771 -
Quote:Not to sound too combative here, but... if you're not able to do something right, maybe you shouldn't do it at all? If you want generic coupon codes, either find a way to get them done, or don't act like you've got them already. Nobody would fault you for not giving this stuff away for free. It's the pancaked-up attempt at giving them away badly that generates the hostility.We WANT generic coupon codes. We WANT to be able to generate a Social Media app at the drop of a hat. Sometimes these things just take time to accomplish.
Quote:To say it a little more succinctly than I did before...
What I don't get (nor like) is the insistence of using costume and customization options as exclusive grabs and carrots.
In-game? Okay, I still prefer a front-loaded character creators, but simply not making options readily available (a straight-up purchase) just seems to create more negativity than it does good.
You'd rather lock something away as an exclusive giveaway than get money for them directly. I just don't get why you're willing to do that to this game. The character creator should continue to be celebrated, not turned into the source of elitism, exclusivity and the negative atmosphere these things will create.
I think the lauded great community around this game partly comes from the friendly nature of this game. The more things become haves and have nots... the worse I'd imagine things will become.
(And I'll take this opportunity to clumsily segue into another plea, as someone who owns all of these "exclusive" items already, to open up access to the Cape of the Four Winds, Prestige Power Slide, Arachnos cape, and that "other" Arachnos chest detail to everyone. If someone wants it, and is willing to pay, there's no reason not to let them have it. And in the other direction, seriously, I'll pay money for any loyalty program costume items not already on the market: Seven Stars emblem, Zeus/Tartarus helmets, that cool aura from the Statesman pack, all of it. If anything, being willing to pay extra makes me more loyal, not less.)
I'm still waiting for the fabled "upcoming patch" that will finally get me back the pancaking Wisps aura that I legitimately had, but that somehow disappeared. I've been reassured that it's coming, and that it will be fixed eventually, but to be completely honest, I gave up hope a long time ago. And I don't believe anyone at Paragon has put even a single minute of work into fixing that problem in at least the last eight months. Despite the promises. After enough of that stuff, you start to adopt an "I'll believe it when I see it, and I don't ever expect to see it" attitude. Put up or shut up, and all that. -
Quote:Seems like something that'll be fairly... intense... on your end, but it sounds good from my end, so if you're happy, I'm happy. And I imagine most of the other people complaining about it will be too. Or at least somewhat closer to the "happy" end of the scale.We've modified the way Tweet Code Thursdays are going to work.
For item codes, we'll announce when the codes will be going out, and we'll give people a specific amount of time to re-tweet our post. If you re-tweet our post, we'll respond directly to you with a code to use. No scramble. No luck involved. No twitchy fingers required. Simply re-tweet our post in the timeframe given and we'll direct message you with a code.
In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
- Follow us on Twitter
- Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
- Receive a code
Either way, thanks for listening and at least trying to "make this right," guys. The effort doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. -
I love the idea of this.
I love the "double XP weekend" part of this.
I want to love the invasion part of this, but I just can't bring myself to care. Whee, another Rikti/zombie/Nemesis invasion with a different villain group. Another week where I'll have to go inside a building to use my remote /ah command, just in case. Yaaay.
But hey, double XP weekend! That's always good. And I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised to see it happening so soon after the last one; I kinda figured they might go away altogether, or at least be very few and far between, with XP boosters for sale on the market nowadays. -
Quote:No, see, you're doing it again. I didn't say anything about not liking "social media in general." In fact, I said just the opposite.Not quite sure where I said anyone was wrong for disliking it...I said I understand why some folks dislike Social Media in general. I absolutely understand what they don't like about it, and admitted that it wasn't an ideal situation further up the thread.
Disliking it or not though, we're doing what we can with the resources we have available to us. Is it ideal? Nope.
FWIW, we're discussing different ways we can promote it that don't involve a mad dash. That *will not* be the case for this week though as it basically requires me scheduling someone's entire day dedicated to this project as opposed to a few minutes each hour.
In fact, I'm looking at my Twitter feed right now, and a local concert venue just tweeted about how the first person to tweet them back with the answer to a trivia question wins FREE TICKETS to tonight's show! Know why I'm not upset with them over that? Because if I want to go to that show, but I don't win those tickets, I'll have had the opportunity to get them in a way that didn't involve blind luck in direct competition with hundreds or thousands of other people. I could just, you know, buy them.
