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  1. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    "Oh, I wouldn't say that just yet were I you." Sarkh remarked with a sinisterly patient tone and exactly the same sort of grin, regarding the Priest slantways as he walked past almost leisurely, gradually stretching his great wings into the horizontal, "If I think about it hard enough, my reason for being here is to kill you. You seem to have a marvelous penchant for making the most sordid of messes."

    Oddly enough, his motions spoke entirely to the contrary, for the storm subsided, and the sapphire-scaled dragon himself did little more than take flight, rising vertically into the air bit by bit, a little further with each downward thrust of his huge wings. True, the winds generated were quite forceful, but not much stronger than the downwash of a heavy LAV.

    Without another word, he set course skyward over the Cathedral. If nothing interfered, he would disappear in the same manner as the fire dragon. If something did, though...well, he wasn't in any hurry...
  2. "No." Sarkh's answer was curt and dry, the sapphire-scaled dragon not even directly regarding the doctor as he set course due east, "I'm going to ask you exactly what you did. And you're going to tell me. If you do so freely and help me to fix it, I'll let you go..."

    ((Footnote: since interest in this thread seems to have waned, this might be a good point to drop the curtain. I'm good with closing out here and having our little storm subside. Where yalls' characters go from here is of course up to you. Perhaps we'll even see them in-game sometime. ))
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torroes_Prime View Post
    hmm, not really the answer I was hoping for, but not an answer that utterly derails my plans. working on a comic and had an idea for a scene where a Crab Spider takes a shot to the back which damages his weapons pack. To avoid being killed when it goes pop he jettisons the pack when slams into a Rikti before it explodes. The Crab Spider then has to fight with a combination of his blades and an assault rifle.
    'Whatever you want' wasn't 'the answer you were hoping for'? o.0
  4. The costume piece itself is applied to all your costume slots as long as your build contains 1 or more Crab Spider powers (primary OR secondary; either way, you get backpacked).

    As to lore, at least as far as I know, it's never been explicitly stated how the packs work, so it's pretty much whatever you want. I've seen some people go with it being partially implanted cyberware, others just a pack with very smart AI, some make it magic, others organic limbs encased in armor, and the list goes on so forth.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Based on your reg date I'm surprised you don't remember that Cone Enhancements actually existed in-game until Issue 5. Range enhancements now have the same effect on Cone powers, but not AoEs.
    Huh. I thought they did. Learn something new every day, heh.

    Anyways, I agree. There should be a way to enhance the range of aoes. They're already target-capped, so I don't think it would unbalance things.
  6. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    As the fire dragon fell, Sarkh rose, plodding forward across the wet grounds of the cemetery. Walking on all fours, his pace was sedate, yet sternly purposeful at the same time. He still didn't know the significance of every piece on this board, and he wasn't one to act rashly. However, there was one force here he was fairly sure the removal of which would speed things up a little. And if not?

    Well, he'd always enjoyed zapping demons.

    Thus as a fine layer of mist began to roll off his sapphire scales and spread over the ground about him, the storm clouds above spoke once more. The lightning storm had been given the go to assault the hellhounds - and it did so with immediate and ongoing enjoyment...
  7. Awesome! If that kind of batch production can be repeated in short enough intervals (well, assuming the energy needed isn't greater than the yield), or even put into a continuous process, that's more than enough stable time to run a pulse engine on the stuff. Go particle physics!
  8. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    The beast careened towards the storm dragon with unearthly force, it's fiery hide-piercing horns locked for battle and poised to stab it's foe straight through the heart.
    The expression 'don't bring a knife to a gunfight' came to Sarkh's mind. Regrettably, it seemed every last one of the Priest Corps' soldiers about, who still held the weapons with which they'd so easily done in the first dragon they'd attacked, chose exactly this time to hold their fire for some odd reason. Well, either that, or they were just slow.

    Sarkh was not.

    The fire dragon's ballistic arc ended in an abrupt vertical down from the apex, another snow storm whipping itself into being out of thin air, slamming it to the ground a second time, and once again nowhere near Sarkh. The sapphire-scaled dragon was an experienced combatant. If the hellbeast wanted to close the distance, it would have to get a little more clever and a lot less obvious about it.

    "You should attack more quietly." Sarkh regarded the creature with disappointment while the rain falling upon it chilled balefully, becoming so cold that it actually became harmful to those caught in its area of effect - in this case, the fire dragon.

