Trouble picking my Incarnate powers for my Controller
I keep hearing "Reactive Radial" for Interface, but here's the thing: I'm a Dark Controller. Fearsome Stare is a major source of my crowd control. If everything is hit with DoTs, I can kiss a big source of my crowd control goodbye. It basically nerfs me for a piddling amount of extra damage that's not enough to really matter, since my damage is already very low.
Reactive is especially good on low damage characters.
Allow me an example:
Your AOE Immobilize, ED-capped for damage, has a DPA of 12,5. With Reactive, it's 30. For comparison, Ball Lightning from your APPs has 23 base damage.
Shadowy Binds goes from 38 DPA to 59.
It's not a trivial increase in damage and yes, it is very much worth it. I also have a dark controller and I find myself not depending on Fearsome Stare as more than an alpha stopper, which the dot does not interfere with. Even if you primarily play support, more damage is always welcome on teams.
If you are fixated on not wanting a dot, then diagmagnetic is probably your best choice. Just know that the debuff values are very, very tiny (15% -regen per stack if I remember correctly, and caps out at 4 stacks). The damage dots are really the best effects you will find in the interface tree.
If you are very concerned with the loss of control, might I perhaps recommend the Cognitive tree? It gives you a psi damage dot and a chance for confuse.
As for Hybrid, I think the obvious one for the playstyle you describe would be Control (+1 Mag to all controls, chance for extra damage to controlled enemies) or support (Think leadership-esque buff radiating from you. Buffs Damage, defense, accuracy and boosts all buffs, debuffs and controls used by yourself or teammates)
Fearsome Stare is a major source of my crowd control. If everything is hit with DoTs, I can kiss a big source of my crowd control goodbye. It basically nerfs me for a piddling amount of extra damage that's not enough to really matter, since my damage is already very low.
My mastermind pets love to wake up feared mobs, so FS looses utility as a hard control. But spamming FS still gives a noticeable survivability boost.
Give it a try, the tier 1 isn't a big investment.
You can take Reactive to T3 for "75% chance of Res debuff" WITHOUT a DoT, if you're so inclined. It's what I do on my Mind Controllers.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
...Fearsome stare doesn't have a damaging component, does it? Interface only procs off of -damaging attacks-, as in, it has to have a damage component to proc Interface.
So pretty sure it shouldn't be going off in Fearsome Stare. So you can slot whatever interface you feel like, with the damage proc or just the debuff proc (or both). They won't go off until you use an actual attack.
Agent White is correct. Fearsome Stare doesn't deal damage and won't trigger Interface.
Also, I'll second the point made by Anonymoose. Slotted for to hit debuff, Fearsome Stare will still provide excellent mitigation even when the fear is broken. In fact, on a team you should probably anticipated that your Fear will be constantly broken.
As for Hybrid, I think the obvious one for the playstyle you describe would be Control (+1 Mag to all controls, chance for extra damage to controlled enemies) or support (Think leadership-esque buff radiating from you. Buffs Damage, defense, accuracy and boosts all buffs, debuffs and controls used by yourself or teammates)
I am trying to figure out what to do with my favorite character, whom i just started in with incarnate stuff on, a plant/storm. I know I need the endurance discount one (pant...wheeze) because i rarely get held, and when I do, i am teamed and all of my stuff is usually out doing their things for me (seeds, creepers, tornado (with -kb), lightning storm, freezing rain, etc).
But my big problem is an inability to handle bosses easily. I actually solo faster if i have more mobs to chew through, because my cooldowns are back up by the time i get to the next pack that way. but bosses slow me down because I cant control them quickly enough and go kersplat.
So would adding that +1 magnitude help in that?
Sorry for the noob questions!
So I had a question about this. Don't you need mag 6 to control a boss? So what good does making your controls mag 5 do? |
Actually, I'm pretty sure that even when the Fear is broken, a Feared enemy still has reduced DPS. After all, they only get one attack or action before the Fear kicks back in. I find it helps make a decent damage mitigator. At least, that's been my experience.
You can take Reactive to T3 for "75% chance of Res debuff" WITHOUT a DoT, if you're so inclined. It's what I do on my Mind Controllers.
Next issue is Hybrid. Assault is right out, obviously, and Melee is of limited value since I don't plan on being within melee range if I can help it and between Indomitable Will and Clarion, I don't really need it. This leaves Control and Support. I might grab Control, just because if there's one thing I love to do it's mez bosses.
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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
On my Mind/Poison/Stone Troller, I went with Diamagnetic for the extra -Tohit.
I was hoping people could give me some advice on picking my incarnate powers for my Dark/Time/Mind controller. While I've settled on my Alpha, Judgement, and Lore, I'm not sure what to grab for Interface and Hybrid.
I keep hearing "Reactive Radial" for Interface, but here's the thing: I'm a Dark Controller. Fearsome Stare is a major source of my crowd control. If everything is hit with DoTs, I can kiss a big source of my crowd control goodbye. It basically nerfs me for a piddling amount of extra damage that's not enough to really matter, since my damage is already very low.
This is primarily meant as a support character. Damage is quite low, but can easily contain and lock down and weaken very large spawns or AVs while buffing and healing teammates. I've found dark/time to be a monster at that kind of stuff.
Just could use some advice on Interface and Hybrid slots. For Interface, I'm debating Reactive Core or possibly Diamagnetic Core, just to pile on even more -ToHit and -Regen to every attack. No clue on Hybrid. Suggestions?
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age