366 -
Thunder Clap, it has its uses but I would personally vote against it. The animation is too long + it being PbAoE can get u killed...oh and a lousy accuracy on it.
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Oh man i wish you'd stop giving out missleading info ..just because you have no idea how a power works makes it 'lousy'.
Thunderclap is 100% ACC but it only stuns mins and Lts .. I know i've used it for ages on my lvl 50 earth/storm.
It works well with earth stacking the stun from stalagmites and the animation times isn't that long.
its saved my life thousands of times and probably the coolest looking power in the storm set.
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I personally have Thunderclap aswell and find it very useful (often stacking it with other disorientating powers). It also looks great.
However, the accuracy of the power is not 100% (it's around 70%), and only stuns minions. But it's a great power nonetheless. -
I have found the Sonic Blasts to be very effective. I think each blast gives the enemy hit a 15% resist debuff, so for example a boss being hit by shriek, scream then shout will have a significant debuff on them (and its even more useful to when teaming to enhance a scrapper/blasters damage output).
You also have a useful aoe sleep for if you plan to solo and a single target disorientate (which both give the enemy a resist debuff aswell).
Amplify is one of those powers thats great to take for a power you definately don't want to miss (ie using it before a Fulcrum etc).
Oh and Fulcrum then your Sonic Nuke = Heaven. Pop a blue after that and anything not dead has a resist debuff and is disorientated (so is easy pickings). -
Just to let you know that Antibody can only make it to the 1st hour of tonight session... got RL things to do at 8pm.
I'm the only medic???
But I don't even have Ressurect!!!
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I can bring my Heal Other along (which may do in a pinch), but no rez either I'm afraid...
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A tray full of Awakens should do it. -
Wahoo!!! Gratz mate.
Why not roll an Energy Blaster for your next toon? -
Congratulations!!! You going on to the retirement home now to make room for a new character?
Sonic/sonic: Looks like forcefield with differently named skills on paper, and people say the secondary set isnt all that. Other people mention sonic/sonic purely as a -res debuffer, and doesnt mention the shields (rings?) at all, leading me to believe the shields arent all that.
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The 2ndary is great when combined with the Resist Debuffs in the primary. Each blast does around 15% resist debuff AFAIK, so is worthwhile for those few seconds you are able to stack them.
Storm/* : Storm seems interesting, well particulary hurricane, that whole knocking enemies into a neat bunch of helpless victims in a corner somewhere. Is hurricane really that powerful ? Could you take a theoretically unlimited amount of enemies and push them all into a corner ?
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Yes Hurricane is that powerful. However, you will find that it's not the be-all/end-all of the set. Through combining your primary Storm powers (EG: freezing rain/snow storm combo) you will be a force to be reckoned with.I have also found it to be a great solo-er for a Defender.
Be weary of powersets like FF and Sonics though. Although there are powers in your primary (and your blasts of course) you can use mid-battle... your downtime will be mostly taken up as a buff-bot. The shileds are worth it though for contributing towards a healthier team.
Hope I could help. -
By the way, how many SG spaces have we got left, because I was thinking of moving Rocker to The Elite SG to make space (he's just gathering dust at the moment).
Art of War had an Arena battle against SNHS just for fun. 12+ vs 12+ not sure on the exact numbers. The score was something silly and I'm afraid Art of War won.
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Archetype make-up can effect the outcome of PvP battles, but I think PvP experience can do just as much.
And as I recall in the 2nd PvP match against Art-Of-War, we beat you(we were exemped to 20 or something).
Well it was a blast.
The best part was when the Tankers 1st went in and got decimated. -
Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess "bob" didnt mean a team of all one type of defender.
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They would all be the same build virtually
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Think he did. An 8 person Defender team (1 of each Primary) is UBER... just check out TeamSynergi on Tuesday evenings. -
ahh. i've seen them all around, just only knew SNHS and Precision rangers were a part of it....
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Obviously, they are the ones that spam the most in this forum!
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The Union Overlords will be overtaking us soon on the spamming front. -
The Kinetics part of the character slotting looks good.
Oh and Speed Boost works great with 3 x End Mods - it doesn't need any recharges or end reducers.
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Havnt tried kin, but I think 2 runs, 2 end mod, 1 range is the way to go with 5 slots.
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NoNoNo.Teammates will kill you if they find out you've slotted this power with run speed.
Oh and Speed Boost works great with 3 x End Mods - it doesn't need any recharges or end reducers.
Once you have Transference, probably best to respec the end reducers in Transfusion, Fulcrum and Siphon Power - and put the slots somewhere else (or keep the slot but change the enhancement).
I'd say you could get away with only 2 accuracies in your powers. As for Transfusion I recommend 2xacc, 1xrech and 3xheal, and for Transference 2xacc, 2xrech and 2xendmod.
Congratulations mate!!! Nice to see you get your 2nd level 50.