    However, that was but a byproduct of its real purpose: to further inhibit and slow its victim, as well as to drastically cut back the fire dragon's ability to effectively defend itself. Furthermore, it severely degraded the capacity of its hide to mitigate any harm inflicted upon it, which indeed included the biting cold of the freezing rain itself.

    "Well?" an amber eye of the sapphire-scaled dragon looked upon Harlem with a sense of dispassionate consideration, "Are you going to shoot or not...?"
  9. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    The sapphire-scaled once more raised a brow, taking his fingers from his harness' pocket again while he bid the storms to cease. The tornado and snow storm alike dissipated, but he kept the lightning storm on 'standby', so to speak, just in case...well, that and he just enjoyed the rain.

    He also extended his senses toward the hole in the ground. Was it but a crater, or an actual passage deep down into the earth? Moreover, if the former, had the fire dragon made use of it, or had it all just been a means to jaunt away to another plane or world? Or was it still here and had simply gone invisible? Maybe it had done something else entirely? Sarkh didn't much approve of shrinking, for example, but that didn't mean it was beyond him to consider.

    Either way, what had happened...?
  10. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Meanwhile up in the skies, the storm was growing unbearable for the fire dragon. The thunderous blast had done little to stop it's head-long charge but the sudden dive threw it's horned attack off course. Without warning, the tornado struck, sucking the trapped dragon into it's violent winds.
    Sarkh had to admit, this took him by surprise. Not that he ever would, and especially not to Harlem, but his foe's capabilities very much took him aback. He'd expected the energies of the lightning storm to be less effective than on, say, a human - after all, fire and electricity had more than a few things in common - but not that the fire dragon would be outright immune.

    Then again, perhaps it was but a protection spell. In that case, it probably wouldn't last long. Lightning storms had this nasty habit of tossing out generous amounts of those vicious bolts after all, and not just one. They'd keep coming until Sarkh said to stop.

    Not that he had the patience for that.

    Fortunately, an opportunity thereto presented itself stante pede. After all, the former wasn't all that had taken the sapphire-scaled dragon aback. In stark contrast to the lightning storm's ineffectiveness, the tornado seemed greatly more harmful than expected. Sarkh had thought his opponent a stronger flyer than that. Then again, from what Harlem had said, the fire dragon stemmed from the local underworld, and he somewhat doubted chasing sparkballs through the flux vortex of a lightning plant was a regular pastime there.

    And that Sarkh could use.

    A flick of his will, a twist of the lines, and a snow storm joined the howl of the tornado and the fury of the lightning storm, robbing the fire dragon of lift and sending it careening down to earth, the soaked soil of the cemetery slurping stickily about Sarkh's foe upon impact, the sapphire-scaled Cerosian setting down softly not far away.

    He set Harlem upon the ground, then proceeded to reach into a pocket of his harness while addressing the fire dragon loudly, so as to overcome the howl of wind, rain, and now ice that raged about his foe, "I don't expect you to know this, but where I come from, it's customary to state one's name and terms at the declaration of a challenge! As you didn't, I'll extend you the courtesy of asking: who are you and why do you challenge me...?!"
  11. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Back in the skies the second dragon felt threatened by the approach of another winged beast. It flared it's wings aggressively to scare it off and then lit it's infernal breath of fire as a warning. Eventually it grew restless and decided to attack full on. The speed at which it moved was impossible for a thing of it's size. At the blink of an eye, it had dove head-first into the oncoming beast, it's bony skull and flaming horns poised to sink deep into it's enemy's hide and flesh.
    Reckless was more like it. Sarkh was no combat specialist, but he was old - and he hadn't gotten there by being a slouch in a fight. Moreover, he favored brain over brawn, which meant that he tended to have a plan or four when a situation carried the potential to turn...displeasing.

    Such as right now.

    The storm pounced, a panther in the night, great gouts of roiling lightning alurch at their master's whim like coiled snakes poised to the key note of the flute's hymn. Like the link of brandy and liquor, they crashed down at Sarkh's attacker long before the hellspawned dragon ever came close to its sapphire-scaled counterpart.

    Of course, that didn't mean Sarkh stopped there. Brutal as the assault of the lightning storm was, he knew it wouldn't have stopped him, and though his foe was clearly no storm dragon, he wasn't careless enough to assume his foe any less capable than himself. Thus he dove as well, snapping into a helical roll that quickly drew a line in the sand - or rather, in the rain.