"Hey, follow us on Twitter and you could win this cool thing for free! Or you could just go to the Paragon Market and buy it."
There's your solution. Twitter account legitimized, man-hours allocated, player base not alienated. -
...aaand no codes today. So all of you who camped out for them, well, DO IT AGAIN TOMORROW. Thanks for your support!
You know, Zwill, I defended, and continue to defend (and buy) Super Packs. I use Twitter off and on pretty much all day, and I've been following the CoH account forever.
And I hate -- HATE -- this promotion.
I'm offering to pay actual, real-world MONEY for this.
I don't care how many codes you have to give away. I don't care how often you plan on doing this. You're still insisting on giving a handful of players this aura, and giving the vast majority of players the finger.
And then you're telling us we're the jerks for being upset about that. You're getting so caught up in telling people they're wrong for not liking this promotion that you're not even paying attention to what they don't like about it. Nobody (or almost nobody) objects to Paragon Studios using Twitter. They object to the way Paragon Studios is using Twitter.
Also, no, the login issue was never fixed. The boards went down for a day, supposedly to fix the problem, and when they came back up, nothing had changed. If I close my browser, I will be logged out. No matter whether the "remember me" box is checked or not. No matter whether I'm using Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Firefox. No matter whether I use my computer, my roommate's computer, or the Mac at my parents' house with either IE or Safari. I know because I've tried. -
"It's 4:55 and this is due at 5:00...."
I don't disagree with any of the complaints about Synapse here, but it's not alone, and I still say Citadel is lazier and more monotonous.
Defeat all Council in base
Defeat all Council in base
Defeat all Council in base
Defeat all Council in base
Defeat all Council in base
Defeat all Council in base
"Cool, I'm done."
"You can't turn this in, it's just six copies of literally the same mission, on literally the same map. Two in a row are at the same door, fifteen seconds apart, and you've got something in here about them having time to re-paint the entire complex in-between."
"What if I add a forgettable, generic AV to the last one?"
"Now come on, we both know you'll need to do better than -- holy monkeys, it's five o'clock! Alright, go ahead and publish it. I've got somewhere to be. See ya Monday!" -
Quote:You may be onto something here. Respec trials at 24, 34 and 44, and what we've seen so far makes issue 24 seem like a "respec" of sorts for portions of the game.There are however 2 Trials with a minimum level of 24. The Terra Volta Reactor Trial (Jane Hallaway as the contact) and the Tree of Thorns Respecification Trial (Sparcetriel as the contact).
So there is a precedent for Heroes getting one thing with 24 and Villains getting something similar yet different with 24.
So after this, nothing in the entire game will be fixed, revised or altered again until issue 34, then again at 44! It's been proven with math! -
Apparently that's a limitation of the forum software itself. It can't make distinctions like what reward tier you've got filled or whatever; it can only look at your account and say, "yes, VIP," or "no, not VIP."
Quote:These were the first things I bought on the new market, and to this day the purchases I'm happiest with. The price is great, they work for every character on my account forever, and my characters look the way I want them to "out of the box." If you care at all about costumes/customization, these are easily the most versatile purchases you can make.Aura Unlock (160pp) and Back Slot Unlock (160pp): These allow you to add auras and/or capes to your characters at character creation. So you never have to worry about doing the cape/aura unlock missions again and can make your characters look correct at level one rather than level 20 or 30.
Quote:I discovered a nice feature of Ninja Run the other day: it stacks with Sprint and the premium Sprint powers, all of which can be slotted. (I haven't tried it with other movement powers.) Add NR to Sprint and the inherent running boost, just filling their base slots, gets decently close to basic super-running. -
Alright, a little research (a search of the Suggestions forum for the word "nodes," which I thought I remembered being used in this discussion before) turned up this post, dated August 10th, 2009:
Quote:Clearly it's from before belts and tails were separated. Assuming it's accurate, and assuming the separation of ears came before this post and is therefore already included as one of the 16 nodes being occupied at that time (which I'm not sure about), that leaves one connection point/node currently unused -- the two empty nodes referenced here, minus the one now being used for tails. I can understand the hesitation to use up that last available space, but if it never gets used, then that just makes node #17 the final one for all practical purposes.I asked specifically at the comic con about this, I believe it was Vince who answered.
