New Supergroup - Not recruiting just showing off.




I created the rockingest, hippest, coolest and way too cool for school SG - Graceland.

Say Hello boys!

Mr. Blue Seude Shoes -
Battlecry: Taking Care of Business.

All the sightings, they weren't the King; they were this guy, an Elvis impersonator bar none. But sometimes, when he sleeps, he remembers things. Things he shouldn't really know and feels that things just aren't quite right. When he plays places he will see streets he has never been down but knows very well indeed. The trip to Graceland nearly caused a psychotic break. Could he be the King? Or perhaps he is channeling a hunk of burning love from beyond? Only aging 50's hipsters know for sure. But man that cat can sing!

Jameson Hendrichs
Battlecry: 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky!
Summoned by a Banished Pantheon death shaman this Voodoo Child came back rocking! Belting out a blistering guitar solo filled with feedback, fuzz and funk, Jameson Hendrichs blew that Shaman through a wall. Finding himself alive and filled with electrical energy and the ability to create spheres of energy and force bolts Jameson realized that he couldn’t go back to his old life. So he chose a new life dealing with those who misuse their powers. He doesn’t like to hear about the his former life and rarely touches his guitar. When he does, there is a dark undertone to his playing that harkens back to his time on the other side of the veil. No one knows what his destiny is, not even Azura who cast stones for him, and what he will become in time.

The Fool on the Hill
Battlecry: You Say You want a Revolution?
Yoko Ono, in her deepest grief, wrote such a moving and touching song that Amaterasu was so moved that restored her John to her. But his time on the other side had changed him. The gentle soul that died was replaced by his anger that nothing has changed and his message was lost. He still wants peace but now he feels that he must take direct action against those who would start wars and poison the world. He longer considers himself to be John and adopted the name of The Fool on the Hill because he will longer be fooled by the lies of evil men. Yoko cannot bear to see him like this and refuses to do so, cursing the capricious gifts of the gods.

Farrokh Bulsara
Battlecry: Who Wants to Live Forever?
Farrokh Bulsara was in voice training and working towards his dream of becoming a great singer of opera. This future was shattered when he was caught in a fight between the villian Demonanila and Hawk's Cry. The combination of Demonanlia's magical attacks and Hawk's Cry Sonic bombardment mingled with Farrokh's own subconcious desires. He felt his head implode and then knew nothing. When he woke, he was no longer himself. He no longer looked as had and no longer sounded like himself. The weird combination of magic and sound had transformed his appearance into who he had always secretly wanted to be: The charismatic Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen. Inside however, he is still Farrokh and as he tries to piece his life back together, he struggle to marry his fragile persona with the powers he uses to defend those who are caught in the struggle between good and evil.

Thin White Duke
Battlecry: Red Peppers, Cocaine & Milk!
A sentient creature created as a bio-organic superconductor the being who became known as the Thin White Duke stated life in a lab at Crey Industries. Sadly, as so many of these tales go, Crey decided to misuse the creation to help a new generation of Protectors. When his creator tried to interfere, he was executed. During the struggle his lab destroyed, fire burning his life work. At least that’s what Crey thought. In fact, Dr David Jone’s creation lived and was changed by the event. He chose to adopt the form of his creator’s favorite artist and now fight’s against the misuses of science and technology at the hands of Crey and all others who make the innocent suffer.

So if you see these coming and unless you can jam with the legends of rock, best step aside and let all those watts of power blow away the bad guys. If they get done early, there might be a show at Pocket D. Bring a Go-cup and party!