616 -
My impression was that the magic and traditions they're based in are related to Eastern European legends and traditions, though probably a mishmash of other stuff too.
Ran it on Virtue last night.
Honestly, while I enjoyed the fighting stuff of the event, the Community Reps really hurt it a lot. The constant Red Text chatter was mostly inane babble totally unrelated to the event, or insane ramblings by Mako... who apparently now likes LOLcat humor and tired jokes about My Little Ponies that people have been telling over and over and over for over six months now. It wasn't funny. Telling the same joke for the 500th time or going "Bronie!" isn't humor, nor does telling that same joke enough times make it suddenly amusing.
It felt like... well, very Barrens Chat, to be honest. Or like the bizarre Broadcast chatter you hear in Pocket D or Atlas Park on Virtue. Or parts of 4chan. I expected Captain Mako to be there as Captain Mako, not... well, Zwillinger and Black Pebble mostly yammering at each other and making everyone in Virtue listen, unable to escape their terrible jokes for hours on end.
Heck, I don't think anyone actually saw Captain Mako. We never battled him. He made no appearances. Kind of a let down there.
There's this real feeling that official events, rather than being events, are devolving into a bunch of stupid internet humor with some stuff. If we're going to do events, why not make the effort of playing it straight? I'm fine with more lighthearted events or some comedy, but this is ridiculous. I mean, if this was what the event planner's idea of dialogue and story was? Good grief.
Playing Mako like this, with the overused memes and Bronie jokes, lessens the tension and threat, is out of character for a supervillain like this, and is just dumb. If Mako had been played straight, as this rather bloodthirsty pirate sharkman who's gone off the deep end because the television (or The Television) is making sharks look all cuddly and hurting his street cred, and wants to remind people what he is? That'd be fine! It all works in-character for him to be cheesed off and pulling this stuff.
You lost all that the moment you use the word "Bronie." And it went downhill from there.
So, yeah. Please, don't do events like that again if you're planning on making them like this. This is doubly true if you're running it on Virtue. You know we're an RP server. Wanna pull these jokes on Freedom? Knock yourself out. But spamming away with bad jokes is bad treatment of the RP community. -
Quote:It's a common problem in most MMOs and American culture in general. In Other Superhero MMO, for example, I discovered it was surprisingly more difficult to make some with African, Latino, or Native American features or even brown skinned than it was to make someone from Mars.Realistic or not, there's that little part of me inside that never can help but think this game's got a HUGE discrepancy between white, Anglo-Saxon (and mostly male) heroes to Ethic criminals and villains.
In some ways, CoH is better than others. Black Scorpion is hispanic, and Duray, Calvin Scott, and Aurora Borealis are black, and nothing is really made of it beyond that they're all in positions of respect and leadership. I have a dislike for Captain Ethnics (my main is a result of that: me making an American Indian character who's powers, theme, and backstory have absolutely nothing to do with her being American Indian). -
Quote:It's not all Slovacs, and it is a fair point. The Skulls in particular are mentioned for going on a recruitment drive recently and bolstering their numbers from Galaxy City refugees and I imagine Praetorian refugees as well. They're going to be a fairly diverse lot these days, though I figure you run into more Slovacs at the upper levels, like the Bone Daddies. Those guys are the buddies and long time foot soldiers and officers of the Petrovic brothers.Yeah! Where's the African-Slovacs? And the Asian-Slovacs? And the Latino-Slovacs? Huh? Huh? HUH?
I'm not sure if the newer dev-created enemies do the same thing as the old ones, where it was a bunch of different models of the same enemy with different skin tones and faces. Which also lead to some wackiness, like the Longbow Guardian with the skin tight, figure displaying uniform... and the face of a wrinkled old woman.
Come to think of it, I remember at one of the Player Summits someone asking about giving us that capability in AE, being able to set it so that the game would randomly assign a skin tone and face to a custom enemy. The dev response to that idea was "... we could use that..." and scribbling down some notes. -
Actually, I'm pretty sure that even when the Fear is broken, a Feared enemy still has reduced DPS. After all, they only get one attack or action before the Fear kicks back in. I find it helps make a decent damage mitigator. At least, that's been my experience.
Quote:That's pretty much what I decided to do. I'm already not a huge fan of DoTs (because it's murder later and not murder right now), and the 75% chance of the -Res should be helpful to teams. Everyone loves -Res, and it fits my concept.You can take Reactive to T3 for "75% chance of Res debuff" WITHOUT a DoT, if you're so inclined. It's what I do on my Mind Controllers.
Next issue is Hybrid. Assault is right out, obviously, and Melee is of limited value since I don't plan on being within melee range if I can help it and between Indomitable Will and Clarion, I don't really need it. This leaves Control and Support. I might grab Control, just because if there's one thing I love to do it's mez bosses. -
Accents and dialect styles that reflect a certain ethnic/linguistic background, like Slavic, are really hard to do right. Doubly so in writing. Part of this is because what everyone thinks many accents sound like is actually absolutely nothing like what they actually do.
I can see the upper echelons of the Skulls having more Slavic accents though, as a lot of them are probably from the group's early days. Old veterans and stuff from when it was the brothers and their buddies.
As for the costume, I like it. I don't mind the club hair being used as much here. They made it one color. The guy just has this mop of hair. I can live with it. -
I was hoping people could give me some advice on picking my incarnate powers for my Dark/Time/Mind controller. While I've settled on my Alpha, Judgement, and Lore, I'm not sure what to grab for Interface and Hybrid.
