it's very easy to miss there.
    I agree, but again hit the text limit. I'll see if I have used the end mission clue and include it there if need be.

    The scepter is described as creating portals; how does this allow the seers to locate the vault? You could perhaps mention that the scepter has scrying abilities, but then why couldn't you also use the scepter to scry on Timothy?
    Has to do with concepts of magic that would be too long, and irrelevant to the overall story, to put into the dialogue. The scepter does not scry, but since its power was used on the vault there is a connection that seers might be able to read, which they did. They could not find Timothy because it was never used on him. Sounds like I need to put in a "don't ask how, the explanation would take too long" type of handwaving into her dialogue.

    Furthermore, why didn't Timothy use the scepter to escape, instead of crushing the gem in his ring? Surely opening a portal with the scepter (which was already in his hand!) would be much easier.
    Only if he could instantly use the scepter. I probably can figure out a way for Azuria to explain that.

    If a seer located the vault and retrieved it, wouldn't the location the vault was stashed reveal something about Timothy? Like, was it under his bed? In his secret underground lair? Or what?
    The idea of how that all worked in my head did not give them the actual location, just where to focus the rod to retrieve it. This gives me an idea so maybe I will change mission 4.

    Azuria charges me to "Find Timothy and bring him", but since he just teleported away the last time we tried to arrest him, what's to stop him from doing that again? Maybe Azuria should give you something to prevent that.
    If she explains how the gem worked then that problem solves itself.

    Furthermore, the briefing says "I sense a danger I do not recognize within", then the very next line is "There is a powerful mystic aura...we think it is from one of the artifacts".
    To me it was clear the danger she senses was the physical danger (i.e. the coralax, which I chose to assume she had not run into before even though there are a few in the Hollows), not the artifact. I'll try to make that clearer.

    Send-off message: how can she sense Timothy faces grave danger when she couldn't sense Timothy was about to rob her blind?
    If she could predict every future event then she wouldn't be giving new heroes missions, she's be advising the President

    [NPC] Blood Brother Brawler: Argghhhhh! Earn, my ear is in his mouth!

    I think maybe "Earn" is a name here, but it's an unusual sounding word for a name, so I'm not sure.
    Earn is a name, you should have seen them talking in the first 3 (maybe even 4) missions.

    I found the summoning stone and it repeatedly says nonsense like:

    [NPC] Summoning Stone: squeesffssfssffsqueesfsfsfff

    ...not sure what this is supposed to mean. Just a noise?

    Destroying the stone ends the mission. I think the stone was one of the artifacts held by MAGI; shouldn't I have tried to recover it, not destroy it?
    I know why it needs to be destroyed, but the character has no way to know it, ergo, he wouldn't destroy it. That one was an unintentional plot hole.

    The clue "Could Azuria Be Wrong?" describes what Tim writes in his diary; it would be a stronger clue if you wrote them in the form of diary entries, so the player feels like she is reading from his diary.
    I agree, but I doubt I could get across what I need to about the diary in the text space allowed doing it that way. I will look into it though.

    Quote: seems weird that the diary is found in a random cave, rather than in a "normal" place for a diary to be found, like someone's bedroom or office.
    It is weird, and in fact, I believe Azuria even comments on how did he just happen to drop it there.

    If the robe wearers were sacrificed (as Azuria suggests), shouldn't there be some physical evidence, like bloodstains or corpses?
    No, but I already know how I will fix the plothole you pointed out and that will give me the opportunity to more fully explore what was done with those circle mages.

    Azuria makes a pretty huge intuitive leap to "Timothy is mind controlled but somehow is telling us via clues"; I'm afraid I don't follow why she would think this. Why would mind-controlled Timothy suddenly write diary entries when it's established he has not written in his diary for 5 years? The CoT have no reason to make him write in his diary.
    Which is exactly what you're supposed to think. Azuria is grasping at straws because she refuses to believe Timothy is not being used. I try not to write things that tell the character what they are thinking but I do point out either in the mission entrance pop-up or mission start clue that her explanation sounds dubious.

    Quote: it is presently written, it feels like Azuria is just telling me what she thinks is happening, without an obvious basis for why.
    Which is exactly what it is. If only we had branching dialogue so the character could do more than go along with her. That's why I included clues that, without telling the player what the character is thinking, make it clear that Azuria's "logic" may not be anything of the kind. You're not just stupidly agreeing with her, but you also have nothing better to go on to solve this.