    He was forming a tornado...
  12. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    "You are non-hostile, right? I mean, sorry about trying to kill you and all... sort of mistook you for someone else. Namely one of those hell beasts over there. Come on big guy, let's work together here. Truce?" he asked, offering a hand.
    Sarkh smile faded under a furrowed brow while he disbanded the whirling winds of the hurricane, and he mustered the man closely. Had he made a mistake? This man dressed quite like...and yet...

    But he also felt quite like...and yet...

    Still, he certainly did talk that way.

    "I'm still deciding." the sapphire-scaled dragon's toothy smirk returned as he pitched forward and began to pick up speed again, "It takes two to start a fight. Let's just see what the other side has to say first, mh?"

    He didn't actually wait for an answer of course, instead gradually closing the distance to the closer of the other two dragons, fully intent on just asking him, her, or it what intent there was to be here. After all, neither of them seemed to be doing much right now, other than presenting a collision hazard to passing heroes of the flying sort, and that very same thing could be said of just about any tall building within the walls of Dark Astoria - as well as Adamastor, of course...
  13. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    And then in a puff of dark smoke, they were gone. Reappearing atop the Cathedral momentarily before aiming again to land onto the newly arrived dragon. They would immediately execute the same dissecting tactics that brought down the first dragon
    Sarkh's reaction was much the same as the cross-eyed look a human gave a squirrel that had suddenly materialized upon his head, amber eyes beneath an arched brow curiously mustering the humans that so precariously clambered down his sides.

    Well, until they started stabbing him, that was. Their bullets might've been sent careening into the rain by the wisps of phantom lightning that flitted about the dragon's hide, but unfortunately blades tended to have more mass, not to mention their wielders tended to have a somewhat better grip of them. Fortunately for Sarkh, his underside was anything but 'vulnerable' - and he wasn't exactly slow either.

    The sapphire-scaled beast gave a raucous hiss immediately upon the first blade slashing a bloody gash into his hide, though to a keen ear, it was audibly more one of outrage than pain. Still, it was more than Sarkh was willing to put up with. The dragon's body cracked like a whip, snapping a turbulent vortex through the falling rain as he twisted into a rolling Split S, flinging the offending assailants from himself like an overclocked centrifuge. The suddenly present roar of a hurricane's gusts weren't unhelpful either, of course.

    One of them was even more unfortunate than that however, snatched up by a clawed hand and forcefully yanked out of freefall when Sarkh abruptly arrested his forward motion, preferring to hover while he regarded the wielder of a steel shield clutched in his fist with an angry scowl.

    Of course, said person may well have preferred said scowl to the practically sadistic grin that replaced it not a second later.

    "You." grumbled Sarkh's toothy smile, "Of course it's you again. So this is where you come from, hmm? Or've you just spread through the multiverse like a really bad itch...?"
  14. DeviousMe

    Moth Cathedral

    A streak of lightning that clawed its spidery tendrils through the dark clouds above only served to further accentuate Patsy's declaration, as did the accompanying clap of thunder. In actuality, the two had nothing whatsoever to do with one another, but the nonexistent concert audience would've absolutely howled as her charge at the demon began to trail a wake through rapidly (and quite suspiciously so) intensifying rain.

    To anyone with a sense for the weather, it'd be quite obvious that the sudden swing was no coincidental phenomenon. It had been brought about on purpose. And the source was even easier to find.

    Another dragon in the sky.

    Sarkh regarded the scene below with a dissatisfied gaze as the flash of another lightning bolt briefly painted the huge beast's obsidian silhouette in the hue of richest sapphire, its ghostly flicker dashing across his ivory horns and causing the large slitted pupils of his piercing amber eyes to momentarily twitch into nearly-straight lines.

    But once thunder spoke, lightning went just as quickly as it had come, and the dragon was once again little more than a dark silhouette against an even darker sky, just barely illuminated by faint, pale-blue wisps of electricity that skittered about his body like St. Elmo's fire. Still, even awash in the many drops of the falling rain, it wasn't hard to make out that this dragon wore something. A harness of sorts.

    And it held the same sort of reinforced pockets one might find on that of a tactical covert operative...
  15. DeviousMe

    Ancient Japan!

    Not sure about strictly Japan, but I'd definitely get behind something Asian-influenced, especially if it picks up on Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit some more. I really like their concepts, but the sudden cut-off of their involvement story-wise always did leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    In fact, now that I think about it, a zone representing a land under attack by Foreshadow during one of his evil incarnations would be pretty cool - especially if it gives players a chance to turn him good or have a hand in the 'creation' of Mirror Spirit.

