771 -
Quote:Disagreement is not trolling. I think I've made it pretty clear a couple of times that it's not my intent to stir up hostility; we're just having a discussion. And given how much disagreement there's been here, I'm actually pretty impressed with how civil we've all been able to keep things, a couple of very specific comments aside. For the most part we haven't even degenerated into "arguing" yet, never mind "trolling."As I read this thread, two things come to mind. First, wow, you guys fed the troll- how much more can he take? how long can it go on?
According to the Forum Rules and Guidelines, however, accusing someone of trolling is itself a form of trolling. Just, you know, for reference. -
Quote:You referred to them as being "in good company" with Water Blast due to a common lack of genre support.If you want to make "lack of support in the literature" a point of contention, I'm not sure how a hypothetical proposing two other rationales also lacking support in the literature bolsters your argument.
I suggested that if the rest of Water Blast's supposed "company" were called something different, nobody would bat an eye or go on about how largely-absent-from-comics power themes like Empathy or Kinetics were "missing" from the game. But for whatever reason, when this largely-absent-from-comics power theme was "missing" from the game it was apparently a big deal, big enough for people to act indignant about it and complain about how long it took to get it instead of just appreciating that it happened at all. I'm positing that while they are largely the same (as you say), they're being treated differently for little reason.
We shouldn't be treating it like it's Invulnerability or Super Strength or Martial Arts or Force Field or some other genre staple, that they've just refused to give to us. It's a cool little extra. You love the dressing? Great, I do too. But the salad was also just fine without it.
There's another one for the list, by the way, everyone: Salad Dressing Blast. Different colors for different powers and one could be Italian, one could the thousand island, one could be bleu cheese....
Quote:Questions of WHY people wanted it and whether or not they were right to do so become meaningless and uninteresting faced with the reality of the set.
Water Blast adds something to the game. The up-until-today lack of Water Blast didn't leave a big, glaring, Water Blast-shaped hole in our power choices any more than the lack of Carp Melee does. -
Regarding the Wonder Twins... yeah, he typically actually turned into water, often ice. And if he was liquid, it usually included a bucket or something somehow. As to this updated version, I'm pretty sure a single example of a character largely regarded as a joke using a "water blast" one time falls back under my Thor/frog transformation argument -- "it happened once, I demand a powerset!"
Quote:Going back to this for a second...As for it not being well represented in the literature, it's in good company with empathy, energy aura, kinetics, and many other not terribly obvious sets.
Let's assume, hypothetically, that when the game launched, Empathy and Kinetics were presented differently. Mechanically the same as what we got in reality, but what we think of as "Empathy" had fire-based graphics and was called "Thermal Radiation" (what we now know by that name didn't exist at the time), and what we call "Kinetics" was presented as "Luck Manipulation." Different graphics, different description, identical in-game effects.
Would players have spent the last eight years clamoring for "Empathy" and "Kinetics" sets? -
As far as I can tell, anyway. Man, I'll look like an idiot if I'm wrong here. But anyway, evidence:
(apologies for the size of the screenshot; I left it big for legibility)
I was just able to put the enhancement on the market, where there's already a listed category for it, and it's listing a minimum level to slot it as 10, even though I picked this one up yesterday at level 24.
Looks like the fix was slipped into this morning's patch that we all thought was just for Water Blast. -
Actually, it looks like the wait is over!
Taken just moments ago:
Big ol' screenshot!
Not only did it let me put my Overwhelming Force enhancement on the market, it also had a listing for them (under Enhancements > Attuned > Universal Damage), and the specific one in the shot here is one this character picked up yesterday... when he was level 24. Note the minimum level in the info box.
Apparently they slipped in the bug fix into this morning's Water Blast patch! -
I was legitimately surprised not to see the fish monster pieces for sale this morning. It's such a no-brainer.
I mean, I have them already, and I didn't even use them for either of my Water Blast characters (I went with a wetsuit, and a big anthropomorphic soda dispenser), but still. It seems like a missed opportunity.
In lieu of actual fish-pieces, new or old, I've found the Bioluminescence set works well for a fish-man who's less fish, more man. -
Quote:Perhaps.I understand where you're coming from...
Perhaps the better question is: Why are there so few comicbook characters with Water Powers?
I assume it's because controlling existing water leaves you with "the Aquaman problem," where you have to either set the entire book in or around water all the time, constantly find excuses to set stories in or around the water, or just have the character be largely useless the vast majority of the time.