    I pass by a Hellion who says:

    [NPC] Blood Brother Slammer: Indeed. Although I shall be most grateful when our leader stops dealing with those dreadful mages!

    This guy just doesn't sound like the other Hellions, being too well-spoken; not sure if this was intentional.
    Intentional. I always hear him with an English accent to boot. Just a tiny bit of comic relief.

    So suddenly Azuria wants me to go investigate some reports of Hydra, who might have killed a mystic named Alicia. This has no apparent connection with anything else in the story. What about Timothy Wexler? Azuria suddenly giving me this mission instead just doesn't make any sense.
    Azuria (or the clues at the end of the last mission) tell you WHEN Kanis will be at that location, so you can't just go out and get him right now. Azuria states that she feels you need more seasoning before facing a Circle mage.

    In the mission objectives, "4 Remains remain to find" sounds very awkward due to the repetition...
    Intentional. Although I am thinking it should say "4 Remains remain to be found".

    The Skulls in this mission have some exposition explaining that they were tricked into coming here and fighting the Hydra. (To what end? Not sure.)
    They thought they were tricked.

    It turns out this mission does have a connection to Timothy Wexler... but considering Azuria basically sent me on this (apparently) unrelated mission, this seems to be too much of a coincidence to be believable.
    The end mission popup suggests that maybe it wasn't a coincidence. She is a seer after all.

    It seems strangely convenient that she still hasn't decoded the last entry in the diary. Also, this contradicts the clue "Could Azuria be Wrong?" which explicitly says that I can read the last entry (3 days ago).
    Its not in code. You can read the diary, however, Azuria states that the diary has another message magically imprinted on it. Not those exact words, so I'll check and see if the exact wording does not make that clear and fix it if necessary.

    Timothy's dialog reveals that he did it all due to a huge crush on Azuria. This really comes out of left field; in my opinion
    and in Azuria's. The proper reaction to that revelation is supposed to be along the lines of "Wait....what?"

    Also, if he really has a crush on Azuria, why would he start the arc by robbing the MAGI vault, which would make Azuria look [more] incompetent?
    While she might get the blame, it's actually Gregor Richardson who guards the vault.

    but I think your story would be stronger if you determine Timothy's motivations (in this case, the crush on Azuria), then have his actions follow from that (try to do stuff to impress Azuria), rather than simply saying that he was crazy.
    His actions were designed to impress Azuria. That was why he took summoning devices from the vault, so he could save the day and look like a hero. That was explained in his final clue. What is not explained, intentionally, is his initial attempt to sell the vault.

    This seems a strange way to end the story, and it's left open-ended...
    Which is intentional.

    Additionally I felt the briefing for mission 4 made it sound like an irrelevant tangent, which only tied into the story out of pure coincidence; I would really recommend reworking it so that mission 4 more seamlessly follows from mission 3.
    Mission 4's real purpose was always to get a character who starts the arc at level 1 or 2 up to, or very close to, level 5 for the final mission. It has always been a weak link in the story. However, one of your comments on an earlier mission gave me a good idea to rework this and tie what I leave from it in better with the overall story.

    I also think you could benefit by writing a more definite end to the story, where the mystery is solved and the story gets some closure; right now it feels like we're left hanging.
    That's not going to change. It intentionally leaves questions which later stories will answer. While I realize that this type of writing style does not work as well on AE arcs as in my usual form of story writing, it is how I do things. If that means lower ratings, then so be it

    I very much appreciate the detailed feedback. You gave me quite a few things to tweak and to take a second look at.
  12. I prefer the gold color. Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea why some people had the gold titles and others did not.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    I wonder how many here are old enough to have played Tunnels and Trolls...

    Great comic GG. I can't believe how much work you must have put into it.
  14. Doctor_Gemini

    Can I cry now?

    Originally Posted by Zaphir View Post
    Oooh, oldschool storyarc discussion. Rant time!

    Yesterday (actually 2 days ago) I had the in-retrospect-insane idea to try out a random 'classic' story arc through Ouro that I haven't played yet.

    I chose the first one that came up, which was Harvey Maylor's Carnie arc. Started off with a few standard missions (though with a lot of zone hopping; almost no two subsequent missions were in the same area - this was actually a pattern for the entire arc). Not much in the way of clues or anything, just a kill-all and a rescue.

