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  1. OK, I have posted many times in this forum somtimes making people question my sanity. Nethergoat once said that no one who learned how the market worked ever came back to say they were wrong or thank you.

    I was wrong and Thank You for all your help.

    I still beleive that it's wrong to manipulate the market for funsies or because you can. But I have tried every way of making inf from farming the council map, level locked toons doing A-Merits, just selling drops, flipping salvage, etc, (everything but AE, for some reason I just can't get into it), you name it, I 've tried it.

    Playing the market with level 50 (or wherever the supply) enhancements is the quickest, surest way to make a pile of inf. I was at 22 billion until yesterday. I gave a billion to my sister (who actually does know how to market, she just doesn't want to) sent a billion to a SS/Inv brute who needs Kinetic Combats in multiples and converted the other 2 billion into Prestige to finish off a base on Union for a buddy.

    In truth, I have probably converted more than 5 billion to furnish the 8 SG bases that I have so I have probably made closer to 30 or more. I give it away to people begging for Salvage or whatever. I have taught (or tried to) some of buddies how to market and further explained why set bonuses are a "good thing".

    So thank you for all the guides and help. Fulmens, thanks for matching inf/prestige when I was starting (there was someone who matched Fulmens as well on one of those deals but I can't remember who). You were all right, it's the fastest way.
  2. To be fair, the only FACT that is known is that they are retiring the booster packs. Anything else is just speculation based on the council of your fears. The time to raise the flag would be when you know for sure that there will be no "booster pack" pricing.

    Most of you say you already have these items so this doesn't effect you in any way.

    For those who say that "They will only get my 15 bucks a month" fine. You can spend your accumulating points to unlock prestige powers and so forth.

    But if you are currently giving them your 15 bucks plus another 20 or 30 a year by buying the previous booster packs, then what's the differience? Buy what you want, don't buy anything that you don't want. It's only a "cash grab" if you submit to it.

    I have a lifetime subscription to Champions, and a get a certain number of points per month. I don't have to pay another dime to play, ever. But I do/did They have retro space helmets and such like. I want 'em. Imma gonna buy 'em. If COH comes with them. I want 'em. Iamma gonna buy them. That's my choice just as buying or not is yours.

    So unclinch and relax. All that is known for certain is that they are discontinuing the booster packs.
  3. I could see it launching on Labor Day weekend if most of the bugs have been worked out in testing. Maybe on the 1st?
  4. If I am remembering right the last thing I saw on the point pricing still listed the booster at set point price that was lower than buying the individual items.

    But that is with the caveat that pricing wasn't fixed and I could be misremembering. Can anyone in the Beta confirm or deny this?

    I already everything for my primary and still need one or two for my secondary. It might be better to wait and then buy with points, that way we could get more reward tokens to apply to vet rewards and the like.
  5. I am very sorry. I know this really bites for many. It does my sister will get to play some more. No consolation I know, but some people will get to play who wouldn't have otherwise.

    But I know that doesn't help you...
  6. Any specific time? I got a few toons who could use it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Honestly, I'd say, if you're going beacon hunting, you may as well just whirlwind the entire city. You'll come out of it with 22 beacons, roughly 70 merits. What's not to like?

    THEN you can worry about picking and choosing the "best" ones.
    This! I do this whenever I am building a base or sometimes just for fun. You can do it at just about any level with a little work. Ihave badged all of hero side with a level 14 toon with teleport, a jetpack and an invisibility empowerment. Only died twice. But some form of fly is essential in my opinion.
  8. There is absolutely validity to the complaint about not allowing enough to request off.

    It may be that the bulk of COH's players are still in school, but for those of us in the working world, less than 3 weeks makes it just about impossible to request time off.

    Does NCSoft really not know that far ahead that they are doing a double XP weekend? I find that unlikely.
  9. Great work! I am no where near disciplined for that. Get it nao, back to playing.
  10. Very nice guide. I haven't really played a Tank AT mainly because I worry that I am going to do it poorly and let my teammates down, but this guide certainly will help me give it a try!

    Also, I have a DP/Mental blaster who is a Squishy melee to a degree. The nuke is PBOE and non-crashing but that means being in close. I chose melee centric powers from the secondary and built him for positional defense to cap with a small purple.