Whereas having the character create water out of thin air removes those limitations, but leads to the question of "where is it all coming from," and for some reason we're more accepting of that with energy and pseudo-energy (cold/darkness) than with matter. Oh, you can create water from nothing? Why just water?
So that leaves us with a lot of characters -- well, okay, not "a lot," but a few -- who "blast" water because they're made of it and it's a cool way to have them attack their enemies (they're really just "punching" with water), but not much else. And their main schtick tends to be how hard they are to harm/contain, being composed of liquid; the "water blast" is just tacked on. -
Quote:And my point remains that I don't understand why so many people have spent so long insisting so vehemently that their gaming experience somehow wasn't complete without this very specific, conceptually-narrow, and fairly-uncommon-in-the-genre (even Mousedroid's list includes Iceman as a "water control" character on page 1. Technically true, but still kinda reaching) powerset.Its long overdue because as you seem to be aware of, "so many people have spent so long insisting so vehemently that their gaming experience somehow wasn't complete without a water-blasting set" and its a concept that has not had an analog within the game until now.
Italicized words are italicized for emphasis, by the way. And I only put one in this whole post. My question is not why we got the set. I understand there was a great deal of demand for it. My question is why it was in such high demand. -
Quote:The same way pretty much all the "blast" powersets and most of the melee ones work: 5-7 of them can be the same basic idea, but with different numbers and activation animations. Nearly everything in Water Blast boils down to basically the same thing (hit them with water!), but it's a complete powerset, because they all behave slightly differently. The difference between Aqua Bolt and Hydro Blast is just numbers and what the character does with his arms -- the difference between Sleepy Song and Lullabye can be too.How do you expect the developers to make 9 "sing them to sleep" attack powers?
(And yes, still being facetious. People seem to think I'm looking for a fight here, but I'm really not. I'm just making observations. No hostility or anything.) -
Quote:Right.And since we're playing a game, not organizing a Superhero exhibit for the Smithsonian, that's all the recommendation it needs.
But again, my issue is not with the set. It's with the attitude and implication that this conceptually-narrow and specific set, one not terribly well-represented in the source material the game emulates, is somehow "long overdue." -
Quote:Again, "traditional superhero fiction." Of which I see one example on your list, and Aquaman had actual water-based powers for like a week. Historically, his powers have involved being in water, not actually "blasting" it. I think Electro-Superman lasted longer than hydro-handed Aquaman. That's like insisting that a "frog transformation" powerset (which I would totally buy, devs) be added to the game because it happened to Thor once.Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra, Kitara, Master Pakuu, Aquaman, Squirtle, and several Naruto Characters all have water based powers, properties, but among these the ones from Avatar are very popular, because of water bending...
If individual Pokemon count as inspirations for entire powersets, where's my "sing everyone in the area to sleep" powerset? Set, mind you. I want nine powers. Because Jigglypuff.
But like I said, I'm not really complaining. I bought it already, because it's a fun set. I just don't... get why so many people have spent so long insisting so vehemently that their gaming experience somehow wasn't complete without a water-blasting set. I'm happy with it, I already made two characters that use it, I just don't see this as the "about friggin' time you finally gave us this set" situation so many others apparently do, because I don't see it as a previously-missing genre staple. -
The store on the corner sells 2-liter bottles of Pepsi for $1.50, but if you get four of them at once, it's $5.00. How much does a 2-liter of Pepsi cost?
See, "per $15" is shorthand, because otherwise the math gets complicated. The fact is, how much money it costs to get a reward token doesn't have one single answer. But if you put up $15, either in the form of purchasing points or paying for a month of VIP time, you'll get at least one token. Maybe more, depending on the math, and your previous purchases.
VIP time also gets cheaper if you buy more at once, but for clarity and simplicity, it's $15 a month.
So basically, $15 gets you a token. Anything else is either a bonus or a bulk discount. -
Given the recent penchant for re-releasing old limited-time items onto the market when they bear even a passing, barely-comprehensible, tangential relationship to a new release or holiday (oh, I get it: Memorial Day, memory, brain, brain-in-a-jar head option!), I'd just like to say I am shocked -- SHOCKED! -- not to see the Fish Monster pieces from the Halloween costume bundle up for sale this week.