    Of course, the converse would be pretty awesome too, heh. Go Team Evil!
  16. Atlas Park

    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    He smirked as he fired his jetboots, "I'd like to stick around and help you with the invasion but I've done my part...." flying off into the sky.
    The Outsider might've scowled her disagreement through clenched teeth, but Sark's took a much more pragmatic form. Indeed, he didn't much care for the good Doctor's attempt of extradition either. The man had some things to answer for. So he took wing.

    If Dr. Mechano carried radar or such, it was likely he was aware of the pursuit before the obsidian silhouette of the dragon's form blotted out the stars above him. If not, he'd probably be rather surprised, for the speed at which Sarkh's grip came for him already carried significant magnitude - and with surprise on its side, it was damn-near instantaneous...
  17. PCN News Alert - War Walkers in Uproar!

    Breaking news at the top of the hour, ladies and gentlemen, as the most recent developments in the ongoing attacks from the parallel world Praetoria have thrown both sides for a loop the scale of which neither could've possibly expected.

    No ladies and gentlemen, your eyes do not deceive you. Though our studio is still in the process of authenticating the image presented, both our reporters in the field as well as those of our valued news partners do indeed confirm that several of the Praetorian attack machines called War Walkers have taken up, um...gigantic picket signs...crafted of what appears to be battlefield debris both against one another and their apparently former masters.

    The cause for this aberrant behavior is of yet unknown, and speculations range from a sleeper virus planted within the monstrous machines by covert operations of our own military to a brute-force subversion by cyber-warfare specialists who've managed to breach the encryption of the enemy's communications. The currently most believed...


    Ladies and gentlemen, we've just received further details on the subject. The first War Walker upon which this seemingly rogue behavior came to be observed has just issued a broadcast statement identifying itself as 'War Walker 2.0' and is no longer actively participating in any sort of combat, declaring that is has taken on another role in 'matters between your world and Praetoria'. Just what this might mean for us, ladies and gentlemen, is at present still a matter of debate and speculation, though all of us are of course hoping for the best and will keep you appraised of further developments...
  18. Atlas Park

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    With that he charged, hissing madly as he hurled himself at Katze, blades lashing out as he dove in like a man possessed.
    Kri backpedaled and nearly landed on his rump as all hell broke loose with an abruptness he'd seen only very few times in his life. Oddly enough, or perhaps not, it was once more a human spearheading said breach (well, alright, the lavender-scaled shaman wsn't entirely sure of that, as he could've sworn the man's face consisted of naught but glasses and a grin so wide and psychotic it would've made a nether demon scowl in deepest envy), and he couldn't help but draw a parallel or three to the battles in which he'd fought back home.

    Well, at least the blades weren't pointed at his throat this time, he supposed.

    Nevertheless, the swordslinging clergyman's surge duly prompted the Rulusian lizardman to reconsider the situation in favor of the wisdom of Quicksilver and Ineloo. In one fell swoop, he attempted to snatch up the halfling and dive for cover behind the nearby unseen 'vehicle'. He hoped the Autobot's cloaking means were similar enough to those of which he knew, otherwise he'd feel rather silly for trying to hide behind something invisible.

    Meanwhile, a quartet of ivory claws belonging to large fingers armored in sapphire scales curled their way about the rim wall of a nearby pool of water that by all rights was much, much too shallow to accommodate their owner by any twist or bend of the 'laws' of physics - so it was a good thing Sarkh looked upon them more as guidelines.

    Grumbling from the water palely lit by soft lamps embedded in the walls of the rectangular basin, the house-sized dragon dragged himself from the pool in the very same manner in which a cat would scrunch its way through a hole in the fence that really should've been too small...
  19. Atlas Park

    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    "You foolish feline, do you not think to take into consideration what else had come through during the portal storm, next you'll be telling me there's a army of well armed, stealth suited anthropomorphic lizards and a god-like warrior from another dimension."

    "Don't be absurd Professor, now you're just ranting..."
    ((Actually, there's still only one. ))

    Kri looked back and forth between the two in a somewhat disbelieving manner as the so uneven pair held their...monologue? No, that wasn't it. Still, he wouldn't have called it anything much resembling a conversation. It was just too odd. It was also the reason he wasn't entirely sure what to do.

    On one hand, Ineloo and Quicksilver had some very sensible ideas. This was clearly a forceful incursion by a decidedly hostile party. Plus there was something very large and ominous-looking emerging from a portal overhead. On the other, Katze and Mechaniker conducted themselves in a manner that seemed almost...silly. Like a pair of hatchlings playing with their toys. It just felt so bizarre, so surreal, that the shaman simply couldn't bring himself to take decisive action. What the heck was going on here?