    With a good tank I can be right there in melee (as long as I don't get hit with the ever popular defense debuff) blasting away. He does die occasionally but that is almost always my fault for not paying attention to health or status effects that drop my defense. But it is a thing of beauty to stand beside the tank and unleash a brutal beatdown. It usually decimates minions and Lt's (if I also hit a red) and puts a hurtin' on bosses. Great fun.
  11. I have raging altitis, I do have a a few 50's and what I like to do is have one toon I am concentrating on getting to 50 but when he is out of patrol XP or I want some different I'll play one of my alts.

    My discipline is that I will always log him in and try to play at least one mish. Usually, that will reminded of why I like him/her and I'll play for a while. If it doesn't then I just play some other hopeful.

    I also write backgrounds for any toon that I am serious about leveling. It helps me to think that He/Her is the first one to discover the Secret of the Hollows or to discover the terrible fate of Hero 1 or (well you get the idea)
  12. I slot common I/O's at level 15 and let them sit till I can slot 25's.

    On some powers like Entrapment I can get 3 slots worth effect from slotting 3 cheap triples at level 15 so I do that as well.

    Around 20 I start planning what I would like to slot, bidding and crafting and storing in my SG base so that when I hit 27 I can slot my sets at 30.

    I don't exempt all that often, but I enjoy have the effects of the set bonuses in place on the ride from 30 to 50. So I slot at 30. I also like to slot procs as low as I can so my 50 who are able get hero merits and buy level 15 stealth procs and the very hard to find quads and and triples of sets I want to slot at 30.

    Plus, it's more challenging to puts sets together at 30 as the market is a lot skimpier.

    As far as what to spend money on besides toon upgrades, Like Fulmens, I have spent a lot (3 or 4 billion represents about 15% of my wealth) on Supergroup bases on various servers. I have some 70 toons that I eventually plan to level, most them will just get good I/O sets, almost no purples so there is only so much money you can spend playing like that.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Maxed most recent level cap. Never teamed once in that thing. Please continue.
    So you got all the leet purple gear without going on raids? Impressive.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
    which means you have to get smart and build according to the new limits instead of whining about it. And solo grinders can get threads and convert through tip mishes etc so they can if thye want but honestly Sol grinders are the reason the game is gone down hill in the first place. You take what was once a good social mmo and throw in the "I dont want to be bother'ds" with the "I want to whine about every little thing that doesnt go my way's" and the "It's all to hard because I dont want to slot one of my 3 builds good enough to play the content" and this is what you get. Freakin whiners man. Really.

    But then I guess if you spend all day farming and marketeering then there is really no need for a build anyhow right? I mean how vicious are the wentworths reps really?
    Thanks. Good to know that we have to play the way you want us too or we are "whiners" or "anti-social". I have two seperate accounts and my money spends the same as yours, so I'll play as I please. If you are having a hard time getting a team, maybe the fault does not lay with the other players.

    If I wanted forced teaming, I'd play WoW. To me, this is the same kind of fix the dev's applied to PvP.

    "Let's put things in PvP zones that PvE players want. That will force them to go into the zones and they will have to PvP and they will discover they like it."

    How'd that work out?

    PS. BTW, this is still one of the friendliest and social games out there. I chat with people in the globals and on teams and I have only had a few cases of rude or jerky players. The forums...not so much.
  15. Wendy, That's not a bad idea at all. It wouldn't be as fast but at least people like me who play at odd hours wouldn't be totally excluded! It would also make reward merits more useful. Right now, I convert them into hero merits but if I could use them as you describe, that would very nice indeed.

    It would even save the Dev's from actually having to design specific missions for solo incarnate stuff.

    Well done!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Anonymoose nailed it. Find your best AE ticket farmer and use tickets to generate piles of low level Common Salvage. Store it in a few Salvage Storage bins in your base, then have your crafter grab and craft as needed in the base, buying recipes from the crafting table. When you're done with the low level IOs, sell the remaining Salvage, and repeat for mid level. It's only at high level that the Salvage may be faster to buy on the Market, and the recipes may be expensive enough that you'd want to consider buying them on the Market as well.