I keep hearing "Reactive Radial" for Interface, but here's the thing: I'm a Dark Controller. Fearsome Stare is a major source of my crowd control. If everything is hit with DoTs, I can kiss a big source of my crowd control goodbye. It basically nerfs me for a piddling amount of extra damage that's not enough to really matter, since my damage is already very low.
This is primarily meant as a support character. Damage is quite low, but can easily contain and lock down and weaken very large spawns or AVs while buffing and healing teammates. I've found dark/time to be a monster at that kind of stuff.
Just could use some advice on Interface and Hybrid slots. For Interface, I'm debating Reactive Core or possibly Diamagnetic Core, just to pile on even more -ToHit and -Regen to every attack. No clue on Hybrid. Suggestions? -
If need be, I can make my own chainsaw sound effects. Like I did when I played Doom without sound as a kid.
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -
... so, who else is thinking of making a katana chainsaw stalker? >.>
Are there plans for the Chainsaw to be ported to Broadsword, Katana, and Dual Blades the same way the beam swords in the Mecha costume set were?
Quote:My main insists ICly that the urban planners and architects that drew up Paragon City were a bunch of absinthe fiends.Yeah, but Atlas was always meant to look new, shiny and be the 'heart of the city'. It just looked like [Pancake]. Some of the old buildings had no windows for crying out loud. I'm no architect, but old Atlas, just like Steel Canyon still does, made me go "Wait, what the hell, who built this thing?! Were the five?"
Agreed. Most of Kings Row dates back to the 1930s or earlier, while this is a new building. You get this effect a lot in cities. New structures really stand out. London is a great example.
Would be really nice if we could go inside, though. -
Quote:Is this somewhere blueside? Or will heroes now be expected to be totally okay with working with a mass murderer of women and children, and probably a lot worse?Hi everyone,
Marauder is not replacing Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park. However, he will appear somewhere with the use of phasing technology.
If it seems I'm harping on this thing... well, hey, you were the ones that decided to go with "Yeah, he *****, pillaged, and murdered his way across the Midwest, burning down all other survivors he couldn't make use of."
It's just... if he's blueside, that's condoning it. It makes him a hero now. It makes it forgiven. And there's NOTHING we can do about it. Can't say "Yeah, go to hell, Marauder. *POW*" He's a permanent, unmoving, inescapable figure saying "I got away with it all."
So yeah, really, think about it. Don't put him heroside. Don't make heroes work with him. It's not a morally grey thing to force on us. It's a seriously messed up thing we're forced to accept, and seriously insults our characters. -
Quote:Yeah. Now him ending up working for Recluse out in the Isles? I can buy that. Marauder is the kind of guy Recluse can work with. Marauder's got muscle, a respect for audacity (something Recluse and Marauder share), and some serious organizational skills. He's a lot smarter than most people think. I can really see him becoming active in the Rogue Isles, maybe even working his way into Patronship.Yeah, it'd be weird for Marauder to instantly jump from Praetor to trainer of Primal heroes. Especially with Back Alley Brawler twiddling his thumbs inside the Atlas Park PPD station.
Not saying it's impossible ... just not the most sensible thing.
I honestly can't see him working well in Paragon. Not because of the "Oh he worked for Cole!" thing. It's more the whole being a mass murderer thing. The guy and his horde did a real number on the Midwest and Rocky Mountains. The guy's got some serious war crimes under his belt.
For more, see The History of the Destroyers.
A key line:
The first order of business was to eliminate competition. So instead of attacking the Devouring Earth, we ransacked every hold out settlement we could find. The weak, we purged, the strong, we recruited. It was total slash and burn policy.
Children and the elderly tend to fall under "the weak."
So yeah, I'm seriously hoping we're not expected to forget that or forced to say "He's reformed" or work alongside this monster as a hero. -
Really depends how it's done. Might be kind of like the sequence in First Ward when we're going through the memories of one of the Apparitions. That was a fairly disturbing sequence. Just a series of scenes, with you in a different "costume" as time goes by, as Hamidon mutates from Dr. Hamidon Pasilima, eco-terrorist and scientist, into the monstrous Hamidon. Maybe include Tanya Tyler as well.
I'm idly wondering who the Personal Story Arc will focus on for the Number Six arc where we fight Praetorian Hamidon. See the story and view of Hamidon himself?
Characters are server-side. But any saved costumes, chat logs, AE arcs, player notes, etc, are stored player-side. So back them up to a thumb drive or something. They're mostly a bunch of .txt files.
My sense is that they'd planned to have it down this week for some maintenance, and that got delayed... so it threw their plans a little out of whack. It happens. Not really worth getting upset over.
This all sounds really interesting. Us taking it to the Praetorian Hamidon, new 7-20 and 30-50 content, fun stuff. And, y'know, power customization.
Quote:Eh, it is what it is. There's no real easy way to handle changes to the game world or progressing storyline without this kind of stuff. Not unless you lock all storyline stuff behind Incarnate stuff, and then it's "the story begins at 50!" Which is bad. So I can work with this. It really helps not to think overly much about it and just roll with it.Pretty much pokes a giant hole in the "time progression by player level" thing we've all thought was going on, which makes First Ward's timeline that much more ambiguous.
When will then be now?
Colonel Zwillinger: Soon(tm). -
That's pretty doable already in-game. Biker Jacket, Roman or Circle of Thorn 2 shoulder bits, tank top or t-shirt, emo hair, use a lot of grey and black, and use something like Goth to color around the eyes. Don't really see it as something new there.