    Then suddenly - bam, 'defeat 65 carnies'. Now, carnies spawn in only one zone heroside (Peregrine Island), only in some relatively small sub-zones, and they almost always spawn in small groups (~1-3). I was playing through Ouro, so I couldn't take a random mission to kill some carnies. Okay, I did this in two installments (had to clear out a lot of other enemies from the possible carnie spawn points as well), but at this point most of the time I had spent on the arc was just downtime and annoying street sweeping.

    Malta mission, blah blah, no biggie, then two kill-all missions (one of them on a large outdoor map) and some back-and-forth with Sister Psyche. Finally we're getting to the "meat" of the arc, missions on the psychic plane. I expected this to at least take part in one zone, but apparently the doors to the psychic plane in Vanessa's head were all scattered inexplicably across the city, as almost all missions had entry points in different zones, including hazard zones like boomtown. I also had to do some occasional backtracking to Sister Psyche in IP. Some of these 6 missions were glowie/captive hunts, but two of them were kill-alls. Kill-alls on huge outdoor maps! Sad face. Oh yeah, one of them had an AV too (so you were supposed to do this with a group... I soloed it because rad/sonic defenders are overpowered etc; also, it was downgraded to an EB because I can't be bothered playing anything above 0x1 on a defender).

    Standard kill-all mission in warehouse coming up, then it's time to do street sweeping again -- 50 carnies! See above, though this time I got lucky and did this in under an hour. After that, it's time for the final showdown: another standard warehouse mission with an AV in the end. Woo, 49 merits for ~4-5 hours of half-play half-work!


    So yeah. I'm fairly sure all of the MA mission arcs I played so far (even the mediocre ones) are better than this, even just purely on the basis of 'levelling effectiveness' and 'lack of arc-induced frustration'... as long as they don't have badly-designed custom groups that give zero xp/inf.

    -- Z.
    I feel that way about all the 40-50 content I've done so far. My two characters that have hit 50 hit 40 over 2 years ago, and the last 10 levels just felt like wading through the biggest load of dreck I'd ever seen in the game, so I could rarely get enthused to play them. (of course, I haven't done anywhere near all the 40-50 story arcs, but I find it odd that two different characters both did different arcs and they all sucked).

    I've got a third character up to 40, I'm strongly thinking I'm going to mostly run AE arcs for her.
  15. Doctor_Gemini

    Help Please

    How busy the server is seems to have no affect on me. I get mapserved every time I try to zone on Guardian, but Exalted seems to work just fine. I just found Champion is also impossible for me to zone on without getting mapserved.
  16. I'm able to log into the game, but I get mapserved every time I try to zone. I did make it into my SG base once, then mapserved trying to get out.
  17. If you have characters low enough level who have already done missions from Burke and the rest, you can still get those missions.
  18. Doctor_Gemini

    Can I cry now?

    If the devs truly want to stop PLing and farming in the AE they do not have to change anything. They just have to implement a little brother to MARTy with a stricter throttling threshold than what they use in the normal game.

    It's pretty clear that someone who has more authority than Posi is perfectly happy with the use AE is being put to. The only real question is are they going to make even a simple change to make it possible to play story arcs as well while they still have a couple of authors left?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    So, if GR was the gating system, and you had to have it installed...

    That means, if you didn't have GR, you couldn't get Incarnates.
    Meaning you HAD to have GR to get Incarnates.

    Meaning, ergo, that people who bought GR were effectively buying entry to the Incarnate system. Because there was NO other way to get it.
    The same logic makes buying any CoX box justification to have absolutely nothing taken away by becoming a Premium. After all, I could not play a controller without one of the CoX boxes, therefore, I "bought" controllers. I could not use IOs without buying one of the CoX boxes, therefore I "bought" IOs. And so on.

    GR was NOT the Incarnate System expansion, it was the new low-level zones with some new powersets expansion. Nowhere on the box does it mention incarnates. The reason someone may have bought it is irrelevant if they have chosen to stop paying a subscription, because incarnate content required GR AND a subscription and the purchaser knew that at the time.

    Whether I bought CoH, CoV, or GR, I bought an overall package containing a game system ON THE UNDERSTANDING that I had to pay a subscription fee to play ANY of the game. That means if I choose to stop paying a fee, I have no "rights" to access anything I payed for previously even if the game goes F2P.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
    If you wish farming in all its' various flavors to be removed from the AE ... remove the rewards. All of them. No tickets. No experience. No influence. No prestige. Nothing.
    MARTy proves they would not have to do this at all, just make MARTy's AE brother with a much lower throttle. Most likely it would have almost no effect on running most story arcs.