    If you don't have a fast AE ticket farmer, ask me in a week or so. I'll probably be posting a silly fast, easy, and cheap ticket farmer.
    TopDoc, that would awesome. If it was a fun toon to play as well, it would be even better!

    First time is the worst, after that it's a little repetitive but not bad.

    I have done fieldcrafter 5 or six times, including one toon in Pretoria who also hit the inf cap before leaving. (Although juggling all that salavage and IO's without a SG base was annoying. I deleted a lot of stuff that I would have sold if I could have.) I have 3 others in the process of doing it.

    I like the idea of using AE tickets to get salvage for field crafter.

    I always do the 25-30 Badges and the 45-50 badges first. More recipe slots and salvage make it much easier.
  17. So if you want any of the new path auras, you have to do trials? I thought we were moving away from forced teaming? I also thought there was supposed to be some way for solo players to get these things.

    I put more emphasis on RPG than the MMO part of the game. I like to design my chracter using all the costume parts and auras and power customization to make them unique for thier adventures in Paragon City/Rouge Isles.

    I don't mind teaming but I don't seek it out and because of the times I play, doing trials so I can unlock powers and such that I only need to do more trials is not fun or possible for me. So far, the endgame content has all been forced teaming and a grind to get ready to do more grinding.

    I am not pleased that a pathing aura (which has no effect on the game other than cosmetic) that would be perfect for my Ice/Energy Manip toon means I have to team if I want to get the aura for a toon that will probably never even get an ultra rare alpha.

    My main level 50 with just the rare part of his alpha unlocked can already run at +3/x8 on PVE content. It seems to me that the trials are essentially busy work to get you ready to do more busy work.

    Oh and so you can get costume parts for your alts.

    I don't like or enjoy this type of gaming. I do not like being force to team and play content I do not enjoy just so I can play the part I do enjoy.

    In my view, this is just power creep. You gotta be tougher to do the tougher trials and because they are so tough the loot has to be great and that makes you even tougher so the the next trial has to be even tougher, making the loot even better and so on.

    What you end up with is a group of players who have the most elite gear (of the moment) because they can grind trial after trial and then all the rest of us "superheroic" wimps.

    So when the Coming Storm gets here, all of my non 'leet' toons who play the oro intro arc and read all the clues can basically just cheer on the grinders.
  18. I created the rockingest, hippest, coolest and way too cool for school SG - Graceland.

    Say Hello boys!

    Mr. Blue Seude Shoes -
    Battlecry: Taking Care of Business.

    All the sightings, they weren't the King; they were this guy, an Elvis impersonator bar none. But sometimes, when he sleeps, he remembers things. Things he shouldn't really know and feels that things just aren't quite right. When he plays places he will see streets he has never been down but knows very well indeed. The trip to Graceland nearly caused a psychotic break. Could he be the King? Or perhaps he is channeling a hunk of burning love from beyond? Only aging 50's hipsters know for sure. But man that cat can sing!

    Jameson Hendrichs
    Battlecry: 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky!
    Summoned by a Banished Pantheon death shaman this Voodoo Child came back rocking! Belting out a blistering guitar solo filled with feedback, fuzz and funk, Jameson Hendrichs blew that Shaman through a wall. Finding himself alive and filled with electrical energy and the ability to create spheres of energy and force bolts Jameson realized that he couldn’t go back to his old life. So he chose a new life dealing with those who misuse their powers. He doesn’t like to hear about the his former life and rarely touches his guitar. When he does, there is a dark undertone to his playing that harkens back to his time on the other side of the veil. No one knows what his destiny is, not even Azura who cast stones for him, and what he will become in time.

    The Fool on the Hill
    Battlecry: You Say You want a Revolution?
    Yoko Ono, in her deepest grief, wrote such a moving and touching song that Amaterasu was so moved that restored her John to her. But his time on the other side had changed him. The gentle soul that died was replaced by his anger that nothing has changed and his message was lost. He still wants peace but now he feels that he must take direct action against those who would start wars and poison the world. He longer considers himself to be John and adopted the name of The Fool on the Hill because he will longer be fooled by the lies of evil men. Yoko cannot bear to see him like this and refuses to do so, cursing the capricious gifts of the gods.