Also: Yay, Water Blast. But with a period instead of an exclamation point, because it's yay, but it's not that yay. It's fun and all, but I never understood why there was so much demand for it in the first place. All the water-blasting characters in traditional superhero fiction, I guess? Like, um... well, Hydro-Man, I guess, even if his thing is more being made of water than shooting/throwing/spraying it (and also, who remembers or ever cared about Hydro-Man?)... and also, um... actually, I can't really think of anyone else. But hey, it's a decent set anyway, so whatever. -
There's a school of thought, going waaay back to before there was a "market," when renames were first offered (and they were the same price then that they are now), that the pricing of renames isn't so much about price-gouging or about the system's inability to process too many name changes -- it's actually priced that high as a deterrent. Not because they don't want you buying renames, of course, it's just that they only want you buying one if you're really, truly serious about wanting to rename your character.
If renames were 80 points, sure that'd be nice, but it would also mean people would be changing their characters' names constantly, often on a whim. Maybe some people would use them to confuse friends or harass people (change name to name of someone else, but with L/I trick, irritate some people, log off, change name back). Maybe some would use them to change a character's name for an afternoon or a weekend, fully intending on changing it back, only to find when they tried to that their original name had been snapped up by someone else. Sure, it's their own fault in that case, but do you think that would stop some of them from rage-quitting because they couldn't have "their" name anymore?
So yeah, I'd suggest using a pair of free server transfers to rename your character instead. -
Also also, that's what "pet peeves" are... they're not about whether something is "right" or "wrong" necessarily, they're about what's annoying to you personally.
You port directly into the event, same as if you were outside.
And when you're done with the event, it drops you right back outside the mission door (though you do lose any progress you already had on that mission, just as if you'd logged out mid-mission and come back). -
Quote:Not that I speak for NekoNeko, but I'm guessing it's because that's disgusting, juvenile, off-putting and unpleasant, and it's not something certain (most?) players, Neko included, want to see when they log onto the game. Plus it's an indicator of the kinds of things they're likely to be saying in chat, which are likely to be equally (or more!) disgusting, juvenile, off-putting and unpleasant.why on earth do you care? if someone wants to make a Water/Ice or Water/Cold and call it Yellow Snow why exactly is that a problem for anyone at all?
That's partially what the star/note system is for, after all: to allow us to identify the players we don't want to deal with -- for whatever reason, be it rudeness, abuse, ignorance, whatever -- and not play with people whose behaviors reduce our enjoyment of the game. -
Quote:When I drop to premium, my Time Manipulation characters are just plain ol' locked until I either re-up my VIP subscription or buy the set.I think it will be either free to all or store purchase only (and if I were a betting man I'd bet on free but maybe I'm optimistic). Having it be free to VIPs only opens up too many questions of how to handle characters with it if a player drops to Premium. Is the character locked until they purchase it? Do they just get a forced respec when they log into them? Do they keep the powers as long as they don't respec? Do the powers remain in the build but are greyed out unless they respec (as with Incarnate Powers)?
I guess it's possible they could decide purchased pools should work differently (and locking the entire character based on their pools does seem a little harsh), but I don't see any reason to assume it would unless we see something to suggest it. -
Quote:I could get behind this idea.For a while, a lot of players were pushing to get "Average Wait Time" changed to "Number in Queue", or even getting both listed.
Personally, I would find "Number in Queue: 2" far more useful than "Average Wait Time: 5 minutes (Based on 2 solo players who have been queued for the last 8 hours and 1600 players that preformed and started a second after they entered the queue)". -
The only way to start it is to queue. But if you put together a team of four people (pre-form) and then queue, the event will start, because you'll have a team of the appropriate size ready to go.
I saw this earlier today:
People who insist on being in-character in Help chat. Help! That's not an RP forum, folks. That's where you need to be straightforward and clear. -
Up until about two years ago, I was in the US Navy. I spent some time deployed to the Persian Gulf about four years ago, and would often pull into port in Dubai, one of the Emirates in the United Arab Emirates.
While I can't promise anything -- each Emirate is different and things may have changed since I was there -- I can tell you that when I was able to access a good enough public wi-fi connection, I could access the game servers. So it wasn't specifically blocked by the government or anything.
The government there does block large chunks of the internet, but it's not as draconian as it could be; they tend to filter out specific content like sexually explicit material (including celebrity gossip blogs). There are some governments, especially in the Middle East, that prevent their people from accessing anything that could subject them to outside influences, including online games, but the UAE (or Dubai at least) isn't one of them. It's a lot less oppressive a place than you might assume, possibly due to the fact that it's trying so hard to be a vacation destination for European tourists. -
A failure?
I don't know if I'd call something that's unnecessary, redundant and inefficient, which sees more use in theory than it does in practice, a forum whose threads only ever gather even a handful of comments when they're posts specifically regarding the forum itself and not the forum's actual purpose, a "failure."
"Misadventure" is so much more evocative, after all.