    It's not going to happen, though, for the same reason the devs have long since stopped talking about farming in AE. Someone above the dev team is perfectly happy with it.

    Personally, I don't care about farming on AE, just give me a Story Arc tag so I can find non-farms. My only beef with farm writers is not them clogging up AE with farms, but them clogging up AE with 50 million versions of the exact same farm.
  21. Funny, I'm just the opposite, but then I'm more entrenched in the Golden Age where two-word or hyphenated names were just as common. Probably why I rarely have trouble getting names on any server.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    This seems like the most obvious answer.

    It's a collector's edition. Releasing the things that make it unique would result in it no longer being a collector's item, resulting in all those that bought it as such being very very upset. Doesn't matter if it is 'actually' collectible, all that matters is that it was advertised as such.

    The rarity seen at Amazon would vanish overnight. Even though Paragon gets no money from those transactions, they can't take any actions to undermine the sellers as they bought the CE in good faith that it would increase in value as a result. It might not, that's a risk the buyer takes, but the company that sells the item can't take action to undermine it's value after the sale. Even when it hurts the bottomline.
    The CE was not put out with any promise or inference of an increase in value. In fact, only those who did not use the game codes can even see an increase in value.

    I agree with Zombie Man, whoever is blocking this (and I doubt it's Positron, the way he looked when he said why it would not be on the market made it seem like he did not agree with the idea) needs to have things explained to him.

    It's time to gather the torches and pitchforks and march on Castle Paragon! Send out the blasphemer! Rabblerabblerabble...
  23. Well, I hadn't planned to play a third arc today but I had a lowbie needing an adventure so....

    Arc Played: Cracking Skulls #115935 by @Flame Kitten
    Character: Dr. Ravenwing - L8 Dark/Dark Defender

    Specific Feedback
    Mission 1:
    The people looking to buy drugs were are listed under the group "Mystics". Just seemed kind of odd.
    Good use of customs for the drug-enhanced citizens.

    Mission 2:
    Loved the look of the necrodyne enhanced customs. Especially well done was how much deader the Lt.'s looked compared to the minions.
    "Agent" Skully! LMAO. Good dialogue for him too.

    Mission 3:
    Loved the PPD spawn after defeating the boss. Gives the "feel" that the PPD are actually coming in to clean up as Frietag promised.

    Overall: Great arc with a well-done story. Only issues I had were two extremely minor nitpicks, one I listed above, and the other was that in several places in mission dialogues the highlighted text was the same color as the titles. That just bugs me, but not enough to detract from the arc at all. Another one for my alternate arc list.

    Unfortunately I have played this arc before, just so long ago I forgot about it, so I did not do Coulomb much good.
  24. Arc Played: PENGUIN #29205 by @Tubbius
    Character: Magikman - L36 WP/EM Tank

    Specific Feedback
    Mission 1:
    The nav bar quest "Be escorted to Dr. Simon's Desk (optional)" I found to be rather confusing. I didn't really have any choice about being accompanied unless I decided to outrun his assistant. Also, I didn't get why he was being detained by the guards.

    Mission 3:
    I'm fighting some snow beasts and hear these punching sounds nearby, turn in that direction, and see the back of a giant penguin who appears to be laying the smack down on a couple of snow critters. That gave me a great laugh. Awesome use of animations.

    The second reporter spawned in directly behind me after I rescued the first, which was a little jarring. Although, as someone who really hates backtracking through a map, I liked it happening right there. Maybe you could add some dialogue to her such as "Where are you taking me?" that could give the impression that they were bringing her to her husband just as you rescued him.

    Overall: This was a good story that makes me want to play the next installment to see what happens. (If it were not for it being the first weekend I'm playing since I21 launch, I'd be doing that next). None of the things mentioned above took away from the story. This is definitely going on my list of alternate arcs to the dev content.
  25. Arc Played: Whack a Mole! Incarnate Edition! Lambda Sector #508837 by @Bubbawheat
    Character: Dr. Gemini - L50 Inv/SS Tank

    Overall: Very enjoyable romp. Loved the Incarnate Trial humor that I understood (not having the opportunity to play the trials, a couple of things went over my head). I did learn on first entering (and having forgotten to adjust my settings first) not to run it at /x4 (multiple psionics vs. inv always turns out badly, but it did let me see the "mission failed" dialogues). Loved the video game feel of the nav bar as well.