    Farrokh Bulsara
    Battlecry: Who Wants to Live Forever?
    Farrokh Bulsara was in voice training and working towards his dream of becoming a great singer of opera. This future was shattered when he was caught in a fight between the villian Demonanila and Hawk's Cry. The combination of Demonanlia's magical attacks and Hawk's Cry Sonic bombardment mingled with Farrokh's own subconcious desires. He felt his head implode and then knew nothing. When he woke, he was no longer himself. He no longer looked as had and no longer sounded like himself. The weird combination of magic and sound had transformed his appearance into who he had always secretly wanted to be: The charismatic Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen. Inside however, he is still Farrokh and as he tries to piece his life back together, he struggle to marry his fragile persona with the powers he uses to defend those who are caught in the struggle between good and evil.

    Thin White Duke
    Battlecry: Red Peppers, Cocaine & Milk!
    A sentient creature created as a bio-organic superconductor the being who became known as the Thin White Duke stated life in a lab at Crey Industries. Sadly, as so many of these tales go, Crey decided to misuse the creation to help a new generation of Protectors. When his creator tried to interfere, he was executed. During the struggle his lab destroyed, fire burning his life work. At least that’s what Crey thought. In fact, Dr David Jone’s creation lived and was changed by the event. He chose to adopt the form of his creator’s favorite artist and now fight’s against the misuses of science and technology at the hands of Crey and all others who make the innocent suffer.

    So if you see these coming and unless you can jam with the legends of rock, best step aside and let all those watts of power blow away the bad guys. If they get done early, there might be a show at Pocket D. Bring a Go-cup and party!
  19. By the way, paying someone to farm for you using RMT is against the TOS and can get you permabanned so I wouldn't reccomend if you actually want to play this game.
  20. Right, a tell a 40 something year old man with kids that he just needs to quit and screw his pension and his career. Or a single mom with a couple of kids not to worry about losing her insurance or pre-existing conditions. Just quit to save on gas money.

    You have to balance potential loss due to expense versus potential rewards, some of which are intangible. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck.

    Riding a bike to work is a great idea if you live in place where it is not 95 degrees and you won't have a heart attack.

    You really have no concept of what is involved in actually making gasoline from crude oil. A multi-millionaire could afford your project no one else. I live in a refinery town and the effort is extreme. That doesn't even include that most people who own land don't have a handy pool of oil sitting under or the fact the mineral rights are generally sold seperately from the actual land.

    I don't trust corporations as far as I can comfortably spit a live rat. You know why? They earned it with thier actions.
  21. Pine, your analogy is pretty flawed.

    If you commute to work, you MUST have gasoline. Unless your city offers a really good mass transit system that extends for miles for 25 to 50 miles beyond the city people have to drive to work. It is a necessity not a luxury which is why people pay what they have to get it.

    It is unreasonable to expect a consumer to sink an oil well, build a cracking tower and refinery. I must assume that you mean this as a joke.

    A better analogy would flowers. You need flowers to ocasionally smooth things over with your ladu. If you need them RITEnao, you go to the florist and pay a premium. If you can wait a little you can shop around and get a better deal. If you don't want to spend any money you can grow your own rose bushes. In the end, you have flowers just lots of ways to get there.
  22. Actually, the meteor shower article remined me of the set up for John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids. For those who don't know, a meteor shower blinds all who watch leaving them at the mercy of posionous, mobile plants.

    Prolly not that, but an invasion of some kind might be interesting.

    BTW, they never actually got rid of the triffids. They moved the survivors to an island and every spring people would Triffid hunting to kill the triffids that grew from wind carried spores.
  23. Well, I can save you all a lot of trouble. I am playing midrange toons right now. I just don't enjoy playing my 50's all that much. Yeah, they tough and all but It's more fun for me in 20-40.

    Now that I know how much I can get for it, I'll be RICH, see RICH!!! I'll go from 18 billion to 20 on the backs of those who don't know how to get common salavage! Oh Happy DAY! Thank goodness for Incarnates!
  24. Nice memory Umber. Thanks!

    OP. many have done it and many will do in the future. Thankfully money is easy to earn so it doesn't smart much.

    Although if I was a "just craft drops" player that would be a huge amount and I would be pi$$ed.