    Well...if there was ever a time to start asking that question, it was probably now. With a curt exhale, the lavender lizardman swallowed the bulk of his anxiety and took a step forward.

    "Uh...excuse me..." he tried to get their attention, though that he was still somewhat nervous was easy to discern by both his eyes and tone, "Why...are you attacking this place? It, um, doesn't seem very wise, you know..."
  20. DeviousMe

    in story powers

    Not really a purely tech explanation, but since my Inv tanker is basically a living soul trapped in a mechanical body, the ol' pushing the system beyond its design limits because you're more than 'just a machine' works for me. Same deal with Rage.

    Now if you're going for a tech character devoid of all feelings and such, your standard limited overclock should work fine. After all, you can run an engine at max RPM...but not for long. <_<
  21. Atlas Park

    "...and so everyone learned that scout drones were, in fact, not good for the teeth." Kri concluded the short tale of daring-do he'd been telling Ineloo on their walk south from City Hall, the high wall that divided the two main levels of Atlas Plaza to their left, "You know, looking back now, I think it silly too, but at the time, it truly did seem..."

    The lavender lizardman's words stopped with the same suddenness with which a group of red-dominated individuals came about the corner just ahead at nearly the same time as the halfling and he, the amazingly large woman in their midst apparently drawing his emerald eyes wide open.

    To say the shaman was surprised would've been an understatement. Sure, when Ineloo and he had been redirected to City Hall for some manner of bureaucracy (of which he hadn't understood a whit), they'd run into a good few extraordinary-looking people on the way, and the statues they'd passed suggested even more, but...well, he'd not much expected to see someone the size of a fire demon just walk up before him, to say the least.

    Indeed, only now did he truly take note of his surroundings again, having been wrapped in the memories conjured forth by his tale, and caught wind of the robotic infantry units marching forth upon the green to the south.

    "Uhhhmmm..." the Rulusian looked back to the woman with trepidation, his tongue looking for words that his brain refused to provide...
  22. Oh what the heck, I'll give it a go, heh.

    Your character: Lizardling

    My character: Acid Zero (more reference material if desired)

    Background: Talos Island beach/skyline

    Scene: Our characters are sitting on the stern of a boat just off the coast of Talos Island, drinks in hand and making a toast while a gaggle of robots harasses Praetorian invasion forces (such as a certain war walker found wandering Talos) on the beach in the background. The tip of Acid's tail is curled around a small device/remote held just subtly enough to be out of the way.
  23. Well then, welcome aboard the crazy cruise. Martini?

    Anyways, I see you've decided on your first RP thread to join, so it looks like you're already on the right track. Just hang loose, be courteous, and prep your escape pod in case the Unionites drop an overcaffeinated buzzsaw into the drama cauldron again (but don't tell them I said anything >_>).

    As far as RP SGs go, I hear there's a ton on Union (I run with a group on Protector myself, but we're pretty small, so for more people, Union's gonna be your better bet), and at least half the people playing in threads here are affiliated with an RP SG in one way or another. So just feel your way in and I'm sure you'll soon find what you're looking for.

    Now, if you'll excuse me...

    *puts on fancy Captain's hat*

    *draws rapier with dramatic flourish*

    All hands on deck! Run out the guns-a! Ramming speed, Mr. Christopher!!!
  24. Eden

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    "Besides, you seem to have all the best tech right here...where we can start doing something about it..."
    Oxana couldn't help but smirk at this. Then she gave a nod, "Our means are superior, yes. One on one, we can take your Decepticon adversaries. However, we aren't many, and intelligence thus far suggests there are much more of them than of us. Granted, we can assume some to be support units, others subverted locals like Vere...the local law enforcement personnel, but one way or another, their resources outclass ours."

    "That's why we're going to try and get the warriors here on our side." Kri added enthusiastically with a glance to Ineloo, "And the others who came here. Strength in numbers, right?"

    "Indeed." the Tsaiv woman agreed, once more regarding Quicksilver neutrally, "The ones they call 'superheroes' are the most effective defense force this world has. I believe they would be served well by your insight - especially since most of them don't have telecommunications implants. If you'd rather stay here and work with us though, I think we can find a way to get the resulting information to where it'll do the most good. Right?"

    She'd looked to Kri with that last word, and the lavender lizardman gave a nod in response, "We'll tell them anything you pass on to us..."