366 -
Is, maybeit'd be better to replace those defbuffs in Steamy Mist with resistbuffs, as the defence aspect in the power is negligable. I also recommend putting a second accuracy in Thunderclap.
Storm defenders are below average in both PvE and PvP now.
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Pah, nonesense. -
Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that as drops like Trip Mines cannot be targetted then they cannot be Team Teleported either.
Sonic is an amazing secondary to have with Storm. I recommend getting Shriek, Scream, Dreadful Wail and Screech.
What I like to do is land the Freezing Rain just behind the mob then push them into it with Hurricane.
I'd make sure I had 3 x rech reds in Freezing Rain, and replace an end red in Lightning Storm for a rech red, but other than that the Storm aspect of it looks good.
Yep it has a -fly component to it... good for AVs like Luminary too.
I'd replace the damages in Freezing Rain with recharge reductions. Also, Hurricane will really benefit from 2 end reds and 3 acc debuffs.
There's no problem with an Empath soloing but I think you'll find it very slow going, mainly due to the fact that the majority of your primary powers only affect your teammates.
If yu're after a soloer Defender, try going with something like Storm, Radiation, Dark or Kinetics. -
I have no major end problems in pvp and I run - Steamy Mist, Hover, Snow Storm, Temp Invuln, Tactics, Assault, plus using click powers from my primary and secondary sets.
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that's just showing off!
I run steamy mist, superspeed, superjump, snowstorm and hurricane + attack loads and my endurance is a nightmare in PvE and PvP (couldn't get away with hover the superjumpers got away too quick from me so I ended up going with the superspeed superjump combo). I slot 2 end redux in nearly all my storm powers too
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Oh, I forgot Hurricane... -
I've found that you can manage your endurance quite comfortably with 2 x end reds in all your toggles, plus and end red in all your attacks. Looking at your build it may be worth slotting your steamy mist up with 3 damage resists aswell.
I have no major end problems in pvp and I run - Steamy Mist, Hover, Snow Storm, Temp Invuln, Tactics, Assault, plus using click powers from my primary and secondary sets. -
the power description doesnt cut it.
Do I usmmon the tornado where I like or does it come out of me like a cone attack?
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Summon it where you like.
Is it stupid? does it aggro other mobs? does it seem to aggro to only one baddie until it is dead?
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It can aggro other mobs if your not careful... but it has a range though so if you retreat a bit if it looks like its going to aggro and it will boomerang back to your side.
does it do knockback or knockup?
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Knockback, with some knockup against walls.
Is the damage any good?
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With 3 slotted damage it does a decent amount of tick damage.
Is the fear component the same as with rain powers or is it the "hold" style fear?
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The flee type... although it seems to happen ever so rarely.
Is the disorient reliable? Does it happen much?
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It will stun minions and lieutenants, and will stick at that target til it's disorientated then move on to the next target. The disorientate is reliable. -
Go Sunrod!!! Well deserved.
My Inv/Stone Tanker has only got 1 end red. in each of Temp Inv, Unyielding, Invinc, and Focused Acc, and I rarely have end problems. My attacks all have an end red in them aswell.
While I originally chose storm for conceptual reasons I have been so impressed with it that I am rolling a storm defender too.
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Good choice!!!I've found the Storm set to be my favourite out of all the sets I've tried.
The Storm side of things looks good.
Just a few tweaks =
1 - Acc and Dam don't make a whole lot of difference to Freezing Rain, better to slot 3x recharges.
2 - For Lightning Storm try 3x damage, 1x end reduction and 2x recharges so it's up as much as possible.
3 - As to not wanting knockback, your Firecages have a rooting element to them which means knockback from the Lightning Storm is negligable. Also, I've noticed you have Hover... sometimes it's useful to Hover a bit above the mob so that the Lightning Storm's stikes downwards (ie KnockDOWN).
Hope this has been helpful.