Right now, the costumes have 18 "nodes" or locations which can be used. These include each of the distinct areas (upper body, gloves, shoulders, etc). The reason we haven't seen these separately is because they only have 2 available nodes left, and then they'll have to actually redo the entire generator to accomodate new things.
I'm hoping for a more clever use of what we have:
A belt which HAS a tail, for instance. Or, tails with and without belts, but each of those has to be 'remade' with the belt. I wouldn't be against that at all.
But for the moment, the reason we dont' have things like multiple area effects, like a belt AND a tail option, is strictly because the character creation engine *cannot do it* that way. :/ -
Quote:You know what, you're right. About tails at least. I also can't remember the deal with ears exactly.Tails as a separate entity from belts. I'm sure those came after capes and auras (Issue 17 was when tails were moved to Lower Body to separate them from Belts, Capes and Auras were added in Issue 2).
I "think" that ears as a separate selection may have been after capes/back items and auras, but I can't recall when they became a separate selection.
I'm still pretty sure the "almost at our limit for connection points" comment came after those changes, though. -
Moonfire's task force has a minimum level of 23. Citadel's and Ernesto Hess's task forces each have a minimum level of 25. There is no task force with a minimum level of 24. Therefore, there is a precedent in the game for skipping 24 and moving straight from 23 to 25.
Every time I click on the last page of this thread... there's another page! SLOW DOWN, people! I can't keep up!
Regarding the Cottage Self-Imposed Guideline: I think this is largely a "tree falling in the forest" situation.
And why are we just glossing over this new aura? There's a NEW AURA coming! I DEMAND DETAILS!!!
I really hope it's coming soon (real-world "soon," not dev "soon"). But hey, "we can't talk about it" implies there's something to (not) talk about... so until I hear otherwise, I assume it's coming. DON'T LET ME DOWN, DEVS. In my imagination, you promised. -
Quote:This gets referenced a lot as a reason why whatever new kind of costume option can't/won't happen -- thigh/upper leg options, hair with hats, elbow/knee pads, and so on. Nobody ever has a quote, but everyone, including me, remembers some dev saying it at some point in the past.As I understand it, they have a limited number of connector points (or something of the sort) on the base model to use for costume pieces. Thus, for this sort of option to be separate from existing options would require more than just adding a new option bar to the UI.
The thing is, the way I remember it, the statement was closer to being "we only have a limited number of connector points we can place on a character model, and we're close to that limit already." So while my memory mostly jives with yours, the part I keep focusing on is "close to that limit."
"Close to."
Not "at."
I'm trying to remember the last time an entirely new connection point was added to the character model, and unless I'm mistaken, the last things added were capes/back items, and auras. And I'm one hundred percent certain the statement I'm partly remembering came after those were introduced. So it seems like there might not be many connection points left to work with, but it sounds like there are at least one or two.
I guess I'm asking what they think they're saving them for. -
I am 100% for this suggestion.
I'm also 100% for the idea of it costing a little (10, maybe 20% more is best, I think, though I'd actually be fine with fully one-third more) than it would at a store, just to keep the stores around as a viable option for something other than selling unwanted drops. Plus, those stores are a time sink (good from the devs' perspective), and anything that removes a little inf bloat from the game's ever-swelling economy is a good thing as I see it.
Besides, I doubt a lot of us would even notice that hit. How many people honestly remember off the top of their head which stores are best to sell enhancement drops to, or which ones sell specific enhancements the cheapest? And how many actually bother to travel to those specific stores to do it instead of just going to the closest one that has what they need? -
You're right. Creating a thread about it on the forums was a much better use of your time.
I think the answer is obvious:
Drown it out. Get DJ Zero to turn up that SONG!!! -
Quote:What "strange logic" is that? The part of my post that you quoted, or the part of my post that you quoted, but only if you ignore the part where I say "I don't understand why so many people have acted for so long as if they feel like the dev team was somehow obligated to put it into the game at all"?Well, it became "a thing" because you kept coming back defending your strange logic.
EDIT: See, Eldagore, now it's devolving into arguing, and getting dangerously close to trolling. From both sides. Still not quite there, though.