Mother's Love Dings Fifty!!!
Congratulations!!! You going on to the retirement home now to make room for a new character?
Stela (who amongst others took time out to teach me the basics of binds and macros!- Mua ha ha ha...You created a monster....A MONSTER!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Have to agree, never seen so many binds on a single toon!
Anyway, grats for the 50 been fun trying to take down repeatedly and with lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of faceplants and team wipes!
Absolutely not! - theres' life in the old dog yet!.
I have only done 2 Taskforces!, also plenty of badges still to get and i enjoy helping out the littleones in my usual hangout 'The Hollows'.
I think people will be able to call on Mummy for some time to come....x
Congratulations !! Just a shame i only had the pleasure of teaming with you a couple of times
. And seeing as you have alot of life left in you
.....maybe i'll get a few more chances
big gratz Mom been cool few missions when I teamed with you.. always had a blast, and LOVED those binds you had
Welcome the Kheldians World..
Gratz Mother, look forward to still teaming with you in future, only 5 lvls to go..........
HUGE HUGE Gratz Mum! One of the best deserved 50's of recent days, by far! And probably one of the most friendly kind hearted warm and welcoming player i know.
You rock mum!
So whats next, a PB called Hip Replacement? xD
Babel Horror - L-50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Dactylic Antithesis - L-50 Human Warshade
LOL oh dear, i hope your gonna skelp his [censored] for that Mum!
BIG GRATZ... took a lil while but you made it, well done!
@Psychochill & @Psychochill.
Dingtastic! Gratz to you!
Saved my [censored] in teams on many occasions!!!!
Enjoy the squiddies!!!
Gratz mother's love, fun binds and fun player.
Mother's Hate - WS
Hey Mothers Love!
Gratz on the big 5-0!
I can remember teaming with you, and your extreme politness!
Really glad you made it.
Gratz mummy, Been fun the few times I teamed with you
and yes, you do have the best binds
Congratulations Mothers Love!!
Well Done Mum! hope to team again soon!
Wooooo! Mummy! Well done!! Your my Darling this time!! Love!!!
Hello Sweethearts!,
Well, My first post... (previously Mandates' domain but i spend more time on the pc than he so we changed postnames), - anyway i just wanted to say hello and thankyou to everyone who has helped me on the journey to the big 5 'O'.
I 'dinged Fifty at approx. 11:40 pm last night; to the team last night that helped: Furia, Brais, Moonshine,purple mystic, Trillium, Devil Nurse. Debtcollector and D-PAC...Thank-you, it was a pleasure teaming with you, and for everyone that has helped me along the way...Sooo Many to name but including SABREWULF,Hogasha, Tinks-(thanks for the Cape hunny!), Babel Horror, Starlet, Justice Claw, Stela (who amongst others took time out to teach me the basics of binds and macros!- Mua ha ha ha...You created a monster....A MONSTER!!! - hehe...x, and not forgetting Tari and everyone else that knows me, has been sweet to me and says hello to Mummy whenever she's on...a big thank-you.
This was and is my first foray into Mmmorgs and i would just like to say that i definatly picked the right online-world in Paragon City and the right server in Union, i have and am meeting such Wonderful Heroes everyday *sobs* getting all emotional now.
Thank-you, just Thank-you.....x
Mother's Love.